Using Spontaneous Voice
This is a little known way of using your intuition
A section quoted from Neal Criscuolo and Tony Crisp’s The Hand Book
A middle aged Gypsy woman rang my doorbell one day selling heather. She immediately began to tell me things about myself which it seemed to me it was unlikely she knew from other people. She told me I had started a couple of businesses which had not been a success; a near member of family had just had an injury; my son had recently gone into a uniformed service, and I was worried about him. It was correct about the businesses, but that information was not impressive. My brother in law had just had a nail go right through his foot at work. My son had just joined the RAF and her words brought tears to my eyes, much to my surprise.
As she told me these things, prior to each statement she said, “Now I am going to tell you something true”. These words were said ritualistically, almost like a prayer, then she would say things which I had the impression she had not thought about. I was not able to question her about this as she was a difficult woman to have an easy conversation with. She gave me the Gypsy’s curse because I wouldn’t pay her the money she demanded. This amused me as, having an Italian background, and having explored the unconscious workings of the mind for many years, I well understood the nature of curses and their attempt to mobilise unconscious fears of such things as illness. worrying events and accident.
The technique this episode illustrates can be called spontaneous voice. To use it one must learn to speak without ones thoughts constantly editing and criticising what is being said. Or at least, one must learn to direct the scanning and editing functions of ones mind.
The intuitive impressions one has, the information one has gathered unconsciously from whatever source, do not usually rise into clear conscious awareness. Thinking about what we do not already know is not possible. We only think with the information we already have, or is easily available. Creative leaps are a jump beyond what is known. So to access what is intuitively understood but not yet consciously recognised, we must use something different than conscious thought.
Focusing on another person and allowing oneself to speak without forethought, is a way of doing this. The unconscious functions which support the action of speech are already well established in fast searching for memories and information connected with whatever is being spoken about. Associated ideas, feelings, memories, along with the words to express, are all quickly accessed in the process of speech. The difference is that instead of presenting the process of speech with an outline of what needs to be said, you present it with a blank sheet, with only the name of the person at the top.
In reality it is a lot more formulated than that. Here are the steps helpful in using this approach.
1. Hold in mind clearly what you are about to do – this is most important the first dozen or so times you do it, after that you can simply remember the previous times the function was used. In other words decide to stop your conscious attempts to find information, or use ready made answers to the question you are going to ask. Imagine your body, mind and feelings as like keys on a piano, poised ready top respond, but not to your conscious efforts. Hold the picture of yourself standing aside – the part of you that has learnt to be concerned about what comes out of your mouth, whether it makes sense, what people are going to think about it, and so on – and you are going to let your sleeping dream self respond.
It helps to make any old noise such as animal noises and jog quickly in a circle around the space you are in before the next stage. This because you cannot think when moving quickly to get your answer, it has to come out of your depths. The jogging and the noises distract you, and that allows your intuitive function to emerge. While still jogging ask the question and then just let things happen. It doesn’t matter if a lot of rubbish comes out of you, because that is the way your inner being clears the ground on the way to making sense.
2. Make the decision that you are going to use your voice as a way of expressing what you already intuitively know. The first times you practice it will be best to do so by yourself, or with a friend you are completely relaxed with and who knows you are trying to develop your intuitive ability.
3. Now hold in mind that you are asking for helpful information about the person you are considering. It is actually of great value if the person – perhaps the friend you are practising with – actually asks you to tell them what your impressions of them are. As you ask for information remember to see the information you seek as existing unconsciously within yourself. In this way clarify the need for you to hold your conscious mind in an open receptive condition.
4. You can develop the receptive condition of mind and feelings by taking on a feeling of patient listening or waiting. If you have enjoyed a massage at some time, it is rather like the feeling of letting someone else make the effort while you relax. That is just what you need to do. Don’t struggle. Relax and let your voice be moved from within.
5. The next step is to begin to doodle with your voice. For the very first practice sessions it will help if you sit in the receptive condition, perhaps with eyes closed, and gently make a humming sound. Take hold of the subject’s hand, and in the back of your mind hold the realisation you are waiting for information about this person. As you do so let the humming sound move wherever your voice want to take it. Let your voice doodle, rather as your hand might with a pencil as you were thinking about something else.
6. To start with you might find you have an urge to make mumbling, struggling sounds as your voice is getting used to being moved by a level of your mind other than conscious thought or emotion. This is normal and will gradually go as your voice responds more readily and capably to your unconscious intuitions. Eventually you will be able to use this technique without the person in front of you knowing you were not speaking from conscious thought.
7. The step from ‘normal’ speaking and this speaking from the intuitive awareness may at first seem a big one. It is only habit and ideas of what you can and can’t do you are overcoming though. The way to gain this remarkably useful tool is to practice, and then practice, and practice again, just as you did when you learnt to speak in the first place – practice and play at it.
The Gypsy Secret
What the Gypsy woman was doing that is worth understanding was to use a short ritual to jump-start her spontaneous speaking. Through practice she had learnt that every time she said the words “Now I will tell you something true”, she called on her intuition to produce a result relevant to the person she was confronting.
Such a ritual need not be made obvious, but if it is, it makes it more powerful. The reason being that one puts oneself on the spot. Crisis is one of the best stimulants to wake the powers of the unconscious into expression. The fact that someone else knows you are going to address them from something other than a ‘normal’ state of mind will make them give you their full attention. Their attention helps to pull a powerful response from you.