LSD and Drugs
Because of the struggle our culture is having with drug abuse, it is necessary here to point out that a few of the ‘drugs’, notably psilocybin, LSD, Cannabis and ecstasy, all release self-regulatory experience. See Life’s Little Secrets
By that I mean that the usual threshold between the unconscious and the conscious allows the semiconscious to freely express its contents. As the threshold usually prevents things we cannot easily meet, or that have been repressed because they are linked with pain, the breach in the threshold can cause a lot of problems. Part of the problem is that things are released that the person has no understanding of and cannot deal with. This means that a lot of ‘ghosts’ are let loose that continue to haunt the person.
And I need to explain what ghosts are; they are things that are half realised traumatic experiences that as they are not dealt with continue in the person’s life, gradually corroding it. As an example a young man who took LSD as a form of social enjoyment, after taking it for several times, was in a pub and saw the Devil walk in. This so disturbed him he ran away trying to escape. He carried on trying to hide from the Devil and became completely obsessed with it. The devil is a symbol and needs to be met as a dream image and worked through, exactly as one does with a dream – i.e. an image released from what was unconscious in an attempt to help our conscious personality to become more whole. See Programmed; Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
It terms of inner experience the Devil is simply an image in which we clothe our fears – probably about sex, about things the person has done that he or she feels guilty about. If he had understood how the mind works and seen it as an opportunity to deal with his personal fears and difficulties it would have been solved straight away. But otherwise the ‘ghost’ had been released and will continue to haunt the person in one way or another. I suggest reading Peer Dream Work and Different Levels of your Mind.
So, if the person does not integrate what is released by the drug, marked disorientation occurs. What have been called ‘flash backs’ are the result of undealt with inner emotions and fears.
Some of the most effective work with the principle of homeostasis was done with LSD prior to its being made illegal. A number of psychiatrists were registered to work with it. To understand this positive side to these drugs, it is useful to read such books as Myself and I by Constance Newland; and LSD Psychotherapy by W.V. Caldwell. When compared with the literature on ‘tripping’, the tremendous difference can be seen between playing with and working with, the inner process of homeostasis-self-regulation.
See Iboga for the Treatment of Drug Addiction – Healing Cancer Using Magic Mushrooms