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Author Topic: next phase?  (Read 5889 times)


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next phase?
« on: June 27, 2014, 11:48:05 AM »
This is what I dreamt last night, I think it is about moving into the next phase of my life, whatever that might be, but there are some symbols I'm not sure about.
My family and I are going on vacation.  Before we are leaving, I notice the skin on my face seems to be peeling in large pieces.  We get to our destination and I notice it is getting worse so I lock myself in the bathroom.  I am actually able to literally pull my face off.  There are several open sores on my face, and I look like a different person.  To me, I look uglier and my smile is not the same.  But interestingly, no other characters in the dream ever said anything to me about my new face.  I also urinated while in the bathroom, but not in the toilet.  I urinated in a container with children's toys, and when I realized my error I cleaned it out. 
I go and try to find my wife to tell her what is happening to me but I can't because we are constantly interrupted by other people.  We leave to go to an amusement park. 
At the park I find an old friend of mine.  I start to tell him about what happened and he is willing to listen.  I get part way through my story and my wife shows up again.  She starts to listen but then runs off to go take provocative pictures with a photographer.  I feel a pang of jealousy and tell her sarcastically to "try to be as slutty as possible".
Me and my friend continue to what looks like a bridge, but it is more like an obstacle course.  I get through with out too much difficulty, but I remember thinking that it would have been easier if I had stayed on the main path.  When we reach the other side, I am suddenly sitting at a table with an old man.  He has given me corn on the cob, which I eat and it is delicious.  He then says, "I have three nipples and there are three harvests for my horses".  He proceeds to start picking corn off of his cob with his fingers and sticking it to mine.  I ask him why he's doing this and he repeats the above.  Then I make a sarcastic comment to my friend about how the guy has three nipples.  Then I woke.
One last and I'm sure important thing.  In my physical life, below my left breast there is a small red mark.  My mother told me once that when I was an infant, the pediatrician told her if I had been a girl that would have developed into a third breast.

Tony Crisp

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Re: next phase?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2014, 01:59:28 PM »
Mikey - A strange and interesting dream. It seems to be a mixture of going forward and also holding back.

I will explain my impressions of it. Yes it is about the next phase of your life, and some of the difficulties you are meeting in the enormous inner changes you are going through. Your face, you self image is part of the major change. It seems to me to be a transition point between the smaller you, you used to know yourself as and the larger you, you are becoming. It sometimes includes and experience of death of the old self. Other people cannot see the changes you are going through.

I am not sure of the urinating part, but maybe a release of pressure and a temporary return to childhood feelings.

The part about your wife is probably old feelings you are meeting and clearing out. Most of us have them, it is part of our old human male self that needs upgrading.

The bridge is another symbol of leaving one way of life behind as you go through transition. As you said, “it would have been easier if I had stayed on the main path”. I wonder what you consider to be the main path. Maybe it was to remember the inner truths you have met and seen and carried on living them. We are all b*****s for not taking our own insights as wonderfully valuable.

The old man - wow - what a wonderful thing to meet. He is probably you that you will be as you gather more experience. He can offer you such insights because in dreams we can exist at the quantum level beyond time and space. And so he speaks from your future. And the wisdom he gives you is vital.

You are born I believe in the USA, and so without realising it you have the heritage of the whole land within you in your dreams. It is the memory of the land and all who lived in it, and from that you have the wisdom of the ancestral memories in you. And you have been offered so much in being given corn. You are offered life and the ability or opportunity to care for it. For corn is something that is like a child when a seed is planted in a woman's womb, it needs care in caring for it, and when it appears above the earth/birth it must be protected until it is strong. So you have been given so much – the contact with the ancestral memories. You have eaten of the corn, so you have taken its promise and fertility into you, care for it.

Then a fascinating exchange, "I have three nipples and there are three harvests for my horses". This so full of symbolism that it would be foolish or me to put it writing, because words or only shadows of meaning. But to give you a lead, the three harvests are a statement from the bible. They are the first it about harvesting, gathering in all your experience and taking the crop of it. So the first harvest is about resurrection - the knowing of the real you that has been dead for so long.

The second harvest is Pentecost when the spirit of Life is known in you.

The third harvest is rapture or love when you move into a permanent state of ease and growing love.

The first horse represents plenty, fatherhood and what has been good in your life.

The second horse is the gathering in of all you are and making it fertile.

The third horse if what is born from all you have been.

The third nipple is a statement of your femininity. You must claim it to become whole person. Claiming your feminine nature is not about becoming less of a man or dressing up in women’s clothes, it is about claiming your whole being. You obviously have some difficulty about this because if your sarcastic remark. This may have developed because of having been teased about it, so you make fun of it. The old man is you as your future, and so also has three nipples.

Something from my journal: “That realisation tore me open and I cried so much knowing the presence was and always had been with me. He said, “I am with you as a baby, as a youth, as a man, and even as an old man – who people call God.” And I saw him there in all ages, knowing as I felt all this that the wonderful being could meet me at any point.

I could help feeling enormous waves of emotion flowing through as I realised all this. God was not outside of us.  We are it, living this strange, often difficult, but wonderful life.  To have experienced that divine union in myself in the images of Radha and Krishna, still moves me deeply as I write this.  To be shown once more that I am, as we all are, an incarnation of that very mystery of life, is a very great gift. So I want to shout to people - You are so wonderful.  You are an expression of the most amazing and blissful thing you could ever imagine.  What brought the universe into being lives in you.  You are it.”



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Re: next phase?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 11:37:30 AM »
Thank you Tony, it looks like you are pretty dead on, as usual.
This dream was funny for me, because it came so vividly.  I dream nearly every night, but sometimes recalling the individual details is difficult.  Not so with this dream.  It was very easy to remember every detail.  I think whatever part of my consciousness it came from wanted it to stay with me.
As far as embracing the feminine side, I had not thought or felt that, but you are probably right.  I have one brother, we grew up playing contact sports, and while I was never teased about the 3rd nipple (it is barely visible), I have always been teased about my height (I am very short).  This was something that inspired aggression in me from a young age, and I always dealt with it by fighting, which was the encouraged form of defense in my household as well.  Sometimes I still have to fight the urge to become physically aggressive.  The masculine side of me has definitely been expressed and nurtured my whole life.  Now I run a construction crew!! 
So I have little to no inner or outer experience with my femininity, and really little to no experience with strong emotions either.  I seem to be good at hiding from these things.  I will have to think about that.
Thanks Again