Foolishness; thoughtlessness; being ruled by impulse; ones instincts; the frivolous surface workings of the mind or expression of frivolous emotion – or impulsive difficult to control urges; greediness and self-centredness; being irrational in the sense of being stupid; mimicking or aping other people or the group, thus being a follower; the struggle involved in becoming conscious.
The monkey can also sometimes depict your primal animal self that existed prior to developing self awareness. So it can indicate the sexual and feeling conditions underlying your present socialised personality. It can in this phase be a wonderful and wise aspect of yourself. Therefore it is sometimes the same as ape. See Mammal Brain
What view have you of it, whether it excites, disgusts or frightens you. Is it funny because it exhibits some aspect of human nature so openly, like monkeys making love in public? Is it to be envied because it is so honest, like the dog growling at someone it doesn’t like or is frightened of, and giving obvious affection to someone it has a link with? With such straightforward questions you can arrive at what your dream monkey represents to you personally.
White monkey: The white monkey is a wonderful representation of the mixture we may feel of our instincts and our collected human experience. The white monkey then becomes a wise teacher who shares insight into our behaviour in a way we can understand. It is, after all ourselves.
Example: One was a monkey with a white ruff. They were like jewels but not expensive. Moving it produced an amazing display of colours. Sometimes just a sheet of colour, sometimes patterns of colour and radiated light. Never the same colour or pattern.
The man explored his dream and wrote, “I entered the image of the White Haired monkey. I saw things from the vision of the White Haired. It was so simple, so organic and life filled. I am only a finger of life, only a tiny part of the organic, living, whole. I am only one member of a large group. Life, through its living organism, cares. In the group of monkeys, if the mother dies, a sister or brother cares for the baby. Each individual is only one cell in the whole body. If that person goes away or dies, life, in the form of another person, cares for the children, or fills the needs of the adult. John is away from his children and woman. I, as a cell of life, came to Hyone and the children to care. If it were not me it would be someone else, some other life cell.
Example: The whole crux of the problem is in trying to be everything to someone. Since I have stopped trying to be everything to D. – husband, lover, supplier, strength – I find I have an easy, very relaxed, loving and growing relationship with her. Yet I am trying to be more than I can be with S.
The wisdom of the White Monkey was hell. If we let it, Life, through its members, intertwines. One person’s breast feed us, and others steady as someone else’s intelligence communes with us, while our own being likewise mingles variously in many lives. The secret is today what I can and do in the lives I contact. And also to let other lives come to me, D, S and all our children.
Example: From there I began to see human caring. It was as if I felt myself to be one of a group of monkeys. Within the group life was lived out of ones inner simplicity. But certain aged monkeys could attain a different level of awareness. They were called the White Haired Ones. I could become a White Headed One, but I would have to die in the sense of relinquishing my personal desires, fears and goals. Was I willing to do this? It had elements of risk. It might mean the end of life as I now lived it. But I had to take the risk. I was willing to die.
I became a White Hair. I saw from the vision of the White Haired. It was so simple, so organic and life-filled. I am only a finger of life, only a tiny part of the organic, living, whole. I am only one member of a large group. Life, through its living organism, cares. In the group of monkeys, if the mother dies, a sister or brother cares for the baby. Each individual is only one cell in the whole body. If that person goes away or dies, life, in the form of another person, cares for the children, or fills the needs of the adult.
Example: In this state there was an awareness of being connected with everything around me, in the beginning of creation. This was the first day. Also I was aware of what I felt was a monkey running to keep up with what was me. It was what I had always thought of as the real me, and it was nothing but a monkey that wanted to be the real thing but couldn’t. The monkey me was a photocopy of everything we believe, not the reality. Our conscious mind is a photocopier and yet we are so sure we know reality.’
Example: I dreamt a small animal was clinging to my chest. It gave me the strong feeling of its animal nature, and was like a small bulging eyed monkey or lemur. As it clung it had one of my hands held firmly in its mouth using it as a teat. Its teeth were slightly painful. I knew it did this on account of being frightened, and I, with others, was taking its back from where it had escaped.
The dream clearly shows the vulnerably ‘mammalian’ feelings of the dreamer, and how this part of him is frightened and lost in the human world.
Example: I suddenly remembered I had forgotten the monkey and had this feeling of dread and guilt that there was this thing in my care and I had forgotten it. This feeling was very strong. Then someone told me the monkey was here and had followed me. I then had this flash back in my dream and I saw what had happened as the monkey had followed me. I had driven in a car and the monkey had constantly run behind the car hiding behind objects (e.g. fences, gates, lampposts) all the way so as not to be seen/caught but keeping the car in sight all the time and darting from one object to the next.
I called the monkey and it came out from its hiding place and ran towards me and jumped into my arms. This part was very significant to me as it was running towards me I had a fear it would hurt me maybe bite me but as it came into my arms it was soft and affectionate. This happens again in the dream at least twice more. I would forget about the monkey but as soon as I remembered it and call it, it would appear. It would always follow me but would only come to me when I called it. Each time it appeared to me and ran to me there was this same fear that it would hurt me but each time it was soft and kind and nice to hold. The dream ended by me waking up.
I feel your dream is portraying something special about how you relate to yourself. Sometimes the monkey is described as being thoughtless mischief maker, but I see something else in your dream. It is that ‘something else’ that has caused you to feel such strong feelings of dread and guilt. In fact there is a lot of love linking you with it and it to you. And I think it could bring tears if you recognise what part of you it is.
That you forgot the monkey shows a struggle between you and the small creature that was willing to keep up with you. It is, I believe, an ancient struggle that few people are aware of. It is the struggle that goes on in each of us between our animal self and our cultured, educated and often tortured mind. Yet it is not a war, but a simple request to be recognised, respected and given a place in your life.
It is a dramatic struggle involved in becoming a conscious and mature person. The struggle is in gradually emerging from the impulsive animal tendencies such as we see in social hierarchy, religious and political groups, one nation fighting another. So the monkey can depict your primal animal self that existed prior to developing self awareness. It can indicate the sexual and feeling conditions underlying your present socialised personality.
But the monkey is also very wise with an instinctive wisdom millions of years old. If you can meet it and help it arise out of its instinctive responses, it gives you wisdom in exchange for the love it gives you. After all, what is human life but a gradual emergence from the processes of life, and often a complete denial of our ancient heritage?
Idioms: Make a monkey of; monkey business; monkey with; monkey tricks; monkey’s uncle; monkey on your back.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does this monkey express wisdom or pettiness? Try to define what is petty or wise about the monkey.
What activity are you engaged in with the monkey, and what does this suggest/
Are you accepting, rejecting or manipulating the monkey, and in what way does your activity reflect waking attitudes to your natural impulses?
See – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Life – Martial Art of the Mind – Self Help
I dreamt of a street monkey who was wishing to stay with us..me my mother and me.. He was very loving..and dint wanted to leave u..
Dear Nikita – Your IP number shows that you live in Kanpur in India where “It is a common sight to see these animals loitering around and even occupying middle of the roads, thus disrupting traffic flow which often leads to jams and accidents. The stray animals not only hinder traffic on most of the roads in the city, but also trouble the locals. While dogs cause nuisance on road, monkeys enter into houses creating problem for the residents. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kanpur/Stray-animal-menace-in-Kanpur-Tenders-invited-to-catch-pigs-monkeys/articleshow/45945837.cms
And so meeting monkeys on the street is something quite natural to you.
Also monkeys in general are revered in several parts of India, for bearing the likeness of Hanuman. He is connected to the sun, the wind, and thunder. He is revered for his bravery, strength, loyalty, devotion, and dedication to justice.
So what do you associate with a street monkey?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
What could this monkey add to the relationship you have with your mother?
Try to carry the dream forward and imagine what it would be like to have this monkey stay with you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/#carryforward
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
What means dreaming a monkey staring into my eyes, intensely, then spitting into my face, twice. I started tu laugh. I can’t find any meaning of this dream. Thank you
Vision of a little white monkey. Cheeky as. It had a piece of fruit and ran and felt it was handing it to another monkey. It ran to the top of the tree with it, instead of giving it to the other monkeys.I felt as if I was it. I was in jail.
I just had a dream that woke me up frightened and at the same time realizing. I am in my house and see at least two wild monkeys who are trying to come in the house. I close the windows in time and this happens kind of twice or thrice. Then I see that none if the kids are opening window and they also understand but they are not frightened. I tell my husband that now we are safe and I release water from laundry machine. Suddenly, I realized that it’s has an outlet that goes out and monkeys can come inside, I quickly start stuffing it with clothes that were around me and I am calling husband but he is not coming so I call him thrice and I woke up realizing oh! They can’t fit in the small pipe And I should now relax. Please help me interpret this.
In my dream, my deseased father was alive. We were in the house then we found a monkey in a cage. I opened the cage and the money came out and came right to me he kissed me on the forehead. Then the went to my dad and listened him on the forehead then the monkey was talking and told us he had a bruise on his shoulder from the cage. Then he threw a little dirt at me and said my hands were filthy. I told him I had built an enclosure for a bird but I thought he would like it better and I would build him a treehouse. My father started to cry then he would help me. Then the phone rang and I woke up.
In my dream, my deseased father was alive. We were in the house then we found a monkey in a cage. I opened the cage and the money came out and came right to me he kissed me on the forehead. Then the went to my dad and listened him on the forehead then the money was talking and told us he had a bruise on his shoulder from the cage. Then he threw a little dirt at me and said my hands were filthy. I told him I had built an enclosure for a bird but I thought he would like it better and I would build him a treehouse. My father started to cry then he would help me. Then the phone rang and I woke up.
I was in a coma for three weeks and I talked to a white monkey. We talked about how my life was going and what I wanted to do in the future. He changed my life. He helped me wake up out of my coma. Thanks to him I know exactly who I am.
I had a dream that there was a young monkey wearing a denim sleeveless waist jacket outside my window he had brown eyes and he was a tree trunk kind of brown.. Like a greyish green brown, he had some white on his head and i let him in and i started rubbing him.. What does this mean??
Thank you for the deep dream analysis on monkeys. I did a ritual to terminate negative memories as part of my spiritual progression and dreamt of 3 white monkeys and an old man being said to be dead but not knowing it. I later see him lying dead as I look from high up the top of a castle .the interpretation is in line with where I am right now. Thank you.
I wonder if you can help me with this. I dreamed of a monkey last night. The monkey I saw was hanging outside my veranda staring at me. That time,when I opened my sliding door, I heard the monkey speak, telling me, “let me in”. My response to it was that, I immediately closed the sliding door. The reason why I closed the sliding door was that I can’t let a monkey in my apartment… I wonder what this dream means…I hope you can helmp me. Thanks in advance.
I have been dreaming a lot of my ex with his new girlfriend but last night I dreamt of me being present with them in a house. After that I dreamt a 2nd dream where a women knocked on my door and she tried peeping through when I said go away she sent a monkey in who was miniture and soft grey fur the monkey was looking for something. While in the dream I picked up a newspapaer that had a article about a women changing her self into a monkey that knocks onto your door*
Please help as my dreams tend to be sort of a prediction into future Happenings. The other night I had a dream about my ex as well with his girl and I was there again cleaning the flooded house while he comforted her in an empty bath tub she had a black lace undergarmet on I also dream of a wild bord attackng me
I had a dream where a monkey was feeding itself from my plate and i took the monkey and left it outside the house and locked the door.The monkey was properly dressed like a man.I was then looking at the monkey behind the bars and the dream ended. Can u please interpret this dream for me??
Mistic – If you read the entry on http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#AnimalMean you will see it explains that you are in fact an animal that was taught to speak, and without that you would have remained at a monkey level. So shutting the monkey out has shut out a valuable part of you. You need to let it into your life as it has man talents that we all need.
Last year I dreamt that i was in the car whilst my husband was driving. I was admiring the scenery when suddenly there was a loud thud on top of our car. A monkey was hanging infront of my side window. The monkey then scratch my arm and moved out. I didnt give it a serious thought about it although from time to time I kept wondering what was the meaning behind it.
Three weeks later, someone con me for few hundred dollars. I should have taken a serious thought as there was some form of a hint in some of my dreams.
I had a dream that i was given a talking monkey because my friend had left for basic training. he spoke clearly and he was interested when i started playing music (i make music). He didn’t speak until spoken to though and i tried to take care of him the best i could and he seemed to appreciate my effort. another little thing is that it was raining, we seemed to be outside i tried to find shelter and ended up finding a Vietnamese restaurant.
Can anyone help me understand this random and weird dream?
I had a dream about a monkey last night. I was in alot of emotional pain and someone outside the dream but within the dream said ,”Express your feelings to the monkey, It can understand many forms of pain.” There was a monkey on the floor in the convienence store where I was working in my dream. It had dark brown eyes and the someone outside my dream but within said, “The brown eyes are the most compassionate monkeys.”
Anyways where does this comment go? I like all the information you have on your page.
Shooting Star Baby – This is a great dream to start with – though I see you have a whole line of others waiting. I can only do one at a time as there are pages and pages of others.
Yes, you should tell your monkey of your pain. But first of all you need to meet your monkey face to face – cos the image is only a mask behind which hides the living thing.
You see the monkey is an important part of your brain, along with the Reptile Brain and the Human Brain. Most people do not realise that we didn’t arise from monkeys, our evolution started long before that, and the first level of brain we developed was the reptile; then the monkey or mammalian brain.
The functions of the Mammalian ‘brain’ MacLean likened to the skills shown in mammals such as wild dogs and apes. Mammals show enormous awareness of bonding, caring for young, group activity, hierarchy and recognition of family and pack. They also have a much bigger pool of behavioural responses and can learn even more. This ‘brain’ integrates and refines the functions of the reptilian brain. It provides emotional range and intensity, and gives a greater complexity to what motivates or deters us. It is this greater awareness of how we relate to others, and the social structure in which we exist, along with a sense of what place in it we occupy, that enables us to modify and coordinate the impulses arising from the reptilian brain. Here too lie the beginnings of being able to reflect and learn from experience in that way. At times when we tap the resources of this brain we discover enormous insights and wisdom concerning relationships and social interactions.
Therefore I think you ought to get to know this important part of you. So read and use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/ With a little practice it can become a wonderful added skill.