Living a secluded life; attitude of a recluse; short-sightedness; an avoidance of human company; unconscious forces or influence; something going on beneath the surface – this may be something you can’t actually perceive, but suffer the consequences of, as with molehills; an undermining influence.
It often refers to an individual who secretly undermines you as a spy.
But it can also be a positive messenger from your unconscious.
Useful questions are:
Am I getting intimations of an unconscious or usually unseen influence at work in my life?
What does the action and my relationship with the mole suggest?
Does this in any way relate to living a secluded life?
Hi Tony, my husband had this dream: He
dreamed field moles all over my lawn. there were so many that the ground waved and vibrated.
Their heads were in the ground and the rest of the body was out.
Two of them came in the house. One of the moles was about to get squeezed in the door. But my husband didn’t want to kill him. The moles ran all over the house.
My husband said to me, in the dream , look there’s moles all over the house, and I just laughed. ( My husband has just been diagnosed with IBD )
I believe I have fallen into an error in my life. My living experience is complete opposite of my thoughts, desires aka manifestation/daily affirmation’s creating happiness in the last year. How can I correct this dreadful living experience. My dream last night ..several of my friends home’s had moles digging in their basements, and in the common interior area’s of their homes. One mole was dead and it’s body organs were dry and sticking to the sides of my shoes.
*smiles* Robin
PS my Mom Sharon in Longbeach WA. thinks your the greatest! THank YOu~
Hi Robin – I would need to take this over with you to really understand what you ae experiencing. Bu I take it you have been using positive affirmations and your experience is opposite.
My view of life is that it is a complete balance between chaos and order; light and dark; unconscious and conscious; destructive and creative – and if we try to go only toward one it leaves us unbalanced. The art is to walk the ‘razors edge’ between the opposites. It is a difficult thing, but brings extraordinary peace.
And great peace to you too Sharon.