May be an attempt to heal the experience, if dreamer has had miscarriage or abortion. From the point of view of the unconscious it is at times important to name the baby. Fear of miscarriage. The loss of new idea, project or growing aspect of self.
The dream may express a fear of miscarriage, or even that you need to take care about your health in order not to miscarry. A local woman who was told by her doctor that she was in the middle of having a miscarriage and should go out and buy some new clothes to compensate for the loss came to me to see if anything could be done. As I knew that the capillaries could tear and be the cause I suggested she take a high dose of vitamin C and a good multivitamin and mineral capsule and vitamin E capsules. This because most people eat white bread and white rice, lots of sugary foods, all lacking the B, C and E vitamins.
A couple of days later she told me the bleeding had stopped. Later still she showed me the wonderful state of her hair and how healthy she looked. She later gave birth to a healthy boy.
Dropping a baby: It might at times suggest a miscarriage.
Example: I found a wad of something in my underwear. I was scared so I called my mom to my room. She was surprisingly calm and told me I had miscarried twins. I asked her not to tell my husband because I already knew they weren’t his. Awake life: My husband and I are living together but separated. Living in VA for Navy but I plan to move back to CA. I have been seeing another man and have only been in a sexual relationship with him. I have been very depressed and hopeless lately not knowing if I should stay in VA or return to CA. My mother passed away 3 years ago but was there in my dream. Thank you Tony.
The twins in this dream probably represent the two men in her life that were discharged. The influence of the mother in her life is a calming effect in her dream.
Example: And while a father can forget his children with equanimity, a mother never can. This too has been tried. The child’s death is hers, his fate is her fate. Hence the irrational shock and despair of miscarriage. Hence the inability to forget a child given up for adoption. Women patients have made every effort to down these ghosts, to no avail. One finally retraced a child she had last seen twenty-seven years before and for only a few hours after its birth.
This bond, so intense and persistent on both sides of the relationship, is fortunate for humanity. Without it children are almost hopelessly wounded. One psychiatrist treated two orphans in whom no mystic mother could be found. In infancy their mothers had not been with them to offer any of the selfless love and compassion they needed. After they grew up they remained isolated in their adult personalities, incapable of the magical fantasy of oneness and the love which is its fruit. For after the age of fusion is past, the psyche cannot any longer conceive of such a relationship. It is closed off from its dream by the partitions of reality.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have you already miscarried at some time – if so your dream might be about fear of miscarrying again?
It might be to check your diet and take vitamin/mineral supplements?
Have you lost or frightened of losing a project of an ability?
See Life’s Little Secrets – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Pregnancy and Dreams – Yoga and Childbirth
Hello Tony, last night I dreamt vividly about me having a miscarriage and noticing the baby (tiny as a beam yet fully formed, beautiful face/head and nice hands with long fingers) within the placenta which I knew full of blood yet ‘saw’ completely white clean… BTW I had felt I was pregnant (and felt peaceful and incredible happy) yet that same night I bleed… thanks!!