Inner Life

I used to think I was like a ‘brick shit house’, without feelings. Then, out of desperation because of the misery I was leaving in my choldren, I found the key to an amazing door. The door was opened partly through dreams, and largely by learning to be nothing and letting Life show me the way. What I found, what I have called the Inner Life, was like ‘What happened in Mexico. It picked me up and shook me. It threw me on the ground and made love to me. Then it left me alone and I cried like a child.’ It was everything, always new, always unexpected and wonderful.

The Creative Dreamer

Do You Dream Tony Crisp Chapter Six To Use Or Discard In a sense, no dream in itself is creative. By this I mean that even though a dream may present an entirely new idea, […]...More

Active Imagination

On this revelation of not being able to imagine himself at his mother's breast, despite all his efforts, this period of active imagination ended. Later sessions, carrying on where the last left off, gradually revealed that it was feelings of uncleanness and rejection that prevented the image forming...More

LSD Hypnosis Meditation the Dream

There has always been a great deal of criticism aimed at dream interpretation. It has been called many things. Those who have not investigated it have denied any truth in it. Others have said that most dream interpretation was in the head of the analyst, and dreams were meaningless. This has been du...More

Tests of Analysis

An example of arbitrary interpretation can be seen in this dream. ‘An unconventional looking postman delivered a registered package. But I didn’t open it.’ This was taken to mean that due to an Unconventional experience, the dreamer had realised something. Something had ‘registered’ on his...More

After Understanding What?

Do You Dream Tony Crisp Chapter Ten We may have discovered in a dream greater self understanding, a knowledge of mankind’s origins, new attitudes to outer competitive living, or even suggestions as to what lies […]...More

Using Your Dreams

Do You Dream Tony Crisp Chapter Eleven From all the dreams and information that have already been dealt with, an enormous number of conclusions can be drawn. It is hoped that many of these do […]...More

A Dream Sampler

Do You Dream Tony Crisp Chapter Twelve Although a number of different types of dream have already been dealt with, we have by no means seen examples of all the major types. One of the […]...More

Dictionary of Dreams

Do You Dream Tony Crisp This was my first dream dictionary, published in 1971, and one of the very first non-clinical or superstitious books. As the dream dictionary was  originally used for the dictonary on […]...More


Tony Crisp Chapters When something as strange as a striking coincidence happens to you, or someone near you, it confronts you with the inexplicable.   There are usually no visible links between the event and […]...More

Preview – Coincidences

Tony Crisp In the pages of this book you will discover: How coincidences arise in yor life. What modern physics says about the process f synchronicity. Why coincidences put question marks agains the prevailing materialist […]...More

The Ghost In The Machine

Coincidences Chapter One Tony Crisp The following is a portion of the first chapter “We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson […]...More

I Don’t Believe in God – I Know God

Tony Crisp Strange isn’t it that people don’t say, “Do you believe in the Sun?” or “Do you believe in the wind?” But they do say, “Do you believe in God?” Belief shouldn’t come into […]...More

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