Baby-sitter Baby-sitting
If you are the baby sitter, it has connections with being responsible for a vulnerable part of you, or for someone else’s baby. In some cases the dreamer gets very connected to the baby and so give it a lot of warm caring. Also there is the theme in some dreams of leaving the baby while the sitter goes off. Usually this ends okay, but if not see baby.
You need to ask yourself how you feel about the baby and being baby sitter because it will explain how you feel about caring for your own inner child and being responsible. There can be difficulty in being able to assume the role of being the child’s mother.
If you are not the baby sitter there is often then it can be a scene of great anxiety; or you have trust in the baby sitter. How do you feel about leaving your baby in someone else’s care?
Useful Questions and Hints:
If you are the carer, how do you feel about responsibility?
If you are the baby what do you feel about being cared for by the sitter?
It would be good to use Talking As and Processing Dreams.