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Dream Interpretation / Re: Are some dreams more literal than others?
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:08:40 AM »

sometimes I have a dream where it just seems so close to real-life

Miemoo  :)

That is quite a wonderful challenge indeed to juggle full-time study with motherhood  :D and I do feel too that this dream is so close to real-life:

See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-trickster-clown-and-the-fool/

The fool or clown is also about the ability to either laugh at the ridiculousness of life, or to cut through the social shams and reveal our hypocrisy in an acceptable way. This makes the fool or clown wise, because they can see through who we are and what people do. Their talent is to reveal such things to us.

He leads us to tears as often as he leads us to laughter. This is because the clown shows us the wonderful and tragic human feelings underlying the masks we might wear in daily life. Love, life, loss, success and failure, all have their deeply human side and the clown reveals such things to us.

But, the meaning feels so literal. I feel like it is highlighting that part of myself that is deeply fearful of ruining everything, and not being good enough, and letting people down.

I think it will be helpful to ask yourself what thoughts are behind these feelings.

Perhaps you can only allow yourself on a feeling level to spend less time with your daughter and partner when your "career dream" is succesful and with that thought you have put a huge burden on yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/

I try to talk to her about it but she starts to cry and says "On top of this disgrace, I received your letter yesterday". My heart sinks even further as I realise that I have accidentally sent her my journal entry which reveals my unflattering feelings about her instead of my clinical reflection document.

I see this part of the dream as coming from the Trickster as well - sending the "wrong" document to your
clinical educator.

When I look at it from another angle, I think it is worthwhile to become aware what it is you do not like in your clinical educator, because it reflects what you have not accepted inside yourself yet.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/love-of-self/

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: ankle sprain
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:58:03 PM »
TeeDreams  :)

I can give it a try  ;)

It is not clear to me yet who's car it is, but I reckon it is yours.

So you are going into a certain direction in life and for a while you share that direction either with aspects of yourself, which are symbolized by your friend and the wife of the man you run with, or with these people
in your waking life.

Either way it is worthwhile trying to feel/sense/think what you associate with these two people:
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working

It is not clear who is driving, I trust though that it is not you, for I think you would have been aware of it in your dream.

Drivers seat: Perhaps more than anything else this suggests responsibility and personal decision making. It can also point to the attitudes that direct how you live your life.

Whoever is in the seat is influencing your life, either through your permission, through dependence or dominance, perhaps even fear.

Being in the driving seat is a very special situation, whether it is a car, a plane or a rocket. Every tiny shift or thought, of motivation or doubt redirects where the vehicle – you – are going. So it is very important to clarify your feelings and state, as with the example below.

Example: Dreamt about being in a large removal van with a woman sat on my lap. I held her breasts with pleasure. Don.

In exploring his dream Don found that holding the woman’s breasts showed how he was holding onto and held by sexual pleasure. Holding the woman made him a passenger, and not directing his life. But when he let go he could be the driver. This led him to realise that he was tied to his sexual need like a dependency – a dependency that directed his life.

Being in the driving seat also means you can see all the instruments on the driving panel. This means being in an observing situation with yourself. You can if you wish, observe all the instruments of your being. You can watch and acknowledge what is happening to you sexually, what is happening with your fantasies, what is going on in your physical body – am I tired, am I relaxed, am I stressed, am I confident? You can observe all this in the driving seat and you can make changes. From the observations you can slightly shift, change, make adjustments, and so keep balance and direct the process of interaction and where you are aiming to go in life. This self observation also means you can more easily observe others and understand their needs.

And so at a certain point either the wife of the man you run with, or the aspect in yourself which is symbolized by her, decides that the direction is not to your/her liking anymore and she leaves the car rather impulsively.

I wonder if you have noticed in some way that her (the wife of the man you run with) behaviour towards you in your waking life has changed rather suddenly?

The ankle is merely a symbol of a vulnerable area and it is there where this woman or this aspect of yourself got hurt when she/you decided to take the risk to leave the situation you were all involved in.

As far as this request is concerned
her husband would like to use my car the next day.

Somebody else’s car: Borrowing somebody else’s methods, skills or motivations to get somewhere or achieve something. It can also suggest a relationship. If this is the case what is being done with the car comments about the relationship.

If you are not driving the car or riding in it, then it suggests the way you respond to or relate to the person the car belongs to. The car is representing them or their qualities in some way.

I trust you will be able "to connect the dots" now  ;)

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Frog and Tree
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:13:06 AM »
Christine  :)

I returned to you in a slightly different form what was so obvious in the dream; I did not even have
to "decode" it.

I wonder if your inner world is becoming more clear to you, because of this dream not being wrapped
up in symbols anymore?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: A baby in two halves
« on: March 08, 2015, 05:09:21 PM »

Mariannne  :)

Thank you for your response. It is helpful for me too to learn that you can relate to what arose inside me.

It was a nice experience for me too, to enter your dream and to allow it to reveal it's meaning.
The light I shed was "wrapped up in your dream"   :D

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: A baby in two halves
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:07:33 AM »
Marianne  :)

Welcome to the Forum and thank you for sharing your dream, which I do not perceive as bizarre  :D

I like to share what arose while I entered your dream, and I trust you know that in the end you are
your own dream expert.

You have given birth to part of yourself and you are giving it every effort to take care of it.
See http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/the-baby-in-your-dream/

The father in the dream is present, although his presence is vague. I see it that your dream expresses
with a different symbol that this male principle in your life still needs some healing, and then its (his) presence will become less vague.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/

It is not uncommon that when we give birth to a new part in us, that we are faced with some unhealed aspects of ourself. Although these unhealed aspects of us can have their roots in our babyhood, we can meet them as an adult again so it can be  healed when we are ready for it.
To me the dream shows that you ARE ready for it.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/half/

I feel that the response from both the doctor and your baby son in your dream, are those parts in you which have grown to a point at which you do not make a big deal out of this aspect not being whole (yet), and it also shows that you can allow the healing forces inside you to work towards becoming whole again.

It is like the baby communicating to you without words:"I am aware that I am not whole yet and I can smile at it" and if you can look at it that way too, the "healing forces" will take care of it.
A loving dream!

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: ankle sprain
« on: March 07, 2015, 11:55:42 AM »

Thanks for answering that question TeeDream  :) That is helpful information.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: ankle sprain
« on: March 07, 2015, 11:48:39 AM »

TeeDream  :)

Was it this woman you do not know well, who was driving the car?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 07, 2015, 10:27:58 AM »
I don't think there was any need to add to what has already been said, but knowing me I love to share what I have met/experienced on the way.

Tony - Although addressed to Mikey, I feel like responding (too).

I perceive your contribution as "enlarging", which to me has a different flavor than "adding".

Because of the journey you made, you are able to look at what was shared so far from a different angle,
and with sharing what you did in your post, I feel you enlarged the approach towards Mikey's dream and I like it.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: ankle sprain
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:51:22 AM »

TeeDreams  :)

Welcome to the Forum.

I know Tony tend to look at dreams from new members on Sunday and in order to make his work a little
easier I like to ask you:
Was this "someone you knew" (male or female?) driving the car or were you?

What did you feel in the dream?

after we stopped to help her she said her husband would like to use my car the next day.

Did you respond in any way to that request and if so how (with a feeling? with an answer in words? with a certain look on your face? etc.)

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Frog and Tree
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:25:32 AM »
I am currently in a group of people working on a specific kind of therapy and skills.

Christine  :)

Thank you for sharing, for it helps me understand why the frog dream came to you. It is a sign
of your Willingness to allow for Transformation.

Last night I dreamed of a man sitting at a desk and moving papers around.  He said "you are reading how much you are like your mother and how much you are not like her.  You are reparitive."

I see this dream as a help towards "how" you now enter the process of healing inside you.
I wonder if you used to identify too much with your mother?
If you had thoughts like: "my mother was not able to "allow for any repair", and so I cannot either.

The dream shows that you are letting go of this identification with your mother and with letting go you become aware that you CAN allow repair/healing.

Another wonderful step towards self love  :)

Anna :-)

Greetings / Re: Hello.
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:32:06 PM »

Angel Tears  :)

I hope that your mother's passing was peaceful and that you are okay.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:02:21 PM »

 ;D  ;D  ;D Mikey "now we have the buddhists turning up"
I like your humour.

I do however not consider that this part of your journey has anything to do with illness. I see it merely
as going beyond all symbols.
I like the idea of using symbols to go beyond them  :)

And no, IT never ends.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 05, 2015, 12:55:01 PM »
Mikey  :)

Either way - I leave it up to Tony to share or not - I see the awe in your dream as an expression of Wonder for "Something" which is beyond any religion:
pure, naked awareness.

Yes, I understand what you mean with the wonder - or awe - which comes with being aware how your dream creator chooses symbols that enable you to become more aware of this pure, naked awareness that YOU are.

I like to believe - but perhaps you can help me out of it?  ;) - that somehow you must feel that religious symbology and metaphor are helpful means on this inner journey to What you are beyond all your thoughts and beliefs and so it serves that purpose in your dreams too.

I have chosen to believe that these symbols and metaphors must be meaningful to you, because I have had experiences of being pure, naked awareness and I hardly dream - if ever - about any religious symbol or metaphor as I perceive it.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Journey
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:44:10 AM »
I realised the bus was taking me further away from my home not nearer so decided to get off and then realized I had no money wearing my nightwear. As I went to get off the driver said oh yes I meant to say to you that I noticed you hadn’t paid. I said I was sorry but had no money as I was in nightwear but I had money at home.
I talked of what had happened and how I have a bit of a problem with a type of sleepwalking where I follow things in my dreams that I shouldn’t and that I can’t control it, I said I needed some help from a professional with it as I get into all sorts of fixes. A few passengers were listening as was the driver and his female assistant.
A couple of passengers gave some small change towards my fare, which I thought kind. Still wasn’t enough. Then I put my hand in my pocket again and this time I found money that wasn’t there before, first off a coin which was silver but much thicker than any normal coin of today, I didn’t know what it was but thought it may have been a coin left from my family after they passed. The assistant took it and said she’d check if it was accepted currency and she ran the coin over an electronic device and it was accepted. I felt a bit sad to see it go as it felt sentimental and special.

I looked in my pocket again and pulled out the rest of the money that had appeared and it was notes, one with 50 on it and a few others of smaller value. I held the 50 note up and I didn’t recognize the currency, a man in front of me smiled and said “oh you’ve been to Frome, lucky you!”

I thought the currency must have been French as my parents live in France and thought they must have put the money in my pocket. I said if only I’d have found this money before, I could have just got a cab and avoided all of this and walking about dressed in front of people in my nightwear.
Just before I woke the word Frome was shouted to me several times, so it was the first thing I thought of and it had impact.

Dawn  :)

I lilke to share what arose when reading through this part of your dream.
I believe in this context Frome is referring to the flow of Life, as Frome is a river as well:

I have often experienced as well that while embarking on another part of my inner journey, that it took me further from "home".
It has always felt to me like going in circles and with every new circle I was leaving the point of what was familiar inside me - which were merely my own fixed ideas - and I followed "things in my dreams" as you did.

And although part of you was not happy to go with that flow, another part realised that it brings you money, as in you were able to gain an awareness of some part of your inner potential, which is of course connected with your ancestors, who are also part of that flow of Life.

The assistant took it and said she’d check if it was accepted currency and she ran the coin over an electronic device and it was accepted. I felt a bit sad to see it go as it felt sentimental and special.
I looked in my pocket again and pulled out the rest of the money that had appeared and it was notes, one with 50 on it and a few others of smaller value. I held the 50 note up and I didn’t recognize the currency, a man in front of me smiled and said “oh you’ve been to Frome, lucky you!”

I see the checking of the currency and acceptance as a means of becoming aware that what you brought to the learning situation this time in order to make it work - and so in order to become more aware - was helpful.
You then become aware of more money appearing in your pocket, which is another possibility to become aware that when you go with the flow and give it your best - the silver coin - you will find more inside you - more potential, more value etc. - which is also a becoming aware that giving of yourself is the same as receiving from your Source.

And yes, you are lucky for you managed to become aware of that Flow of Life; the river Frome.  :)

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: the buddhist holy man
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:33:56 PM »
Mikey  :)

I wonder if you perceive it too that Tony answered you with this post?


The post is part of a dream in the dream dictionary and the first part is not in this post:


I don’t think I have ever before felt such an amazing feeling as that magical sense of being able to stand amidst anything and everything that came towards me and yet remaining as pure, naked awareness.

i am filled with awe as i know that he will sit meditating through everything that is thrown at him weatherwise,unshakable,detached etc,
i turn around walking to the edge of the dome,i see the whole landscape spread out before me,the air smells sweet & fresh,the sun is shining brightly,i feel good,it all feels good.

Anna :-)

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