Labor Labour Labours
For labour connected with pregnancy see Breathing in and out of Labor and Birth – It’s Happening – A Method to shorten Labor
Example: ‘I am 48, have two children in their late teens and definitely DO NOT want another baby. Nevertheless I have a recurring dream in which I am always in labour, experiencing no pain, and although there are nursing staff I am in some sort of laboratory, although everything is very pleasant. I never actually give birth and when I wake I always have a vague feeling of disappointment.’ V. I.
This dreamer’s conscious decision to have no more children may be in conflict with her biological urge for another baby. But the dream might also suggest there is something she deeply wants to give birth to in her life but has not yet achieved. Her creativity did not end with her children, there is still more for her to bring out of herself in some way.
Labour/labor can relate to a political party and their principles; a labour of love; a piece of work done and finished; a description of collective workers; physical work using the body; the labours of Hercules. There is also the labor and laborers mention in The NewTestaement.
The labours of Hercules, and much of the New Testament, can be understood if we realise it is all about the trials, tests and things we meet in our own life, our inner work, as we mature in becoming a whole human being.
Music and the arts, poetry, social struggles, are all an attempted understanding of man’s real nature. For we constantly struggle to be and know what we are. If we wish to fully understand our dreams, then we must see that many of the symbols appearing in our dreams also appear in the religions of the world. They appear in art and literature of all times and all nations. And what is so striking is that when we review Hercules’ labours, or Odysseus’ quest, or Mithras’ slaying of the bull, or Christ’s baptism, or Shiva’s relationship with Shakti, we see that the heroes are struggling with things of our own dreams. The only difference is that in the great legends, myths and religions, the hero has arrived at a conclusion. Hercules procures the golden apples; Odysseus brings home the golden fleece; Christ reaches eternal life, and so on. While in our own dream series, we are still struggling with serpents, or unable to face the lion-headed giant caterpillar, or get past the disgusting man. It is therefore obvious that we can learn how these other heroes (for we are the heroes of our own dreams) have won through. What have they done to pass through their own social and inner difficulties as symbolised by the monsters and trials of their adventure? See Individuation – The Interior Castle by St Teresa of Avila.
Everything in nature and the universe works. Those who do not give something of themselves in the labours do not share in the wonders of Life’s inner world. But there are some who live upon the labour of others, and become awful and fat upon their riches.
Work and labour and all the struggle and effort we have put into life, what we have given and taken, gives us skills we have learned or created in the work and labour of life and love. In fact difficulties we have faced give us the ability to learn strengths.
Example: A powerful wave of emotion flushed through me leading me to bang on the floor with anger and frustration. I was shouting out that I was pissed off about forever chasing a carrot or rainbow and never getting the reward. A fucking carrot dangled to keep the workers labouring on till they are too old to work. And at the end of it no satisfying reward for their life of labour. They are just dumped. If it isn’t sex that is dangled as the reward it is financial riches or some dream. Politics, religion, all dangle these dreams in front of us and give nothing – just a fucking mirage. Nothing real at the end of it.
Example: I was looking everywhere for some green stuff to eat. I saw a field of cabbages, but, as they were not mine, could not eat the leaves.’
A couple of days before, the dreamer had prepared a salad for dinner, as it was winter, and the family were getting few ‘living’ foods. So we see that the conscious concern over ‘living’ foods has been used as a symbol in the dream. Thus the search for green leaves represents a search for something of her own that is living. The woman had been wondering what her own personal capabilities in life were. As the dream shows, she will not be satisfied or feel happy by simply taking or copying what others have done, or eating the rewards of their labours.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What do I think labour is?
Is work a pleasure or a pain?
What have I laboured for?
Do I see fruits of my labour?
See Key Words – Genius – Karma – Martial Art of the Mind