Part of; divided; incomplete; in between; conflict.
Half open: Opposing feelings about whether to ‘be open’ or not; can I, can’t I – will I, won’t I.
Half way up/down: Indecision; faltering motivation; sometimes between the opposites, or outside of ones everyday experience.
Half full: May refer to half ones life used up.
Cut in half: Conflict between intellect and body / sexuality.
Half buried: Something you are only partly aware of.
Halfman: See ape-man
Example: ‘I could see an older woman watching me from the road. I felt very scared at her being there. I walked to the front door, I started to walk passed the front door, felt great fear and hung back, half behind the front door, for protection from her.’ Pamela H.
Idioms: half asleep; half-there; all over hell’s half acre; better half; don’t know the half of it; half the battle; have half a mind to; lower half; meet you half way; not half bad; second half of life; six of one, half a dozen of the other; split in half; half-assed; ain’t half-bad; half-bad; half-baked; go off half-cocked; half-cocked; half-corked; half-cut; half-hearted; half-lit; half-pint; half a person: half price; half-shot; half-snapped; half-there
Useful Questions and Hints:
What sort or half is shown in my dream?
Do I feel as if I am not half the person I could have been?
Have you hung back because of fear or uncertainty?
See Life’s Little Secrets – Avoid Being Victims – Dream Yoga – Prison