The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. It is certainly an uplifting power of feelings or ideas, a protective influence.
Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive vision, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. See: Birds.
Sometimes it is seen as a threatening influence, if it is seen as connected with carrion. But if so it is you fears you are dealing with. Because it is a bird of prey it might appear as a threatening influence. Also this wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear. See The Life Will ; Dreams are Like a Computer Game
In some dreams it represents love, and its death or destruction can mean the death of love – as occurs in divorce. Cayce says that teenagers at a critical stage in life sometimes dream of an eagle pecking or tearing at their heart or thymus area. He says this represents the emotional entanglements that youngsters are subject to and incapable of understanding.
The Egyptian god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things.
Also the Hawk of Achill, or Seabhag, was one of the first animals to come into being according to Celtic mythos. He has an immense memory and is said to live a very long time. He represents knowledge and the search for it as seen in the poem The Hawk of Achill. He is an ancient bird, over 5,000 years old easily at the time it was written. He is also, as many birds are in mythology, a messenger between the realms. This means he can travel from this realm to that of the otherworlds of the myths he exists in. See Myths and Legends
Example: I was gazing at the sky and the stars, looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display, like fireworks. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t I check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying; and there was a message underneath in tiny English letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’- I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a omen?
Such beautiful dreams are a real indication of your potential and should be taken seriously. Of course dreams arise from a very deep part of your nature and are like seeds, and so need time to grow and open to the surface; so be patient and hopeful.
Idioms: Watch like a hawk; eagle eyed; like a mother hawk; watch me like a hawk;
Useful questions:
What do I know and feel about eagles?
How was the eagle portrayed in the dream?
Does this have something to do with keeping a ‘sharp eye’ out for something?
Is this about nobility, power and freedom?
Have I experienced an overview, or bird’s eye view of a situation?
See The Wider Life – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
im an early riser today at 10 am i went for a small nap there i dreamt of a eagle huge eagle with white head and brown coloured body attacked by hawk and eagle is moving towards me and hawk is sitting on its back attacking it and than im scared and shouting help help on my terrace and hiding my face,
than in the dream suddenly the place of terrace was shifted into my room where the hawk was looking into my eye and was looking forward to escape when i would open the door and the eagle was hiding amidst things on my bed so what is the meaning of this dream please explain
I saw two eagles in my dream both were very big,huge ones.one was shining black the other one was orange, red, white and yellow combination of colours and very beautiful.it was shinig and rwingling wings.there were small stars like things in the edges of the second eagle.both were flying high.at the top of a building there were some dancers dancing.some of them were my friends. These eagles were flying above them.this was d dream I saw.can u please explain me what it means.i usually see dreams from my day to day activities. This s the first time I saw a dream in this kind.I am a 29yrs old woman.
Susan – Your dream suggests a big development or change in your life, one that will involve your friends. It shows that a big part of you is still not known – the black eagle – but the other one brings something to you with a spiritual influence.
This dream is given to you because of the life you have led. It is a gift that will change the way you think about yourself. But like a seed, it will take time to grow and flower in your life.
I dreamt that I woke up in my bed, but my bed was in the field behind my middle school, which was also near the court where my dad used to play basketball on a community team.
It was day time, but no one was in sight and the skies were dark grey with clouds. It was not raining or windy. The atmosphere was cool and charged. I turned my head to get my bearings and was alarmed to see that I was not alone – a few feet away on my bed on a stump perched a fierce bald eagle (normal-sized) looking right at me.
I felt like I should have been scared, but for some reason I was not. He looked me directly in the eye for a few moments. His eyes were clear and fierce, but he was rumpled and scarred and a little dirty – and old, I thought. Weary. I got the impression he was trying to communicate something to me. After a long moment of looking at each other, the dream ended.
Most of my dreams are not this vivid or are easier to sort out (for example, stress dreams about not being able to get to work on time or running from an alien invasion or zombies, brakes not working on the car, etc.) This one made a strong impression on me. It felt important. Any insight into its meaning would be much appreciated.
For example, why was I still in bed? Why that setting? Why a bald eagle?
Erin – Why were you still in bed? In dreams this usually means that you have just woke up to something – or have been ill in some way. Not ill in body but not whole in your inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
The setting is all your associations with the place and the time. You will only be clear about that if you explore those memories and associations. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
I see from your IP address that you live in the US – and the bald eagle is the national symbol of the American people. But of course it is a lot more than that. Not only does it represent an aspect of your character – a proud and successful nation – but also it shows how you have had a hard life in some way. Even so you are waking up to that proud and yet weary self. But there is more for it is looking you in the eye and you are not afraid – it has a message for you.
Its message only you can receive, but it is from a much wider view of life than you are used to. A view from a high place where past and future become known. From that height you can see the path you have been taking – and also where it is leading. So please use the following, as it is an important message – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
ok so here goes my drem, i wasdriving down a road with the ocean to my left. i was in the passenger seat, and my boyfriend was sitting in the back. i saw a bald eagle with a huge wing span flying over the ocean. i continued to watch it as it flew to towards the car. for some reason i wanted it to look at me, but it avoided my eye contact. it looked at my boyfriend and then its neck and head turned from white to a soarkling shiney dark blue. then it flew off ahead of the car. i just remember thinking how beautiful and graceful it was, then i woke up
Carrie – A very beautiful dream. One that promises you so much.
Your dreamt of boy friend is not about your actual boyfriend, but represents the feeling a lot of women have that their man is important, but actually it is about your own go ahead feelings.
The wonderful eagle over the ocean is saying that now you have or you will have a wider view of what life is all about. You will see it for yourself. The eagle changing colour is a message for you saying that you will be led by a strong inner influence that will lead to success in what you undertake. But you need to follow the feelings you have of the beauty and grace you hold within you. Let them guide and lead you. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
I had a dream of an eagle flying in the sky I was camping next to water waiting for my family to come. I just woke up from a nap and looked outside and it was flying over water I hurried to get my phone to take a picture of it and I did get it then someone couldnt really tell ya man or woman said its always there that there were a bunch around the corner and I said the clouds are grey I think storms are coming then I woke up
I’ve had two dreams with Bald Eagles recently..
In the first, there was a giant bald eagle, flying above the earth… I was tiny in comparison to it, but I was riding on it’s wing, jumping with each uplift of it’s wing, feeling exhilarated.
The other dream I was in a building, very high up, there were openings in the floor that had powerful up drafts of wind, and in these were eagles, floating above the updrafts, sleeping there because they could feel like they were flying as they were sleeping. Someone told me this was the place the eagles slept. Up close I saw a baby eagle who woke up, and it’s parent eagle was cooing to it… All in this powerful updraft of wind, no nest.
What might it mean if the eagle is 20 feet tall. With a thirty or so foot wing span. And you walk up to it. As it stands straight up amd spreads its wings
Terry – It means you are spreading your wings ready to make a big move in your inner life.
It may take a while to show but it is coming. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
in my dream there was a burnt tree, while surrounding it was a minecraft style mosaic thing of an eagle. it wasn’t an actual eagle, just a mosaic of one. anyone have any idea what it means!?!?!
Koryna – The burnt tree suggests that you have had quite struggle in your life. It could even suggest that you find it hard to express the real you.
The bricks are the efforts to build something of and in your life you have done, and although it doesn’t seem as if you have made progress, you have in you a firm foundation for new growth. That is emphasised by the eagle – the tiny things you have left from the past which underlie your present personality – the wonderful strength to rise up and fly.
A couple days ago i had a dream that i was being taken over/transforming and everyone kept trying to stop it from happening. Finally once i was able to get away from everyone in which time i transformed into an eagle. I was able to see myself transform a well see through the eagles’ eyes after. I was crying along with everyone watching because it was a beautiful site and feeling. Im not sure how to explain but the eagle couldn’t be touched i was a lit up bright image almost transparent in the sky.
Good day Sir,
Today, I dreamt of eagles flying in the sky. It was dusk time. There were four or five of them flying in circles. I was so amazed to see them. They were as big as those birds of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings movie.
Suddenly, I have a camera in my hands and I was trying to take a picture. But the camera had no flash and so I was a bit disappointed, knowing that the pictures I will get will not be good ones.
As I was looking through the camera lens, I saw one perched on a tree that was just a few feet away from me on our street. It was a Tamarind tree and I saw the bird was just resting.
I saw it ‘s face through the lens. It has a white head and brown body (like a Philippine eagle). I t has big black eyes. I was so happy to look at this beautiful creature. But it seemed to me that this was an old one, with a beak that was a bit untidy.
I went near the tree and started shaking the branches so I can see it fly. And, it did fly. It didn’t fly high but over me and stopped just a few meters away and perched on a chair in front of our neighbor’s house.
I ran to it but it was gone when I got there because the neighbors also found out about it and scared the eagle away.
In my dream, I was in our old street where I grew up. The dream seemed so real and when I woke up, I remembered every bit of detail. It was an amazing experience.
Can you help me sir interpret this dream?
I appreciate your help in advance. Thank you and God bless always.
Anna – The eagle you dreamt of represents a power that can uplift and transform you. It is about a big change that can gradually come into your life.
The fact that the neighbours frightened it away suggests that attitudes of other people are intruding on the power that can transform you. See http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
Today in early morning i saw a dreem, I was just setting near the rever in the night and suddenly one 4-5 feet white eagle coming to me, his wings are very long looks very cute and nice, then he comes near to me and sit infront and start looking to me, at the same time i saw some cows and horses are also flying, its looks very cool, then i sleep. Pl explain what is this meaning.
Chetan – The river suggests the flow of life energy through you. The wonderful eagle is a sign that you could develop a great intuition and see things other people miss – and the flying cows and horses suggest that in some way you have accepted your inner animals, your instinctive feelings and directed them in a new way. Our life energy often flows out of us a sex, movement and emotions, but your energy has been taken upwards to develop a new view of life, maybe by love or meditation. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Today i saw in my dream a big hawk even bigger than my size.
it was not flying it was just sitting and looking around.please can you tell what does it mean
Hi Tony:
I had the most profound dream involving a hawk/eagle this morning. A hawk/eagle flew at me from the sky and grabbed my right arm/wrist. I wouldn’t let go and hurt me, but did not puncture the skin. There was a man off to my left who came to my aid, but neither of us could get the hawk/eagle off of my wrist.
I don’t know if it will help to know I am right handed.
In the dream, I was also telling people I knew about the dream in order to get some kind of an interpretation.
Thank you! Brenda
Brenda – I have the feeling that the hawk, which in dreams is actually a part of your own nature, is trying to get you to do something.
What do you do with your right hand that you are struggling against, and you are using your rational mind – the man – to fight against a strong inner urge. Do you paint, write or reach out to others with that hand. Whatever it is, allow it to emerge, as it comes from your higher intuition. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream that I saw a shadow as I was looking down at my feet, of Eagles wings coming out on either side of my feet. I thought ,” This Eagle is going to land on me” so I put out my arm, thinking He would land on my fore arm, but instead He landed right on my shoulder! I was scared he would rip my face off, but I got up the courageand looked Him straight in the eye!!!! This dream forever changed me in some way that i cannot fully explain. I was wondering what your thoughts were on it. Thank you Bonnie
Bonnie – When we face something of ourselves that it bigger than we have been so far we often feel scared. It is maybe like when we are teenagers and actually feel the responsibility and tasks of adulthood – or when we are still emotionally dependent on our mother dreaming they are dead and feel the enormous dependence we still have.
So your dream is a meeting with the you that you are growing into. At first it is only a shadow, and then the great eagle of wider awareness becomes real. You faced the fear of this and are forever changed. But it takes time for it to become a part of your everyday experience.
Your face was probably ripped off, because your old personality – your face – needed to go so you could face the world as a new person.
in my dream i was on roof and there were 4-5 pigeons feeding but suddenly out of no where 3-4 eagles flying around the building to eat them. i took decision to protect them. and when any bird attacks i hit them with the piece of cloth in my hand.
in reality i never had pigeons or any birds never wanted them actually, nor hate them but loves all animals.
I saw group of black vultures infront of my door and there was white spotted vulture also in my dream last night,they were trying to enter my home but i closed door……one thing I want to tell you generally I dont see dream in night.I take sound sleep evetyday.