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Messages - Rain_Dancer

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Dream Interpretation / Expansion of Consciousness
« on: January 16, 2012, 10:05:18 PM »
This is more for sharing than interpretation...

It's a fragment of a dream from a few weeks ago.

I was lucid, and walking through a house, and had the idea to look for a door to open.

I turned and saw a huge golden door, it had a sheen as if it was made of solid gold (shimmering, not shiny). 
Characters were imprinted on it in columns from top to bottom that made me think "heiroglyphics".
I paused before the door, and said, "By opening this door I am expanding my consciousness!" then push the door open.  It swings open away from me, and behind it is another door, hinged on the opposite side and also seemingly made of gold with characters on it.  I repeat the process..."by opening this door I am expanding my consciousness!"

I see behind that door is a dark stone corridor, ancient.  I knew that there were a million more doors behind this one and that I could go on forever, but for now this was enough.  I step back, satisfied.  I then see another set of doors, more ordinary, double-closet doors.  Again, I stand before the doors and say, “by opening these doors I am expanding my consciousness!”, then open the doors.  I see a light inside, and some ordinary items like sports equipment.  (End of scene)

For several years I experimented and was quite involved with the psychedelic scene, in the name of “consciousness expansion”.  Since this dream I experienced the realization that simply asking questions and being honest about what I’m feeling or thinking  is ‘raising’ or ‘expanding’ consciousness.  Many many times in the past few weeks I have asked questions that in the past, I would not have dared ask.  Even simple questions…and every time I would ask the question, I would feel lighter, as if I had unconsciously  been stewing in my own circular thoughts -  this feels like illumination or enlightenment. 

I truly believe that opening the doors in my dream has opened my mind even more than before.  It’s hard to say whether it was the catalyst, because no action really stands alone and I believe we are all programmed to rise or expand in consciousness, but it was certainly an interesting experience!

General Discussion / A birth story you might enjoy
« on: December 20, 2011, 03:32:01 AM »
I have followed this couple's blog off and on for a few years, and was surprised to learn they recently had a baby.
The love and care that went into their experience was so touching and moving, I love seeing what is possible in birth!  I have been thinking about the images of their baby all day, she is so languid, so relaxed.  The father speaks in quiet tones, there is so much gentleness and tenderness I see, I almost felt rebirthed just watching.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Shark and Shiva
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:05:23 PM »
So here's where this dream has been leading me...
I took into consideration the comment about 'negative karma'.  Last week, I experienced a lucid dream where I was unable to fly beyond the planet's atmosphere and out into the cosmos due to intense pain in my breasts.
I pondered more about karma...read some information that suggested the way to transform karma is to identify more deeply as "god" (which I think of as a verb) -

which lead to a discussion with a Buddhist friend, who introduced me to the practice of Chöd, which lead me to read about "Feeding Your Demons", which is a process for dialoguing with unwanted aspects of self and transforming them.  Rather than fighting them, the idea is to learn what those aspects really want and need, and to become the nectar of it and feed it to them, then ask for an ally (sometimes they transform into allies).  Which is, of course, a variant of dialoguing with dream characters  ;D

In reading about the practice of Chöd I was delighted to read a teacher's experience that was very similar to my dream - in seeing the 'demons' in his meditation, he did the same thing I did - he prayed, chanted, and called on his gods.  Then finaly recognized the demons as manifestations of his own mind and invited them to tea, so to speak.

I plan on playing with this over the weekend, I have noticed that my emotional overeating has kicked up a notch, I pushed away my friend at work and am noticing that all of the loving feelings that opened up in me seemed to have frightened me and kicked in the need to control.

The voice in my head is telling me over and over that it's time to leave my job but I don't know where to go or what to do next so...scary unknown ahead!  Last night I dreamed of an inner woman friend who told me she would help me clean up and redecorate my inner house, and she said she would stand by my in my waking hours as well.  More and more I'm noticing inner friends and dialogue rather than jumbled images, conflict and feeling isolated, as if I am a mere observer in the dream scape.  This seems like a major victory to me, and I am so grateful that life has given me the drive and the ability to somehow, if even a bit, become something other than a perpetuation of the violence and pain of the past.

Questions about dreams / Dream Theater safety
« on: December 05, 2011, 02:57:42 PM »
More of…what have I gotten myself into??? !!!

Saturday I played “dream theater” with 2 other women.  One I’ve played with before, and also done several dream shares with.  The 3rd woman was new (sort of…I vaguely remembered taking dance classes with her many years ago).

This was my dream:  I am leaving a store, and realizing that, once again, I left my purse and other valuables in the front seat.  (I have done this twice in waking life this past year, once my purse was stolen).  I am wondering why I did this to myself AGAIN, and I notice that my purse has been rifled through, but it and my other valuables are still in the car.  As I go through my wallet, I sense a setup.  “They” left my stuff in the car on purpose.  I turn and a young woman with two companions approaches me.  She is carrying a black pistol.  I freeze, and feel the fear intensely.  I black out, feel like I’ve been hit by a car, and wake up in an ambulance.  I cry softly, once, “they hurt me”, and feel something release.  The EMT’s on either side of me caution me to be still and not breathe too deeply, I’ve been seriously hurt – I feel my broken ribs on the left side and understand they don’t want me to puncture my lungs.  I take tiny sips of air, as I realize there is no pain I begin to become aware that I am dreaming.  I take deeper and deeper breaths, and a smile spreads across my face as I know I am dreaming now, and awaken.

So.  To get out of character (and honor my “shiva” dream), I played the woman with the gun.  My friend played one of the companions.  She was having a great time, getting into it, very comfortable with “teenage troublemaker” energy. 

I was *very* uncomfortable.  I started to play out what was going through my mind…”You are weak, you bitch, you are so stupid, so spacey, I oughta kick you, you make me sick.”  I could only barely touch the feelings beneath it.  I noticed that I now had my back turned to the other two women, and I described to them the shame I was feeling…I couldn’t face them, I didn’t want them to see me this way.  I *know* the role of the perpetrator, and said, “I can play this role all day long…as long as I am alone, with someone I know I can abuse.  I don’t want you to see me this way, I don’t want to be this way in front of kind faces, I don’t want to scare you. “  I also felt very exposed, not only showing how I have treated others, but how I can treat myself in my own mind and also how my parents spoke to me as a child.

I knew I was experiencing shame, but I just couldn’t be present with it.  I allowed it to a point, and decided instead of diving in I needed to be very gentle with it and not force it.  The other women were feeling it, too.  I was nervously talking, and aware I was being neurotic to avoid the feeling, one of the other women jumped in with her own story, in a attempt to ‘help’ me feel better.  She shared how she bit her brother once, and I shared that I once pulled a knife on my sister.  The 3rd woman seemed shocked (she is a psychotherapist, so it didn’t occur to me that this would be shocking to her, otherwise I might have been more sensitive).

I’m not a trained professional, I’m not even very mature, I’m just someone interested in dreams.  I question whether I even have any business delving into this stuff with others…do you have any suggestions for how I could have handled it better?  Or for how I can created a safer container for this kind of play?

Dream Interpretation / Re: Shark and Shiva
« on: December 02, 2011, 01:13:01 AM »
Leswan ~ thanks for your comment!  I've noticed similarities, as well.  I was likely influenced by reading your dream about the non-physical pain, at least in my understanding of the dream.  I really appreciate what you post here.

Tony~ yes...thank you for articulating what I couldn't quite get at.  At least in that moment in time, I was at an impasse where what I was doing wasn't working anymore and hadn't opened up to something new.  The next night I dreamed I found some old things that were familiar and I could take with me, and I chose to leave them.  One of them was an oversized rosary, the color of coral that I associate with "soothing".  I took the dream to reflect that even though it was soothing, I left what represented prayer behind because it was too bulky and heavy.

Last night I dreamed of some very tender moments with ex-boyfriends.  I also spoke in my dream in such a way that it seemed to clear something physically in my throat.  Although I felt tired and unwell this morning, my 3rd chakra feels lighter and more open.  I feel very tired of dreaming, though.  I could use a deep, rejuvenating night's sleep.

Dream Interpretation / Shark and Shiva
« on: November 29, 2011, 02:23:58 PM »
I’m wondering what I’ve gotten myself into here…

This is the 2nd dream I’ve had recently that seems to be a whole other reality, it reminds me of The Matrix and almost as if that other reality is more “real” and what’s really happening and this human aspect is a projection of it.

The dream was not clear, yet the feelings and impressions were strong.

I become aware I am dreaming, and I feel like I am in a primordial, oceanic state, there is a sense of “me”, I don’t seem to have a human body or clear boundaries.

I feel pressed in on all sides, by beings who are feeding on me, especially behind me.  A sense of beings attached to my back.  I feel helpless, I can struggle, just a bit, but I mostly am a feeling state.
Fighting these beings off seems useless. I remember a protector who appeared in a recent dream.
In my mind, I clamor “I INVOKE AND CALL ON SHARK!!”  

I feel the great white shark move through me, and her energy surround me.  The beings around me scream and scatter.  She alone isn’t strong enough to overcome whatever this force is that is feeding off of me and wants to keep me trapped, but she has bought me  a bit of time and a little freedom, and I move quickly forward.
I seem to be in a “commons” area, (in my dream I’m thinking “mall”).  The building is a square within a square, and I am walking in the corridor between the walls of the inner and outer walls (oohh…holy goodness…it took me a while to describe that and now it’s coming clearer – walking in the corridor between the walls of the inner and outer walls….).

I feel sharp points of pain all along my left side, especially lower left buttock, as if someone threw a net of small taser darts over me.  I move back and forth between welcoming the sensation and trying to pull out the darts.  I can’t pull them out, they aren’t really physical nor am I..frustrating!

I continue to move along, around the square.  I see a few Asian women ahead, and I knock some things over that they scramble to pick up, I notice the twinge of guilt.  I deliberately knock a couple of women and children over – though I don’t really seem to be lucid, I do know I am dreaming, and it somehow seems important to act out of character – it’s not something I would do in waking life.

I’m still feeling as though something is after me, chasing me, wanting to hold me back and keep me trapped.  In my mind, I call, “SHIVA!” and I suddenly experience myself and surroundings as a vortex of spiraling, colored light.  I march forward, determinedly singing, “shiva shiva shiva shambho, shiva shiva shiva shambho”.  Something isn’t quite right, though, I feel like I’m pleading, and still losing ground.

I come upon a familiar scene (I don’t remember what, maybe the Asian women again) and realize I have come full circle (only, I went in a square, not a circle).

At one point in the dream, I had a distinct impression of being held captive in an artifical embryonic tank, like in the movie Avatar.  Also thoughts of "me" being an experimental hybrid, meant to try to bring together the best qualities of a human and another species.

These kinds of dreams really inspire me to ponder..what is "real"?  What is "me"?  What the heck is going on here?? :o
And then after a night of multdimensional being, I get up and have some berries and go to work and love a plain old admin job in a dirty oil refinery  ;D  Chop wood, carry water.

General Discussion / Re: Hate
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:02:45 PM »
>>>So I would certainly wonder who it is you are hating, whether you are now using your ex instead of getting to the base camp so to speak - and who it is you need to forgive. Not forget though, never forget<<<

This resonates, I did wonder this myself and believe it is a mix. 

My ex was psychologically abusive - I admit I tend to think he was more abusive and damaging because he would twist things around to make it seem like it was always my fault and my shortcomings, and I was too happy to agree.  Yet now as I type this I think of my mother telling me that my behavior forced my father to drink and to beat me, and my father did the same, somehow manipulating me to say I provoked and caused all of the abuse when Child Protective Services investigated.

There is more but that's enough for right now, I'm feeling emotional and I'm at work so...!  No need to stir this up now and tonight I will reflect more.

Thank you.

General Discussion / Hate
« on: November 22, 2011, 03:54:12 PM »
As I ran berated and raged against my "ex" in my mind for the hundred millionth time, I became more intensely curious than usual about this experience.

Clearly, he is not the problem.  He lives 2500 miles away, and I don't speak with him anymore.  Yet, here an image is of him, in my mind, once again, and I'm running through the scenarios again and again of "you did/didn't _______"  blah blah blah and in my mind I end up beating him up with a baseball bat and kicking him.  Recently I spontaneously playacted being a tiger, and I imagined tearing him apart and eating him up.

In inquiring, I began to wonder, what IS hate, really?  What is the payoff?  What do I get out of it?  What is it doing for me?  I don't WANT to forgive him, I want to HURT him.  I want to make him SEE what he did, make him see what I see, see it MY way.

I couldn't even really find anything illuminating on the internet about hatred, it's purpose, what it actually "is".
So far, I have theorized that I don't want to forgive, because I believe I must before I can move on to a new relationship and it's a way to keep me from putting myself out there again for my heart to be broken.

Another theory is, it serves to counteract a feeling of powerlessness by inducing a boost of feeling powerful.  It's my experience that feeling helpless and powerless is nearly intolerable, and the mind is SO quick to conjure a defense!

I have a lot of time on my hands today to go deeper into inquiry...any thoughts?

General Discussion / Following my dreams
« on: November 14, 2011, 05:16:29 PM »
 Last month, I dreamed of a single image, a hot pink lighted sign with the word “BIONEERS” typed on it.
I had heard of them, but didn’t know much about it.  A quick internet search led me to a local conference being held soon.  I couldn’t afford to go, so, trusting my dream, I signed up to volunteer.

I attended the conference this past weekend, and for less than an hour of actual work, I was rewarded with inspiring talks by several speakers, 4 delicious, nutritious meals made with love and care, and a very different experience of people.  I had dinner with local government officials, prominent community members, leaders in the fields of energy conservation and alternative resources, community building, biomimicry, et cetera.  I felt totally at ease exposing my ignorance and asking “dumb” questions (although I did feel some general social anxiety).  I received coupons, free healthy snacks, and a box full of CF bulbs (more than I’ll ever use).  I received genuine hugs and expressions of appreciation for simply being there and being available.  I participated in a movement class that was exactly what my soul needed, it left me in grateful tears and a little voice in my heart saying, “Welcome!  Welcome!  We’re so glad you’re here, Rain!”  I felt like I really really belonged.  Belonged there, belonged on the planet, belonged in my community, that the very planet herself wants and needs me here and is showing me how I can serve and receive the fulfillment I have so desperately been yearning for.  I am overcome with emotion, tears in my eyes and heart even as I type this.

I walked into a breakout session and stopped short.  A young girl, early teens, was leading the group.  I recognized her…from a dream!  My head spinning, I remembered the dream..I walked into a room full of women.  In the dream, the girl, was sitting in a rocking chair to my right, smiling at me.  I turned to face a panel of black women sitting at a table.  I asked one woman, “What do you represent?”  
“Environmental interests,” she replied.  (I checked my journal and I had this dream 8 days before the Bioneers dream - I called it, "A Room Full of Women Happy to See Me)

All of the threads..coming together…

Perhaps this sort of experience is ‘normal’ for a lot of people, for me, it was radically different…coming from a background of violence and willful ignorance, fear and rampant drug use…it was a whole different class of human beings than I’ve ever experienced.  There was so much closeness, so much kindness, a few times I wanted to bolt, to get away, to isolate (I did go take a nap in my car for an hour)…and I kept trusting my dream.  Stay…stay…

Dream Interpretation / Re: Telling B to stop
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:25:21 PM »

What I'm noticing is the shift from feeling attacked by or in danger of men, to sweetness, authenticity, a feeling of protection and getting a hand-up from men...


I became aware in my dream, perhaps not lucid, certainly aware I was dreaming.  All I could see was blackness, darkness.  I wondered for a moment what was happening, and remembered from reading others’ experiences to simply wait and allow the dream to unfold.  As I observed, an intricate pattern of light appeared on a floor.  I am not sure of the light source – only that my impressions were of orange and gold triangles, and thinking the pattern was very similar to the Sri Yantra only more complex.  I say to myself, "I want to meet my dream guide."

The next thing I remember is rising up, to my right.  I am simply rising, without willing it or trying to or feeling pulled.  I get caught against something on my left lower back, it is slightly painful and I reach for it and pull it along with me.  It is something that looks like a maglite flashlight, and I know I can use this as a tool.  It was gold at first, then black.  I turned it on as I was rising, and a red laser light beamed from it.  I turned it off, not wanting to damage anything with it.  In the dream I was noticing the metaphor of taking something that had hurt me and using it as a tool.

As I rose even higher, I had to cast off the flashlight and some other small things I had picked up along the way that were now weighing me down and getting in my way.
Interlude:  I’m not sure when this happened, it seemed like it was during the rising part – as I am rising, a man swoops over to me, grabs me and takes me higher.  It feels good, cuddly, affectionate, I like it.  Now he is lying on top of me, we are sort of merged, it feels like a sweet and loving embrace.   I can’t really see his face, something is going on with my vision.

I’m noticing water dripping into my eyes from above.  I think the man is crying, and I touch his forehead gently and ask him if he is ok.  Now I can see his face, and he says he’s sweating.  Beads of sweat roll from his forehead onto my face.  They are crystal clear, big, fat sparkling drops of liquid that remind me of quartz or diamonds because of the way they are refracting light so beautifully. 

He gets off of me, backs away and apologizes while zipping his pants up, smiling and saying, “I think I might be gay.”

“It’s okay,” I say, “You aren’t the first guy I’ve been with who thought that.”
Back to rising…I’m higher and higher, and eventually reach a scaffold where I’m noticing resistance.  I imagine perhaps zooming through it, and wonder if I can make it to the scaffold.  A man is standing there and gives me a hand up.  Isaid something to him about wanting to go higher but needing to stay there for a minute to get my bearings and gather the strength I need.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Telling B to stop
« on: November 11, 2011, 04:38:43 AM »
I want to post these recent dreams, to show the progression...

11/08 T was abusive to me behind closed doors

I was in a little shop, with AG.  She is saying something to me about T.  
I lean forward close to her face, look her in the eyes, and explain to her that even though T had good standing in the community and EVERYONE thought he was so amazing, "T was abusive to me behind closed doors."

With Ali or maybe someone else in the shop, I decide it’s time to get up and shake out a blanket I was wrapped in to fold it.


11/09 De-possession

I was observing 2 men, who were perhaps coworkers.  They move and go to sit at a table, which is a small round table and maybe we are at a café.  I seem to be close to and to the left of one man, I cannot see him clearly.  

The other man sits facing him (and me) and I can see him more clearly.  He is a very attractive young man, nearly model good-looking.  The man to my right is older, and also attractive.  He is doing or saying something intended to intimidate the younger man.  

The younger man stands firm, he will not back down - suddenly what looks  like a demon erupts from his body and merges into the other man – I don’t understand the dynamic of what happened, maybe the demon was or belonged to the older man to begin with?  

Whatever it morphed into, was now facing me.  What I saw was a big, round head, it was covered in big red…I don’t know, something like very large varicose veins.  His eyes are bright and piercing blue.  This image is VERY clear, very 3D, and I muse to myself that if I thought I was dreaming I might be frightened, and that it was a good thing I didn’t know.

Now I’m sitting at the table in front of the young man, and his face is terribly deformed.  I’m trying to understand what is going on with it, it’s a surreal image…something below his left eye seems to be missing, and his eyes are strange.  I move away and his face deforms even more, elongating and his chin narrowing.  He looks like a burn victim.  He is explaining something to me that I don’t quite remember, the general gist of it is that there was a time he was willing to pay any price to hide his face and his scars…I understand that the demon is what gave him his attractive appearance and was a sort of “sold his soul” transaction, and the price had become too high to continue to pay.

Tony, if you'd like to comment, feel free, although these dreams are pretty self-explanatory to me.  I'm putting them out there because I think it's a good example and can possibly serve as inspiration for how much change can occur in a very little time.

The external changes seem superficially small, yet internally feel...wide, big, expansive.  Colors are brighter, I dance and sing spontaneously...a coworker and I have had a very very strong mutual attraction - initially our exchanges seemed to me like immature expressions of dealing with the sexual energy, he would tease me like a 2nd-grader pulling a girl's pigtails and I would mock threaten to kick him in the kneecaps, lol.  

In the past several days, something changed...I felt utterly relaxed and open with him, and we have been very affectionate with each other (it's acceptable in my work environment)...yet there is an affinity, the attraction no longer feels urgent or painful, and I no longer want to possess him or feel like I have to fight the pull of the attraction.  My coworkers are more friendly and open, and seem more real to me, and I feel affection for them rather than distance or anxiety.  

It seems so personal and yet...not.  It isn't me, it is Being being 'me'...it is SO sweet!

Addendum - oh, silly me!  I get it!  This is what it feels like to BE in love!   The real stuff, not the crazy-rush-high-on-adrenalin or i've-just-found-my-soulmate-who's-really-my-WoundMate stuff...and minus the agonizing anxiety, fear, lust, pain, shame, rage and obsession that all came up the last time I felt this way.  Thank you thank you thank you you have helped me SO much this past year!!!!! Soo much gratitude and appreciation!!!  If I could kiss and hug you right now I would!!!

Dream Interpretation / Re: My Dream
« on: November 09, 2011, 11:51:38 AM »
You didn't mention your gender...my first thoughts were that you might be about to menstruate.
I have dreams every now and then, that seem to be my inner knowing being a little cheeky with me.

General Discussion / Titles and Fragments
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:05:51 PM »
I have logged my dreams for about 4 years now.  At the suggestion of Patricia Garfield, I began titling my dreams this past summer.  I realized this morning how sharply it can bring a theme into focus, when otherwise I would have just thought…”random dream processing”.

Not only have I found titling to be illuminating, I have also come to see that even fragments can offer meaningful insight.

This morning I mulled over a dream fragment that I almost didn’t even bother to record – the previous night’s dreams were long and epic and I thought just that little fragment wouldn’t be worth anything. 

The dream:
I am drawing a bath, the faucet handles are old-fashioned white porcelain-covered. 
The water wasn’t very warm because someone before me had used it.
I considered drawing a bath anyway, and instead decided to wait and give the water a chance to get hot again.

I put it away, and this morning when I typed it up to add to my log, I wondered how to title it.  After a moment, I typed, “Don’t bother with the lukewarm”.

As soon as I titled it, I understood and laughed out loud.  I’ve taken a year off from dating, to heal and clean up unhealthy love habits and behaviors.  I had often found myself pursuing “lukewarm” men, and caught up in a pattern of trying to figure them out and win them over.  This dream reflected to me that, even in dreaming, my unconscious behavior is rejecting the lukewarm and refusing to settle for less than a delicious hot bath. 

Also it reflects to me that “I” am lukewarm about dating, and need some time to heat up again, as well as a general theme of reserving my time and attention for people who really value me, and not to bother with “lukewarm”, that waiting a bit for what I really want will yield a more satisfying experience.

I’m interested in hearing other’s perspectives and experiences with fragments and titles, please do share!

Dream Interpretation / Sucked down the stairs and a phone call
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:33:52 PM »
11/05/2011 Saturday morning

I am sitting on the floor of a living room….it is dim, the surroundings are posh, futuristic, sleek, steel gray.  I come close to consciousness, at least once or twice.  I question, “am I dreaming?”  I feel lighter…eventually I check again and realize I am floating and feel so light I must be dreaming, and am now lucid.
I rise and float/walk over to a large glass video screen on a wall to my right, it may be multi-paned, with a thin silver frame.  I see a woman in the screen that I’ve been interacting with, perhaps ordering something from her via the screen.  As I’m approaching, I am sucked into and through the screen, into a house, white with white wood banisters.  I’m flying..on my back, feet first, down down down through level after level.  At each threshold between floors stands a white bookcase, which seems like it might block me but each one topples easily as my feet touch it.  I’m being sucked down, though I am lucid I do not have control and it doesn’t occur to me to even try.
Next I notice I’m standing in a kitchen, facing the counter.  I am rubbing my face, chest, hands, arms in an effort to stabilize the dream and maintain lucidity.  I imagine a kitten would provide just the right texture to flood my brain with sensation, and a kitten appears on the counter.  I reach for it and it hisses and sputters at me…Bad idea!
I turn away (at this point I may have said, “I invoke a dream guide, to help me stabilize in this dream” – or it may be a fragment from elsewhere in the dream I remember), and hear a phone ringing to my right.  I move toward it, and consider answering it.  I suspect it is a message from my subconscious, and I hesitate…perhaps fearing what I might hear and/or, knowing I’m dreaming, thinking I may have difficulty hearing or understanding.   I don’t know if I answered it or not…I remember later, swooping and somersaulting in the air, practicing riding the current and allowing the current to move me rather than trying to fly anywhere.  I briefly consider zooming up or down with force, and don’t.  I notice the contraction and breathe into when the current unexpectedly drops or rises. 

***I tried going back into the dream to answer the phone, and the voice said, “you’re doing fine, no worries, you’re doing just fine.”  I don’t trust it!  I don’t trust that voice!  It’s the kind, sweet, gentle voice that told me not to worry, that my connection to the guy I was dating last year was a “no worries, it’s a stable connection” – I was dating a guy with a domestic abuse history and an FBI record, who was predatorily attending spiritual workshops to pick up women!  And that voice just kept feeding my delusional fantasy of him being in love with me and being "The One".
So.  I may try again or ask a friend to play it out for me.

Dream Interpretation / Re: OBE to a beautiful place.
« on: November 05, 2011, 11:50:30 PM »
Oh, Leswan please do and report back, this dream sounds so intriguing!

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