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Author Topic: A belligerent understanding  (Read 11818 times)


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A belligerent understanding
« on: September 17, 2012, 04:01:23 PM »
Hello, please someone help me.

I've always been a huge skeptic but I've had a moment in life that tainted my perception and changed everything.

I had a dream that brought up such strong feelings and its effecting my life, in everything i do i cannot shake
it off. Its truly driving me mad, i can't believe how much a simple dream can control your life.

If there is anyone who can help me understand, relate and find closure i beg of you please.

I've stopped eating, i can't sleep, i'm losing myself.

Intense dream

there was a monkey, innocently sitting in the kitchen of a house, i felt relaxed and calm in the house.
there was a lepard or large lynx cat, that was following me around again i felt relaxed and in no way threatend or in danger by the animals. But i understood both of their mentalities and personalities they were like apart of me.

i walked into the kitchen where the monkey was when the lynx noticed the presence of the monkey and started to attack the monkey as if it was hunting.

i had an overwhealming feeling, to walk away as it was natures decision and not mine.
i watched as the lynx managed to catch the monkey with both claws and pin it to the floor.
the monkey screamed in pain as the lynx tried to bite and crush its wind pipe
i walked away, i understood what had to happen.

after a couple of steps, I just couldn't leave, i had to talk to myself and reasure that saving the monkey wasn't
right, but it was something that i was going to.

I only raised my voice and projected a presence that the lynx was doing wrong and as if it listened to my wish's it stopped, i could pick up the little monkey and as i looked apon it,
i realised it had come to no harm.
the monkey seemed calm and the lynx wasn't bothered by my intervention.

the next part of my dream really bugs me

i was in another house, this one felt as if it was someone else's home and not mine

there were two dogs, they kept growling at me, the owners who i couldn't see kept telling me to turn my back on them as it will make them stop, but the dogs kept trying to look me in the eye's
and growl.

i remember feeling concerned but not scared, the persitance of the dogs made me feel as there was some urgency that i couldn't address. I was being told to turn my back on them which felt unnatural and unnerved me even more.

i could feel that the dog's would not attack me, that wasn't their intention. But i couldn't understand what they were trying to inform or show me. I was too busy turning my back, that i couldn't feel or see anything, its as if my natural sense's were being restricted because i was trying to ignore the dogs. But i couldn't stop following the words of the owners who i couldn't see.

i was being told just to turn around and show them my back so they will stop, but it just became more intense

i then woke up, i never dream about animals i think this is why the dreams have really bugged me.

This is the part that has shaken me, that night i saw a shadow three times whilst at a friends house celebrating. The only way i can understand it or explain it in an articulate manner is by saying i saw shadow of a person a moving responding person.

But due to social convention i ignored it and carried on, i stayed at that persons house that night and that's when my dreams began. Its changed my life and i don't know where to turn, because these feelings that have opened up are so strong, its hard to control them. I can't tell anyone because they will think im crazy.

Im trained to be an economist, being logical is my strong suit. But i just can't escape someone please help.



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Re: A belligerent understanding
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 06:16:49 PM »
Hello Leon,
I will use a technique that looks at your dream one segment at a time (or line at time). This method is trite, and requires much patients on the part of the reader because it is very repetitive but it is often effective. I may be off on a line or two but the dreamer typically is able to zero in close enough to know what the dream is addressing, and with further amplification can nail the meaning. Using this technique, dreamers often come away with a better idea of how to evaluate their dream and derive intended meaning.
My comments are in blue

Insert Quote
Hello, please someone help me.

I've always been a huge skeptic but I've had a moment in life that tainted my perception and changed everything.Leon, I am with you here, totally. Many years ago I was a skeptic of the highest degree.

I had a dream brought up such strong feelings and its effecting my life, in everything i do i cannot shake
it off.The unconscious mind has a way of getting our attention. It knows everything about us, so it knows what will and won't work as attention getting goes. Its truly driving me mad, i can't believe how much a simple dream can control your life. Leon, lets see if I can help...

If there is anyone who can help me understand, relate and find closure i beg of you please.This is exactly what I hope to do... I could just write a brief paragraph letting you know what my take is on your dream and that may help, but I feel that the line at a time method might help you to understand the minds way, a bit better.

I've stopped eating, i can't sleep, i'm losing myself.

Think of this fist part of your dream as an opening of a play of sorts. The unconscious mind is about to open the curtain on a scene that will further your self understanding. First the mind draws a parallel story line outlining your persona and the internal controls that you struggle with.
Intense dream

there was a monkey, innocently sitting in the kitchen of a house, i felt relaxed and calm in the house.The monkey in this context represents the part of you that is very unedited, your very basic and natural tendencies to respond to "things" without taking into account accepted social norms and expectations.
there was a lepard or large lynx cat, that was following me around again i felt relaxed and in no way threatend or in danger by the animals.The lynx in the context given, represents the part of you that is a watcher, of your actions and reactions and stands ready to attack you natural responses should they get out of line. They lynx is the part of you that keeps you under control...predatory, yes, because it can stalk and pounce anytime that it feels that you (monkey as explained earlier), is out of order. But i understood both of their mentalities and personalities they were like apart of me.Yes! This is because in a way (as described) they are part of you!. More specifically they represent a struggle that is ongoing within you.

i walked into the kitchen representing creativity and the fact that you are about to partake of food for thought courtesy of the dream you are experiencing...part of what I consider architecture of the dream.where the monkey was when the lynx noticed the presence of the monkey and started to attack the monkey as if it was hunting.Here the struggle which is being addressed in the dream takes form, and it looks as if you are being shown that the part of you that responsible for being true and pure in response to things that you encounter in life, is being assaulted. Internal policing and control of the drives within you to respond as you want to, without social recourse.  

i had an overwhealming feeling, to walk away as it was natures decision and not mine.And it does appear as if you are aware of this tendency within you to extinguish your natural responses.
i watched as the lynx managed to catch the monkey with both claws and pin it to the floor.symbolic of the fact that there is a part within you that catches you before you allow response in a way that perhaps is unbecoming to the way that  you have been socially trained and apparently have accepted (or the role  of the lynx would not have been existent.
the monkey screamed in pain as the lynx tried to bite and crush its wind pipeYes, keeping ones natural reactions in check can at times be painful.
i walked away, i understood what had to happen.

after a couple of steps, I just couldn't leave, i had to talk to myself and reasure that saving the monkey wasn'tYes, you are rationalizing that there is a time and a place that you should not be under house restraint. You are realizing that it is okay to sometimes allow yourself to respond naturally and not undergo such self restraint.
right, but it was something that i was going to.

I only raised my voice and projected a presence that the lynx was doing wrong and as if it listened to my wish's it stopped, i could pick up the little monkey and as i looked apon it,So you see that being yourself, is valuable. Self ridicule is not always the route to go.
i realised it had come to no harm.
the monkey seemed calm and the lynx wasn't bothered by my intervention.This is really interesting to me as you are being shown that self evaluation has taken place (consciously) and you have indeed made a decision as to how you might handle things to cope.

Note: the unconscious mind has set the stage showing you where you have come from, by allowing you to see the conscious decision that you have made. Paraphrasing...it looks as if you are a person who has decided to not always douse the fire within you that allows you to be a bit more loose (relative to that which you have been)>

the next part of my dream really bugs me

i was in another house,I am a little unsure about how to attribute the symbol of the other house, but most often we can see it as how the dreamer feels that he is perceived by others and in this case, how he is perceived relative to the personality that has already been discussed. this one felt as if it was someone else's home and not mineYes, others perception of you.

Note: This part of your dream is likely to chronicle a specific waking life event or events in general.
there were two dogs, they kept growling at me,Perhaps showing that you have recently had difficulty figuring out how to assess the emotions of others in your midst. It would have been a social setting or how you relate to others. the owners who i couldn't see kept telling me to turn my back on them as it will make them stop, but the dogs kept trying to look me in the eye's And here, it is likely that you have been advised to not show your true colors, not to show the monkey (as earlier discussed). It seems as if you were reluctant to go along but it does appear that so far  you have succumbed.
and growl.

i remember feeling concerned but not scared, the persitance of the dogs made me feel as there was some urgency that i couldn't address.Yes, inner uncertainty as to how you would respond if left to the monkey within. I was being told to turn my back on them which felt unnatural and unnerved me even more.Self discipline was the order of the day, and you worked within those personal constraints.

i could feel that the dog's would not attack me, that wasn't their intention. But i couldn't understand what they were trying to inform or show me.They were showing you that when you let your guard down and let the monkey in you come out things are unpredictable. I was too busy turning my back, that i couldn't feel or see anything, its as if my natural sense's were being restricted because i was trying to ignore the dogs.The dogs in this context can also represent anger within...anger suppressed? But i couldn't stop following the words of the owners who i couldn't see.Better judgement on your part and it was winning out.

i was being told just to turn around and show them my back so they will stop, but it just became more intenseBy showing them only your back you are playing the odds that (whatever the social situation is being commented on in this dream) you will be safe because they will not see the feelings and emotions that you harbor.

i then woke up, i never dream about animalsAnimals often represent the animal within us, the natural drive or instinct to act and react. i think this is why the dreams have really bugged me.

This is the part that has shaken me, that night i saw a shadow three times whilst at a friends house celebrating. Without going into detail I will say that you are reminded about this fear lurks within... What fear you may ask?? The innate fear that you have just dealt with...the fear of better judgement and when and how to act and react in social situations. The only way i can understand it or explain it in an articulate manner is by saying i saw shadow of a person a moving responding person.

But due to social convention i ignored it and carried on,I rest my case... i stayed at that persons house that night and that's when my dreams began. Its changed my life and i don't know where to turn, because these feelings that have opened up are so strong, its hard to control them. I can't tell anyone because they will think im crazy.

Im trained to be an economist, being logical is my strong suit. But i just can't escape someone please help.

Leon, logic is relative to the established norms of person who is doing the assessing, and you sir are in a period of self assessment (at the time of the dream). Your are in a quandary as to when to show your emotions, and what emotions you will show. Your unconscious mind is your mentor and friend always! It has your back, and it addresses this issue because it IS a concern (or was at the time of the dream as the case may be). Perhaps you said it best, you are an economist, and an economist most often deals with facts and figures as they exist and not the unknown of how others might respond to you. Fear of rejection (or any emotion related thereof) is huge and not being okay is a huge blow to our psyche. Your mind is simply showing how you think and feel in this arena, so that you can have a better understanding as to why you feel the way that you feel in such situations.

I look forward to your thoughts... and I am sorry that I do not have time to proof my work.


« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 06:25:41 PM by sailrmc »

Tony Crisp

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Re: A belligerent understanding
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 08:17:40 AM »