Buy Buying
Your desires for thing, or your search for something you want, or feel you want. Making choices, or being able to make choices. See: Shop.
This often indicates some level of choices being made, decisions faced; there may also be elements of how much or little you are being influenced by internal desires or external sales pressure; one dreamer says when she feels so good at work she immediately goes out to buy a new house. This suggests confidence and social power are involved in purchases. But sometimes we make purchases when things go wrong, as a means of counteracting the down feelings. In some dreams the question of your financial status arises, so purchasing may be dealing with how you are feeling about your money situation.
One dreamer said that when she feels so good at work she immediately goes out to buy a new house. This suggests confidence and social power are involved in purchases.
But sometimes we make purchases when things go wrong, as a means of counteracting the down feelings. In some dreams the question of your financial status arises, so purchasing may be dealing with how you are feeling about your money situation.
Have you bought or accepted an idea, or bought into a situation or condition? How much did you paid, or what is the price you had to pay for this. Is it worth it?
Example: I have bought a very large old wooden home. When you enter the home through the foyer you walk into what is a very large dark ballroom. The only furnishing is a very small round table in the far left corner with an oil lamp on it lit. I don’t enter. Instead I walk up the stairs to the right which are above the kitchen. When I reach the landing there is a very long hallway with a rail running the length of the hall. On the right there are many, many doors lining the hallway that I have no interest in opening and I never have. What I truly love is standing at the rail and just looking into the ballroom. I long to sit at the table and read, in a long black dress. I am incredibly happy there and don’t wish to share the home with others. How I wish I could find the home to buy it. I look for it all the time.
I sense that this dreamer has a very rich and varied inner life, which she only let some people see or share. But she have so much more, all inherited from the past, which she does not open the doors to. And I am wondering if the reason is that you have not met the mystery of your house.
Buying a bargain: Feelings of capability.
Purchased from: Success or failure to succeed, depending on whether the sale is made; may also indicate change, as when one sells a car or house. See: sell; shopping.
Idioms: buy a round; buy favors; buy into; buy out; buy that; buy the farm; buy time;
buy up; buyer’s market.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is it you have bought or wish to buy?
Or are you searching for something?
If you cannot find satisfaction try imagining one.
Use carry the dream forward and Easy Dream Interpretation