A description, or ‘label’, you may be applying to yourself. So the label might be about an image you have of yourself. You may also have unconsciously labelled somebody else. If the label is obviously about an object, then it can be describing a quality you have, negative or positive. Sometimes the label might be about information you hold unconsciously that is helpful.
Self image; how you feel others see you; your view of what is labelled; definition of your feelings if labelled to someone else. If the label is obviously about an object, then it can be describing a quality or purpose in your life of that object, or what it represents. Sometimes the label might be about information you hold unconsciously that is helpful.
If the label is on a letter then see address. If the label is on you or another person, it may be some sort of judgement you or others have attached that needs re-evaluating; or it may be bringing something important to your attention.
If we label our beliefs, religious or otherwise, and our scientific findings as sure knowledge, we are on a slippery slope. The reason is that history shows us that knowledge and beliefs are always changing. Even if an old piece of knowledge still stands, the new will certainly shift our view of it. See Enlightenment
Be careful of the labels you put on yourself, because they are usually restrictive, and medical and psychological labels often pathologise the situation.
Example: At first with laughter, then with pain, I saw that this had made me suspicious of my own mother. I had not fitted the ‘norm’ in terms of size, strength or behaviour, so not only had I lived with a ‘danger alert’ process going all the time, but also with the realisation I was not up to scratch. Instead of the full term child who is more adjusted to the environment I had emerged still in a condition adjusted to the womb. My psychological state was also, I felt, quite different, a sort of experience of the death world, the world before birth and after death.
Society, I felt, has a sort of labelling or measuring system. It has emerged out of biological criteria of survival and fitness, and is largely unconscious. People haven’t even acknowledged they are acting under such drives. ‘My genes are best, and everybody else’s are abnormal. But only the best of mine are going to get through’. Out of this I sensed that mothers who have children who are not ‘the best’ suffer a great internal struggle about their child. Part of them cries out, ‘That is no child of mine!’
So the child/person who is not seen as ‘fit’ are not given social rewards, starting with such rewards as recognition and warmth from ones own parents, and escalating from there into recognition and rewards from social groups and organisations. I personally felt as if I were not seen as fit for several reasons. My premature birth led me to be slightly less robust, and also my mixed cultural background during a time of war made me less fit. I didn’t have the right label attached.
Example: Bernard said that as he felt what it was like to be a new born baby, he experienced what he called an instinctive expectation of being greeted by warmth and welcome. This wasn’t provided by his parents. The greeting seemed harsh, as his birth had complications for his mother. The absence of warmth and welcome led to a feeling of not wanting to emerge, of wanting to ‘stay in the egg’, as he put it. This decision of not wanting to get involved in the new environment of life outside the womb had persisted unconsciously all his life, causing him to be an introvert who did not want to be involved with other people except as necessity dictated.
Bernard had always explained his tendency to withdrawal as his natural character. He had never thought of it as neurotic behaviour. This is often the case. We rationalise what pushes from unconscious sources. It is only when such behaviour becomes very disturbed, or continually thwarts our attempt to love, or create, or lead a life free of depression or panic, that we might begin to re-label our behaviour. An important point to remember is that at the time of it original occurrence, the links or decisions we make are rational and perhaps a very important part of surviving.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What do I unconsciously label myself as?
Do I put labels on other people?
What was the label in the dream?
See Avoid Being Victims – Martial Art of the Mind – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams