Male sexual power and virility. This depends on the age of the person and the situation in the dream. For instance stubble on a teenage boy suggests he is moving into manhood, or even to hide their adolescent acne. But a beard can also suggest carelessness – as when someone hasn’t shaved, or a mask if someone uses it to hide their youth. Or even a way of life that does not conform, or like a backwoodsman.
Sometimes the link is with a war veteran, suggesting a long exposure to conflict and extreme living conditions. I feel that a lot of elderly men grow a beard because they are not so worried about their social standing now and also because a feeling of tiredness about doing the ritual of shaving ever day. Many women feel that beards are a form of hiding or affectation, but they ought to try shaving every day, or in some cases twice a day. Shaving takes a slice of time out of ones life, and also whether electric or wet, shaving for some men leaves them constantly with sore of cut skin. See: Hair.
Example: Awoke in a girl’s room. She was there. I had a two-day growth of beard, and I went into the bathroom to shave it off, but didn’t manage to. Then made love to the girl, after spanking her. Felt great peace.
Here the beard obviously links with strong male feeling and sexuality.
Example: At that moment two young boys came into the room/area. They were like choirboys or trainee priests. One of them came straight to me and and my wife and sat on my lap, cuddling up like one of my own children. The man and I were emotionally stirred by such an open expression of needful contact and love. The boy appeared to be naked. I held him firmly in my arms. I felt strength in him and said, “I can feel the manhood growing in you.” I felt a noticeable increase of the strength in him. My hand touched his chin. There was a stubble of young beard there. I said how I was aware of his body growing into manhood. I was aware of us adults sharing the experience deeply.
This is an expression of soft love, and encouragement for the emerging youthfulness in the dreamer, and also the union of religious feelings into a wholeness. The dreamer had been held back in his actual expression of love and sexual feelings. The beard here shows the beginning of his development of his body moving toward manhood.
Cutting off beard: Making a change; feeling more certain about your manhood; or uncertainty about manhood, depending on dream. It can also suggest a fuller meeting or self expression, and uncovering of who you are. In some cultures it might suggest leaving behind traditional religious beliefs.
Very long beard: Sense of eternal or long life.
White beard: Wisdom or experience gained through long life, and perhaps an awareness of life beyond the senses.
Useful Questions and Hints:
How is the beard portrayed?
Could it indicate hiding something?
Does the beard represent wisdom?
What can you gather from the Plot of the Dream and also from Processing Dreams.
Three bears, Mom and two babies . I let in the house and the baby was sick, I let mom outside and she went charging after a fox, I remember feeling worried that the bears could eat us any second. So weird.
i saw a friend (someone whom i have a crush on) who in real life has a healthy beard, in my dream.. with a trimmed (loosing his beard hair) in my dream. In my dream, i feel like he did this to please me (in real life i usually make fun of why he has a big beard, and that the size of his beard should not matter, so in my dream i see that he actually trims/thins it out)… can you please elaborate on what this dream means
I had a dream last night about a bear.
In my dream, my husband and I where walking on the side of the road. He was behind me about 20 feet when suddenly, he called my name and said THERE IS A BEAR BEHIND YOU. When I looked, the bear had ran passed him and was charging towards me. I was so petrified I didn’t know what to do. Somehow I stood still like a stature hoping that the bear wouldn’t eat me for dinner. But amazingly the bear grabbed my right leg and held on to it as if it knew me. I was so petrified that my eyes were shut but I could feel his claws rubbing my leg. Pleas help me understand this dream.
I had a dream last night about a bear.
In my dream, my husband and I where walking on the side of the road. He was behind me about 20 feet when suddenly, he called my name and said THERE IS A BEAR BEHIND YOU. When I looked, the bear had ran passed him and was charging towards me. I was so petrified I didn’t know what to do. Somehow I stood still like a stature hoping that the bear wouldn’t eat me for dinner. But amazingly the bear grabbed my right leg and held on to it as if it knew me. I was so petrified that my eyes were shut but I could feel his claws rubbing my leg. Pleas help me understand this dream.