The eagle can represent several things, depending upon its context in your dream. It can point to the powerful, strong hunting instinct in business or in being a providing parent. It can depict protective strength; a male figure; relentlessness. Dominance or a male figure. It is certainly an uplifting power of feelings or ideas, a protective influence.
Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive vision, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint. See: Birds.
Sometimes it is seen as a threatening influence, if it is seen as connected with carrion. But if so it is you fears you are dealing with. Because it is a bird of prey it might appear as a threatening influence. Also this wider awareness may at times feel as if you are ‘carried away’. Being lifted into the unknown in this way can cause unwarranted fear. See The Life Will ; Dreams are Like a Computer Game
In some dreams it represents love, and its death or destruction can mean the death of love – as occurs in divorce. Cayce says that teenagers at a critical stage in life sometimes dream of an eagle pecking or tearing at their heart or thymus area. He says this represents the emotional entanglements that youngsters are subject to and incapable of understanding.
The Egyptian god Horus is a hawk or falcon, and was called the ‘all seeing eye’. This was because it represented the higher function of the unconscious to see all things.
Also the Hawk of Achill, or Seabhag, was one of the first animals to come into being according to Celtic mythos. He has an immense memory and is said to live a very long time. He represents knowledge and the search for it as seen in the poem The Hawk of Achill. He is an ancient bird, over 5,000 years old easily at the time it was written. He is also, as many birds are in mythology, a messenger between the realms. This means he can travel from this realm to that of the otherworlds of the myths he exists in. See Myths and Legends
Example: I was gazing at the sky and the stars, looking up to the sky. The stars were shiny and yellow gold similar to the colour of fire. There were a couple of stars similar to shooting stars but they almost looked like tiny pieces of fire display, like fireworks. It looked beautiful. Soon after the dream shifted to a computer screen and I was checking my emails. I was scrolling down the in box and then clicked on a message thinking ‘why didn’t I check this before?’ the message appeared with a picture of a huge bird and it looked like a Eagle (but the colour was white with a bluish/black outline) with its wings fully spread and moving as if the Eagle was flying; and there was a message underneath in tiny English letters which I read something similar to ‘ your life is going to transform’- I can’t remember the exact words but it was something similar to this and then I woke up. Could this be a message for the future /a prediction/ a omen?
Such beautiful dreams are a real indication of your potential and should be taken seriously. Of course dreams arise from a very deep part of your nature and are like seeds, and so need time to grow and open to the surface; so be patient and hopeful.
Idioms: Watch like a hawk; eagle eyed; like a mother hawk; watch me like a hawk;
Useful questions:
What do I know and feel about eagles?
How was the eagle portrayed in the dream?
Does this have something to do with keeping a ‘sharp eye’ out for something?
Is this about nobility, power and freedom?
Have I experienced an overview, or bird’s eye view of a situation?
See The Wider Life – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Questions
I dreamt I was in the woods like being in your backyard and I came to a path or tunnel with an almost cave like feature with clay bottom flooring I looked up and seen an eagle in its next not very far up and it looked at me. It flew down and turned itself into a man with eagle wings almost like a spirt god or being it stared at me said nothing then turned into a very small blue green moth and fluttered about my face almost like it was kissing me I walked forward into the cave and then i seen snakes but not in a harmful or disgusting way harmless grass snakes then the number 100 popped in my sight and I woke up.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Dorothy – Being in the woods and entering a cave represents that you relaxed and so entered deep into levels of your mind. In a way you touched Life in you, and it manifested in your dream as animals.
Everything about you is a shape shifter, but people tend to think of themselves as a solid and unchangeable. Yet we have to go back to the primal slime to reproduce, and from there we go through enormous changes. So the eagle represents a formless part of you that is the real you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/
The moth too was Life itself expressing as one of its unimaginable number of forms – kissing you because you were open to it and it loved you.
The snakes are another form of the one great Life. In dreams they represent the latent potential of life in you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
In this dream i saw the bald eagle standing in front of me blocking my path and trying to attack me but then i tricked and caught it then i tied it down but later let it free but it could no longer fly,instead it turned into a woman which i ended up making love to….please what does this mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Benjamin – All the people, animals, places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves. To do this you can use Being the Person or Thing
So the eagle is a part of you that could life you to a better view of your life. But the dream shows you are in conflict with that wonderful power. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
So in stopping it flying you kept your energy, your expression and awareness locked in the sexual level. A pity because it could have expressed more of the enormous potential you have.
This potential is something we all experience but usually fail to understand. Each of us are immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood. It is the current if Life. This current then carries us on through old and through gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future. And this force of growth and change. and is fought like hell by many as we are afraid of such changes, especially getting old and facing death.
The feelings that flow through us or we are immersed in are the process of life in our body, connecting with emotions, sexuality and changes of mood, we know this push/river as the flow and events of our life or destiny. We are constantly a river of energy which is expressed in everything we do. Because it is Life that flows through us it is creative in its action. But we are part of the creation, for we create with what we do. If we put feelings of hatred and destruction in the flow as it passes through us – that is what we are creating. Unfortunately, those feelings, and therefore we who release them, create our own destruction. Whereas acts which connect with others create bridges and bring others into our life enriching it. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
In my dream, I was in my backyard on a sunny spring day. I saw what I thought was an eagle soaring above, with its wings spread out. It was flying in a circle above my yard and the neighbor’s yard. It would periodically go to the nest, at the top of one of my pine trees. This pine tree was in the Southwest corner of my yard. While I was standing in the middle of the yard, a baby eagle landed right next to me, in a tree centered in the middle, on a low branch. I spoke gently, offering my finger as a perch. He gladly took perch for a long time. I felt amazed with awe and connection the bird offered to me. There were other birds, too. They would come and perch as well. Most of them were babies, with gray feathers, but they were still very large.
While I was outside, amazed that the nest was in my yard, I heard what I though was a gunshot from somewhere in the neighborhood. I became very protective. I yelled not to shoot them and that it was illegal to do so. Then, I noticed strange people in the neighbor’s backyard, next door. They were dressed in plain clothes, and had a variety of tools that looked like guns or non-lethal weapons. When I confronted them, they ignored me. After that, I noticed many of the birds had tags that were stapled around their feet. I could rip them off, anytime one came to me. So, I took them off each one, as they came to me, landing on my left arm or hand.
As my suspicions of the people, nor the activities they were carrying out, did not cease, I decided to go inside to grab a gun myself. By then, they were in my yard to, and continued to ignore my questions, and were targeting the birds. I came out with the gun, and pointed it at the male leader, demanding he tell me what he was doing and why. He was vague in his explanation. Another person tried saying I only had a certain type of weapon, as if I was not as threatening as I looked and I could be ignored. So, I yelled for everyone to stop, because I did not want to use my gun, but I would. Then, I took the gun out of the loaded position, resting it upward, against my shoulder. It seemed that I was demonstrating my confidence in the ability to use the weapon and that I would protect the eagles, even if that meant shooting someone. My intention was to get them to leave the eagles in the peace in refuge of my backyard.
As a side note, I’ve never shot a rifle, and could not quickly work any type of gun. In the dream, however, I seemed to be very acquainted with knowing how to quickly use a weapon. In fact, I do not own any guns, and have only shot a BB gun as a child.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Christina – I doesn’t matter that you have not handled guns, for we all have a huge background of knowledge. You grew from a tiny fertilised seed, but that seed was the product of other seeds going back to the beginning of life on this planet. Each seed grows form the memories of all those seeds, but we are fooled into believing we only existed this time, because our brain only has memories of this time around. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
The eagles are simply handy images that indicate that in fact you have these greater memories, wider awareness, and sympathise with all living creatures. To see if you can tap into this wider you, try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
You obviously have feelings about people who treat nature and its creatures as if they are of no account, and your dream shows you will defend them with anger – the gun. See http://dreamhawk.com/poems/temple-of-the-animals/
I had a dream of a black eagle with a golden beak standing on my fence, I opened up my blinds from my room and spotted the eagle once I looked at him he then stared back at me! For a few seconds. Then he open up his wings then flew straight up!
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Moises – The black eagle means you have become aware of an important part of you that you were previously unaware of. It flew straight up signifying that it offers you expanded awareness. Going up means you can see more, be aware of more and where you are in your life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
I had a dream of a bald eagle flying and at the end of the dream before I woke up it landed on a branch. What does that mean?
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Mutasim – It means that an opportunity to gain a wider awareness of life is offered to you. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
The branch and the tree is the tree of Life – The tree depicts the living structure of yourself or another person. In particular it shows not only your past in the condition of its roots and trunk, but also what you have grown into and what your possibilities or potential are. It is what has grown from the past into the present. Its roots show your connection with your physical body and the earth, your family background and influences, and cultural roots; its trunk the way you direct the energies of your being – growth, sex, thought, emotion. The branches are the abilities, directions and many facets you develop in life – varied and yet all connected in the common life process of your being. The tree can also symbolise new growth, stages of life and ageing, with its spring leaves and blossom, then the falling leaves. The top of the tree, or the end of the branches are your aspirations, the growing vulnerable tip of your personal growth and spiritual realisation.
I remember sitting on a bench at a busy street in the city. Looking up, I saw huge eagles flying low above me, they were white in color. I saw as well their nests and huge eggs. The trees around me are low and green. I was wondering in the dream as well, eagles do not nest on low trees. There are a lot of those huge eagles and their young, nests and eggs as well. I felt complete, no emotions. I find that dream strange but there is something I just cannot figure out. In the dream, the head of their young is 5x the size of an average bald head eagle.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Duke – The eagle represent not only success in being more aware of the world around you, but also the ability to be free of the view most people have which is limited to their physical senses. But of course a dream takes place deeply within you, and so like a seed takes time to break through to your personal limited awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/
The huge size and the nearness of the eagles show that they are very actively influencing you. It suggest that you are on the verge of a big change in the way you see and respond to life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
I had a dream last night I was surrounded on the ground by 3 eagles. They were not a threat. They seemed to be protecting me or nurturing me as if I was one of their own. I wasn’t afraid but I kind of felt like a member of their family. Can you help explain it to me?
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Lawerence – The eagle represent not only success in being more aware of the world around you, but also the ability to be free of the view most people have which is limited to their physical senses. But of course a dream takes place deeply within you, and so like a seed takes time to break through to your personal limited awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/
The eagle is obviously a part of you because it represents an aspect of you that is new to you. Also it is a mentor because having a wider awareness cannot help but be a teaching experience. You are a member of a huge and wonderful family, for we are all involved with each other, so our personality rests on an ancient body of amazing animals.
“No plant or tree grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb was as old, and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you.”
So, your physical seed was older even than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you. Millions of people believe that their beginning was in the slime of their parents mating. That slime and the tiny tadpoles it carried was a replay of an ancient past, that took place about three and a half billion years ago. That was the seed/cell that your body grew from, but the seed that the Creative Impulse gave you is even more wonderful. For your core seed came from a being beyond time and space – and holds within it an extraordinary past, in which a whole universe of creatures found unity – it is beyond understanding, only experiencing.
Also because the eagle is a part of you giving new information – intuition – I suggest trying http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I dreamed about a bird similar to an eagle, but in a big big size. In my dream I found this bird incredible beautiful and I came close and friend to the bird. The dream was very realistic. I woke up amazed. It was a full experience a be I would love to know the meaning. Thank you in advance and I looking forward to hear from you.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Alejandra – You felt awe because although what you saw in your dream was images of an eagle, in fact the images are masks for enormous feelings, energies and realisations that underlie the dream process and the drama and images it produces.
As you read in the ‘Eagle’ entry, it says that you came in contact with the wonderful ability of expanded awareness. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
Hi Tony,
Wondering if you have any insight about this dream.
I am with others and see a gigantic bird with another large bird in it’s beak in the sky. It sees me and swoops down over me. I wave my red book in the air to kind of bat it away but it comes back again and again- targeting only me. The next time it comes back it has dropped it’s dead prey and wants me. I jump down underneath a dock, so I am almost fully submerged (but can still breathe) in water, protected by the dock. A shaman pops his down on my right and spits blood into the water with me- i believe to protect me. He said the bird wants me. I eventually find the dock to become a prison rather than protection and the water is rising towards my nose. I break out and run away but there is no bird or anyone around. I have more parts of the dream happen, but any insight would be very helpful in regards to this. Thank you!
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Colby – All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves. To do this you can use Being the Person or Thing
You avoided the bird perhaps because you saw it as a predator – ye predators are part of the life cycle. As you wrote, “I find the dock to become a prison rather than protection and the water is rising towards my nose.”
Something else to remember is that whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
So the huge bird in dreams represents your ability to have a wider view of the world and your life. Literally a birds eye view. Meet your fear and you can take the next step in your inner growth. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I’ve been looking for dreams like mine everywhere and I can’t find a similar one. I dreamed I was an eagle and I was flying isnide a building with a very high ceiling. I trapped and the people on the ground didn’t want me to fly away. I finally squeezed myself throught a tiny window and got out, but the people were trying to chase after me.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also, I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Suzanne – Being the eagle suggests that you are on the verge of developing greater insight – basically, like an eagle, having a much wider view of the world, the environment you live and your life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
The problem is that you/we are a dual being. You have the view of life developed from the limited senses of your body, and the view if life from the completely different world of your inner/dream world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
So there is a first a sort of resistance between the old view and the new. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
i saw an eagle diving into the ocean, then it froze , right away.?
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Things happen in dreams because you cause it – often unconsciously. The eagle diving into the sea depicts the ability we all have to see the things about the world that we usually avoid seeing, because to see them means becoming a bigger person.
The human personality – the You that you call yourself, with a name, is only a tiny thing. It is moved and tossed around by all manner of drives, ambitions, emotions.Many people as their awareness reaches beyond what they feel is their normal self feel scared. Such resistances cause us to create awful dreams and fears as a means of avoiding our own inner world and its wonders. We feel that we will be swallowed up and we will die. So you froze up. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
I recently had a dream where I was walking in the woods and came across a bald eagle that seemed to have died from an accident. Then suddenly I was surrounded by other bald eagles but not in a threatening way. They stood or sat around me.
Hi I recently had dream with 3 eagle. I was in the Alps in Switzerland in a ski resort with my aunty. I used to live here but my aunty has never been here before but she was with me this day. I pointed the eagles out to her but we weren’t sure if they were actually eagles and then1 flew down really close to us and then we were sure it was an eagle. We weren’t afraid just in awe of it beauty and massive size.
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
It sounds as if you are waking up to a wider awareness than previously. The awe and beauty are a sure sign of that. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/a-prisoner-of-your-limitations-or-a-traveller-of-wider-possibilities/ and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
I dreamed i was photograping birds. It was a bald eagle and golden eagle. They were flying together in the sky and trees.My husband and i were happy because we got many beautifly photos. Im guessing its a hobby kind of dream. But im interested in your thoughts. We were in a city but we were in a small wooded area. Let me know
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
The city suggests a work and opportunity mind set, the familiar way of life; the way you usually go about things. But you are obviously capable of knowing or experiencing the natural and instinctive side of you, but only is snapshots. You have not yet reached what is displayed by the eagles – the wider and inclusive view of life, the enormous life you are a part of. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/example-11/
I saw a dream that a white eagle hunted a pigeon in the sky and an other injured pigeon is flying or flee from the eagle
Hi – I am stopping from answering your posts fully – but will try to give hints; sometimes long ones because I quote from masses I have already put online. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practicing what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonOrThing http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
What you felt in response to seeing the eagle and pigeons is important; for your feelings are the real clue to your dreams meaning. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions/
But the eagle is designed to hunt and kill the weak or injured – otherwise animals would have long and awful deaths. And the death of ones body is not awful, but as part of life. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/life/