You Are Many

An important thing to remember to understand your dream characters/people is that usually we are not dreaming about that actual person but a living image of them formed by your memories, impressions, and events lived with them and even your intuitions about them. Such memories are living parts of us and influence us inwardly, so we put them in our dreams.

So, if we really examine ourselves, we have a really wonderful ability to express as a huge range of different types, as shown in our dreams, for your dreams are the master/mistress of drama and expression.

When you realise that every dreamed of person, every animal that you deal with in your dreams, every image of things are all images you have seen and collected in memory, or are imagined because you need to have an image that describes an aspect, a part of yourselves. For EVERYTHING you dream is an expression of your own self.

So all the people, animals and objects are expressing things about you. And the people dreamt of are all your many possibilities of expression.

Most people do not realise that in fact we are all made of different people that we love or hate and so have altered our behavior because of them. But more than that we are like an amazing symbiotic creature that takes from others and also gives of ourselves in order to change and grow.

But more than that you are also partly a reptile and mammal animals. Sometimes called the ‘R-complex’, and includes the brain stem and the cerebellum. It carries our genetically transmitted ‘instinctive’ behaviour such as suckling at the breast as a baby, aggressive response as with and including territorial defensiveness, the courtship and mating behaviours in reproduction. One of the best known expressions of this brain is the ‘flight, fight, freeze or faint’ response in survival situations and of course panic attacks.

This brain deals with behaviour that is either innate, as described above, is learned and has become habitual, or is a conditioned response. If it is habitual we can repeat it without having to learn it or be very aware of how we do it – as with riding a bicycle or driving a car once we have mastered the skill.

Except in stress or survival situations we usually modify and augment our internal reptilian responses. But occasionally the cerebral influence gets distracted or knocked out by drugs, such as alcohol, or exhaustion or some form of stress. Then our reptile or monkey brain can live through us again without having to hide in the obscurity of the unconscious or sleep. But there is a darker side too. A young man of usually gentle behaviour, whose work in his home town in USA was to spray people’s lawn with a powerful weed killer, abruptly murdered one of his clients. He had suddenly, and quite out of character, wanted to urinate while working. Instead of finding a toilet he had peed in the customer’s garden. She had come out and complained to him, whereupon he killed her.

Findings show that one of the chemicals in the weed killer produces a diuretic effect making one want to urinate. It also acts on the brain, and possibly inhibits the cerebrum and cerebellum. If that is so, what the young gardener was left with was his reptilian responses without moral judgement.

Me the Mammal

The action of this part pf the brains influence can be likened to the skills shown in mammals such as wild dogs and apes. Whereas the lizards do not demonstrate mutual activity in hunting or caring for young, mammals show enormous awareness of bonding, caring for young, group activity, hierarchy and recognition of family and pack. They also have a much bigger pool of behavioural responses and can learn even more. This part of your human ‘brain’ integrates and refines the functions of the reptilian brain. It provides emotional range and intensity, and gives a greater complexity to what motivates or deters us. It is this greater awareness of how we relate to others, and the social structure in which we exist, along with a sense of what place in it we occupy, that enables us to modify and coordinate the impulses arising from the reptilian brain.

Unlike the human brain which often experience depression and feeling lost or aggression towards others, the mammalian brain recognises proper relationships within the herd or pack. Here too lie the beginnings of being able to reflect and learn from experience in that way.

At times when we tap the resources of this brain we discover enormous insights and wisdom concerning relationships and social interactions. But at first people have dreams of attempting to run away or even kill this part of them, for that is what they have been doing when faced by the natural and even wild side of their nature.

However we must never forget an amazing very powerful influence. I am reminded of the joke told by a young woman, she said, “I opened my mouth and my mother came out.” We may be intensely influenced in our development by parents, or we may take it in, integrate it and developed more from it. To really understand this please read – Conjuring Trick

See also…/brain-levels-and-dreams/


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