Faeces Feces Shit Poop
Considering that passing faeces is a natural function, in dreams it can suggest getting rid of emotions or toxins that need to be released or let go of. Like digested food, faeces can represent experience that was relevant but now needs to be let go of. Very often expresses feelings of repulsion or distaste.
Sometimes this indicates something you have produced and created; something visible that has come out of you. Apart from the meaning mentioned under Cesspool, that is, the corruptible parts of human nature that become manure for new growth, faeces can also represent money or riches, fertility.
In another sense, to pass faeces with feelings of relief means to be rid of worrying burdensome feelings, of tension, or sexual repression. While to be covered in faeces may suggest a fear of being outwardly repulsive, or to harbour self destructive thoughts and feelings.
To play with faeces is a return to infantile behaviour; but it may develop in the dream into a question of what to do with them, or how to use them. This is the beginning of using our basic, earthly nature, to creative ends and the shaping of self. Because babies often play with their faeces, and have a feeling connection with them to do with their self expression and self-giving, in dreams showing this it could refer to an infant level of exploration or self expression.
Example: One such memory that was a dream I experienced. I must have been very young because I had no feelings about it other than joy and pleasure. I was lying on my back cradled in my auntie Flo’s knickers and she was wearing them. Then she did a crap all over my body and that felt like a most wonderful and orgasmic feeling. I cannot remember anything beyond that wonderful feeling. As an adult I wonder whether the child mind does not have so many feelings about being dirty but revelled in the close physical contact and the shit.
Sex, we often feel, is only experienced when we approach adulthood, but I think that is because many of us see sex only as a man entering a woman in sexual activity. That is a very poor view of what sex is and also it demeans what it can be or is in childhood, youth and even in adult years.Example: I remember as a child watching my younger female cousin pooping outdoors on the backdoor mat. She must have eaten black currents previously and one came out whole. She immediately picked it up and popped it back in her mouth. There were no side effects, no sickness, although me and my other playmates all felt it was awful. Young children have not been programmed by adults to feel such subjects are not good.
Some dreams about faeces link with the body being clogged with toxins. This might show in dreams where faeces are everywhere and interfering with normal activities. Toxins might arise in the body through poor food, or through an allergy to something like wheat. So these dreams might be suggesting the physical need to have a healthy bowel.
From infancy we gradually learn to consciously control our bowel movements, and so excrement can depict either how we are controlling or the need to let go. This can link with the way we deal with money or how we give of ourselves. This is very important because we are told or taught how to control everything from our bowels, urine, anger, sexual feelings and ourselves, but we are not taught how to really let go of control and learn from life. See control; LifeStream
The Inca description of gold was ‘excrement of the gods’! Shit can of course produce wonderfully rich fertiliser.
If shitting on someone or something: Expressing desire to belittle them or to feel one’s superiority; heaping unjust accusations on someone; bringing something which appeared powerful into perspective.
Idioms: In the shit; feeling shitty; talking a lot of shit/crap; being shat on; being a shit. See: Toilet.
Useful questions:
Are there feelings I need to let go of?
Am I living in a way suggestive of being in a pig pen?
Does the dream suggest I am over controlling what comes out of me?
See: excrement – Associations Working With – Exploring Dreams -Techniques to use
Last night I dreamt that I was searching for a toilet. I was in an office building and I knew that there was a suitable toilet that I had used previously but couldnt find it, i went up stairs, down stairs, in the lift looking for this toilet, then I realised that some poop had come out, i changed clothes and put my nightgown on, and continued searching. I felt embarrassed that everyone could see me in my pj’s without a bra on. In the end I decided to just give up looking for a toilet, i grabbed some paper wiped my butt and put the poop on a plate, kind of covered it with paper and walked outside. I walked to a junkyard and left it sitting on a pile of rubbish. What on earth could this mean?
Dear Danielle – Your dream could reflect how you are searching for a way to deal with and express your sexual (creative) feelings, maybe at work. And so you explore different approaches which are not appropriate to the situation you are in. Putting your poop on a plate could refer to the expression “don’t poop where you eat”.
When you can relate to this in the sense of a sexual (creative) charge that you perceive(d) as difficult to deal with; this part of a book might be helpful:
““Love is about joy and pleasure and it is also about birthing. On the most physical level, sexual passion often results in the conception and birth of a child. But it is not just physical birthing that sex creates. Eros often attends the creative process. Two colleagues working together are aware of an erotic charge. They may confuse this with a romantic or sexual attraction when it actually has to do with birthing their project. Often when the project is completed, the feeling goes away. If they get confused and act out their erotic attraction, they may find that their relationship suddenly becomes confused, complicated and generally unsatisfactory and their project aborts”.
See http://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Heroes-Within-Archetypes-Ourselves/dp/0062506781/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430052919&sr=8-1&keywords=awakening+the+hero+within
Anna 🙂
Hi Sir, please help me understand my dream, in my dream, when i am about to enter in the door of my mother i saw a 2 pile of feces
I had a dream that these people were throwing an experiment in a building that looks like a church. But the rooms they were doing the experiments with were square rooms enough to fit a dozen people. I was told in a whisper from somewhere saying “you will pay for what you’ve done” then people started to go into these rooms. They were white and the walls were fabric. I never went into one because of what the voice said. I was in fear of some dark evil spirit. There was a doctor in a larger room that was trying to explain that these experiments don’t prove anything. I stopped him and told him something evil is happening. Then a girl came out of the room and said “I don’t like what Robert is saying, I feel really uncomfortabe. I told her to go into another room, so she did and I felt like that was a mistake. I turned to the doctor and he ran out the door saying that I was trying to ruin his career. I cried for help and told him he can’t go and he needs to help everyone. The one was white rooms are turning black. I felt as if I needed to rescue them all. So I ran to the fabric lined rooms and beat on them and yelled that everyone needed to come out. People started walking out but none of them had faces and they were all black. As black as the black as black could get. They walked but followed me. I felt like I couldn’t get away. And I ran back into the room where the doctor was and said I need his help. The room I was in was your typical church gathering room with the wooden padded rows of benches. And as soon as the doctor realized there was a problem. A black figure started walking it’s way towards me and something from below grabbed my ankle and yanked me under the rows of benches to the middle and every row flew up in the air as it dragged me. Then I woke up. Everytime I tried to fall back to sleep I entered back into the dream. This was around 6am and now I am still awakeand it’s close to 7am. I’m on this site trying to seek reasons. I have had bad dreams close to these many times. I get a really bad dream like this one 1-4 times a month.
I dreamt about defecating at a friends house. There were lots of people there, and I needed to go badly, but was holding it in. I found a portaloo and started to go secretly, but it was only bits at a time, so I started to dig it out with my fingers! A male came over, and leaned on me, he then said I smell terrible. The next thing I remember is standing over the portaloo, wide legs, and pooing an immense amount! Toward the end, the faeces became pure white, which worried me in the dream, but then more and more came out, but smelly and brown. It turned white again, but much more than the 1st time, and then I finished, but still with the desire to go? I wanted to clean out the portaloo, because I had made a huge mess, and ended up in my friends bedroom? I ended up spreading faeces on the bed accidentally, and made it worse trying to clean it off? I then woke up while in the middle of changing her sheets?
I’m not happy with the hours in my employment, and only yesterday said about changing it, and recently, three of my friends have overloaded me with their emotional traumas, and it has caused me huge upset where I need yo back off from them now?
Is this related to my dream please?
Thanks – ladybird65
Dear Ladybird65 – The way I see it is that in a way your three friends did you a favour; releasing their emotional traumas made you feel “overloaded”, because their emotions/energies resonated with some undigested stuff inside you.
What I see in your dream – and please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – is that you rather not “unload” by sharing your emotional upsets with your friends.
What did you feel in the dream when “A male came over, and leaned on me, he then said I smell terrible.”?
Do you think/feel that your friend(s) cannot “lean on you”, because you have a lot of undigested stuff that you still need to let go of?
If these feelings are allowed expression you have a chance to really understand and sort out what is useful and what has to be let go of – exactly as our digestion does.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/digest/
I believe you need to back off from your friends in order to clear up your own emotional attitudes first so that it will not affect your relationships.
Your poop turning white could refer to it becoming clear to you that you also need to become aware of and release your angry feelings (towards your friend(s)); “but still with the desire to go”, for whatever is unexpressed will still accidently – unconsciously – affect your relationship(s); “I ended up spreading faeces on the bed accidentally, and made it worse trying to clean it off.”
A way to release/express yourself is http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
As you can read there;
“Much of the time we edit or control what we allow ourselves to think or feel. Dropping this form of judgment, if only for short periods while you open to the mystery you are, is important. At first it may cause some concern because you are unblocking part of the flow, and it may start pushing out some of the attitudes, past experiences and habits that have been blocking your greater flow. Usually those things would have been cleansed in the normal LifeStream, but unconscious tensions and resistances prevent the healing. This is why we have to consciously take in hand the work of dropping our self-control for periods of time.”
The last sentence of this quote could refer to this part of your dream; “I started to dig it out with my fingers!”
Anna 🙂
I think, Mr. Tony Crisp defined the meaning of dream related to feces very accurately. Nice to read matter. I am feeling that his description very right. Thanks.
Last night I dreamt that there was a bathtub filled with water and feces, and also there was a toilet filled with feces in another part of my dream, and I think the night before I had a similar dream. I can’t seem to remember too much else about the dreams though but this has been concerning me all day.
I dream a lot of the same dreams. Last night’s was completely new – the environment, the person and the situation. We were in a camp-like situation with cabins. There was a down syndrome girl and she needed my help, so I took her outside the cabin where I discovered she had shit – in large solid forms – on her clothing below her shirt on the front of her pants and in her pockets. I told her that she needed to get to a bathroom and she kept yelling NO. I said you have to and she replied – we don’t have hot water where I live. At the time, this made sense to me as to why she wouldn’t want to go to a bathroom to cleanup. I desperately didn’t want to touch the poop with my bare hands but I felt horrible for her and didn’t know what to do. During the dream I felt like she’d pooped on herself but then later after I reflected (in the dream, which I do often) I realized someone else must have pooped on her. WTH?? This is hands down the weirdest dream I’ve ever had. I’ve had some doozies and I won’t even share this one with my husband. It’s so weird. I don’t work with retarded children, never have. I don’t really know any. I have rarely camped. I’ve never seen this child. I’ve had dreams where I’ve gone to the bathroom in a public place in a toilet and pooped and pooped. I totally get that this is letting go of stuff. And those dreams are great and definitely cleansing. But this is just really out of the blue weird. I’ve also not read any explanations so far of other people coming to someone with poop on them, especially if it’s someone they don’t know or never seen. Any thoughts?
Dear Brooke – Thank you for sharing your interesting dream.
Dealing with a disabled child, usually refers in some way to an aspect of yourself that has not developed its full potential. For instance your activities or endeavours may have been held back by feelings of inferiority or lack of confidence. Those feelings are usually due to something that has hurt your feelings or self-esteem in some way, so is show as a disability. It can be caused by trauma in your early years; things done that smashed your young self.
See http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=3901.0
I believe that it is worthwhile exploring if there is some inner resistance expressed in your dream; “I told her that she needed to get to a bathroom and she kept yelling NO.”
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/defence-mechanisms/
You could also use “Being the person” to explore the symbol of the girl in your dream;
Because you wrote “I reflected (in the dream, which I do often)” you might find this book interesting to read too; http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/lucid-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I like to add another feature Brooke;
I had a dream where there was a little black puppy barking in front of my sister in law legs. I could not see her face but i knew it was her because i asked her why didn’t the puppy come too you. I then took the dog walking and then he starts to pee all over my face. Then the next thing is I am in a bedroom changing this beautiful white baby boys diaper because he has pooped but as i am cleaning him the light green poop slowly keeps coming and getting on my hands and elbow. What does this mean?
Dreamt that I was defecating in front of a coworker and it was a lot. It came to the front and it seemed normal to the coworker as no i was startled as to the mount.
Dear Leresha – Because you are with a co-worker in your dream, I see your dream as expressing your inner work (as well); so it reflect the need to or the letting go of tension; getting rid of negative experiences or emotions.
When tension is released, you are more able to express your potential, which is often “buried underneath”, so what then can come to the front is your creative expression which is normal to the part in you – the co-worker – that is aware of your potential.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/defecate/
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony, last night I dreamed I needed to poo whilst in this old dilapidated building with many toilets that were unusuable. I go outside and go in a toilet that doesn’t work, has no water and is completely unscreened. I worry about being seen and of course some guy walks by so I try to clean out the toilet put the poo into a bag and then somehow it ends up in my mouth! When I finally get to a bathroom with running water I spit out the poo in the basin only to find there are strips of velcroe mixed in with it…
Hi there please help , I had a dream me and work collegue are walking a long a bridge then my Boss appears when suddenly a truck carrying excrement crashes into us and we all fall into a river below which was clear and running, when we were pulled out of the river all covered in excrement! What does this mean?
I dream that I gave dad a solid star shape feces in his hand and he accepted it. I felt very moved after that but did not share it with anyone my dream. I missed his presence. It was a great feeling too to see him in the dream and able to look at each other and offering him the feces which he took it without reluctant. Not sure what the dream means but each day thinking of any slightest good and bad moments with dad gives me tears in my eyes.
Dear Girl – In your waking life you are digesting and releasing and integrating whatever is left in you from the relationship with your father;
“Not sure what the dream means but each day thinking of any slightest good and bad moments with dad gives me tears in my eyes”.
It means you are also learning to come to terms and love every aspect of who you are.
When we digest, whether it is an idea, something we have read or learned, it has to be first surrendered to the life process. We can see this in our body – it is first chewed and swallowed, then broken down into parts and the useful stuff, the building stuff, can be taken into us and the rest is passed out. The important thing is that even if it is dead or living food, it is transformed into our own living being – in other words our living understanding. If it has not been transformed through digestion it is like something dead inside us. But to be capable of such digestion we must swallow the experience and allow our unknown self to do its work, as described in Life’s Little Secrets.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Many people do not realise that they have an inner father equally as powerful as an external father. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are what makes you the person you are. This is true even if your father was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘Father’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event.
So in your dream you meet your inner father, who has become a loving presence in your inner world.
The way I see it is that what you release serves as a fertiliser for your inner father; he is able to grow and develop with you, for in a real way he is you. The star form of the faeces is a symbol of subtle influences that shape and direct you.
A beautiful dream and a wonderful process you are going through.
Anna 🙂
i had a dream .. i saw poor people defecating at the side streets and to my disgust .. i enter to a house wherein i saw my ultimate crush lying on a folding bed with a 3yr old girl he is holding..
what does this means?!?
I had a dream that my wife and I were in our room getting ready for something and when she turned away from me she had poo all clumped on her buttocks she knew it and didn’t care just went about her business and I just stood there confused now mind you she was not nude we were in front of the closet and I remember thinking “yea, you can just grab a new set of clothes and shower”but, I said nothing instead I wanted to see what she would do on her own . Now I wasn’t disgusted by it nor angered and she seemed so happy and wanted to show me she left it there I recently turned vegetarian others call me vegan but am not I’ll eat honey and wear leather plus I’m a cook.Well my wife decided to change like I had but has been thinking of eating fish (people say fish is not meat) my reply to her was do what you feel you need to do for yourself .Shes been feeling frustrated as I seem to have changed with ease but its my mind or way of thinking that made it easy to change my diet would you say shes relieved like ” she got it off her chest” so to speak???? I had the dream before she told me she didnt think she could turn full vegetarian what are your thoughts if you have the time sir thank you from KS
Katena 🙂
As I see it your dream shows that your connection with your inner and with your outer female/wife is okay.
Please see
What I like about what you wrote is that there is actually no need to answer you, for you answered everything yourself already.
I only wonder if your wife read what you wrote here, for I trust it could be helpful to her.
Anna 🙂
Thanks so much for this site. It is immensely helpful to me.