Airplane Plane
The plane in your dream shows all the amazing possibilities of change, of varied experience, of romance, business and discovery in life today. But it also holds all the possibilities of failure, of not being able to get your projects or relationship off the ground, along with delays, unexpected threats, and the possible tragedy and loss you might meet in life. Your dream airplane communicates this in the action your dream portrays. The plane journey, for instance, suggests a change in your life, leaving your ordinary affairs behind. It is a journey into the unknown, into taking risks. Perhaps you are making a move toward, or away from, love and opportunity. It is risky because the plane can fall from the sky, and you can meet feelings of failure or despair.
A plane can also attack, and this shows fears, anxiety about being exposed to attack from other people or events. This does not mean you will be attacked, only that you fear it.
To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another; a leap into the unknown, into chance – so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. But it might fall from the sky too. Meanwhile, on the plane you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure, everything is ‘up in the air’. The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.
In exploring a dream about a plane crash it took a long time to really connect with anything, but when I did the feelings were all about how there has been a crash of my dreams, ambitions, desire for love and the heightened feelings that arose or ‘took off’ in connection with a lover. In comments on planes above I say, “The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.” This was true in my life.
An attacking aircraft: Feeling attacked either by your own doubts and self criticism, or that of others.
Being grounded: Sense of not getting anywhere and frustration; plans and hopes that haven’t connected with achievement or opportunity – maybe this isn’t the right time yet.
Biplane: It can represent a more full contact with flying in a plane, and needs a lot more courage to do.
Example: “I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. ” David R.
The example clearly shows one aspect of what a biplane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship.
Difficulty landing: Difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.
Falling out of plane: Usually anxiety, sometimes about death or failure of high hopes. It is also the opportunity to fly if you can overcome your anxieties.
Flight attendant: A part of you trained in dealing with personal problems, and also emergencies.
Pilot: The pilot is a part of you used to having a much wider and inclusive view of where you are going in your life, so trust their help.
Plane falling rapidly: ‘Pit’ feeling in stomach that one gets when feeling anxiety about the outcome of a situation; sense of failure or guilt; apprehension about the future of a project or direction; anxiety about something.
Plane journey: The plane is also a means of leaving things behind, rising above or finding a way of escaping difficulties or the past. It is a way we move beyond the limitations of any one locality, racial customs, family attitudes or religious environments. It is the power of the mind to move among and learn from or experience these many states of being. It offers a much wider or more inclusive view of where you are and where you are going in life.
Private plane: Ones personal activities and plans not deeply connected with other people.
The crashed or wrecked plane: Worry about failing. Can be anxiety bringing down your ambition or adventurousness; a loss of self confidence or mental equilibrium; warning about a business project; broken dreams and hopes. Sometimes shows or refers to a break up in a relationship or a failed endeavour, a hope, a journey that fails.
Watching a plane crash: A sense of emergency; feeling you are aware of an important social or national event. Sensing something difficult happening or having happened in your life, like a divorce or loss of business or love for instance. Can sometimes relate to childhood traumas that make it difficult for you to get your life taking flight.
The plane journey: Shows a move toward independence; leaving home or friends; success.
Watching a plane land safely: The arrival back to oneself of the actions, words and energies sent out into the world. As a simple example, we may have a carpet to give away because we are moving. We tell a neighbour who passes the information to someone else. This new person wants the carpet. A completely new person therefore lands, or arrives in our life. The landing plane may also mean coming down to earth again, or making something more applicable in an everyday sense.
The example below clearly shows one aspect of what a plane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship. David is calling on a part of himself that is withdrawn and inactive to ‘get up’ and be involved in something daring. Sometimes the plane in the sky represents feeling threatened by something new or unknown. This is shown in the second example.
Example: I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. David R.
Example: A woman who was a radio researcher was offered the job of presenter. She was thrilled but dreamt she was in a road walking and planes flew overhead dropping bombs and shooting. She had to dive into a ditch to avoid being killed. When she explored the dream she realised she was afraid of facing the public directly, and this fear if left unconscious would have caused her to refuse the job. She accepted the fear and managed to press forward with the job.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Am I taking a ‘flight’ into a new or challenging situation or relationship?
What am I leaving behind or arriving at?
Are there radical shifts of life style I am involved in?
Do some events in my life feel like a ‘plane crash’?
It helps to read this Dreams Are Virtual Realities and also Processing Dreams and Acting on Your Dream.
I had a dream recently that I was on an airplane with a couple of friends from high school. We hit a pocket pf turbulence and I knew we were going to crash. I looked at my friend Brittany and I calmly said ”We are going to crash.” She agreed with me and we looked out the window. People screamed as the plane dropped, but I wondered why because it was just a rapid but level descent. We landed in a large dried-out river bed on concrete right before a bridge. Everyone on board was fine. We all got out and then the plane caught fire. My dream ended there.
I fell asleep in the daytime, had a dream about boarding a plane. WHile in flight, it felt like I have been on that flight before and that I have seen the air hostess before. While we were flying, it did not feel like we were airborne because you areas that you hang out that was not within the confines of the plane. I was wondering how I was not being away from the wind.
I went back to my seat and fell and asleep, when I woke up I could see that the seats can be converted to beds. The hostess that I recognized got a proposal from her boy friend who was also a host.
Before I knew it, the plane was landing but not on air strip or air port but on the main road. It taxied all the way to a stop without any incident.
When I got out of the plane, I went to get my luggage even though I don’t remember boarding with any and was told the luggages will come later, the carry on luggage was all I came out with. I woke up so disoriented and tired.
i had a plane dream last night, one similar to a previous dream. Essentially i found myself as a passenger on a jumbo jet which took off but was really struggling to get off the ground then it came falling down relatively safely .
Once off, i woke and then fell back to sleep where i had a second, this time i was driving the plane. Similarly it managed to get 400yards or so off the ground but it only crashed in to some trees 😀
Now, I am currently in a transition period at work in a new team where i am struggling a lot – i think this could be that. However similarly I am thinking of starting a business with my friend from work and I believe this might also be this manifesting in to me not being able to achieve the goals of making it successfull.
Its kind of worrying that inner feelings and issues manifest themselves in this kind of way.
Hi Tony,
I had a dream that I was in a large commercial plane with my boyfriend next to me. Something went wrong and the plane started to free fall. The oxygen masks came down, and somehow my boyfriend was managing to sleep through all this which was very frustrating! So I put my mask on, then put his mask on whilst he was still asleep.
As the plane was rushing towards the ground, the pilot managed to find some clear areas where he could land, and actually landed with a relatively minor crash and everyone got out safely.
However after I ran out, I realized my boyfriend was STILL asleep and on the plane. He slept through the entire crash! I asked some of the emergency workers to go in and find him, and he was eventually woken up and brought out safely.
Dear Toni
I have had a series of weird dreams involving dirty public toilets and kissing an ex in the past week, but 2 nights ago, I dreamt I was in a plane, a plane I didn’t know I was on until it began to crash.
The inside of the plane resembled a house, I remember complaining to the people around about dirty dishes, then the plane began to crash into the sea, we ran to the cockpit an unknown man manage to take some control, although we did crash into the sea and both wings were torn off.
My last memories was being underwater but carrying on as normal in the plane, were was also far more children than adults.
Any idea of what this means please.
I rarely remember my dreams, but those I do have always seemed to be happy and positive. But I am so staggered by my dream last night. I was apparently in a commercial flight when all of a sudden the plane took a ~straight down!~ nose-dive, and the Gs were SO IMMENSE, careening straight down!!, that it took my breath away, and all was black in this whole dream. I finally managed to cry out, “I love you Jesus!” and “KNEW” with a certainty that death was imminent in seconds. Then I awoke and my heart was just POUNDING for a long while.
Grace – This type of dream sometimes happens when you heart starts to beat very fast or irregularly. So just in case it would be wise to have your heart checked. I dreamt twice that my heart stopped and I could feel it stopped but then it started again. I didn’t feel scared but felt a welcome home feeling. You had a good response too crying out, “I love you Jesus.”
I had a dream I was in a plane and it was announced that a bomb was on board. Remember sitting with my head in my lap feeling very afraid whilst trying to lift my outreached arm and hand out. Someone reached my hand and held it. I knew it was my mother ( she is no longer alive). I fellt instantly comforted and was less afraid. I felt a cool breeze as the plane hurled down then whiteness and suddenly peace and I knew I had died but felt peace. Then I woke up.
Hi. I dreamt last night I was in the airport and watched a small plane take off. However upon take off, one of the wheels bumped into something (it was a small airport in a remote area) which caused the plane to crash but the weird thing was it did not go like what you expect, bursting into flames or anything like that. it was like watching a cartoon, like it became a robot-like creature once, then another metal thingy, then back to being a robot (I couldn’t remember exactly the details). But for us who saw it (and at the same time, passengers on the next flight) we were worried about it. But we boarded the plane (about 20 or so passengers) and i was seated behind the pilot, i don’t know how can that be. Someone I (supposed to) know was seated beside me. But since we were all shocked of what we just saw, the pilot led us out to a hill and sat for sometime. Then we were back on the plane again – however the person who was seated beside me decided not to go. We were really scared and i can sense that the pilot was worried too. but we manage to take off. During the flight however, somehow, the plane became open top and I was helping the pilot fly the plane. We were flying so low in the city (don’t know how we managed to go from a remote area to the city) and I was maneuvering the plane by a couple of strings (it’s getting weird) and the pilot was just coaxing me to just continue what i was doing. I did it for sometime and we realised that we couldn’t land. The pilot was having trouble radioing the airport. We were looking for the domestic airport but we keep on seeing large international flights. I saw a lot of large planes and we were flying alongside them. I was worried about running out of petrol but cutting it short, we managed to land in a small land. It was all green and when we got out of the plane, i got the impression that the pilot was going to go for help so that he can refill the plane with petrol. Oh, and then he asked us – the passengers to write our names on mobile phone on a piece of paper. does it make sense to you?
Question about plane seating, and crash landing on water.
I had a dream I was heading to Hawaii, and the seating arrangement on the plane was horizontal and vertical. Meaning there were rows of seat that looked like a normal plane seating, and then there were rows of seats that were facing the planes wing there backs towards the other seats. There were seats all over the plane, and it was spacious. I was with my immediate family, sitting next to my sister when the plane began to jerk around, and I admitted to her having a dream involving a plane crash. She tried to assure me the plane would not crash before a wing hit a specific glass window on a random building. That is when my sister admitted that was not a good sign, and the plane descended into a smoother crash landing on the dark aquamarine blue Pacific Ocean Water.
I entered a cavern and was completely at awe with what was happening. There was a head of the Buddha carved into a stone in front of me and all around the cavern was this great shimmering golden light dancing around like it was full of vibrant life. I stood there for sometime soaking in this beautiful experience and then looked at a boulder on my left and this big yellow iguana which also had this golden light running through it, looked at me and opened it’s mouth. I immediately felt some disturbance from the lizard and left the cave. I hurried towards the kitchen of an eatery and suddenly entered this aircraft which was disc shaped and had many seats. There were other people but i didn’t know them. I got off my seat (everyone looked at me really weirdly) and started walking toward the toilet after we took off and the craft started getting unstable. The captain told me to take a seat immediately so i sat by a window seat that was next to him and buckled up. He maneuvered the craft to land but the last bit went out of control and the plane went plunging to the ground. I remember hitting the ground so hard when i tried to open my eyes everything was extremely fuzzy. I couldn’t move. But there were pieces of the craft in the air above me, and big ones. So i mustered up some energy and moved to the other side. What had happened was…the seat i was sitting on was the only one that hit the bridge or road i was on and the rest of the plane went plunging down and exploded. And i woke up.
I’m having a little mess interpreting the iguana and why i ran away from such a beautiful experience. And why i was the only one who survived the crash? Would love to hear your interpretation.
Love and light
Atita – I also love trying to give you my realisations about your dream.
First of all you entered a cave – a very old indication that you have entered into the part of you that was previously unknown and needing exploration. The Buddha head also represent the world of experience beyond the surface world that existed before you entered the inner world of the cave. What have you been doing lately that had enabled you to enter this deeply and easily into yourself?
However you are not without difficulties which need to be changed perhaps by education. The lizard for instance is showing you the opposite power source other than the Buddha head. This is all said in the birth of Christ, where the incarnation of the highest in us tales place in a stable with animals and the bare earth. Remember it is all about the inner life and if we try to understand it from the viewpoint of our outer life it doesn’t make sense – it is all symbols. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
The reptile is the fundamental part of us and a great symbol of the life force, as is the snake and the dragon.
The aircraft is where you began to create havoc because you thought or felt something was wrong or felt anxious. To save a lot of explaining please see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#DualBeing and – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Important
So in entering the cavern you entered into a completely different part of you with different rules – the unconscious. Your feelings at this level creates what you experience. You had actually entered into your wholeness, your core self, and you threw it out of balance by wanting to enter the toilet – symbols again. Toilet is where you want to get rid of things, to release tension and perhaps to be alone where others cannot see you or smell you.
You survived the crash because you cannot be hurt or die in the inner world of dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Hurt But you could actually alter and transform what was shown in the dream. Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Last night I dream of me watching a plane in a window that was about to crash.However it strive hard not be crashed..Maybe after 2-3 attempts to save the plane from crashing, it land safely in a road. Will you be able to explain what this dream means since I am not in the plane but I was just witnessing it in my window.
I dreamt I boarded a large airplane as a passenger but suddenly found myself in the cockpit trying to fly it. There was a co-pilot whose face I couldn’t see that was telling me to land the plane. I wasn’t sure how to do that. We were careening towards a hotel or resort of some kind near an ocean. We didn’t have enough fuel to get to the landing strip but I somehow managed to land the plane safely in a field and not injure anyone. So, everyone was able to disembark safely but we weren’t where we were supposed to be. Can you shed some light on what this might mean?
Edie – It sounds like you have been facing a big change in your life – or maybe are just starting to meet the change. At first it seems as if you can relax and be a ‘passenger’ but you quickly see that you have to take control of the situation. The faceless co-pilot is your own inner guidance which is showing you or guiding you; so listen to your intuition and know that although you lack experience you will be fine.
You landed safely, and it wasn’t what you planned or hoped would happen but you will find that Life often knows best. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#HumanP
just woke up…. i cannot find the meaning of my dream, I was standing with my father and watched as at least 20 people were ejected from this plane.. even though it was just a dream i turned my head and could not watch..
I had a dream that I was flying… I think it was a smaller plan as there were not that many people on the flight. All of a sudden, the plane takes a nose dive and I start panicking that it’s definitely going to crash. Instead of crashing, it lands on a main road and starts taxing, but like a car and it makes a turn and realize that I’ve seen this dream before and I know what I’ll see next. A petrol station. The plane comes to stop and as I’m getting off, I see an old friend Eunice that I haven’t seen for over 20+yrs, I’m really excited to see her and I got to give her a hug. She mentions that she’s going to this event and I said I’d go. I get to the function and it’ s prestigious, and to my surprise, my family is there and I think it was their event. But it looks like all along I was supposed to be there to perform (I’m a musician). I then start to look for my daughter who is living with my parents, and the dream ends.
Naomi – You are more than you think you are. You see yourself as a small person – the airplane. Also you are anxious that you will not achieve your goals and dreams – the flight. But that is not so because your dream is showing you that your family is behind you supporting you in what you do, and big things are ahead of you.
Your daughter represents your own self when younger. You need to bring that up to date and allow your feelings to grow and become more confident.
Thank you so much Tony. You don’t know how much that has confirmed so much that is happening in my life. Blessings to you.
Hey this is reference to airplanes. I read the dictionary entry but, what about pulling a plane out of the sky to make it crash? I had a dream where we (me and some others, maybe family) were trying to stop someone ‘bad’ but couldn’t catch her before she took off, flying a plane. I was standing on the runway and realized there was no way to get back what she had stolen other than to take down the plane and so I “pulled” it down and made it crash. I knew inside would be a mess so I went to look for a doctor just in case the person inside was still alive. I can’t remember much of the dream before so I can’t give any more context.
Lindsay – An excellent example that in the end we are the dream creator – when we see ourselves as whole.
There is not part of us that in the end is not us. If you had felt that you could not control the plane then your dream would be different. But you did feel it so you could. Dreams are a virtual reality that gives an excellent picture of our on inner world of feelings, fear, inspirations and in a word – YOU.
Here is a lovely dream to illustrate that you can create whatever you want in your dream:
I was involved in a group and at some point felt that I needed to demonstrate the ability to fly. So I ascended into the air and flew around the room. Hardly anybody took any notice of this except toward the end one small boy with large brown eyes was looking at me out of a large window somewhere above the hall in which the play was taking place. He was leaning against the glass looking at me. So I looked him straight in the eye and rose straight upwards with the most wonderful feeling of exhilaration shared with the child. Then I became lucid and began to shift the dream in a particular direction. Firstly I brought the man and his wife together with myself in a communal embrace. Then together we lifted off into the air in flight, and in front of the children performing the play we did the most beautiful and colourful aero acrobatics. As we did these we were able to produce coloured lights flowing from us. Then in the end I created a great ball of coloured light that I broke into angels flying in the air and descending to touch the watchers. Then again into the ball which shattered into tens of thousands of coloured and shining pieces that gently fell like snowflakes touching those watching and disappearing into them sharing the wonder and beauty I felt flowing through me.
We take into our dreams whatever we carry inside us – fear, wonder, anger, prayers, revenge, beauty. And with those feelings we create our dreams.