Electricity Electrocuted Electrified
Energy and emotions; anger; potential; power. The drama in the dream will suggest whether the energy or emotion is being met or used constructively or destructively. For instance in some conditions of anxiety or excitement one can ‘burn oneself out’. It is this power of our feelings and drives that electricity in dreams refers to.
Just as we are all enmeshed in an intricate chemical environment, in which detergents, fertilisers and hormones are now part of our food chain, so we are enmeshed in a massive electronic environment. Our dreams may give us insight into how we relate to this and it to us. We are constantly shifting our relationship with this life-power through our thoughts, attitudes and physical health. It has enormous potential but we tend to reduce it through fearful feelings, shame, guilt or disgust. These all lower the current so to speak. Also we can turn it into destructive energy through those feelings. So electricity can indicate the power of life and death.
Example: We came to a hill sloping down. Somehow we were then airborne and rushed downwards and across the valley. Then we became frightened because we were hurtling towards the opposite hillside at the wrong angle. We would hit it instead of gliding along above the ground until we landed like planes touching down. A power cable was crossing the valley. For a while I held it to guide our glide, but was frightened of the current, and it was the wrong angle anyway. But somehow we managed to land okay.
The dreamer explored his dream and said that gliding down is the descent into experiencing the problem I have of holding on to people because of the security they give me. The flying is me being carried along by the inner forces to facing or experiencing the fear of the problem. The power line is the descending life energies. I let go because I am involved in fear of failure, of being hurt. The power line is also the humility before life, realising how much we depend on Life for our existence. So I turn toward that help. The turning and the descending power are one. See: snake; emotions and mood.
Electricity can be the source for so many things such as sound, images, hospital treatments, computers and power as for a vacuum cleaner. So your life energy can also flow in many different ways, depending on how you direct it. It can be the power behind movement and work; the energy or sex, the power behind emotions and thoughts, and even the energy behind an enlightening experience.
A great deal of mystery has surrounded the word kundalini, the Sanskrit word for life energy. Basically it means the potential that resides within us, probably because it was not clearly understood, but in practical terms the serpent power is the psychobiological energy that expresses in you as the many processes and functions of your body and mind. It is like the electricity that flows into a house that while it is not the picture on the television screen, or the movement of the cooling fan, is the power underlying all the many things arising from electricity.
Your psychobiological energy is at the same time the energy underlying your physical movements, your digestion, heartbeat, your emotions, awareness and thinking; and also a potential that has not yet been expressed or manifest. Very often a person’s sexual expression or social expression is not flowing easily. All that energy backs up like water behind a dam. It creates a pressure that will seek to flow somewhere. In many cases it moves into neurosis. In other words, because it is not flowing outwardly and satisfyingly into social and sexual relationships, it may turn inwards, enlivening the usually unconscious and disturbed patterns of feeling. Then the person lives out neurotic ways of expressing sexually and socially. They may for instance express anti social behaviour in violence or destruction. They may express in destructive sexual behaviour, or be even more introverted into deep depression.
But the normal human behaviour is simply one of the ways we as mammals can express. The life process itself can be expressed in an infinite number of ways, as we see in the different creatures on the earth. The fact that we are as we are is simply the result of the global, environmental and social changes we have faced. What some of the ancient outcasts found was that there are possibilities beyond the normal and beyond the neurotic. They drew out of the potential in the power – shown in dreams as electricity or water – the possibility of what we call enlightenment, a life beyond the limitations of the ‘normal’, beyond the pain of everyday living. That is how the practices of yoga, Tai chi, and many of the other personal disciplines of mind and body arose – as methods of expanding the potential of the serpent power. See Archetype of the self
Example: I was kneeling on the floor in a house. I have worked as an electrician so was probably working in the house, but in some way I had hold of, or was connected with, a large electric cable. The cable was live with electricity, and it touched my right shoulder. The effect was excruciating and shocking pain. The most intense memory is of struggling to pull the cable away from myself, fighting to stay conscious against the terrible current lashing through me. I screamed out for my mother, who I was sure was in the building somewhere, to switch off the electricity. I knew I only had a little time because I could not survive that current long. I have a vague sense that the current stopped, then the current and struggle started again. T.B.
In exploring his dream T.B. first of all met feelings of great pleasure and strength about his ability to work, and that work and helping people with practical needs was the main way he shared love, the main way he expressed his energy, the main way he earned a wage. He says, “So the dream is not simply saying I am working, but that work, as an expression of myself, connects me with others and the world. In other words, this is an important part of my communication, socialising, and loving others.”
He goes on to say, “The electricity is the energy of my life. It is the energy of my emotions, of my connection with others. This had been, as it were, short-circuited by what I felt to be the criticism, the rejection, and non-understanding by my last two female partners. I felt that I had tried and tried, while preserving my own integrity, to live in the way they wanted me to. But this felt as if it was an enormous self-denial at times. It was a self-denial that created this almost death dealing introversion of energy. The anger I felt about this had in it the sense that there might even be an inherent attempt to kill out my manhood, my flow of positive male energy. That is how I felt, anyway. As I summarised this I felt I could stand up and smile, and say I’m not going to be killed.” See: example under blindness in dreams; energy sex dreams.
Body being electrocuted or given electric shock: This suggests emotional pain such as one might get on hearing ‘shocking news’ or perhaps a painful way of experiencing change. It can also depict any sort of shock or startling response to internal or external events, and may also be a dramatic way of symbolising the pain you feel physically from repressed emotions such as anger or desire. These may cause such psychosomatic but real suffering as lower back or chest pain.
The electrocution could also be a response to something happening to the body while asleep, such as lack of circulation in a limb causing pins and needles. In some dreams though it is clearly a response you have to your own enormous energy – i.e. you may be frightened of the enormity of your potential energy, or you may be relate to it in a painful way because of past experience. Such energy can of course be creative or destructive, as are most great natural energies such as fire or electricity.
Useful questions and hints:
What sudden shock have I experienced recently?
Am I aware of the enormous potential energy I have?
Is the dream depicting the way my energy is expressing or being held back – and is this creative or self destructive?
Has something really shocked or shaken me recently?
Is this about the way I relate to my own potential – if so what is indicated?
Does the dream show me relating to the electricity in a destructive way – if so what can I learn form that?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Processing Dreams – Life’s Little Secrets – Avoid Being Victims
I had one dream. I am Russian. Well i live next to a single track not so busy freight only coal powerplant branch railway. Once i dreamed about my family walking on a powerline next to the railway, then they would hop off like a tightrope at a floating stand then walk on the railway powerlines further, and i “fell” in that dream touching a wire 3000 v because i know how big is that just by feeling it in my dream or knowing it in real. Then i woke up and my dream was over, i woke up and resumed doing my thing that i always do at the day.
Newbuildmini – Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
So falling could not actually do you any harm; but you didn’t say whether you were frightened. But maybe the dream was about getting near to the enormous amount of energy you might have released. It might help to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
Last night I dreamed I was in my living room with several other people. Suddenly I felt electricity going through my body and the people with me seemed affected as well. We rushed out of the house, and the sensations went away. I noticed I wasn’t terribly frightened once it was over. I said, “So that’s what if feels like to be electrocuted.”
Melody – The people with you translate in a dream to the several aspects of yourself. For instance, you can have an artistic ability, a loving caring self, or a streak of curiosity – and in us these are different ‘programs’ that we run.
The electricity, we are all enmeshed in a massive electronic environment. Our dreams may give us insight into how we relate to this and it to us. We are constantly shifting our relationship with this life-power through our thoughts, attitudes and physical health. Our biological, sexual, emotional and mental energy might be shown in dreams as electricity, as something flowing, like water.
We all have a great potential, and sometimes it expresses as energy, and few of us actually release it. When we do it is felt as electricity or vibration in the body.
Example: Then the landscape changes. There are trees, plants and animals in brilliant colour. I wonder what this means, and the landscape begins to spin until the colours blend and shimmer. Suddenly my body seems to open to them, as if they are spinning inside of me, and with a most glorious feeling, a sensation of vibrating energy pours up my trunk to my head. With this comes realisation. I see how stupid I have been in my brown, anxious existence, how much life I have held back. The animals and plants are the different forces in my being that blend into energy and awareness. I feel I am capable of doing almost anything, like loving, writing a song, painting, telepathy, or speaking with the dead. This sparkling vibrating energy is life itself and can, if I learn to work with it, I can grow into any ability or direction I choose. I wake with a wonderful sense of my possibilities.
So you have just touched a release of your massive potential. It is a step beyond what most people experience, and is what has been sought in many ancient practises, like meditation, Tai Chi, yoga, Sufism and many others. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/ox-herding/
Hi, I usually have strange dreams. Last night, I dreamt that my coordinator at work, a friend and I were caught and put in jail.. That’s how it started, then, we were going outside, it was getting dark and someone attacked the prison, we couldn’t see properly, I lost sight of my 2 people, I looked to my left and I saw a plug and a cable directing to huge lamps, so I ran to in, I tried to plug it in with my left hand and it gave me a shock, I felt scared but determined to give us some light, so I took the decision to do it anyway (I remember making the decision in my dream) so I tried with my right hand now, the shock was bigger, but I tried to plug it in until I could and to move my hand as fast as I could not without getting myself burn marks close to my elbow cause of the shock.. And then dream goes on.. But as I could actually feel the electroshock making me wake up scared.. I wonder what could it mean.. I have a history of anxiety disorder but I don’t know if it could be related to it, or to my foot which I hurt a week ago and disables me from following my normal routine.
Dear Brizz – You can be imprisoned by an idea, or a fear, or even a moral code. See if you can discover what it is you are doing to hold yourself back in your relationship with your coordinator and your friend; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/losing-something-someone/
The prison being attacked may also reflect that in some way you are repressing, in conflict with, or frightened off your own emotions, sexuality or anger. Occasionally the fear is about your own potential or expanded awareness; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/potential/
Your determination to give you some light shows that there is a willingness to become aware what it is that imprisons you and that is a wonderful first step.
Allowing yourself to feel the pain of not allowing your emotions such as anger or (sexual?) desire is another wonderful step and the next step could be that you stop repressing your feelings (about and for your coordinator and your friend);
Unfortunately you have not written anything about your relationship in your dream or your waking life with your coordinator (male or female?) or friend (male or female?).
I like to add that becoming aware of feelings that were repressed before does not necessarily mean you have to act upon feelings that may reflect a possible sexual charge; see http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=3864.msg8955#msg8955
Let me know if you have any questions so far Brizz.
Anna 🙂
I just woke up to a dream where i was playing guitar and i my little sister came in and told me to come eat dinner. When she did the guitar started making a loud noise and i could feel.it starting to shock me. I went to run out of the room but couldnt get away from it. I turned around and went to jump over the bed to unplug it and could hear my little sis saying mom its happening again. As i made it over the bed it was getting worse and i could tell it was going to kill me. As i grabbed the power cable to unplug it the electricity hit me full force i could feel myself being shocked badly and could smell and taste a strong electral fire smell. Thats when i woke up but could still smell and taste it for a good 30 seconds and still felt funny like i had been shocked. Any idea on what this means.
I had a strange dream last night , I don’t understand the meaning of it , I was at my mother’s house and there was a storm coming I could see te clouds dark and I would try to go inside my house but every time I would hear thunder I could see the light bulb image my house flicker and I got electrocuted and with the power that it had I jumped back because of the power it had, I tried hiding by going to my uncles house next door but as I was walking I would still feel the energy that it gave me I hid in the garage with a bit of garage open and I saw that the clouds (storm) went away , I came out and looked at the sky and woke up, can you please explain the meaning thank you
i had a dream, my mom was talking to someone (i have no idea who it was) they were in an open field, i remember i saw lightening coming from the sky out of nowhere headed for my mom. now in the dream i remember running as fast as i could to save her, and by the time i got to her i was able to push her out of the way, but in doing so i was struck by the lightening, then i woke up from the dream.
Dear Mystery Dreamer – You might also want to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/lightning/
Saving your mother may reflect an action you took to deal with your feelings that might otherwise have “hit” her.
Have you ever experienced very powerful feelings towards your mother in your waking life that seem to come “out of nowhere”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/ ?
Did you – the observer in you – realise what these feelings were expressing about yourself and the inner world you have created?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Anna 🙂
I was driving in a car, going around a corner following a friend… I somehow flipped the car, and was thrown into powerlines high up… I was being shocked, but not killed, I felt the power running through my body and was yelling at a bystander to call 911 to cut power so I could get down off of the powerlines… the bystander just sat there and looked at me… I had to pull myself out of the lines onto more powerlines that were insulated… they weren’t insulated at first where I was reaching, and the jolt and shock were real, somehow they became insulated…
I kept yelling at the bystander and due to their non-reaction.. I told them I was going to punch them for not helping… I pulled myself out of the lines climbed down and the first thing I did was throw a punch to their face with my left hand… which did not affect them because I was so weak… but I wanted to punish them badly for not helping me…
so I called the cops somehow after getting down and punching them, telling the cops that I just needed to kick their ass because they did not help… I was very weak and felt a tremendous amount of energy flowing through me… I then looked down at my legs and they had 2 powerline burn marks going diagonally across my legs… I then woke up still yelling dismayed / and in complete shock… It took me a minute that I was finally awake and it was not a real experience… this was one of the strongest dream in the past 5 years—sheesh
This comes after I broke up with a women I love tremendously, but could not see a future with and have begun talking to my ex-wife of 5 children, who I have confessed that I did not do all that I could do to save the marriage…
Dear Jim –What I see and feel in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you have created a conflict inside yourself which I believe is triggered by feeling guilty; “I have confessed that I did not do all that I could do to save the marriage…”
Feeling guilty that you have not done all that you could is paralysing those parts of you – those inner resources – that you need to help you deal with this inner situation in a fruitful way.
Although many of us are raised to believe that we have to feel guilty – a very powerful emotion – because of not having lived or living our best – our dreams also show that guilt is a paralysing emotion; “the bystander just sat there and looked at me”.
It serves a purpose to explore if “guilt” was also the cause of your not being able to do all that you could when your marriage was in need of “help”.
This does not mean that you cannot regret what you did or did not do, but you can do it while accepting that you too are a human being who makes mistakes and then move from regret towards self-forgiveness.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Anna 🙂
I don’t remember dreams often and last night I remembered my dream. I also woke up with this weird tingling feeling in my left middle finger. In my dream I was in a bathtub and my friends were outside in the car waiting for me so I panicked and was trying to get ready fast and somehow I dropped my laptop into the tub and it started to electrocute me as I struggled to jump out of the tub my leg was tangled in the computer cord. I managed to get out of the tub and didn’t really feel hurt. I somewhat just shook it off and rushed to get ready frantically. I was more worried that I was making the friends in the car wait because the guy I was dating (in the dream, not an actual person or face really) came inside to see what was taking me so long. I was hoping you could give me some insight to understand my dream a little more.
I had a dream that a storm was coming on the news and we could see it out of the window as on the TV. It was concentrated to a small circular cloud shown on the TV and as it approached you could see fireball like lightning balls falling from it. When it got closer in was induced with painful electocuion and the TV went static. This sensation was so real and painful it woke me up into a sleep paryalisis for anfew moments. I inturperated it as storm but it could have been some sort of huge disk like object in the sky. This was defiantly a nightmare.
i had this dream where these electricians were working on this scaffold and they all got electrofide they were twitching and shaking real hard and one guys head came off because the wire was too close to his neck it was terrifying and the dream was in black and white. and this other dream this anaconda snake was growling like a demon and attacking this woman in a dress the snake had a albino pithon collor. i dont know why im having these crazy dreams?.
The dream this morning — I was driving down the street and seen an electrical truck( like Consumers)riding on the opposite side. It’s bucket lift was raised up and it was catching every power line it passed…the driver had no clue. I was in awe of the whole thing and totally hesitant in what to do. Finally the lines snapped and proceeded to turn around to try and block the area off and call the police. Far too late…cars where running over the lines catching on fire and others tried to help but to no avail. I was so frustrated that I didn’t react fast enough
Dear Byron – Your dream could reflect a situation in your waking life, in your inner world, or both. I believe that we often attract/create certain situations that mirror part of the world we have created inside our mind, so that we can meet ourselves in the outside world (for instance in our body) too.
What I see in your dream – but please explore it for yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/ – is that you become aware of an opposing force inside you. This force is probably aiming too high and/or not able to let go (and let God/Life) and it is a threat to using your inner and physical power in a non-destructive way.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/
Although a part of you becomes aware of the risk that is involved, you do not manage to change the road you have chosen yet; this might be caused by an initial fear of change – both in your inner and outer world – which we all have to deal with.
Then you reach a point where the lines snap and you are confronted with a “burn-out” situation.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/power-lines/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/power/
Perhaps you can ask yourself if you are feeling frustrated because you perceive the whole situation as “being broken down and defeated”?
And perhaps you can give the situation a different purpose; “Being broken open and transformed”?
Perhaps this book by Elizabeth Lesser; “Broken open: How difficult times can help us grow” will be a helpful read too?
Anna 🙂
Hi I had a strange dream last night I wonder could u help me understand it. I dreamed that I was asleep and it was late at night and dark. My mother came in to my room and was trying to grab my foot joking she woke me up and I became frustrated..She then turned on my lamp and the lamp started to surge with electicity and I could hear a siren coming from the lamp warning of an overload. I jumped up and unplugged the lamp but it still continued to surge.Electrical spikes started to shoot from the lamp and burned the floor leaving black scorch marks. I backed out of the room with my mother but the surges followed us down the hall. It reached us and burned my mother’s foot before I could back us into another room. I woke after this. Any insight into this would be really appreciated Thanks
I had the most vivid dream last night. In my dream, my daughter and I were driving up a mountain. For some reason, I think we were near Lake Tahoe, CA. At the start of my dream it was a nice sunny summer day. As we climbed the mountain it became increasingly dark and snowy. The road became covered in snow and ice. I came upon a hairpin turn and lost control of the car smashing into a guardrail. As soon as I hit the guardrail the left side of my face was shocked by a strong electric current. I remember thinking at that moment in my dream that I will never have use of that side of my face again and I was afraid to look at my face because I knew that I had just then been deformed. My daughter was there but was not acknowledging anything that had just happened. It was so vivid physically, mentally, visually, emotionally. I am still shook up and I awoke 5 hours ago. What could this mean?
I had a dream I was just getting into the shower, and my cousin had for some unknown reason left my straightning iron in the shower unplugged. It fell in the water and for a second I considered if it would electrocute me and then it did, and somehow I jumped up and it stopped until I came back down. Then I ran out, incredibly mad and went to tell my mom but I couldn’t find her and I can’t remember anything else
Last night I had a dream of a broken power line. The line was snapped in half and laying on the ground. It wasn’t sparking or flopping all over the place like you see in the movies but it was simply glowing. I remember having family members outside the house, and they were all let’s do something about it. Instead of calling a professional to take care of this glowing power line, they decided to put water on it. I remember sitting on the stairs with my uncle and telling him how stupid of an idea this is and someone would end up killing themselves. My uncle replied, “I’ve done this before and nothing bad happened.” I remember thinking in that moment that he was simply lucky the first time, and it could end differently this time. I remember going inside to tell my sleeping mother that they were outside trying to put a live wire out with water, and she simply brushed it off like it wasn’t a big deal. I ended up waking up before I figured out if anyone was hurt by their attempt but it was still a very vivid dream for me.
Dear Emily – The way I see your dream is that it starts with becoming aware that your way of receiving the Life Energy is not working so well at the moment; the broken power line.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
It is glowing because it still contains your inner energies and your potential, in a latent form –
You are exploring how to approach this “glowing” and your family members in your dream represent values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you have absorbed from your family; your uncle merely serves as a role model which approach you dare to question and your mother is “sleeping”, which means that she is not really aware of what is going on.
The only one you do not consult in your dream is “a professional”; which is YOU.
So why not ask your Inner Being/your Self how to approach this situation?
Life’s simple secrets are that your inner Being knows how to deal with the things you carry in you that have harmed you, creating despair, emotional darkness and even physical pain. The process of life in you is also part of the life on this planet. It can read the signs of change and will ready you if you let it.
We are a culture trained to need experts and to pay them; such experts are greatly needed, but our greatest expert is our amazing and wonderful process of Life. To let it heal us it needs to be released from its years of restraint, of suppression, and being pushed into unconsciousness.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Please explore if this broken power line is (also) symbolising a physical condition which might (also) need the help of a medical professional.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Anna 🙂