This might be either that you are angry at your partner, or that you fear for the continuance of your marriage. It can also mean difficulty with your inner partner feelings/intellect. Occasionally this is a dream that looks ahead to the future, because one senses a parting of the ways.
Also fear of or hope for break up of marriage. Occasionally such dreams do define the problems in your relationship that will eventually lead to divorce.
A partner often depicts your male or female characteristics, and so the dream might show you cutting them out of the way you live your life. But it also shows the struggles we might go through with our feelings in an otherwise good relationship. So wherever possibly it is worth trying to repair the partnership. Remember that we have to MAKE love.
Example: A man dreamt he was holding divorce papers and saying ‘Next time I will marry someone more mature’. Some time later he dreamt he was in process of getting divorced and marrying an old flame. In yet another dream he was trying to telephone an old girlfriend but being impeded by his wife.
At the time of these dreams he was married and thought the marriage was happy and secure. He did not feel himself tempted to have an affair. However divorce did follow the series of dreams, and looking back from a remarriage he felt both he and his first wife were unsuited to each other, and should never have been together. His first wife also happily remarried. Taken from Dream Power by Ann Faraday.
Example: My dreams have the recurring image of water, which for me usually means the ultimate spiritual place. Around the time of my divorce, I tried my hardest to get to the ocean, but in a series of dreams that went on for months, all my efforts were thwarted: in one, a storm came up, and we had to turn back; in another, I got lost. In the last dream I had before I quit drinking, I was at the beach with a lot of strangers. To get onto this particular beach, you had to leave everything behind and go down to the water’s edge with nothing–not your towels or radios or coolers or even your suit. Once in the water, you could swim just as far as you wanted and you were completely unmonitored. ‘A’.
In A’s dreams the beach and sea depict the barriers to achieving a meeting with her own simplicity – herself without all the clothing and trappings of social life and anxieties.
Example: I am divorced from my husband. Before it became final I had this dream. I was running along a deserted beach towards my husband. As I ran I could see the tide was far out. When I reached my husband I put my arms around his waist. Instead of holding me close he dumped his arm around my shoulder and looked in the opposite direction.
One of the difficulties we face as humans is the difference between our emotions and our reasoning. At the time of the dream you probably knew in your head that the marriage was finished, but your heart still held a hope for togetherness.
The beach represents the urge to be together and intimate. It is at this point where your husband looks away that your heart realises there is a separation between you. In this way the dream opens your heart to feel the emotions of loss and the grieving for the lost relationship. So it helps heal the wound. The beach also depicts your ongoing life. The tide is out – showing a low ebb in your life – but it will come in again and bring new fortune. See – Learning to Love
Divorce single male dream: Difficulty with your feelings.
Divorce single female dream: Difficulty with social extroversion and intellect.
Divorce married male and female: Possible difficult feelings about present marriage. This doesn’t mean there is a real problem, so carefully watch future dreams.
Divorce woman going through divorce: A survey of the dreams of American women going through a divorce showed that those who best navigated the problems had dreams about the past, the present and the future. Those who dreamed only about the past were apt to be trapped in old feelings and unable to adapt as quickly.
Useful questions:
What difficulties are shown in the dream, and can I see them and deal with them?
Am I cutting off the expression of my male or female qualities?
Deep down do I hope for a separation from my partner, and if so do I need to own that feeling and its consequences?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Avoid Being Victims
I had a dream last night and the night before. the dream from the night before, I was with my husband and our 3 yr old son at a cafe. I went to the restroom beforeleaving and when I got out I seen my husband leaving the parking lot and left me at the cafe. I tried to call him but he turned his phone off. his voicemail message was changed to at woman saying “haha hi bi*ch, yeah its kaylee bi*ch, he is with me right now.
the dream I had last night, jumped around alot. my husband and i were at a river/lake swimming and all seemed fine, then he got a new job a few towns over. he wouldn’t answer my calls for days so I decided to drive with my son up to see him. he tried to avoid me but I was able to talk to him. I asked him point blank if he wanted a divorced and he said yes I have been thinking about it. I woke up (middle of the night) when I went to back to bed another dream started. I don’t know where we were but my husband had just bought a new car a few weeks backs. All of a sudden he came home and I just wanted to find out what was going on with him. I asked him 4 questions. 1. do you still love me? he says ya. 2. Are you cheating on me? he said yes I am. 3. when did it start? he said you rememberwhen I got the new car on that Monday, we’ll just before that when I went to look at the car. (I realised she worked at the car lot. she was a car sales woman) 4. Do you want a divorce? he said yes I do . I was actually already talking with a lawyer and have the divorce documents drawn up. His new girlfriend then walked into the house.
We went to sit at a table to sign the divorce papers with the lawyer present. I told my husband I would give him his divorce but I got sole custody of our son. he agreed. I got really angry when I seen his girlfriend walk in while we were signing papers and I attacked her. and then I woke up.
I’m not sure why I am having these kinds of dreams. can someone help me try to understand them please?
Hi – It is important that you read https://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=529.msg1472#msg1472
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Phoebe – You haven’t said whether you have seen your husband with another woman; because dreams can simply put in powerful drama your own fears. Below is a man’s dream.
“As I stood on a high deck of the cruiser, I looked down and saw my wife sitting below me with very tight knickers on and nothing else. As a man walked towards her the knickers came off or slipped down. The man was sexually aroused and started attempting to penetrate her. She only put up a token resistance, mewing a little bit, but not fighting him off. I rushed towards them and kicked him off.”
The man when he explored his dream by using https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson saw that the dream was formed by his great fears that arose from being abandoned as a child, which had left him feeling none love him, so he created this torturous dream.
It is best at first to see of the dream feelings are showing your self as a lost child, rather than shutting your husband out of your love. See https://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
Last night I had a dream that my husband whom I have been separated from for four months, and have not seen, was walking in front of me. He was with his new girlfriend. He turned around and hugged me and told me he was sorry and would always love me. He then preceded to tell me that he was going to file for divorce. I cried and told him I would not go after child support or alimony. He said good because he needed to try this new life. Then we were in the court room and I was crying, so I walked out and he came after me. I just looked at him, kissed his check and walked away. I woke up actually crying. I didn’t want to believe our marriage was over.
I dreamt that I was divorced after 22 year marriage. Although in my dream it seemed to very amicable, he having a news wife and life, me with a new boyfriend and my two younger boys seeming okay with the new arrangements. I had felt a great deal of sadness at the thought of it – being divorced. I recall telling someone when i looked at how he was witg his new wife, that he clearly didn’t ever love me for him to have just carried on with hos life the way he did. Funny thing is that my older son was not in the picture. After this dream I have come to recognise a few very disturbing coincidences in our marriage and it’s starting to trouble me.
I dreamt that I had gotton two gift bags from my husband. In one was divorce papers. The other was a note to a women from my husband asking to reconcile. But the funny thing is my husband is in a relationship with a women already. I woke up hurt, angry n sad. Way does that mean?
1 – I need to do so much background work on the site and I cannot easily answer dreams and work on the site.
2 – The site is a wonderful resource, and if you use it you can develop life skills that are incredibly useful.
3 – I started the site in the late 1980’s. I have worked intensely on creating the site, and the last seven years have worked without a break, but in the last couple of years I took Saturday off each week. I need a break as I am now 80 and need not to work so hard 🙂
I notice that millions have passed through this site, but most people want to receive and give no effort to use the tools given freely. I also know from experience that you yourself have the answers if you give just a bit of yourself.
What’s on Offer
You CAN gain Insight into your dreams – or you can help others by helping them interpret their dreams. But more than that, you can find a great link with Life itself. Try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
A recent communication from a woman using dreamhawk, says it is possible for everyone if they give a little effort.
“I tried one of your Intuition technique yesterday when I was feeling particularly stressed and confused about my path and my next steps. I relaxed myself into a sort of meditation and observed whatever images came up. This first and very clear image was of a photo that I took a few summers ago. It was of my feet propped up on a railing of a boat that was on a huge lake. I took it after working non-stop for 2 months at an arts program in Vermont. In my meditative recollection, however, I could see clearly to the other side of the lake and noticed how clear and vibrant the trees looked. My association with this image, both when I took it and what I interpreted, was to relax – that everything is alright. It might also suggest some kind of transition as if I am on my way to the other side. I guess time will tell.”
Last night I had a dream that my husband wanted a divorce. In that dream he came to me and said he needed to tell me something. We sat down on our bed and he began telling me how he didn’t want to be with me. When all was said and done, I remember that all of a sudden there were 3D pictures of us on our bed. I was the only one looking and them and crying. He always leaves at the end of the dream. I’ve had many like this but they always differ in some way.
I am married and have several dreams of divorce. My wife and I have pretty good communication and we have spoke several times about my dreams. I feel it’s fear of loss because it’s always me worrying about my boys and what exactly went wrong. I feel guilty talking to her about the recurring dreams. I feel I have a strong marriage, but I cannot escape these dreams which are scary and frustrating.
I am bi polar and it seems that I carry a lot of unwarranted guilt. I always think I can do better.
I loathe these nightmares.
Jim – In addition to the bad dreams provoked by primal feelings, basic drives and past traumas, it is known that everyday threats and dangers can also trigger the nightmare experience. It may be that when we suffer periods of low-self-esteem, with the increased vulnerability to anxiety and fear this brings, that we are more susceptible to this type of nightmare. This common type of anxiety dream, which can be triggered by the worry of not coping well with life generally, or specific concerns. Occasionally nightmares can relate to a low sense of self-esteem generally, with the dreamer feeling they do not measure up to other people, perhaps in terms of looks or achievement. While a period of feeling low will often pass for most people, for those afflicted with depression or an anxiety disorder, these anxiety dreams may be more frequent and become a problem.
I too had nightmares about my marriage. I gradually learned to enter the nightmare, and I found in each one that it related to early traumatic incidents in my life. Such things may also underlie your experience of being bi-polar. My nightmares were primarily, as yours, about being deserted, which I had a long history of. It mucks up what otherwise is a good marriage.
So I see nightmares as an attempt to push you into meeting the experience that started them. When we are small we are much more vulnerable and have powerful and scary emotions. Our being deals with this by creating a barrier against remembering them – it is called resistances. But as we get older we are much stronger and can meet such scary emotions – if we can get through the resistances.
I suggest the use of http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life
The latter takes some learning, and like any cleansing natural process like sneezing or vomiting, can feel unpleasant. Nevertheless, it is nature’s way of making us whole.
I’ve been married for 3 years, I’ve have 2 dreams of divorce in the last month. First dream I was handing divorce papers to a lawyer, second dream I was wanting a divorce because my partner was involved in taking drugs and took the children away from me. He was driving away with them and I was trying to stop him. Next scene I was at my grandmas yelling abusive messages feeling hurt, I also have my children with me at that time.
Im not sure how to interpret this, I have very mixed feelings
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
K – These dreams are either about difficult times you had with your father that are arising again in your marriage. If that is so partners get all the rough stuff projecting on to them.
Or it can be about your own feelings that something you don’t like about your husband, and so basically you want to end the marriage. If that is so it is better to be honest about it. See http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/surviving-love-and-relationships/