Magnifying Glass
Making something conscious; becoming aware of something; making something bigger than it is and therefore making it more evident. Also it brings more details into our view.
A quote from Wilda B Tanner book Magical World of Dreams – “One of the most important things we need to learn is that our problems actually serve as beacons of light or as magnifying glasses, emphasising or pointing out our most crippling fears, our most restrictive attitudes, prejudices, and misconceptions which are holding up our progress-things we really must face up to and overcome if we are to grow.”
Using meditation could mean you are concentrating your thoughts and therefore making your aim more powerful – rather like magnifying glass focussing the suns rays.
Example: Walking down to old-time cellars. I went in and there was this old scientist grinding his knuckles into a glass dish. I forced the dish away from him and saw there tiny dots moving around. I put it under a magnifying glass and saw the girl surrounded by the horrible creatures. I started to try and kill them with my knuckles.
Example: So far the physiological symptoms and sensory impressions were like magnifying glasses and microscopes added to normal vision; they offered an extension of ordinary perception and awareness.
Example: Arnald of Villanova, a physician in the Middle Ages, compared dreams to magnifying glasses which could detect the small beginnings of physical illness.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What was I doing with the magnifying glass, lighting a fire or looking at something?
Was what was shown in the dream interesting?
Could I take the dream beyond the symbols?
See How it Flows – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Functions of dreams