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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Questions about dreams / What Happens When We Die?
« on: May 05, 2020, 10:56:34 AM »
Links to main sections: Memory of Past Life – What Happens When I Die? – People’s Experience of Dying – It Isn’t So Difficult To Be in Touch With Our Dead
What do you think happens after our bodies die? Do we become unconscious and non-existent any more? Do we go to “heaven”? Do we reincarnate?

I personally think we reincarnate and learn new things in each new life, but am wondering what you all think and if any of your OBEs or lucid dreams have altered your original view of what you think occurs after our bodies die? – Mithokey

Mithokey – Yes I know we do reincarnate – but I think my thoughts on this are seen better in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/reincarnation-and-dreams/ And in http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/rudolph-steiners-philosophy-of-life-and-death/ and also in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/near-death-experiences/

 You asked whether my recent experiences have altered my views. Well yes, they have been deepened. Here is something I experienced, not in a dream but while awake.

I started by imagining myself standing in the shadows of The House of the Ancestors – a great dream I experienced.  Then we walked together into the darkness.  The subjective images took on a life of their own and I saw we were walking in a large underground space like great catacombs.  The light was dim but we could see our surroundings, and not very far into the cave like space was a tomb on our right.  It had the form of a low wall about a foot high in an oblong, and the wall surrounded a long stone in the centre, which was roughly body shaped.

As we drew level with the tomb an enormous change occurred in me.  Suddenly I became a woman.  It was no longer imagination.  I was now completely experiencing myself as a woman whose tomb we had approached.  As such I was torn by an immense pain of loss.  As my complete identification deepened my body curled up with the pain as I was torn by wretched crying.  Suzanne told me my voice changed as I cried out again and again for release from the pain of losing all my children, my husband, even my parents.  My hands were clawing my legs in an effort to express the misery, and I was screaming that I could not bear to live any longer with such pain.  I cried out to God to take me, for there was nothing left for me to live for.  “Why?  Why did this happen to me?  Why has everything I loved been taken from me?”

There was no response to these awful cries and tearing sobs.  But slowly a shift began.  It seemed to me as an observer witnessing this awful pain that by entering this place the spirit of that woman had woken in me.  But as she had died in such unresolved agony of loss, that is what was met when she was awoken.  But gradually she realised she was alive again in a new way.  She began to recognise that I was holding her within me.  Because I was not frightened of pain and emotions, the misery could play itself out in me.  And because my understanding of what was happening flowed into her awareness, she slowly saw and felt her loss in a different way.  In fact, we were both realising she was experiencing resurrection as she was now aware pf being apart of my consciousness, and that in turn meant there was no final death as believed by many.  Therefore, there was no loss as she had originally felt it.

At this point, something truly incredible occurred.  She and I both realised she was one of my past dwelling places.  But for her the viewpoint was slightly different; for she saw me as a continuation of a life that she had failed to be a part of because of the awful pain of loss. It had kept her from flowing into what was her future as part of my life.

From my perspective, she was one of the past dwelling places the spirit that was at the core of my present personality had lived in as her.  She was not one of my lives, because the personality that I am was unique and had not lived that woman’s life, but my spirit had. Because she was now part of me and me of her I asked her what she had brought into my life. Her reply was, “A woman’s love”.

But it is worth remembering that a single cell, which is a seed from which all life forms evolved from, doesn’t become old or die because it is immortal, for it keeps dividing and doesn’t die. In dividing it constantly creates copies of itself, but as it does  so it gathers new experience, it changes what is copied, so becomes the ‘seed’ for multi-cellular organism. We all started from the original one cell, and we, you and I,  are the result of gathered experience.

So no plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb was as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories, education and programming you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self. To explore it see https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/

 What Happens When I Die?
A huge mistake many people make when considering death is that they are certain the body is them. We have been taught that the basic part of us is atoms. So as such we were just physical bodies, with a physical brain, and of course as a physical body we know it can be destroyed or die. But in 1900 an amazing new science was born. It said that our basic being is not atoms but sub- atomic-particles, and that questioned much of past statements.

For example light was thought as the fastest one could achieve; but the sub-atomic-particles were seen to be everywhere at once. Also it was seen that a human observer could change the sub-atomic-particles, suggesting that we in some way create the world around us. Also the term quantum ghosts was defined, because quantum phenomena can pass through any solid object – just as we can do when experiencing a so called out of body experience. The implications of the theorem are enormous. Something can be in two places at once. Apparently distant objects, or people, are intricately linked in an immediate way. There is no separate existence as we previously thought. Our view of the world is not one supported by the facts of physics. Time and space are transcended. David Bohm, an eminent physicist, goes as far as to say that all things in our observable universe are inextricable linked. Nothing has separate existence.

Death of the body occurs when the body is badly injured, has suffered a bad illness or is dying from old age and so cannot support the intricacies of consciousness, then consciousness can longer function in the body. Consciousness, from what I now understand it to be, was never fully in the body so never left it. That because consciousness exists at another dimension and so simply uses the body, acts through the brain and nervous system to gain experience of the three dimensional world and its joys, pains and difficulties. And because we see life and death mostly through our three dimension view we believe we ‘leave’ our body in so called ‘out of body experiences’. As I say, simply a three dimensional view.

To quote the recent view of quantum physics, “This suggests that the fundamental particles of our body exist beyond time and space, and if a dream touches this level then it expresses a very different experience of time. Yet we still hear scientists talking about the boundary of  the speed of light. This difficulty in crossing the boundary of knowing into the unknown is a sort of general blindness most of us suffer. The implications of the theorem are enormous. Something can be in two places or conditions at once. Apparently distant objects, or people, are intricately linked in an immediate way. There is no separate existence as we previously thought.”

After the death of the body you are now fully in the dimension of the dream. As such you experience, as in dreams, surroundings and people and animals that appear as external and solid. You will usually see yourself in the body you experienced in the last life, but it may be younger without any illness, and you may feel as if you have woken for the first time because your mind, your awareness, is super alert. Also, sometimes, people who had never known that you survive after your body has died feel as if they are still alive in a body, and create dreams in which those people they know that are still alive in their body are visible to them, but because the living people cannot see or respond to them,which slowly leads the dead person to gradually realises a huge change has happened to them.

We are in the dream world because our physical life is now gone and so we are left with our consciousness – no body. When we lose awareness of our body in sleep we dream. because dreams are the next level of consciousness we have developed apart from our body senses, unless we have done so in other ways. We actually have a huge range of levels of awareness, the swing between waking and sleeping can be seen as the extremes within the possibilities of our experience. For in waking awareness we have the sense of being in a body with only  a small range of perception, and feel we exist as an individual. But in sleep, apart from dreams we now longer are aware of being an individual with a body, but are  a bodiless consciousness. See Dimensions of Human Experience – Bodiless

Are you a stranger in a strange world or an experienced traveller?

But usually just after death we often go to the next level we have developed – dream imagery. In this dimension we are in a wider awareness, in this wider awareness you leave the limited view of the three dimensional world most of us are trapped in, and enter a world beyond time and space, but being unused to it we mostly continue as in dreams creating a world we knew in the body. But we are capable of experiencing many other wonders than being trapped either in bodily limitations or bodiless consciousness.

You are a shapeshifter in this realm, and can be any of the characters you know or dreamt of. That is how you get their power and wisdom. The femaleness or maleness we usually feel ourselves to be must not be confused with personality. The conscious personality is a very flexible and shape shifting thing. It can be male, female, animals or any thing, a tree or just Life itself – for here in shapeshifting we can get to know our whole range of experience. See Archetype of the Shapeshifter - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-shapeshifter/

But maturing into a real shapeshifter is not done by acting it out by trying to be the opposite sex. Integrating our opposite does not mean dressing up in male or female clothes, or even having an operation. That is further developing an unbalanced self. Integration means having both the female and the male self equally developed. That is wholeness. So, being firmly male, female or homosexual are all unbalanced. It takes courage and hard work to achieve the being without form.

Hello Tony,

I wonder if you could help me interpret my very weird dream?
I dreamt I met my dead grandfather (whom I never met in real life)

Without a word he took of his penis and handed it to me. That was it!
I never actually looked at it but was handed it?
Many thanks - A

Anxiety is a normal part of life, except as humans we do not deal with it well. I have some bird feeders outside the window where I sit and write, and all the time the birds are looking everywhere even between pecks. In humans it would be a sign of great anxiety. They do not suffer the negative effects of anxiety because they express it all the time in their actions. As human we tend to bottle it all up or are frightened of it.

Your love and care for your child or children can trigger your mothering instincts with a vengeance. Being female and a mother holds with it an enormously increased anxiety about your children. You see all manner of things that might be a threat, and I believe that is what such dreams show. Your imagination for such dangers is enormously increased. This is natural in all mammals, and acts as a warning making you aware. It helps to check whether your child or children are okay, and if they are, say to the part of you that is worried, “It’s okay, I checked, but thanks for keeping me on my toes, you can relax now.”

When my son Leon was working for a year prior to entering Cambridge University, he met people who owned wolfhounds, and often walked the dogs. I went with him a couple of times. The dogs were kept in a large pen, and owner went to get the keys for the pen. While we were waiting at the door one of the dogs, a bitch, was kept in the house.

The bitch came to the door to look at us, then ran back, only to reappear again a few moments later to look at us anxiously. This was repeated a few times. I asked my son if she had pups and he said yes. So as soon as she saw we were strangers she rushed back to her pups to check they were okay. Then, for the short period we were there she continued to come and look at us with obvious tension, and then run back to check her pups.

This is most likely about your anxiety about caring for your baby, or it might also have a link with feelings you have about something that happened to you as a baby. It might help if you imagine yourself in your dream – while awake – and hold the baby and see if you can change what happens to your baby, hold the baby till it is okay and healthy. You might need to do this a number of times to succeed. See Secrets of Power Dreaming

Example: Hello, I am a single mom. My son Just turned 7 two days ago. I have had numerous dreams where he has died or the dream will be as of I can’t find him. I Just had a dream about my son and he was playing with some friends and one of them knocked at my door and said that my son was going to die. This woke me straight up out of my sleep. My son gets to the point now to where he wants to be independent at times and I try to tell him he can’t do the things he sees other big kids doing because he’s still so small. I am so protective of my son and don’t want to lose him. I wish I could stop having these dreams where he’s dead, or dies,or I Just simply lose sight of him in my dreams. I worry about him all the time when he’s not with me. What can I do.

And here is Anna’s reply: What I have found helpful with my children is to become more creative with this process. Often our fears make that we only see what could go wrong and it makes that we respond to any request with “you cannot do the things you see other big kids doing because you are still so small” and with that approach we have also sealed the door to any alternative. And so I learned to negotiate with myself and with my son. There is always room to find something your son CAN do, which will bring him one step closer to what he sees other kids are doing, without him going “all the way yet”. Sometimes this implies that he has to practice certain things first with you, before you can trust him to do it on his own.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Chasing Someone for a Bag of Money
« on: April 09, 2020, 01:24:11 PM »
Yuliet – Your dream turned the tables on you. In its loving efforts the process of Life gathers the fragments of our memory and associations and forms dreams with them. It does this in its efforts to instruct, guide and even heal us; but often we miss seeing that just as Life reaches to us from its vastness using things we might understand, we too must reach beyond our often pitiful understanding to move toward and touch the wonder of Life within us.

The problem in understanding dreams like this is because creatures on earth have experienced dreams for millions of years - long before self awareness or human language began. So the dream process arose from the activity of life in many creatures and tends to see us for what we are, a mammal.

Remember that in looking at your dream you are yourself an animal. You as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years.  See: The Rock Beast.

The second - or really fourth dimension - often called the dream or inner world, is totally different and is experienced in dreams or deep levels of our mind/consciousness. It will surprise many people to realise that in this dimension you have no physical body - the body is not needed - although most people are so locked into thinking that their reality is their body, that they create a body image of themselves. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/

But whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. In the early days of moving pictures, a film was shown of a train coming fast toward them; the viewers all fled in terror, fearing the train would crush them. That is exactly the same response if you are terrified of anything you dream of.

As dreams are almost a 100% about what is taking place in yourself, your mind and emotions, your chasing someone for a bag of money that was stolen may mean that you have mistakenly taken form someone else the view that money is the important thing you are after. But your grandma who represents maybe an older and wiser part of you is more interested in soap, that is an attempt to come clean, to be rid of guilt or conscience or something that makes you feel grubby or guilty.

I don’t know what you associate with S.A. but the shooting is something you do to yourself. The angry or negative feelings are things that shoot out of us – As you sow so shall you receive. But you feel that you are being hunted with a hunter with a gun.

The plane taking off often depicts your attempt to escape or change your situation by going to a new place. But it fails and your hopes or plans crash.

Grandmothers represent so much in one's dreams. They are the doorway through which your life came into being, and bring us that much nearer to the source of Life. They are also the wonderful gateway to the ancestors and their collective wisdom. But anxiety leads you to hide this inner wisdom. Bey remember that whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. In the early days of moving pictures, a film was shown of a train coming fast toward them; the viewers all fled in terror, fearing the train would crush them. That is exactly the same response if you are terrified of any thing you dream of. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/

In reality you are stronger than any dream image and can easy dismiss the guy with the gun - which is the fear of being hurt or dying.


Dream Interpretation / Chasing Someone for a Bag of Money
« on: April 09, 2020, 11:58:52 AM »
Hello, I just woke up from a dream and it's 4 am. I dreamt that I was chasing someone for a bag of money that had been stolen, then my grandma and I arrive at an airport where she buys lots of soap bars, this is normal since she loves them. On the other side people are in a line to get on the planes going to S.A. which I have no idea what it means. The plane before ours takes off and without getting far, crashes on the water and a guy with a gun starts shooting at everyone. My grandma and I try to hide but ends up shooting us. What does this mean, please help I'm worried. Yuliet Aira

Healing Dreams / The Amazing Book
« on: April 01, 2020, 01:40:22 PM »
This morning at about 3am I was woken by an amazing dream, probably one of the most amazing dreams of my life. It started while I was asleep. I was in a spare piece of ground which was on the corner of a walk I lived in after the war. It had been a house but now I knew it was flat and slightly overgrown. There were stairs leading down to what must have been a basement. But I, with indeterminate sex, was sitting in the middle of this place with several others in the area. It was somewhat private as my memory is that it had a twelve foot wooden fence around it.
I was sitting with a great book in my lap, and I knew or was informed in some way that the book was special as only a few were available, and I had the book through an amazing sequence of coincidences. In fact the book had been promised to a man for his birthday, but had given up his right to it when he found out I had requested it or sought it.
At first I didn’t know much about the book, but was constantly informed by an immediate intuition what I should do with the book. I had it open to a page and I was told that I could go in any direction, so I took one of the sentences in the book and said it – I want that. And now as a woman I admitted to myself that I wanted to have sex with a very attractive young man who was looking at me. I had only just thought this when the young man, seeing my interest in the book, came over and we started talking. Subsequently we did have sex.
And that was my introduction to the  power of the book. At this point I began to wake and a very distinct voice spoke to me telling me that I could follow the directions or suggestions in the book, or choose to strike out in any new direction by making a decision to do so. Or if I was uncertain then I could stick my index fingernail into the edge of the closed pages and open the book at random page. He told me that this might be difficult because the book had not been used and it needed effort to pull the book open to each new page; not that I had any awareness of it.
At this point the man who was instructing me became very real to me although an invisible presence. I started to think and visualise what I would like to do. I saw myself walking up to a stranger and asking them if I could talk with them for a while, explaining that it was because of an unusual dream I had experienced. But then I realised the power of the book and thought I would like others to be able to use it.
After I had made that decision the man now told me – I was now a man – that he would give me the book. It seemed necessary and he asked me to hold my hands ready and he put it in my hands, explaining that this was The Book of Life – my life or whoever used the book. He intimated that it was not an external book but in giving it me it had become conscious and I had been in  possession of the book, that in my  own mind could be also called The Book of Decisions. And at some point I was told that if I approached a person or an opportunity and they were not interested or said no, then I should not pester them or keep trying but walk away – unless there is a very different approach that worked.
Then all sort of wonderful things happened, although I cannot recall the sequence of them. For instance he said that I had made a choice of my partner, Ros. And the quality of our love that had survived things that many other relationships would have been shipwrecked by anger and bitterness, was a source of great creativeness. Then slowly his voice no longer seemed to an external voice but was a part of my being, a sort of higher awareness. I was directed to ask myself where I had got the book in the first place, and saw myself back in that spare ground standing on the steps down to a basement, running away from my friend Eddie. He had a small chrome plated revolver with at least one live round in it and was pointing it directly at my face. I cannot remember being terribly afraid, but I did feel awful with him pointing a gun at me. And it was then I made a decision – that I wasn’t aware of at the time – that I would never taunt anyone like that. And that decision was a shaping  influence in my life. (The business with the revolver actually happened, though I had forgotten until asked the question).
From that a whole sequence of decisions was seen. I saw how I made a decision to stay with my first wife D when another woman came offering to be my partner – and then again when I was asked by S if I wanted to go with her. I decided I couldn’t leave my children. It was a hard learned lesson. And yet when I walked  out on my family with D years later I did it easily – but faced years of terrible guilt. So, the lesson that was learnt was to meet the consequences of the choices, and in meeting the awful pain instead of running away, it always leads to some level of an enlightening experience. Running away presses one deeper into pain that is hidden and can lead to illness.
As I was experiencing an overview of my life I could see that who I was had been shaped by the choices I made.
I had a distinct feeling that if I presented the book to  others it would bring in a new chapter of my life, with a lot more contact and opportunity. It felt a real dawning after a long night of my  life. In fact it felt like culmination of my life.
I saw that after that we could  live anywhere we chose in a beautiful location with plenty of room. And then came the question I had on my mind for ages – can I ever escape from being trapped in the discipline of working every day to answer all the emails. I was shown the misery I had caused many people in the past, sometimes over lifetimes, and I was assured that the work I am doing is a recompense, a burning out  of that darkness, and when it is finished it will again be a new day dawning.
Oh yes – another question on my mind was who am I – what is behind me or my actions. How this came about was that the voice was clear in me – my own inner voice but with much authority and conviction. I had struggled with this question for days, and the voice said to me, “Are you ready to see this?” I answered yes and was told to now wait and watch. And there it was – the darkness, the void that is everything and yet is nothing. And it was explained that I had known it since I was a teenager, and had never fully accepted it – or at least never really understood its place in life. I had always felt it was a far distant thing, not an ever present daily experience. Yet now I could look back on my life, and I realised that we became what we are by our choices. Our choices materialise a potential that is within the darkness. That is a great secret. A secret I had realised many years ago and are still trying to live. See https://dreamhawk.com/uncategorized/things-i-wished-i-had-had-been-taught-earlier-in-my-life/

Dream Interpretation / Re: Bossy woman and crystals
« on: April 01, 2020, 10:27:11 AM »
Omega - Thanks for such a clear assesment of therapists. I have had problems with them for ages.

I have written about aspects of this in The Therapist Practitioner Client Dilemma - https://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/the-therapist-practitioner-client-dilemma/

Of course some practitioners have gone the whole distance as Jung did and from them I have tried to stand upon their shoulders. But no matter what their background you must not be taken in. While teaching a group of people in Greece the Peer method of understanding ones dreams, a method that does not require anyone to have any psychological understanding, a woman at the end came to me. She said. "I am a Jungian psychotherapist and I am fed up with my colleagues tearing me and my dreams apart. So I am returning to London and am going to use this method of the Peer Dream Group." See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-work/


Dream Interpretation / Re: wildcat attack
« on: March 31, 2020, 12:26:19 PM »
Thanks Anna - Aranlass - You have lived and taken seriously that anything wild can be dangerous and you have an inbuilt reaction to protect what you feel at ease with. But in dreams or in waking when you think of your cat do you honestly think an image of it is IT. It is only a thought and a word /sound you have been programmed to  call CAT. But cats are the most wild pets we can own. You don't have to take your cat out for a walk because it is so independent/wild.

And anyway every dream image  symbolises something else. The image of your tame cat represent your associations  - As an example I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, “OK, let’s imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?”

After a while he said, “I don’t know that I would make anything of it.”

My response was to say, “Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you.” Whereupon he told me, with some hesitation his memories of being in the USA, and that the shirt was part of memories that he didn’t want to talk about. Not only did he realise he had very powerful associations with the T-Shirt, but he wanted to hide them. I felt he had maybe had an affair while in the US.

So it is not trying to attack your pet cat but trying to replace your ideas of being a tame woman with the realisation you have the natural within you. Try letting it out.

It took me ages to answer because I was putting togther https://dreamhawk.com/uncategorized/things-i-wished-i-had-had-been-taught-earlier-in-my-life/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Heart Racing With Fear
« on: March 15, 2020, 11:24:47 AM »
Kalee – First of all saging and saying the Lords prayer. Here is an example from a man facing terror.

"While dreaming, the sound of a door creaking open made me sit up. Then from behind me two black men who looked as if they had risen out of a grave with flesh peeling off them approached me. I quickly made the sign of the cross and said some sort of holy words and the figures disappeared. I lay back again thinking it was a good thing I knew how to get rid of them. But as soon as I settled to sleep again the door creaked open and the two figures appeared once more. This time all my hand waving and words had no effect on their advance, and their hands closed around my throat and I woke screaming in terror. My wife, feeling my fear, got up and we switched on all the lights."

First of all I have found that saging and prayers sometimes give you more confidence and courage in dealing with your own emotions. It is your own feelings that are the power to help or lead to terror not the smoke or the prayer.

The figures rising from the grave were not trying to haunt or harm him but were trying to show him what he had done to himself, they were also showing him the centre of his problems were in his throat. For years he had fought a battle against himself, against a part of him he was convinced was evil and was repressing his sexual feelings. These had been so repressed and buried that they truly were trying to climb out of the grave he had created for them. His neck was his means of communicating, which also was repressed causing him a neck tension. Slowly he learned to meet the great fears that had led to his situation and the men were no longer rotting in their grave.

Your casting out evil sprits is obviously doing no good because it is not working. I guess you were reared in a religious atmosphere and the beliefs you absorbed have been passed on so many time they have lost the real ability to help you.

The inner world ancient people’s lived in was one filled with spirits and demons, gods and goddesses, good and evil forces. The many intangibles they were surrounded by, the immense uncertainties they faced, were quite usefully called spirits – invisible/mysterious yet potent powers that could act upon one for good or ill.
Spirits were invisible forces that could influence you or kill you. Today we call these same invisible forces bacteria or viruses and have ways to deal with them. But unfortunately we have taken the word spirits too often to mean something evil can hurt us. We can see that in the past we were attacked by illness/ bad spirits, but today’s evil spirits we haven’t yet recognised as our own huge anxieties, illness creating fears, stresses, emotional disasters in love, as the great evils that are attacking us.
But this view should not be seen as superstitious or from ignorance. The words devil and spirit simply meant an unseen and powerful force. Before the invention of the microscope disease was in fact an ‘unseen force’ that could kill you. The devil was a destructive force and spirits could be helpful or destructive. We discovered that people could be helped or even healed by what we now call placebos. The magic rituals and amulets were just that.
So you are not even baptised- perhaps a new view of baptism might help. We all have a small awareness of the universal life and consciousness that pervades all things. It is an expression of the Mystery that we can perhaps never understand, which Life is. Baptism represents a conscious opening or an introduction to that Life. It is an experience of that Life flowing into and through us. It is also an entrance into the recognition of the wider family; of that mysterious body we call Christ. We become brothers and sisters in a wider community. It takes some skill to recognise who these brothers and sisters are, and what part they might play in our life. Calling yourself a Christian does not necessarily mean you have been truly baptised in that spirit of life and love. In fact you might still be imprisoned by attitudes of class, creed, skin colour or gender.

Fundamentally baptism means a change in the stance or condition of your inner attitudes. It means relinquishing fixed opinions and having an open mind. It means opening the doors of your being to new experiences, to new possibilities, pleasurable and painful. It means learning to love without bending others to your will, without grasping them for your own needs. It also means becoming a channel for that river of Life to flow through. This path does not dangle a carrot of eternal bliss, or the resolution of all human problems. “I come”, that flow of Life in us says, “not to bring peace, but a sword…. take up your cross and follow me.” What is offered is participation in everyday life and death in a new way. We can become workers in the vineyard – that is, co-workers with the processes of growth and evolution in the worlds of nature.

Example: For some time I had been earnestly surrendering my life to the action of God by offering my body and mind in any way. I was feeling very ill and depressed at the time, and longed for healing, but could feel no definite change. Nevertheless I sat every day with a ‘waiting’ or ‘open’ attitude. I deeply pondered the question of how the action of God showed itself. Maybe I wasn’t aware of it. But I had noticed that while I slept my body experienced a subtle vibration, like you feel when you put your fingers on a smooth running electric motor; even my wife could feel it if she touched my body. But I could observe no changes in myself from this. It felt like a river of energy was flowing through me, like baptism.

Then one night, B., my wife, got out of bed because the baby was crying. When she had settled I got up and went to the toilet. Just as I was getting into bed again I heard a voice speaking to me. Literally a loud voice came from everywhere around me. It said, “You have asked how God touches the human soul – now watch closely.” This was an extraordinary thing to experience, and waiting for sleep to overtake me again I had a mood of expectation, waiting for something to be shown me. Two days later I was massively plunge into the inner workings of the spirit. See https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/#WatchClosely


Rachel – Awful dreams are ones that have powerful messages that are life changing.

But to find what life changes you need explore use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

The big warehouse is depicting a part of your mind or consciousness where memories; past experience and aspects of yourself are put in storage, especially things that you do not want you or people to find out about. You have been carefully hiding what you have done to yourself.

Your hiding shows that you do not want anybody to realise that you have killed yourself and want to get rid of the evidence – i.e. for even you to realise.

Slicing your head in half shows that you have split yourself in two because of what you have done to yourself. Don’t get panicky about it; many, many people have killed an important part of themselves. I dreamt I was carrying a bag with my dismembered body, and I had the skinned and separated head in my other hand.

Example: I felt really guilty and connected with the dead body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it. In ‘being’ the body in the dream I said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager.

So if you imagine yourself as the dead body, what part of yourself have you killed and now denied? It can be anything like your creativity, your love for someone, or something that was killed when young by criticism or judgements.



I had a very disturbing dream. I was in a big warehouse and waiting for employees to leave. At first I was talking to employees then I hid so they didn’t know I was still there when they locked up. When the building was empty I went over to my dead body in another room where I began dismembering it… starting with my head. But my head wasn’t just cut off; I sliced it in half with a chainsaw before dismembering the rest. Then I was trying to figure out ways to dispose of my body discretely so no one would find out about it. I was quite shaken when I woke up. I have never had such an awful, disturbing dream.


Greetings / Dream Incubation
« on: March 10, 2020, 10:15:16 AM »
Tony, I'm taking a course on dream interpretation on-line. It's called Universalclass. I'm on lesson 2 and it's going over the history of dreams and the rituals of "dream incubation". I was thrilled to see they used one of your articles for study. I've often asked very specific questions before going to sleep in hopes for answers In the dream state. I had no idea I was using a version of an ancient ritual. Anyway loved your article and the new perception that my subconscious is my best friend. Thanks!


See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and https://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/

Dream Interpretation / Heart Racing With Fear
« on: March 09, 2020, 09:23:24 AM »
(looking for guidance and someone with a little time to help me on a group of dreams that are all related)

I have had reoccurring dreams of being in an empty, old almost pitch dark house (which the house is always empty and different everytime) Im casting evil spirits away and I’m going into every dark room saging and blessing the home. I have other reoccurring dreams where I’m saying the Lord’s prayer (this time in a sunny home fully furnished but again unfamiliar) and something I can’t see almost squeezes my vocal cords and it won’t allow me to finish the prayer.. that one truly makes me cringe. A similar dream happened weeks later (with the same house/location in the house/sunny light) but instead of feeling like my vocal cords were squeezed I saw an evil mirrored image of myself and we were facing eachother but it was like if I was the entity, I then said in a very evil sinister tone.. “and I’m not even baptised!” I have also had one dream of being awoken by something (this time at home), I get up and start walking towards the bathroom hallway and feeling like my something won’t let me walk and not allowing me to move and in this dream I’m very scared.. creepy that I woke up from this and I was in the exact position as I was in the dream, and had that heart racing with fear.

My question really is are they related somehow? Honestly when I start having bad intense dreams I sage and sleep easier. Should I be worried? Or am I missing something of importance? Just don’t know who to ask, and I cannot seem to find clarification or onsite anywhere. Thanks and God bless!

Dream Interpretation / Re: A Series of Dreams
« on: March 07, 2020, 11:55:23 AM »
Romanov - I wish I could transfer some pf my life experiences that show ways through such bad places. Unfortunately I only have words.

But the dreams abot dreams about shipwrecks, car getting out of control, catching fire and turning into ashes in a couple of seconds - all are clear pictures - not of awful things, but messes you have ceated that can change.

We can work through the feelings. Here is an example: 

I dreamt was at a very large school. Looking around I came to a large gymnasium. Near the end where I stood was a diving board, about 20ft. off the ground. Girls were learning to dive off the board and land flat on their back on the floor. If they landed flat they didn't hurt themselves - like falling backwards standing up. I was sure they would hurt themselves and it was difficult to watch.  

This was dreamt by Des, a man in his forties. If we look at the themes we can see that it shows a learning situation for the man, indicated by the school. Although Des doesn’t put this into words, he is in the role of a spectator, so is observing something that he can learn from. He is witnessing something that he finds disturbing, and as we read it, sounds risky. The girls are in fact taking a risk, but learning to do so in a way that hopefully does not damage them.  

If we shorten this we can say the dream is about learning something linked with risk taking, about how that might be done without harm.  

This become clearer when we realise that Des had recently changed from being an employee to becoming self-employed. He was feeling a lot of anxiety about where his next week’s income was coming from, and how long he could last living in this new way.  

We explored his dream and he experienced the diving board as depicting the big jump he was taking into the unknown. He was afraid he was going to land ‘flat on his back’. In English this suggest loss of control, and being ‘on ones back’ links with illness or defeat. The girls, he felt, were his daring in taking his new step in career, and also his vulnerability. All this was easy for him to realise, but it didn’t take away his anxiety. Therefore we worked on carrying the dream forward while honouring his feelings – i.e. not pushing away any of his fears or resistances.  

Des sat and relaxed, imagining himself back in his dream, feeling anxious the girls might damage themselves. He changed the scene slightly by turning the gymnasium floor into a swimming pool. This shifted the mood from one of possible danger to one of fun or play. However, Des could not feel that he could export this feeling of fun to his work situation. Of course it would make it slightly better if he could feel the new step was fun, but this was not very believable to him, so was not useful.  

Then he had a urge to climb up on the board as one of the girls and dive off. As he did this he felt the full flow of his anxiety. Even so he managed to land on his back on the bare floor. So, like the girls in the dream, he climbed up again and repeated the dive. After running through this a number of times Des opened his eyes and smiled. He said, ‘It’s just a feeling. Anxiety, I mean. It’s just a feeling.’  

When I asked him to expand on this he replied, ‘When I dive off that board I feel anxious. But when I repeat it over and over I start to recognise that it is like a tape playing. The feeling doesn’t actually do me any harm, it’s just something that plays in certain situations. What I learn from this is that feelings don’t harm me unless I hold onto them. I can have the feeling of falling flat on my back and get up from it and take another risk. It’s okay. My anxiety isn’t a reflection of reality, only of how I feel. There is a big difference.’  


Dreamer - A dream is something that comes from a deep part of you; it is something that is working upwards toward being conscious. As such it often, like a seed, takes time to break through to the surface, and then it has to grow. So, often dreams are not recognised for their full meaning until later – sometimes months or even years. The dream images are attempts to communicate something that has probably never been thought about or even been consciously known about, so has never been put into common everyday thinking before. It is a communication from the depths, from beyond words and thought, and so any interpretations that are given by thinking may completely miss the point. It might help to use https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

I too have kept a dream journal since the 1960s, and I found that dreams often gave amazing guidance that only became obvioius years later. They were about important life directions that helped me to be sure of my way when there was great uncertainty; they showed me things that only later became known scientifically; they warned me of big trends in the future that enabled me to survive in difficult times. Maybe use https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-journal-diary/


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