Airplane Plane
The plane in your dream shows all the amazing possibilities of change, of varied experience, of romance, business and discovery in life today. But it also holds all the possibilities of failure, of not being able to get your projects or relationship off the ground, along with delays, unexpected threats, and the possible tragedy and loss you might meet in life. Your dream airplane communicates this in the action your dream portrays. The plane journey, for instance, suggests a change in your life, leaving your ordinary affairs behind. It is a journey into the unknown, into taking risks. Perhaps you are making a move toward, or away from, love and opportunity. It is risky because the plane can fall from the sky, and you can meet feelings of failure or despair.
A plane can also attack, and this shows fears, anxiety about being exposed to attack from other people or events. This does not mean you will be attacked, only that you fear it.
To climb aboard a plane is to embark upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another; a leap into the unknown, into chance – so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. But it might fall from the sky too. Meanwhile, on the plane you will not have your feet on the ground, you will not be secure, everything is ‘up in the air’. The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.
In exploring a dream about a plane crash it took a long time to really connect with anything, but when I did the feelings were all about how there has been a crash of my dreams, ambitions, desire for love and the heightened feelings that arose or ‘took off’ in connection with a lover. In comments on planes above I say, “The plans, the love, the hopes and efforts might die, might lead to tragedy with all its rippling effects moving into the web of relationships and events connected with the flight of the plane.” This was true in my life.
An attacking aircraft: Feeling attacked either by your own doubts and self criticism, or that of others.
Being grounded: Sense of not getting anywhere and frustration; plans and hopes that haven’t connected with achievement or opportunity – maybe this isn’t the right time yet.
Biplane: It can represent a more full contact with flying in a plane, and needs a lot more courage to do.
Example: “I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. ” David R.
The example clearly shows one aspect of what a biplane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship.
Difficulty landing: Difficulty achieving goal or making it real in a down to earth way; anxiety about where life events are taking you; feeling out of control or not being in control; difficulties or fears about being in someone else’s hands.
Falling out of plane: Usually anxiety, sometimes about death or failure of high hopes. It is also the opportunity to fly if you can overcome your anxieties.
Flight attendant: A part of you trained in dealing with personal problems, and also emergencies.
Pilot: The pilot is a part of you used to having a much wider and inclusive view of where you are going in your life, so trust their help.
Plane falling rapidly: ‘Pit’ feeling in stomach that one gets when feeling anxiety about the outcome of a situation; sense of failure or guilt; apprehension about the future of a project or direction; anxiety about something.
Plane journey: The plane is also a means of leaving things behind, rising above or finding a way of escaping difficulties or the past. It is a way we move beyond the limitations of any one locality, racial customs, family attitudes or religious environments. It is the power of the mind to move among and learn from or experience these many states of being. It offers a much wider or more inclusive view of where you are and where you are going in life.
Private plane: Ones personal activities and plans not deeply connected with other people.
The crashed or wrecked plane: Worry about failing. Can be anxiety bringing down your ambition or adventurousness; a loss of self confidence or mental equilibrium; warning about a business project; broken dreams and hopes. Sometimes shows or refers to a break up in a relationship or a failed endeavour, a hope, a journey that fails.
Watching a plane crash: A sense of emergency; feeling you are aware of an important social or national event. Sensing something difficult happening or having happened in your life, like a divorce or loss of business or love for instance. Can sometimes relate to childhood traumas that make it difficult for you to get your life taking flight.
The plane journey: Shows a move toward independence; leaving home or friends; success.
Watching a plane land safely: The arrival back to oneself of the actions, words and energies sent out into the world. As a simple example, we may have a carpet to give away because we are moving. We tell a neighbour who passes the information to someone else. This new person wants the carpet. A completely new person therefore lands, or arrives in our life. The landing plane may also mean coming down to earth again, or making something more applicable in an everyday sense.
The example below clearly shows one aspect of what a plane means, being daring in a new area, taking risks in life, braving a new work area or relationship. David is calling on a part of himself that is withdrawn and inactive to ‘get up’ and be involved in something daring. Sometimes the plane in the sky represents feeling threatened by something new or unknown. This is shown in the second example.
Example: I saw a biplane fly overhead. Its pilot was performing daring new stunts. I ran into a house to tell a man who was in bed to run out and see the plane. David R.
Example: A woman who was a radio researcher was offered the job of presenter. She was thrilled but dreamt she was in a road walking and planes flew overhead dropping bombs and shooting. She had to dive into a ditch to avoid being killed. When she explored the dream she realised she was afraid of facing the public directly, and this fear if left unconscious would have caused her to refuse the job. She accepted the fear and managed to press forward with the job.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Am I taking a ‘flight’ into a new or challenging situation or relationship?
What am I leaving behind or arriving at?
Are there radical shifts of life style I am involved in?
Do some events in my life feel like a ‘plane crash’?
It helps to read this Dreams Are Virtual Realities and also Processing Dreams and Acting on Your Dream.
Hey, I had a dream today about driving in the car with my little sister and my aunt in the car next to me I started d to watch a plane from the sky start falling with the end of the plane going down first … I looked at my little sister and tried to notify my aunt but she wasn’t paying attention and I was driving and started driving the opposite direction ..that was the end of the dream .. I didn’t see the plane actually crash but it looked like it was.
I have had a repeated dream for 2 nights of myself an ex-friend I don’t speak with anymore and a family member to take a trip and we are at the airport but never make it to baggage claim as my family member can’t go. I.e. no plane ticket or too young. They cry as I try to find a way to get them home or an idea to get them on flight.
Kelsey – It seems that you want a change of some sort. But the problem is that the part of your thinking/feeling that is involved in you not communicating with a friend in the past is involved in your attitudes. This makes it difficult for you to have a clear run at making the change. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
Hi, I had a dream where I was clinging onto the outside of an aeroplane at +30,000 feet. There were two (I think) other people who were on top of the plane. It struck me how strong my grip was, but at the same time I felt it would just be easier to let go and jump. I was hypnotised by the ocean below. I had no fear of death (I believed it did not exist). I only thoughts of floating down to earth. But, before I could do that I suddenly found myself gripping onto the outside of a train moving at high speed. I didn’t recognise the transformation from aeroplane to train, but both times I was fully aware that I was gripping on to the rails quite firmly. The wind was blowing through my hair as I was whizzing through the city. The end.
Can anyone offer an explanation as to what this could mean?
Nas – Can you first read – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing as it will explain many things about dreams that would take long time for me to write.
The airplane flight suggests many things, such as a major change in your inner life, a desire to see more of life, even an escape from the place you flew from. But you had an inner experience that only a few others have, and it took courage and ability to face death to do it. I think if I can put words to it – yo9u found a way because of your inner growth to see, feel or understand things that are not a part of ordinary people’s views or attitudes.
The feeling about the ocean was a calling from the deep centre of you to let go and sink into the ocean. That would have given you even more insights into life and death.
The train is a slightly different thing. Here again you put yourself in a position outside the normal. I think that at times you feel the impact of the life style or way of many people. This gives you a view that like a rush of impressions. What do you do with it?
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
Hi Tony,
Thank you very much indeed for your reply.
It would be interesting to talk to you and share certain insights which you have expertly reflected. I do have a different perspective on life (experiences) that breaks away from the existing paradigm (it turns it upside down).
I appreciate that “someone else” was able to interpret (or recognise) this, as the momentum of my thoughts and actions are diverging at an ever quickening pace from ordinary or popular views/beliefs/attitudes.
As a result I am creating what I desire because I can. I am privileged to see things that are considered untrue. I do the job I dreamt of. I see “miraculous” recoveries in health in those that are close to me. I just laughed; because it is very simple now. Through the viewpoint which I am perceiving what I am, I am orchestrating a scenario of events that wakes me up.
Hello, I had a dream that I was on a passenger plane, with an old friend I don’t talk to anymore. The seat belt was portrayed as too tight and I would take it off and put it back on reapeately. Oddly enough, the plane would land on highways but no cars were on the highways. Then the plane would take off and couple miniutes later landing on the highway again. Very odd dream. If you can tell me what this means I would gladly appreciate it. Thank you.
I had a dream I was in a small airplane with the pilot and possibly someone else and the pilot would fly straight toward a tall building then as I thought we would hit we went straight up barley missing the top then we went and did it again and when we reached the top of the building I was outside of the plane and was able to step onto the building as the planes momentum seemed to be stopped just as we reached the top. What does this sound like it coukd mean I cant remember much more of the dream but remember the feeling of going straight up then loosing momentum right at the top
I will also add this dream was a day or two after losing my 21 year old son to a motorcycle accident
Hi, I have just woken from a dream. My workmate and I are on board a small plane ( just me and him as passengers) and it’s cruising along nicely, all of a sudden, it banks to the right and nose dives. Then it goes into a spin.. I look at him, he says ” oh oh, this is not good ” , when then walk to each other, and I extend my hand, we shake hands, I system ” berm nice working with you” , he replies ” yeah likewise” with a sad look on his face. I then reach for my phone in my pocket , to ring my wife before I die ( that was the feeling I had, not before we crash… But before I die) , I have the phone in my hand, but I can’t think of a single number… I then woke up before the plane crashed!
I had this dream like numerous times, i come running out of my office or i am at home and go running towards the window, as i have a sense something has happened and what i see is hundreds of airplanes filled the sky and all going in one direction, some just want to make it there and due to the congestion many airplanes crash into each other and mid air explosions happen but it keeps going on and on and then thats it i awake ! 🙁
I had this dream where I was on a really small plane, just me and the pilot. We were quite low flying, when I noticed the blades at the front were damaged. It was hard to fly, but the pilot managed to land safely, and fairly smooth, without any trouble. We were both relieved, and then kissed! I then woke up :(. Any ideas what this was all about?
i had a dream i watched an airplane crash lots of fire and explosions and then a huge “transformer” from the movie started eating the airplane when it hit the ground. and crashed sideways – right side down first
I dreamt that a plane flew over and I watched it lose control (the plane was real but it was falling in a 2D cartoon way; doing flips, summersaults etc)
It then fell from the sky nose first towards me, my brother and another person (I cant recall the 3rd persom, no one significant) we had to scramble out of the way to avoid being hit.
The plane did not crash as if it were in real life but again like it was a cartoon. The nose hit the ground like a dart hitting a dart board and then fell like a tree being chopped by a chainsaw.
We chose to run in different directions and as it hit the ground as I jumped out of the way safely I woke up from my dream instantly.
I felt good when I woke, no fear or scared, its the first time in many years I remembered a dream that clear and vivid and scrambled for my laptop to research this!
Im just a bit confused now after reading on here.
Can anyone help?!
Hi Ross ! I read your comment, i almost did the same dream last night. Did you find out the meaning, or what did realize yourself ?:)
Ross – Nobody in your dream is insignificant. After all, there is nobody else with you except you! Even your brother in the dreams is a made up figure of your memories and feelings about him. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
It sounds that perhaps you were pleased when your failure to complete the mission, plan or hope occurred. It seems you got out of the way in time.
Ross – Nobody in your dream is insignificant. After all, there is nobody else with you except you! Even your brother in the dreams is a made up figure of your memories and feelings about him. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
It sounds that perhaps you were pleased when your failure to complete the mission, plan or hope occurred. It seems you got out of the way in time.
Hi I had a horrible dream last night my husband just left to Kansas to work in rig out there for a couple of weeks and I had a dream that I dropped him off at the airport and I followed the plane with my car and I saw the plane lift off and then it was really low to the ground and the engine shut off and it crash landed in a bunch of building but he didn’t die and I woke up what does this mean please help me
I had a dream that my family and I was on an airplane. We were not all sitting together but when the plane took off it flipped over on the runway. It crashed upside down but no one was hurt… but I could see the pilot, she was not paying attention and the plane didn’t lift off the ground, it just flipped over as if we were falling off a bridge. Can you help please
It’s interesting to read this interpretation.
I had a couple of dreams of witnessing multiple light aircraft crashes in one dream! It was an exhilarating and exciting feeling rather than one of panic. There was no fear associated with this dream despite aircraft crashing all around me!
Matt – As explained in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summin there is actuallynothing to fear in our dreams, thoguh we can create our own awful fears. You seem to have mastered the art of meeting what most people fear. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
Hi, So I have had this dream a few times in the past and it’s breath taking & scary all the same time.. It was a big plane in one dream it was orange, and last night it was grey. The plan will go straight up in the air and kill the engine, almost hitting the ground before it picks back up again, and goes into doing barrel rolls.
The dream with the orange plane. Did the same thing, went straight up in the air, but as it came down it crashed into the ttop of my house. With my child in side. Talk about scary..
Last but not least, another orange plane. got attacked by zombies and crash landed in a camp ground (which I was at) and all i can remember was speeding away in a brown truck…
Amanda – You are experiencing normal fears that mothers have about their child. Pease read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#BabyKill
The imagery suggest you are scared of unexpected events threatening your child – but you have an escape plan, the brown truck. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I had a dream that I was on a small private plane with 3 of my friends and we were travelling over the water when the plane slowly started to go down. I told my friend the pilot had to make an emergency landing and he landed the plane gracefully onto this little island thing. Me and the friend i was sitting with survived but my other two didnt.
I have no idea what this means! please help.
the crash was quite gentle and graceful and the plane just sort of glided down when it crashed.
any ideas?
thank you !