The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. It is certainly an uplifting power of feelings or ideas, a protective influence.
Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive vision, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. See: Birds.
Sometimes it is seen as a threatening influence, if it is seen as connected with carrion. But if so it is you fears you are dealing with. Because it is a bird of prey it might appear as a threatening influence. Also this wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear. See The Life Will ; Dreams are Like a Computer Game
In some dreams it represents love, and its death or destruction can mean the death of love – as occurs in divorce. Cayce says that teenagers at a critical stage in life sometimes dream of an eagle pecking or tearing at their heart or thymus area. He says this represents the emotional entanglements that youngsters are subject to and incapable of understanding.
The Egyptian god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things.
Also the Hawk of Achill, or Seabhag, was one of the first animals to come into being according to Celtic mythos. He has an immense memory and is said to live a very long time. He represents knowledge and the search for it as seen in the poem The Hawk of Achill. He is an ancient bird, over 5,000 years old easily at the time it was written. He is also, as many birds are in mythology, a messenger between the realms. This means he can travel from this realm to that of the otherworlds of the myths he exists in. See Myths and Legends
Example: I was gazing at the sky and the stars, looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display, like fireworks. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t I check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying; and there was a message underneath in tiny English letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’- I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a omen?
Such beautiful dreams are a real indication of your potential and should be taken seriously. Of course dreams arise from a very deep part of your nature and are like seeds, and so need time to grow and open to the surface; so be patient and hopeful.
Idioms: Watch like a hawk; eagle eyed; like a mother hawk; watch me like a hawk;
Useful questions:
What do I know and feel about eagles?
How was the eagle portrayed in the dream?
Does this have something to do with keeping a ‘sharp eye’ out for something?
Is this about nobility, power and freedom?
Have I experienced an overview, or bird’s eye view of a situation?
See The Wider Life – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
In my dream, The eagle was sitting on the foot of a big mountain, with the head above the mountain, and the normal eagles was flying around his head feeding it.
So i had bit of weird dream last night, I cant remember where i was but i was with a lot of old freinds I havent seen for years, and suddenly 2 eagles were flying over our heads, most of us duck down but one freind stood up and one of the eagles landed on his and started to pick him on the head but he didnt seem to get hurt by it. after a bit the eagles came flying over me and for some reason i decided to stand up (was lying down at first i recall) and both the eagles landed on each side of my shoulder, i remember feeling complete calmness, and they both cuddled up against my chins. – I think both eagles where mostly brown. – Never dreamt of eagles in my life before and the whole scenario was quite amazing, i felt a rush of love pouring through me when they cuddled against my chins. Anyone know what this could mean?
Forgot to mention (dont know if its important) – I remember at least one of the eagles had black eyes because one of them looked me in the eyes when it landed on my shoulder. – and after they cuddled my chin i cant remember anything else.
i dreamed i was in church and then 2 eagles flew in and started flying in a circle and then the one flew faster then the other one
I had a dream last night I and mom went to a crowded place and suddenly I saw an unusually tall woman in burkha (the black color dress which Muslim lady usually wear) with a small kid I pointed to that lady to show my mom, suddenly sky become cloudy and thousand of eagles came and touched me and my mom’s hand happily and vanished in the sky. I’m not sure about the meaning of this dream, if you can explain.
I dreamt an enormous eagle swooped down in a park and lifted an animal the size of a dog into the air to the horror and amazement of everyone in the park. It dropped the animal and then flew towards me causing everyone in the park around me to run. Its wing span was so gigantic that it appeared to be like a dinosaur version of an eagle. I picked up and threw a red dog’s ball in the air to distract it so I could run away. The eagle flew to chase it and returned right back to me before I had time to escape. All of the other people in the park had fled. I threw the ball again and again trying to get away, and it became a game of catch. I realized after awhile that I was no longer afraid of it. The eagle then perched on my shoulder and even though it was the exaggerated size of a car, it was light as air. It became like a pet and stayed perched on me unless I threw the red ball. We formed a spiritual connection. I walked into a building with it perched on my shoulder, though we could hardly fit inside, and found my husband who was consulting with an expert (by phone) on what to do. At that point, I really cared about the eagle and wanted to protect it (although it was actually the other way around since the eagle was ten times my size). I then woke up.
In my dream, I was in my room looking out my window in winter; when suddenly a black eagle landed on the window cage and started tapping his beak on my window, waiting to be invited. I carefully opened the window and he started peeking into my room slowly coming in and then he started staring at me. I was spooked and drove him away and closed my window. But moments after, the peaceful winter scenery changed, there were ruins all around in fire. I saw the eagle crushing ruined windows in other buildings. And then I woke up.
Can someone please interpret it? The dream was so vivid, I can’t remember a time when i had such a vivid dream. Thank you.
I had a dream that I was with with an old friend of mine and he was flying a kite and I was trying to take pictures of the animals that were in our surroundings but my camera wouldn’t focus and then my friend was picked up by the eagle and I grabbed him to try and keep him from carried away and then we were released and we looked up and we we’re like holy crap that was an American bald eagle idk if this means anything but it was crazy
I had a dream I one came down from the sky, sat down beside me and became my pet. It followed me everywhere and even cuddled with me.
Last night I dreamt I was walking out on some country road with a group of friends -no one I actually know in real life. This was a long dream, that began as an adventure type scenario, although I don’t remember it very well. We were happy , having fun, I was even attempting my running/flying/gliding, that I often do in dreams. Suddenly there was a giant- very very large, eagle flying high above us. I was the only one who first saw it as a threat, and begged everyone to run and take cover in an empty house down the road. I felt if the eagle saw us , it would dive down and take one of us like a helpless animal/prey. Everyone finally listened to me, but the house did not feel that safe. I quickly realized every single room had huge windows, even the bathroom, and the closets where too small to hide in. Next, I pulled down the blinds in one room, and told everyone to keep all lights off. At the edge of some woods /brush outside a grey bunny appeared. The eagle snatched it up and ate it within seconds. I was peaking through the blinds to watch, and the rest if my group rushed at the window to do the same. The commotion caught the creatures attention. It then flew low , circling the house, looking at all the windows, like it was looking for a weak point, or opportunity to attack. I was terrified, but I felt like I need to keep watching, and assessing the situation, while I told the others to hide and stay back. I then saw it up close as it swept past. All my focus honed in on its “all seeing” yellow eye, as it looking directly at me. I remember thinking maybe it wasn’t going to attack, maybe it’s just warning us, or showing its force and strength over us. Then I woke up!
My life is big mystery. When i was 4 i dreamt that i was under the table in my house, and the big phoenix-like eagle entered the house. All my house members went somewhere to hide but i didn’t. Then he came to me and dream ended. After that, i started having nightmares such as Phoenix. But after my sixth year these nightmares stopped. But i started seeing number 4, 444, 256 (Which represents number 4) everywhere.
In my dream my grandpa had two black eyes which were both bloody, people were attacking him and pouncing. He had a large scar on his back that went from his shoulder blade, all the way down to his hip. He had a branding on him whome had an eagle on top of a sword… What is my whole dream trying to tell me?
I had a dream where a large brown eagle was circling my house. By my windows on the second floor. I ran to close the window and it broke it. I then it slammed into the window. I was terrified of this bird but intrigued at the same time. When it got into my house through the front window a sword materialised in my hands and I stabbed it in the chest. Then I started to feel sad and it turned into a human man. I don’t know the person but he said something to me in the dream while he was dying, can’t remember now of course. :’D
I had a dream about a dessicated eagle stuffed in a fence. It was within 10 feet of a small shack where I lived. I used a piece of wood to remove it from the fence. I found it after being attacked by multiple bats
I had a dream that a Eagle approached me, laid his/her head in my hand and I rubbed its head. I just remember feeling so much love and like it loved me. Then I woke up.
i had a dream that I was talking to my father and we were pointing at the 3 eagles in the sky. They were flying.