The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. It is certainly an uplifting power of feelings or ideas, a protective influence.
Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive vision, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. See: Birds.
Sometimes it is seen as a threatening influence, if it is seen as connected with carrion. But if so it is you fears you are dealing with. Because it is a bird of prey it might appear as a threatening influence. Also this wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear. See The Life Will ; Dreams are Like a Computer Game
In some dreams it represents love, and its death or destruction can mean the death of love – as occurs in divorce. Cayce says that teenagers at a critical stage in life sometimes dream of an eagle pecking or tearing at their heart or thymus area. He says this represents the emotional entanglements that youngsters are subject to and incapable of understanding.
The Egyptian god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things.
Also the Hawk of Achill, or Seabhag, was one of the first animals to come into being according to Celtic mythos. He has an immense memory and is said to live a very long time. He represents knowledge and the search for it as seen in the poem The Hawk of Achill. He is an ancient bird, over 5,000 years old easily at the time it was written. He is also, as many birds are in mythology, a messenger between the realms. This means he can travel from this realm to that of the otherworlds of the myths he exists in. See Myths and Legends
Example: I was gazing at the sky and the stars, looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display, like fireworks. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t I check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying; and there was a message underneath in tiny English letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’- I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a omen?
Such beautiful dreams are a real indication of your potential and should be taken seriously. Of course dreams arise from a very deep part of your nature and are like seeds, and so need time to grow and open to the surface; so be patient and hopeful.
Idioms: Watch like a hawk; eagle eyed; like a mother hawk; watch me like a hawk;
Useful questions:
What do I know and feel about eagles?
How was the eagle portrayed in the dream?
Does this have something to do with keeping a ‘sharp eye’ out for something?
Is this about nobility, power and freedom?
Have I experienced an overview, or bird’s eye view of a situation?
See The Wider Life – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
I had a dream last night and hope that it could be explained to me. I was visiting with guests in my living room, all off a sudden the garden filled with birds sitting on the grass, they were looking up to the roof. The guests expressed the strangeness of the moment, then everything became quit. I stepped outside to see what they were looking at. I had the sense that they were in awe of the moment, almost in reverence. I saw two eagles on the roof, the one seemed to be a normal eagle. It was however the other eagle my attention was drawn to,absolutely beautifull,shining. The colours were vivid, cream/white with some brown and yellow on the beak. He was moving and it looked like he was trying to communicate a message. I tried to explain to my quests what the looked like as it was just me standing outside. I then entered the living room again to find one of the guests sitting down, holding a baby eagle loosly wrapped in a blanked. The baby eagle had the same colours as the one on the roof. I went to sit on my knees in front of the eagle, softly speaking to it, in return he responded to me by placing both his claws ever so gently on my arm. The next moment we were at a sort of care facility, handing the eagle over for further assistance. People gathered around the cage in absolute wonder. Just before I woke up, I saw myself and my young son return to check up on the eagle, he reconized me and, he pushed his head out of the cage opening for me to stroke him.
Last night I had a dream that it was early morning and my little sister was in my room and woke me up. She pointed outside my Window where this black eagle with a white face kept flying by it loudly. I was really scared of him and I felt inside like I’ve always known of this eagle but he was unfamiliar to me. I them went to work where I started telling about my coworker about the eagle that I saw and suddenly I turn around and see him falling in the sky screaming like hes in agony or being killed and there are all these other little black birds up in the sky around it but they arent doing anything to the eagle, like they do not even see it. And even though I’m far away suddenly I can see his face so clearly and see every feather. But no one around me notices him at all. They can’t hear or see him. And he’s fallen out of sight but I can still hear him screaming and I feel the need to go to him even though I’m still scared but I’ve woken up before I could. And this dream really stuck out to me because I can still remember his face and every detail that I’m sure I could draw him. And in my dream the e.tire time I felt like I’ve always seen him around or dreamt him before when I’m positive I haven’t. It was all very strange to me and a bit frightening.
Alyssa – You have a massive life within you that keeps you breathing, digests your food and controls your inner life. What you are aware of while awake is a tiny thing compared to your inner world that we are usually unaware of and think it is all like an unconscious machine that keeps us alive. It is not. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
The eagle you have always known because it is part of you inner life – unfortunately most people are unaware if it because it is part of our unconscious inner world. Your little sister was aware of it because she represents your innocence before you were educated in ways that cut you off from knowing the bigger world in which we actually exist. As your dream suggests, because you have love and care for your younger self – sister – you are waking up to something wonderful – the eagle. Of course your work mates cannot see or hear him because they were all educated in ways that make them blind. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The eagle is a symbol of the wider awareness that enable you to see what is actually happening around and within you. It is your sense of intuition. It is in pain because you have ignored it for so long. It is an actual part of you, that is why it is in pain. If you wished you could make it whole again by giving it some love and attention. Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Last night I dreamt I was at an island that I have never visited before. I was looking at the water that was so clear and beautiful and my friend appeared next to me and told me to look up. There wasn’t just one eagle but a bunch of them. It was amazing and I was in complete awe at how many there were. The eagles were sitting on a tree when one started to fly. It was so cool I was right under it and could see how massive this eagle was. But the next eagle I saw flying wasn’t a bald eagle but had reddish feathers and different face. Reply
In my dream: a fish eagle sitting on n line (I could not see the beginning or the end of this line. Also no poles) it was calm and quite, the air I breathe was clean – I don’t know how to explain it. The fish eagle was looking at me and I was looking back at him for a long time. Someone ells was also in my dream and when I told that person to look at the fish eagle and how beautiful he was, the person told me that he could not see the eagle. But I can. With that the eagle flew away but I can still see him soaring in the sky, over water. He then caught a fish and came back to were he was sitting before and kept looking at me. I then woke up.
What does this mean?
Jesica – It means you are sensitive to your own feelings and intuition more than people whose whole attention is fixed on the outward amusements most people think are so important. Your dream pointed that out to you because the other person could not see the eagle.
The eagle is a potential every one has to shift their awareness from physical sense impression to awareness of the subtle connections we have with all around us. Also it is like being high up so we can see things other people cannot see.
The eagle showed you this by flying high, and the fish brought back was a precious gift of insights gained from flying high. But dreaming it you are largely unaware of that otherwise you would already understand your dream. So please contact the power you have reached by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a a dream of me picking up and collecting beautiful sea shells by this gorgeous beach I’ve never seen before and then all of a sudden I’m riding and clinging to the back of a giant white eagle. The eagle seemed to be very happy with me and would fly in all directions. I get the impression it was a male. Then all I remember next is me looking out at the tide lowering and he wasn’t there but I had a feeling he would be back but later it turned night time and the ride rose up… I forget exactly what happens in between the transitioning parts of the dream but I had this strong emotional connection with eagle and had this urge to find him… All I knew was that I was meant to meet someone that night on the beach maybe at a party but it was supposed to be the eagle … I’m assuming in human form. I didn’t know what to look for exactly I just had a feeling I would just know at the right moment of meeting him. I swear I was in love with my eagle and it stirred up such raw and uplifting emotions for me I can’t let it go. It was so beautiful I woke up crying. It was very spiritual for me and rattled the core of my soul for a bit. Although I woke up before I finished my search for the white eagle / boy in my dream.
I had a dream where i was in a hurry driving somewhere. I started climbing this hill but the truck couldnt make it so i stopped at this park. At the park they had a stream, it was parcially frozen, but there were 3 bald eagles were bathing in the stream. After seeing this i woke up. I cant figure out what this means
I had a dream of an eagle flying going to me… As if he knew I am his master… He gaze into me… And will fly again and always returns to me… My it be near me or on my arms… But the eagle is so sweet to look at and to me… This is the first time i dreamed about an eagle..
And it was a very good dream… Refreshing
I was at school and i went to go open a double door when this eagle landed on my back. Everyone around me was amazed and i touched the eagle then it just fell on the ground and it looked like a naked man with eagle feet and wings. Then at lunch everyone was using paper claws to stab me in the back then later that dream the eagle man thing jumped up at me then i woke up crying at the beauty of the eagle. Please tell me what this means
I dreamt I was looking up at an eagle during dusk. I was pointing it out to my sister. I kept saying ‘look look. It is an eagle.’ Then it suddenly swooped down and nestled on my chest and I hugged it. However it had gotten quite dark and I kept wondering where it began and ended as I could not see it very well. When I used my hand, I could feel its foot and also its beak and I started asking my sister if she could see more. But there was no reply. What do you think?
Last night I dreamt I was sitting at a family friends home looking at a book with an eagle on my lap. I stroked the eagle on the head and then kissed it.
In real life I lost my grandma, had to move into a flat I dislike. I do visit the friends house as they were so kind to me after my grandma died. I also don’t know if I should keep in touch with a musician I know and I really want to move house. Help.
Simone – The eagle on your lap is a sure sign things will go well with you, though not always as you expect. But the eagle is a ‘far seer’ so it would be good to get to know it more fully. Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Although I don’t live in house at this time. In my dream, I owned a well built older home. In my dream a huge eagle with a thick, large beek flew around my property and seemed to focus on me. It landed within 2 feet of my face and seemed intensely focused on me. I was scared and went inside and told my daughters (adults). While we were talking about how large and strong the bird appeared to be and it’s abnormally large beak, I started to notice other abnormally large birds
Some were even larger than the first one. They circled around with more and more joining the circle. Every now and then one of the largest ones would come and walk around in front of me. Watching me. There were so many inside and outside my house. They never tried to hurt me but they were all very focused on me. Smaller ones were very thick built with thick curved beaks and when looked at side ways are about 2-3 ft beak to end of tail. Larger ones look similar but side ways are 4-5 ft beak to end of tail. They look like eagles of various types all circling with the same focus. What does this mean for me. Please email me.
I dreamed that an eagle shows up and stop by in my left shoulder. Than I saw my sisters and my mom (my mom doesn’t live anymore). We were almost all together and we were trying to take pictures with the eagle that didn’t move from my shoulder. I am living a difficult time in my life and my families are concerned about me.
I am curious to know what this dream could mean.
i had a dream that i was in a field on my horse & i saw this eagle flying above me , i started running along side it on my horse & reached my hand up to touch it ( which i did , i run my right hand down the underneath of its whole body ) but its left wing looked broken ! what does this mean ?
Ashley – You were riding your horse, which in a dream means you are in touch with your natural self, your inner animal. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/animals/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain
Because you are at ease with your inner animal it has opened up something new in you, represented by the eagle.
In ancient Egypt the god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things. The same applies to your dream eagle, but your inner ability to gain the sight is slightly injured. Ask your dreams how you can heal it. Or you can find out for yourself by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a dream last night, where I was exiting a public restroom stall and an eagle was sitting by the sink where I’d wash my hands. It perched itself on my forearm and I kept putting my fingers by his beak to see if he’d bite, as I was hesitant. He led me outside and tried to urge me to fly. I was again hesitant. He flew to the moon and seemingly perched atop it, came back to me, and this time I was ready. It felt like a slingshot, I flew directly over the moon and into the stars. It was an incredible feeling, and I woke up at exactly 3:33 am. I’m unsure what this dream means but I woke up feeling so many positive feelings.
Sara – I am convinced that we are all children of the Universe. Of course your mother helped toward providing a body so you could meet certain experiences to learn from. But your mother didn’t create you, but Life itself within her formed the amazing body you have. From a single cell it took you on a journey into a vegetable phase, then into the form or a fish like creature with gills’ and on from there toward a body living in air. Your mother was completely unaware of all the miraculous changes taking place within her.
As a child of the Universe you have an amazing potential. You can become aware of your life as part of the universe, not just your life as an earthling. Your dream shows you meeting, in symbolic form, the power of extended awareness. And with that power you started exploring into the wonderful inner world we all have, and how we are really a part of starlight.
Of course your dream is rather like a beautiful and intriguing cover of a book, and you haven’t seen the enormity of what it, your dream, contains. See please see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Wishing you more adventures. It is a vast inner world you have, so do not feel scare and pull back.
I woke up and this dream flooded me.
I was in a opening like a prarie or field and there was white smoke everywhere. I thought I was alone except for the native American drumming. An old woman grabbed my hand and led me through the smoke, there was a tribe of elders smudging and playing drums. The woman led me through the crowd who seemed to be expecting me. As I reached the front before me in this field stood an eagle. It stood in a flight position and showed me its underside of its wings. then it came to me walking and as it looked into my eyes it flew up and rested on my shoulder. We looked into each others eyes and saw in them the reflections of the other and simultaneously looked into the far distance.
Then I woke up. It was so real the sights sounds and smells lingered with me as I entered consciousness. I have never had a dream so vivid since the tornado dream I kept having when I was a young child.
It is certainly a very significant dream. Normally I get a clear indication of what it is about but not this one. You are always the best interpreter of your dreams. My sense is, that the eagle is part of yourself. You could experiment with a gestalt technique and ‘become’ each part of your dream and feel what it is to be each part; the old woman, the tribe, the eagle, the drums etc.
Christian – Exactly what had been said in See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson