It suggests you are involved in something. It might be you are in the middle of a war, an argument, making love, creating something, or an ocean. So then look up the thing you were in the middle of.
The middle can also suggest a balancing point between opposites. Also the middle of your body. You might be in the thick of something.
Middle aged person: represents achievement, maturity, the ageing process. The elderly person may depict feelings about ones parents or a parent/authority figure; the wisdom gathered from many years of living; the declining power or creativity, or the feelings of decline and loss within oneself. Such feelings are often simply cultural and are not a real reflection of what is possible or opportune at this time of life. It is a time when you have to create your own world and life more fully than in previous ‘ages’. See: individuation.
Example: Recently I started dreaming the sea again only this time I dreamt that I am in the middle of the ocean but its calm, crystal blue clear and shallow, with a kind of island, or actually more of a flat, sandy area in the middle, and then the scenery changes from middle of the ocean to a big river and I am in a canoe/boat but the water is still very calm, crystal blue clear and shallow. The river is flanked by a bank with nice white stones and pebbles on one side and by lush green mountains on the other side. I have this new dream often.
Example: A most extraordinary thing happened here. The only way I can describe it is to say that it felt as if I am standing in an open space in a town without any other people about. But what I was standing in was the many images, felt threats, fears, longings that assail human beings. So in one sense I was standing in the middle of a dream, and I was surrounded by the images of the felt threats, fears, hopes, that in fact impact on human consciousness every day. They impact in a way that are for many people torments, perhaps even life-threatening, and that for some may lead to suicide. But as I stood in the middle of these things and they came at me one after the other in the form of images, but images that were deeply felt, I was like a burning flame. I don’t mean that I looked like a flame. I mean that as each image impacted on my consciousness it burnt out. I was naked consciousness, and as each form, as each image attacked my nakedness it was burnt away, perhaps by my recognition of it as simply an emotion, a feeling, an image that in itself was a passing show of things. I don’t think I have ever before felt such an amazing feeling as that magical sense of being able to stand amidst anything and everything that came towards me and yet remaining as pure, naked me. This led me on to looking at, or wondering, why, as human beings we should be so dominated by images and imagery. In particular I was thinking about how our culture, and how we as individuals, are so manipulated by the images that are thrust at us day after day week after week, and year after year. The images of the big powerful male, the beautiful female, big tits and perfect teeth, the whole business.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is it I am in, or seeing, the middle of?
Am I feeling threatened or good about my situation?
Is this where I wanted to be?
See Secrets of Power Dreaming – Working with associations – Inner World