Fur Furry
Your animal instincts breaking through into everyday life. These instincts are wholesome and strengthening, so needn’t be repressed in most cases. If you have feelings about animal hides, then the fur could relate to this. See: Animals.
The fur can also be about feeling attractive or soft – like ice skaters in fancy costumes. If you have feelings about animal hides, then the fur could relate to this.
The condition of the fur is also a sign of health or illness. Another angle is seeing fur as the sign of a dead or injured animal. See Levels of the Brain
Useful questions:
Is this about being in touch with my own animalistic side?
Am I meeting with my natural feelings and instinctive wisdom?
Do I have strong feeling about using animal hides?
What feelings are in the dream? Explore them and see what associations they lead to.
See Associations Working With – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Edgar Cayce