Some people are so upset by seeing cockroaches they have to run away. If that applies to you it indicates fear and probably feelings about some dirtiness you find disgusting. They can alse mean furtive feeling, and because they are amazing survivers the ability to hide in order to survive.
If you associated cockroaches with food, especially its decay and rotting it might suggest that there is either need to check your food supplies, or that sometimes rot can mean an aspect of you is passing away in order for the new to arise. The dirt we often associate with cockroaches can mean psychological dirt, attitudes you neeed to clean up. See Insects.
“A man who hated cockroaches and was terribly irritated by them dreamed he saw his wife slowly shake them out of a white blanket. He had had an especially troublesome business day and had been highly irritated. Thus, the dream was telling him that he should exercise patience so that he could have peace and comfort.” Quoted from Dreams Your Magic Mirror.
Example: I was at a summer resort. As I was going down the stairs into the beach, I saw on one part of this beach, huge cockroaches. I hurriedly ran past them and safely went into the water.
Example: At home I have two baby tigers in a cage – another one is too small and is kept away from the others. Also I have a lot of cockroaches in another cage and I watch how they cleverly try to twist the top of their cage to get it off (by walking around in circles on the underside of the top).
Insects have a genius in solving problems as ants do.
Example: With horror I see is a cockroach. I flick it out with my spoon onto the kitchen floor, where it clatters on the tiles. I feel nauseous and then notice there are now two cockroaches. They are copulating, and I begin to vomit.
With those cockroaches copulating, it is difficult not to recognise it as a nightmare about sex. It is fairly obvious too, that the woman is ‘sick’ of sex.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What do I feel about cockroaches and show it show in the dream?
What were the cockroaches doing in the dream?
Did I feel any sense of dirtiness?
Try using Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Secrets of Power Dreaming
In my dreams coakroaches become very big in size and then start killing my parents and me and my mom and my brother is left we some how escape from there and then we saw a rickshaw and we sit in it and then I wake up.
i kill a roach on my dream what that mean