In historical times festivals were always a celebration of great natural events – such as birth, death and renewal/rebirth. It is only in our own times because of the influence of Christianity saying that the birth, death and resurrection were a one time and historical event that the festival lost its eternal all time meaning.
In dreams we often recapture this sense of its very personal meaning. There is an ancient picture of three leaping hares. The symbol is from old English churches in Devon and Cornwall, but the image was also linked with the Moon Goddess. The gestation period of the hare is 28 days, and so there has always been a link with the moon and human menstrual cycles. Easter was originally a festival celebrating the period of fertility.
In modern festivals it is usually a mixture of things we are involved in; the search for a sexual partner, entertainment, stealing, or making money in some way.
Example: I had a dream that I was at a festival and while I was in a time share that was near the festival. A white man brought a Native American man and a white man handcuffed to each other in the home. The white man tried to escape by taking me hostage but the Native American male refuse to do it and fell on me to protect me. Then I looked at the Native American male whom was young and attractive and there was a mutual attraction. He then began to connect with the spirit world by chanting and after he chanted he gained the knowledge to take the handcuff off and run to the back yard to get away.
The festival in the dream is a place of where great inner.spiritual work can be done. The white man and the Native American man handcuffed represent an attempt to being the two races together. But it is a forced attempt and doesn’t work. The Native American male and you find a non forced connection and through his spiritual power takes the handcuffs off.
Example: Eventually we get out of the water and then we end up at a festival where I met a person on the boat and we talked and ate for a while and he asks me what am I looking for and I say love and we just stare at each other and we are very happy and I meet his son and were just running around on the streets feeling the wind on our faces and feeling happy. Then I wake up from the dream and yet that’s it and it felt very really but a bit wired because I’m only 18.
Example: In my dream a girl asked whether I had ever been to a “flower festival” as there was so much love, freedom and nakedness, such an environment would release my friend. I replied that Ashram is often like that. I said this with a smile because I felt the girl was underestimating the amount and variety of my experience. I hugged her lovingly, and smiled at Su.
Useful questions and hints:
What is being celebrated or experienced in the festival?
Were there any emotions felt?
Did anything holy or spiritual occur?
See Inner World – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams – Edgar Cayce