Dream Encyclopedia

Interpretation Of Dreams – The Influence Of

Although mind and body may be a total unity, and the separation in language merely a convenience, despite its unity our being has a number of interacting systems within the unity. The action of the […]...More

Interpretation Of Dreams – Some Factors That Are Involved

The Dream Mystery Explored  The method of interpretation dealt with in the last chapter is basic to all dream analysis as currently known. It can be summed up as remembering the dream; recording of dream; […]...More

Identity And Dreams

In dreams, our sense of self - our ego, our personality or identity - is depicted by our own body, or sometimes simply by the sense of our own existence as an observer. In most dreams our ‘I’ goes through a series of experiences just as we do in waking life, seeing things through our physical ey...More

Illness and Dreams

In considering your own dreams to look for signs of illness, it must be remembered that most people at some time experience awful dreams in which they are stabbed or bitten or are near to […]...More

Healing And Therapeutic Action Of Dreams

There is a long tradition of using dreams as a base for both physical and psychological healing. One of the earliest recorded incidents of such healing is when Pharaoh’s ‘spirit was troubled; and he sent […]...More

History Of Dreaming

Based on the beliefs of early cultures such as the Australian Aborigines and the Kalahari Bushmen, we can be certain dreams were an important part of the life of early human beings. The earliest know […]...More

The House In Your Dream

When you dream of a house, you are meeting a hugely important and many sided representation of yourself. It is both many faceted and multidimensional. Although you cannot see it, your mind, along with your […]...More

Hallucinations Visions and Hallucinogens

I had experience of working therapeutically and in exploring ones hidden depths with LSD and primarily with psilocybin. At that time it was talked about as only for dropouts. Yet at that time it was […]...More

Healing Action Within Dreams

Although this feature starts by dealing with very physical processes, it is in fact about a very important and little understood natural process. It is, as far as my own understanding has allowed me to […]...More

Dream Understanding

After writing the comments next to each dream image or setting, add any personal memories, feelings or associations, as Ted has. Put down anything which amplifies what has been dreamt. For instance a car is said to be ones drive and motivation in the entry on car. But it is helpful to add what perso...More

Dream Interpretation – Example Two

As I am half way the trailer starts to be lowered on top of me. I try to shout but cannot. I get onto my hands and knees and the trailer still kept coming down. I am now lying on my stomach, convinced it is going to crush me. Then it suddenly stops a couple of inches from my head. I wake feeling ter...More

Conditioned & Unconditioined Reflexes or Responses

When we move against an implicit social conditioning, we feel the pressure or pain of that - whether it is sexual, clothing, or whatever it is. If we go against such conditioning we may discover the underlying feelings and forces that have created the conditioning in the first place. Dreams often re...More

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