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Author Topic: Strange Mushroom dreams  (Read 6374 times)


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Strange Mushroom dreams
« on: July 08, 2011, 08:27:13 PM »
I have had mushroom dreams all of this year. What is boggling my mind is how they react with me in my dreams.
I will put them in order of how they have happened so far.

1. This one had happened I think the night before I did magic mushrooms I believe. Now most of my dreams have these over whelming feeling that are indescribable which plays a big role in a dream as i know so i'll do my best to describe it. I was for some reason at a farm sort of place inside a massive house just filled with dirt? Many things were there and you had to pick everything you wanted in the farm, anything you got you could keep because i guess you payed the fee's to get in? So i was wandering around and suddenly looked at the ground and saw a bunch of mushrooms grow up out of the ground instantly it was almost like they were there before my eye could see. Once i bent down on my knees to pluck some of them, they dissapeared as soon as I could pick them. I was confused. I saw many fruits, vegetables, and probably many other growing things. The one thing i do remember is some "fruits" that were the most amazing of color's, but as soon as i looked they died and got rotten. I fought over some of the mushrooms, as I was not alone and many other pickers were eager to get their hands on some. I finally got some over my speed to get some. This is when I went to the counter and they were giving me a number of how potent the "fruits" were. Some insane number was on the back of the plastic bag. It didn't say the actual psychoactive compounds within a magic mushrooms but instead stated something that you should not operate heavy machinery on them. Needless to say I crammed what I said to my self was 1.25 g's of them. If you know anything about them that would be a dose for dry, not wet. Suddenly I was sucked into a whole new realm this realm was my backyard. In my backyard I looked up and saw literally floating dirt, as soon as i looked up I was up there. I was thinking wow these are strong, but aren't i am supposed to fall down if the dirt is floating and a heavier material is on it? I was correct suddenly I feel straight through the dirt and saw these most amazing swirls or colors and what not.

Please forgive me if these are to long, I love to get the best description out and have been very eager in my dream writing to find out all of what these mean.

2. This dream is shorter. It started with me in my elementary school and I know this dream was massive as I have fragments of other parts. I know this by when ever I think of it I get teary eyed and get a over whelming feeling of love. Anyways I was there for mushrooms and saw these mushrooms and I said hmmm these seem like liberty caps man! and I pick them but when i go to pick them they die. After awhile you get some it is strange almost some of them don't want you to pick them, but some do. This dream was stated that I have multiple dreams congruent with the first.

3. This dream started with me and my church going up on a moutain hike. We were at the top I think and I looked to my right and saw these mushrooms and I thought oh my god there are mushrooms! I must take a picture to identify these. My leader said come on lets go, but I said wait let me pick these giant mushrooms! He said alright I'll wait. It was strange I would go to the mushrooms but I some how couldn't pick them I was denied by them or something?

Time for some dreams that have really boggled my mind even more then a simple mushroom complex.
This dream was the pinical of all dreams on a level of intensiveness that I have ever had in my life.

In this dream I thought I had reached the doors of consciousness and sleeping REM. Basically I felt super heavy which is a key factor in knowing that your about to fall asleep. As I kept floating into the mind pictures passed by as if they are real. Suddenly I saw a very vivid face almost shadow'y blue. It was a lady mid 30's? She or it I couldn't tell that well would not move their face, but look to the right in my perspective. The picture would change into a twin door. The door would open up and suddenly I could feel it in my mind the most power I have felt in my life. A SHOCK, or an electric current pulsated through my mind when the door would open up and show me a strange machine like cyborg that had electric currents all over it. All of this happened 3 or 4 times each time more intense before I would be emerged into a full fledged lucid dream. Literally no words do what I had witnessed justice.

My question for that last paragraph is did I really reach a Plataea witch I possibly use to initiate a REM state?

Thank you very much for reading what is only a piece of my dream writing. I have tons more to write, but would have no motivation if no one responded.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Strange Mushroom dreams
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2011, 12:10:33 PM »
Lukeandersen – I am very interested in your quest. I have myself been a traveller in the regions you mention. Over the years I have tried to get some order or definition of them. And it would take to long to write them out here, but there are links below that might help.

Meanwhile here is an experience of my own that has some of the characteristics you describe.

The being then touched me causing me to lose all awareness of my surroundings and my body, and to be filled with an intense flood of buzzing energy. In doing so a great deal of information passed to me. In brief, it was that as humans we have all grown from seeds. From the sperm and ovum, like a seed planted in our mother’s womb, we have experienced the miracle of growth to become who and what we are. In this way a seed of consciousness was planted within the earth of our body. For many of us this is all we know, the physical world and its needs and demands. But some of us have grown enough to reach above the surface of the soil so to speak. Then our being opens to a new power, the sun.

What is important is that during the experience I received a huge influx of information, and my body or being was flushed through with enormous energy that shifted the way I experienced myself. The information and the shift were both extremely creative in that they enabled me to reach new perceptions and a new sense of myself. Quite honestly I felt as if I had been touched by a god. So whatever the interpretation we give to the experience, it does point to the possibility of enormous energy release accompanied by a great expansion of perception. However we achieve or interpret this, it is still remarkable.

So here are some things I would love you to read, but I want it understood that REM consciousness is a fairly surface thing:





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Re: Strange Mushroom dreams
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 08:43:39 PM »
What caught my interest is almost the magnitude of strength my dreams increased to the aware part of consciousnesses. I mean I have had dreams where I have accessed heaven in such a way through dying and having a rebirth in heaven. That did not compare to the energy I felt throughout the stage to the subconsciousness. I think possibly in my dreams I was told by the mushrooms that knowledge is within them. Strange as it sounds I feel almost that stage is somewhat toggled with when deepening your mind and tearing away an ego. I also have something else that is very interesting.

 I was catapulted as usual when aware of my dreams in strange sorts of places that make no sense. I wish very much that i can become something greater. In the back of my mind I become a squire and see a "king" or some great being that pronounces me a squire. This back memory within a dream was in the past, I am a great king of land. We were fighting to defend our land, I kill multiple people as they pass by me I see in the corner of my eye a forest like land. I cross out of the fight and go into it. Once again sucked into a whole new realm I see a elf of some sort. We talk for awhile and she tells me to go down through there. She points at a strange metal cylinder with a hole and shaped to the left on the wall of grassy leaf material. I go down into it i am catapulted within a land. Here is the most important part there is a golden haired dog that comes up to me. He is talking telepathically and says he wants to be friends. I say hmmm, what if he is tricking me. We converse for a bit, I pet him and let him come along with me. A hobo or a poor man is my friend also, I don't remember the dog in this part. Possibly the dog was a more appealing thought of a greater being then a poor man? We got on his shopping cart and flung a barb from the shopping cart at the hobo on the other side. We killed him, the hobo disappeared.

I have not seen that dog from 2 years ago, until now. The dog said my name very distinctly Luke... Luke... Luke... But says no more. It seems I didn't pay much attention to the dog, I felt horrible he was once my friend but now is dying and i go over and pet him. Something in my dream distracts me, I was at a pool party with no one swimming and only 3 other people I do not know. I remember a treasure chest in one of the rooms when I was teleporting into a strange land. It had a green saw above it with a church symbol, not a T but instead the symbol was of a pope. I do believe in a greater being, neither christian nor catholic.

Days pass by I think I see a dog coming out of no where in real consciousnesses not a dream. I had smoked quite a bit of cannabis and was hearing the voice of the dog say Luke.... Luke ... Luke... haha it was quite crazy and I don't know where to begin when I try and pin what this dog really means.


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Re: Strange Mushroom dreams
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 08:53:43 PM »
Something caught my attention a lot in the first link. The concept of us as humans and other individual animals are of something much deeper then we can even handle in a "fragile" mind state caused by this society. I felt this immense feeling when I looked into the sky on mushrooms. This feeling gave me the thought that was very potent in it's behavior that I'm just shit compared to this world, but it said wait though you are something just as great in your own rights if you know how to use it. I remember to this day that I am a mere nothing to this world, but this thought does not cause me worry, but instead causes me to think beyond just becoming famous or creating a product that gets me material interest. The thought reoccurred and my soul felt a deep concentration of sadness, this sadness now has turned into a more humble life. I can realize some things behind personalities that we can all share. The symbol we all use today is called love, but this symbol goes much more beyond what the human can understand in a cage. Literally I felt like I was released from some sort of prison and could now access a library of information.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 08:55:29 PM by lukeandersen »