Jesus may depict in our dreams the social pressure we feel to conform to a norm, to other people’s ideas of what is morally right; a compensatory process in us to take the place of being able to live a full life externally.
A compensation for traumatised aspects of oneself which are therefore not functioning properly. Jesus may depict the social pressure we feel to conform to a norm, to other people’s ideas of what is morally right; a compensatory process in us to take the place of being able to live a full life externally. A compensation for traumatised aspects of oneself which are therefore not functioning properly. A compensatory force in you to help meet otherwise crippling pain. For instance a baby which does not receive love and contact may later in life create a powerful internal sense of Jesus or some other holy figure. From this figure love is received, thus making up for the earlier lack, and enabling the person to grow emotionally. See: compensation theory.
Jesus could also be, depending on the dream, a point of truth from which you can see the quality of your own life and your link with the living sentient universe, or the collective unconscious as Jung calls it.
In a general sense, free from institutional dogma, Jesus can represent the human experience of life in the body, in which we meet conflict, temptation, death – and our personal consciousness meeting life in the body. Particularly our sense of humanity as a whole rather than as individuals.
If you have religious beliefs, Jesus would represent those beliefs. In many dreams though, Jesus depicts the link we have in our own life with what is eternally abiding in the world – with the one life existing in all phenomena.
Do not mix up Christ with Jesus; Jesus was a man, according to the gospels, who was Christed. In other words he was given a new form of consciousness. This is described as, “Jesus, when he was baptized, went up directly from the water: and behold, the heavens were opened to him. He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming on him. Behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” That was Jesus receiving the Christ. In other cultures it is sometimes called enlightenment. For example Siddartha became the Buddha when he experienced a huge change and vecame the Guddha. Both Buddha and Christ were ordinary men but became more than that when they achieved the next level od evolutiion, See Archetype of the Christ; Meetings with Christ
Example: In the dream I met my “teacher”. It was a powerful meeting of two men who respected each other. I met him because of my own independence. I recognised his greatness because of my own success and craft in life. Then I was a teacher among disciples. There were only about six. They were all capable and mature adults who were my pupils because they loved and respected me. They gave me great and practical support. One of them, a woman, came to me and said that if I ever needed to be held, I need only go to her.
In exploring this dream I uncovered a lot of emotion. I felt Christ was the teacher I met. The dream expresses qualities of Christ I had never seen clearly before. Namely that Christ is so many-sided. Christ is approachable or open to children – to fishermen – to scholars – to women in love – to the sick – to businessmen. Also, Christ is understandable by a child. As a child one feels as if Christ is a friend who is just a few steps ahead of oneself, showing the way. But as one grows, Christ is always there, just a few steps ahead.
Hi Tony,
My mother passed away over 2 years ago. I have struggled with the loss. I recently dreamt that Jesus was burying my mother behind a tree in my yard. I was so scared that I started to cry and then woke up. What does that mean?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Cindy – It means that somehow you have been taught or been led to believe that your mother can be buried. It is only bodies that can be buried, and bodies are in constant change and will age and die. Dreams see the body as like a car that we can use to get some necessary life experiences, but the driver can leave the car and the car does not define the driver. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/near-death-experiences/
I drempt a woman was showing me Jesus in the clouds on her computer. I said”oh f**k Jesus,he isn’t coming back,thats photoshopped crap”. I then got a strange feeling come.over me and I said “watch this” . I attempted to levitate but failed.
Hello Tony,
I had this whole chaotic dream of an old woman who was ashram keeper.I saw her sleeping as a third person and in that sleep,the angels of death and a person in a beautiful while robe came to take her.I saw that person was Jesus.
When I tried analysing,I think she was walking as a soul or something.Or maybe she woke up again.Such chaotic dreams are a frequent occurrence, whenever I try finding out how the person died they seem to become alive again.
Please help me interpret.
Love Amara