Go Going
It is usually referring to decisions, as in this quote from a dream, “I wanted to go to the grocery store closer to my house rather than the one we were at because it is cheaper. Then I said, “Why don’t I just go get the detergent at the other store?” Then she said, “Never mind, we will just go in here, it doesn’t matter.” Then I had to go to the bathroom.”
Adding ‘don’t’ gives it a negative charge – a decision that you are not happy with
Going: This is a difficult one to be precise, because you can be going off to school; really going to miss me; a party was going on; we were going shopping; I ran up to see what was going on; my love has died and I am going to leave you – and so on. So I would suggest using Processing Dreams
Useful questions and hints:
Can I define what I want to do in the dream, or else its theme?
If you imagine yourself in the dream again what feelings do I have?
Is this something you often do?
See Dream Action – Role – Secrets of Power Dreaming
My dream last night kept going until I woke up this morning, I dreamed I was playing with a dead child in a coffing and I would put him in a grocery cart and push him then he would fall. Then his partent would argue about why the mother let me play with the dead child, and soon after they stop arguing the mother would give me the dead child again,so I could play with him.
Alvaro – I believe it means that when you were young a part of you was not allowed to grow, or was hurt. Dreams often express in this comic book sort of way, telling awful stories that have so much feelings in them.
Your inner dead self needs to be allowed time with you to be able to express, because it has things that can grow into your life that are useful. So try imagining yourself as the dead child and speak as him. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs