Dead Person
Usually represents some area of our life that has ‘died’. This can refer to death of feelings, such as hopelessness in connection with relationship and the loss of feelings about someone; the depression that follows big changes in our life such as loss of a love partner, job, children. It can also reflect the sense of ones life in general being without the stimulus of motivation and satisfaction, as when one feels oneself in a ‘going nowhere’ relationship or life situation.
The dead person in the dream may link several of these feelings together, as symbols often represent huge areas of our experience. So the dead person my be a part of oneself you want to leave behind, to die out.
Example: I am sitting in a large comfortable room when my husband comes in and starts to take off his overcoat. The room is not one I know but outside there is a lovely garden, which I see when my husband opens the door. It is a lovely sunny day although my husband has been wearing an overcoat. The garden is full of flowers so it seems to be summer. As I turn to greet him I see his dead body lying in an open coffin between us. My husband starts talking of our plans for the following day. Pointing to the coffin, I say, “Yes, but we must do something about this first. We can’t leave it here much longer.” My husband goes close to the coffin, takes a long look at the body, his own, says, “Yes, we must. It is beginning to smell.” There the dream ends. I wake up feeling very sad and haunted. I can’t forget it. My husband died over eight years ago. Mrs. P. M.
The dreamer still has not adjusted to the fact that death is not the end, and so creates a dream that says there is a wonderful life together, and also shows her seeing the dead body which creates a haunted feeling – haunted by her doubts.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does this represent changes…leaving the past behind and moving on?
Do you have a fear of dying?
Do I fear something in life that I’d rather not deal with?
See – Inner World – Associations Working With – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
Hello so last night I had a dream that my grandma who was a second mother to me who died 5 years ago was haunting everyone. I didn’t recognize the house but candles would all the sudden light glass would break. My auntie and my mom and other people I don’t remember were there also my husband and 8 month old were there. Everyone else was terrified but I wasn’t. The only time I got scared was when they told me I had to keep my baby away from her for his safety. I never actually seen her but I felt or new it was her. I was telling her stop your scaring auntie who is my grandmas baby. We were running from place to place but I didn’t recognize any of them.
Dear Tony
I had a dream last night that my mother got a post of a wedding card and is showing me some hindi mantra written on it in silver. The strange thing is my mother said in the dream that the post came from my uncle who is dead now i guess seventeen years back. I am looking the weeding card but in the dream i and my mother are discussing that it might be an interview letter having venue details for an interview.
ln reality this exam i have few days after i have already received the date and venue for it.
Hi Tony,
In my dream I go to school and I see my classmate that has died long time ago. He was playing in the class room with other friends, but I know that he’s death. What is this dream mean?
Thank you.
If someone could give me some insight on a dream I had, I would truly appreciate it. I had known someone in real life in high school, he since has passed away in 2005. I want to make this known, when he was still alive I barely knew him. But for 10 years now he has been in my dreams on and off for 10 years. In most dreams he is either next to me, or watching me from a far. He never says a word, but always has a sweet smile on his face. In the last dream I had last week he was walking past me and had duct tape on his mouth, with a black round circle in the middle of it. This is the first time I have ever seen him like this. Can someone help me figure this out?
Hi Tony,
Years ago I had a strange dream, that I think it become real or it was like a premonition. I was in a church and there were these gypsies and I think I made fun of one of the children. So and adult gypsy, a woman, put a curse on me. So I started praying, and I hold this crucifix on the wall of the church, but while that gypsy was saying her curse and me my prayer that crucifix started spinning in my hand fast. When it ended, I looked toward the back of the church, was an orthodox church, that’s my faith, and there, where the priest enters and performs sometimes part of the service, I knew that my parents were, under a blanket. They were moving under it and in that instant I knew that one of them is going to die. I got scared because I had to chose which one will die, but I didn’t’ want any of them to die. I didn’t pick. I was just praying to god not to allow it to happen. My dad died, killed himself a couple of months later. Few nights ago I dreamed that this white ghost had something to tell me, but I was so scared that i refused to listened it, and I actually woke up, or I was somewhere between being awake and asleep. And the ghost seemed to insist trying to tell me something, but I was too scared to listen, so finally I made the effort the get up the bed and turn on the light so the image of the ghost would disappear from my mind. For a few seconds it seemed still that the ghost tried to reach me and afterwards, my head was filled with some ugly creepy images of some person. I was wide awake and frightened. The feeling disappeared in few minutes, but I had to leave the light on for the rest of the night cause I was still afraid. Well, two nights ago I dreamed that I was in a cave and I was digging out these dead people, because I had to, someone told me that I had to do it. And I had a knife and I was digging in the dirt and I could see corpses moving and getting out. Someone told me to bring water to give them. Everyone seemed to be happy that they were out, i was happy too. I run out and down a steep road to call someone to bring us water. The dirt road was covered soon in tall grass and even though I could still see kids playing and hear noises from the town, i was getting covered by that grass. I woke up.Yyesterday I found out that my grandma has died. What is the meaning of this all? Do you think that ghost was trying to warn me? I know I was upset on my grandma in real life because she refused to continue to live with my mom who could care for her and she left to live alone in our hometown. I stopped praying for my grandma, i said to god that all is in his hands, because my grandma is too stubborn and is useless to even pray for her, because alone not even the prayers would help her in her medical condition. My question is, if that ghost was trying to warn me, how do i overcome this crazy fear that i always have in this type of dreams? I have to tell you that I do feel in real life that sometimes there is someone around me constantly. You could say I’m crazy, but i do really think that I’ve seen for split second in a few occasions other people that would just disappear when I would get scared. Thank you for your response.
My name is Ankita. In my dream I saw my grandmother(who died 1 year ago) took me out for shopping and on the way we are diverted several times. meanwhile we pick my daughter for no reason. We get inside a shopping mall, Something reminds me and i go back home alone leaving my grand ma in that mall. At home I tell my mom it is important for me to back to mall to pick grandma and i decide to leave my daughter home. when i am leaving home something hits me badly and i feel paralyzed and bleeding heavily. almost feeling I am dieing. but back of mind i am worried about my grandma that it is very important to pick her and bring back home. i feel guilty that i am not able to go. And suddenly I see my grandma returned home by her own. I could see her very bright and glowing face this time. She was looking very beautiful and wearing white clothes. Coming back to myself I am still feeling unable to move because of the stroke, My eyes are getting closed and may be in few seconds I may pass away. And this breaks my dream I wake up. I felt as if my grandma came to take me away with her from this insane world. I was literally trying to talk to her even after I woke up. Please tell me what does this mean?? Need answers..
I had a dream about my gma that has been deceased for about 13 years now and in the dream my aunt just continually repeated gma said come home NOW! Gma said she need you to come home now. Does that mean my gma is trying to tell me something? Or could you please tell me what does this dream mean?
Ken – If it were your grandma who was asking I would think your dream was seriously asking you to go to her – in other words get ready to die.
But it is your aunt who is saying it, and as I do not know what sort of person she is I can’t tell what her message is really about. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
Dear Tony
2nights ago. I saw an odd dream. I visited my dead boy friend,he was pregnant and he was changed to a woman again. I saw this scene 3times. Then he wanted to show me his belly suddenly there was a baby near him. I am really worry about him. Tell me what does it mean? has it got a specific symbol?
Thank you
BanfShe – When we go to sleep or die we are in a totally different dimension of ourselves. As such we are not simply our body, and we are not stuck with how we look, we are created whole – male and female.
We feel almost as if our body is a bottle and we are encased in it; or that we are the bottle, separated in time and space from all other bottles. If the bottle is black we think we are a black person. If the bottle is female we believe that fundamentally we are female. If the bottle is damaged, we may feel certain that as a person we too are inadequate in some way.
Some years ago my best friend died, and I feel as if I could communicate with him even though he was dead, and he explained some things about his experience of death. He told me that death had taken away the bottle/body image of himself, and he was only slowly learning, or adjusting to what that meant. He had always held the certainty that he was male, that his body was his real shape, that he was separate and distinct from all other people. Then one day I was in contact again and the communication was unlike any other I had experienced with him previously. I started by asking my usual question as to what he was meeting now in his after death life. He told me that the process of losing himself had continued and he was now on a boundary, which if he passed over, he would no longer be the person I had known.
I was trying to understand this and asking questions when suddenly Shaun as I called him, was a woman, and engulfed me in wonderful female love. This was so unexpected and beautiful I wept. To be loved in that way by somebody I had known as a very masculine male was an extraordinary experience and very moving.
Gradually I recovered from the surprise and the feelings, and saw that Shaun was now male and female at the same time. He had not switched to becoming a female, but had enlarged to being both male and female.
So your friend is showing himself to you in a similar way. Also he is showing his creativity to you as his baby. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative
i am in a really dark place in my life emotionally just today may -20-13 i had a dream with a dead close friend who appeared in my dream i was with my brothers and he appeared in my dream and tld me i am going to take you to hell with me but then smiled and said im just playing with you then he ask if i can pray for him, me and my brothers began to pray for him in the dream and he yelled out these scary moans i was feeling scared and at that moment i woke up frightened.as he was