Faeces Feces Shit Poop
Considering that passing faeces is a natural function, in dreams it can suggest getting rid of emotions or toxins that need to be released or let go of. Like digested food, faeces can represent experience that was relevant but now needs to be let go of. Very often expresses feelings of repulsion or distaste.
Sometimes this indicates something you have produced and created; something visible that has come out of you. Apart from the meaning mentioned under Cesspool, that is, the corruptible parts of human nature that become manure for new growth, faeces can also represent money or riches, fertility.
In another sense, to pass faeces with feelings of relief means to be rid of worrying burdensome feelings, of tension, or sexual repression. While to be covered in faeces may suggest a fear of being outwardly repulsive, or to harbour self destructive thoughts and feelings.
To play with faeces is a return to infantile behaviour; but it may develop in the dream into a question of what to do with them, or how to use them. This is the beginning of using our basic, earthly nature, to creative ends and the shaping of self. Because babies often play with their faeces, and have a feeling connection with them to do with their self expression and self-giving, in dreams showing this it could refer to an infant level of exploration or self expression.
Example: One such memory that was a dream I experienced. I must have been very young because I had no feelings about it other than joy and pleasure. I was lying on my back cradled in my auntie Flo’s knickers and she was wearing them. Then she did a crap all over my body and that felt like a most wonderful and orgasmic feeling. I cannot remember anything beyond that wonderful feeling. As an adult I wonder whether the child mind does not have so many feelings about being dirty but revelled in the close physical contact and the shit.
Sex, we often feel, is only experienced when we approach adulthood, but I think that is because many of us see sex only as a man entering a woman in sexual activity. That is a very poor view of what sex is and also it demeans what it can be or is in childhood, youth and even in adult years.Example: I remember as a child watching my younger female cousin pooping outdoors on the backdoor mat. She must have eaten black currents previously and one came out whole. She immediately picked it up and popped it back in her mouth. There were no side effects, no sickness, although me and my other playmates all felt it was awful. Young children have not been programmed by adults to feel such subjects are not good.
Some dreams about faeces link with the body being clogged with toxins. This might show in dreams where faeces are everywhere and interfering with normal activities. Toxins might arise in the body through poor food, or through an allergy to something like wheat. So these dreams might be suggesting the physical need to have a healthy bowel.
From infancy we gradually learn to consciously control our bowel movements, and so excrement can depict either how we are controlling or the need to let go. This can link with the way we deal with money or how we give of ourselves. This is very important because we are told or taught how to control everything from our bowels, urine, anger, sexual feelings and ourselves, but we are not taught how to really let go of control and learn from life. See control; LifeStream
The Inca description of gold was ‘excrement of the gods’! Shit can of course produce wonderfully rich fertiliser.
If shitting on someone or something: Expressing desire to belittle them or to feel one’s superiority; heaping unjust accusations on someone; bringing something which appeared powerful into perspective.
Idioms: In the shit; feeling shitty; talking a lot of shit/crap; being shat on; being a shit. See: Toilet.
Useful questions:
Are there feelings I need to let go of?
Am I living in a way suggestive of being in a pig pen?
Does the dream suggest I am over controlling what comes out of me?
See: excrement – Associations Working With – Exploring Dreams -Techniques to use
Recently, I had a very awful dream. In the dream, I was playing with Human waste in a toilet seat. To be precise, It was enormous amount of faeces and I was trying to clean it up with stick on my hand. Can you please interpret on the same?
I dreamed that my wife and I were making love and in the process, she defecated on me. We had been going through a bit of a rough spell so I dont know if this has anything to do with it. My wife was on top when this happened in my dream. I remember I wasnt angry but my wife seemed a bit embarrassed. If you have any insight on this, I would greatly appreciate it, Thx. Eric
Eric – You are lucky because your wife relaxed enough to have a complete orgasm – it often happens when you are open to the child in you/her because it calls upon all our inner organs to explode with feeling.
Here is a child’s earliest remembered dream: The earliest dream I can remember from childhood is of being slung in my aunt’s knickers while she still had them on. This was wonderfully thrilling in an all over pleasure. Then she went to the toilet on me – faeces – and this was an explosion of pleasure such as I had never had before. It was a wonderful orgasm.
It also relates to the basic human instinctive level where faeces are a marker. But if you feel what I have said doesn’t apply, then you are saying that your wife feels like she can shit on you.
I dreamed that I moved to a house with a beautiful, clean kitchen, bright windows and white counters. But every time I left the house, some unknown enemy would sneak in and take a giant dump on my kitchen counter which I would have to clean up. This happened several times in one dream, and I woke up quite frustrated about the whole thing.
Hi there,
I dreamt I was at a pool and alerted an attendant to what I strongly suspected were lumps of faeces on the walkway area around the pool. The next ‘scene’ had me in a second, smaller pool(same venue). I climbed in and as I started to move around, discovered this one too had faeces in. Spoke to the other swimmers about what I had already told the attendants. I felt a) a little irritated that if the attendants had acted on my info, the second pool(I believed) may have avoided being contaminated, but more strongly b) disappointment that I was unable to have a swim. Didn’t even leave the pool as quickly as you would in real life because for a while I wondered if could manoeuvre the ‘bits’ and still have my swim!! Any thought on this strange dream please?
Many thanks in advance
Kind Regards
J – A swimming pool in dreams usually represent an environment, mental and emotional that you share with others. So as it were, you swim in the mental and emotional muck they leave around.
The dream is saying it is not good to take in the sort of viewpoints and poisonous attitudes of people you mix with and are almost naked with. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream where me and my girlfriend were in my mums house as if thats where we lived. I was watching something very interesting on the TV with half an hour to go and my girlfriend was on the computer.
She turns to me and says “can you stop watching that I have a surprise for you”. I said “can it wait half an hour I’m really enjoying this”.
She says in 15 minutes my surprise will come so I have to stop watching now.
In my mind I thought it was going to be something sexual and was quite excited. I stop watching the TV and she proceeds to talk to me about lots of things. 15 minutes comes and goes. I tell her “what happened to this surprise” and she says “wait I just have to finish what I’m doing on the computer”. I am annoyed so I go to the toilet to find she has shit on the toilet seat, in the bath and on the floor. I am disgusted. I think theres no way I want to have sex now! So I go back through to her and she acts all innocent as if it is nothing. I tell her “there’s no way I’m cleaning that”. The dream ends. Any thoughts would be great!
Chris – Maybe you know the saying, ‘it rained on my parade’. Well your dream seems to be saying your girlfriend ‘shit in your parade’.
You were expecting sex and got a lot of talk – and that left you feeling a lot of shitty feelings.
I would suggest if possible that you talk this over with your girlfriend – saying how much excitement and pleasure sex would give you. Don’t mention the shit though.
I had a dream where a friend came to my house and decides to use the loo. He came out only to see faeces all around my apartment… Kitchen, living room, toilet. Like the system was blocked and faeces was coming out of everywhere
Hi there,
This morning I had my first ever dream about excrement. I was in a lift and there was a young guy and also a girl, 20s-30s, there too. This lift was very big. So I looked over at one stage and the guy had his trousers pulled down. I could see him side view. I got a shock but just looked the other way. Then he proceeded to squat, at first I thought the girl was with him but then I realised that she wasn’t. We both complained and I said he’s acting like a child to which his reply was ‘I’m 18’ . He apologised to the both of us but said that it had to be done. So eventually I saw it. It was just a round runny blob. I held my nose. Then the doors opened. I ran to get out but realised that it was on the 17th floor. I had to go to the 18th so I went back in. Then I woke up!
i just wanted to share my dream on this site but couldnt see where to leave it
I have had frequent dreams of late where I have feces on my hands. In the most recent dream, I was trying to wash them quickly before people noticed it was there. It was not necessarily the firmest type. I don’t understand where my mind is going with this.
the most serious and meaningful interpretation of the meaning -thank you, Tony Crisp!
Laima – Thank you not only for the recent post, but for what you said but didn’t give an email address for me to reply in September.
Hi,i don’t usually remember my dreams but this one i remembered so please explanation on this. I DREAM OF PASSING OUT SOMETHING LIKE FAECES BUT VERY DARK AND HARD THROUGH MY ANUS. PLEASE WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS.
Last night I dreamed that I had to use a public toilet but there were piles of feces all over the floor and in the toilet, so much that I couldn’t get to the toilet without treading in it. It was spilling out over the toilet. I woke up feeling really odd. There was so much shit!
Lately I am feeling quite disgusted with the world and some individuals in particular so maybe that just means I have lots of ‘shit’ to deal with!
Hi! I would love if someone can help me understand this dream. I was at a hotel, went to the bathroom only to find it clogged with a towel and there was water all over the place with feces on the walls. I couldn’t wait so I pooped on the ground, made a nice poop and then, I made some more thinner (leftover!) poop and formed a line. This second poop didn’t look as healthy as the first larger poop. I then opened the door and pretended someone had done all this. Then there’s an ex friend of mine that came in (she use to put me down but 2 years ago she decided not to be my friend anyone and ditched me) and the janitor came in too, and I was so glad the janitor was there but she asked him first to help her open her door room that was very very far away so he left with her. I felt second best. I’m not sure why I didn’t just leave but I left as if I needed to take care of this problem! You may want to know that I had been constipated for 4 days and 4 hours before going to bed, I made the most beautiful healthy and foot long poop! Felt amazing. I am trying to figure out if I’m intolerant to wheat. I don’t think I am. I am also in therapy to try to forget about this friend, actually there were 4 friends that abandoned me at the same time. I think of it everyday, feeling rejected. Not sure what this dream means, any thoughts? Now it’s like I’m scared to go back to sleep, or even get up from my bed!
Chica – It sounds from your dream that the mess you have been involved in is only temporary. It is because of the hard feelings about your so called friends. The poop you did was a way of releasing some of the rubbish feelings you had about her, but it still left you feeling rejected.
That is not a good feeling to live with, so please think about http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Victims
Dreaming of feces. I must hold alot of stuff inside or worry. This time I was in the bathroom and had a bowel movement but it was so releiving and I was so excited to get rid of it. Then I noticed what I thought was feces was a baby covered in feces. I began cleaning it off and asked my husband to help me but in the dream he was my 18 year old son, then the dream switched to my daughters house and I asked if it was her baby and she said her name is Chris Wozny. My daughters married last name is Wozny.
I don’t get the meaning here but it stays with me days later.Definitely a message in there. What are your thoughts?
I had a dream, that myself and my mum went out in the evening looking to buy some food to eat. Then my mum became really pressed to used the toilet as she needed to (poo). Then we found our self in a massive space (a cinema setting) we were running around looking for the nearest toilet. At this point my mum couldn’t hold it in anymore. When we finally found the toilet, she rushed in. But had already difficated a little on herself. Please tell me what these means please x