Love; romance; intuitions arising from the unconscious are usual associations, as well as one’s inner world of fantasy, imagination, the psychic or one’s inner soul life; menstrual cycle and the female mysteries. Because of its connection with the tides – the deep inner movements caused by the subtle side of our nature, the tides of feeling, even madness; the pull and attraction of mysterious dark desires; a woman’s strange, sensual, overpowering attraction.
I think the significance of the changing pattern of dreaming during the menstrual cycle has not been appreciated by either women or men. Just as the moon goes through phases when it appears to be full and bright but gradually diminishes to a narrow crescent shape only to return again to its state of illuminated wholeness, so too does a woman manifest a waxing and waning of various personality traits during her lunar-cycle dreams. Quoted from an unnamed file.
A completely different insight into the meaning of the moon in human experiences. It is a visionary view by a great investigator, Dr. Anna Kingsford in her book Clothed With The Sun:
“Every man is a planet, having sun, moon, and stars. The genius of a man is his satellite. Man is a planet. God–the God of the man–is his sun, and the moon of this planet is Isis, its initiator, or genius. The genius is made to minister to the man, and to give him light. But the light he gives is from God, and not of himself. He is not a planet but a moon, and his function is to light up the dark places of his planet. During this condition the “Moon” enlightens our hidden chamber with her torch and shows us ourselves in our interior recess. Who or what, then, is this moon? It is part of ourselves and revolves with us.” I tend to see it as our intuition. See Hare
New or old moon: Female sexuality; change; intuition.
Moons changes: Life, death, rebirth; the tides in our affairs.
Full moon: Power of the inner drives.
Flying to the moon: Trying to escape reality or responsibility; attempting to break free of limitations.
Moonlight: Romantic view of the world; not seeing things too clearly; looking within self.
New or old moon: Female sexuality; change; intuition.
Moons changes: Life, death, rebirth; the tides in our affairs.
Full moon: Power of the inner drives.
Flying to the moon: Trying to escape reality or responsibility; attempting to break free of limitations.
Moonlight: Romantic view of the world; not seeing things too clearly; looking within self.
The light of the moon: Many dream mention the light of the moon, and I think it refers to the ability to be capable of noticing subtle feelings and intuitions.
Two moons: Decisions or indecision about something, possible relationship; conflicting sides of yourself; choices or changes occurring.
Explosion of moon: Possibly depicts the breakup of hopes or fantasies which do not connect with external reality. For instance, we might dream of having a romance with our favourite film star, and with some people the fantasy takes on a feeling of possibly becoming reality. But it also depicts a cosmic event – changes occurring because of your relationship with astronomical forces.
Example: Okay, so it was a blue moon, such as tonight, and in the dream I was on Lake Michigan, or some big lake like that. Then I walked into the reflection of the moon and it was scary, because when I fell into the moon I fell deep into the water and under the sand into Hell. Once I was in Hell all the people that were supposed to be in eternal suffering were in like… a trance, or something like that and they weren’t moving, or anything. They seemed to be Statues. I walked down deeper and saw Lucifer sobbing. He was mumbling something and when he saw me he clung to me and kept saying, ” The moon. It is my death, my beautiful, beautiful death. How I love it so, but it weakens me. It is my greatest love, but worst nightmare. ” He wouldn’t say anything else and I just held him and before I woke up he said, “You will be the one to take my last breath… the one to out live me. “
This shows how the dreamt of moon influences the dreamer in a way to go beyond his normal awareness.
Example: What remains so striking about it is that it was so complete and followed linear time (that aboriginal ‘one-thing-after-another’ time) so precisely. The moon and its arc and the perfect symmetry of the rainbow segments revolving as the night/ceremony passed. And the theme of me being around a bunch of native men is one that repeats with some regularity…always some exploring/initiation type thing. And it does occur to me that this dream probably happened just at the last days of my virginity….so maybe it is as simple as that.
Example: I lay on a mattress and look up to the sky. I see a full moon and a cherub baby asleep on a cloud, or like the decals on my dresser that my mother put there when I was little. It looks like a child’s book illustration, all cutesy. Suddenly I know that my mother is dead. I sob and sob my grief. I feel sorry I never really tried to get to know her. I am inconsolable. My crying wakes Ellie and Paulina who come to me and hug me. Ellie hugs me from behind. I feel her strong arms around my chest. I am at first sorry I woke them and then glad of their support. (I wake up hearing my grieving wails and thankfully realize it was a dream. It was so real.) Barb.
Here again the moon in her dream brings to the surface deep feelings. Also, it highlights that a lot of grief is caused by not expressing feelings and love while you had the chance.
Example: I began to realise, or be shown, in my inner world, what had happened. My past practice to grow had unbalanced my Sun and Moon. My moon that had predominated. This was the Life Energy I had released in a past session, the vegetative God of the moon. That is, one aspect of the one Life expressing through evolution – expressing from deep within matter and the body. This is like the energy locked in a seed which grows it until it reaches up above earth. I could see why Reich called his method vegetotherapy – because the energy released was that bound up in the vegetative system of our body, in our emotions, muscles, sexual organs and glands. And although I had released this to a fair degree, I had hardly touched my Life of the Sun god or released it. This was the descending power of Light.
What had been a conflict now resolved itself. I had been polarised in the negative side of the Life energy. The cold, inward, in drawn, lethargic, inactive aspect. I must now open to my positive, outgoing, hot, digestive, fiery Life. This I did, and the Sun was on top of my head, and the Moon at the base of my spine. For a while they were separate, but then I knew them as one Life expressing into two ways, and my Sun and Moon merged. Now I could surrender to the one united Life.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does this moon have any specific meaning for me?
Does this represent ‘taking on’ powerful feminine energies associated with the moon?
Am I feeling sentimental or longing for someone?
Is there an overall dark feeling that might have something to do with the irrational or unknown?
Is this about ‘cycles’ of some kind, either in nature or women’s menstrual cycle?
See Using Your Intuition – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – astrology
I drempt I was walking with my mom and I looked up and saw multiple moons. Like one appeared then another in sequence then it was like after the fifth the moon came closer and.closer and became huge. I got a.little freightened and said “that’s got to be god saying something”. Others parts in the dream I saw an engagement ring and characters.from the show how I.met your mother. The direction west was brought up from seeing several people who.went west in my life. I remember telling.my mom ” I have a daughter”. I dont for real. I remember seeing a.classroom that was being taught history. Another vivid scene was.me kissing a woman passionatly. She was a larger woman but very attractive. I remember looking in a mirror and was feeling.my long long goatee beard. And I was debating if gid existed or not. Very last scene was a guy in a hospital bed flatlined but brought back.the main part I want to know is about the moon.
Aaron – This sounds to me like something that really wanted your attention. The fifth huge moon is about is about a great change in the way you see or feel things within you. It begins to show you things you feel or have thought about deeply, like another partner – the engagement ring, and the daughter which is possibly a reference to your future. The history you were being taught was your own history and the woman you kissed was something you want to happen. Does God exist and the guy flat lining are about what you may discover more fully later in your history but fascinate you – both to do with the inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream that somehow we (as a society I think) turned the moon off. In my dream the moon was our source of light. It was a full moon. All these scientists were trying to turn it back on by spinning it really fast, but I knew it wouldn’t work. It went too fast and spun off and left us. I knew eventually it would come back but we would be living in darkness for awhile. It scared me because I thought I would get depressed because it was dark all the time. There wasn’t any power, and for whatever reason I dreamt that they hired people to stand by the train tracks to signal when there was a train. This gave me some comfort. In the end of the dream before I woke up I didn’t really feel disturbed despite the circumstances.
I had a dream last night that there were two moons in the sky. One was full and the other one was a first quarter Crescent moon. The Crescent moon wax to the lest and slightly behind the full moon. In the dream I was supposed to be looking at Orion’s belt through a telescope , because something interesting was supposed to be happening there. I was more interested in the moons. And I was trying to take pictures of them. I know that we are supposed to have a lunar eclipse soon, and it’s right around the time I’m going in for a fertility treatment, so I’m hoping this dream is a good omen. My zodiac sign is ruled by the moon.
I have had a very odd dream. Everything is black and white. There are two moons. second moon was the only thing was red. It was very odd because I knew it was something other then the moon in my head. But anyway two moons one was red, like mars or a lunar eclipse that red. And it was moving it was so wierd that I just keep on looking at it. The red moon hit our moon not doing much damage but you could hear it make contact. It only made moved our moon over, just kept on going.
one day I saw five full moons in my dream ? can u tell me what does it mean now-a-days I m facing a probleam regarding my job as loss my job one year ago and I still can’t be settled in any job. so does that dream concern whit my carrer ?
Pritesh – A full moon suggests a time of great energy and fullness when the internal forces are working for you; so the dream promises success, but not until five months have passed.
i certainly dreamed of a moon. I saw the moon very closer to my house. it was so close that my whole west part was covered with the moon.
the moon was revoluting above me quiet faster (like 1 revolution in 5 sec). then the moon started turning black. when i deeply saw what made moon black, it was a great bunch of grey aliens running to fight with another bunch aliens who were coming in the opposite direction. then 1 alien fell to my house. i hit that alien and it left.
what does this mean????
Abdullah – It seems like you have had a lot of emotions and probably worried surging about in you. But more than anything else it caused a conflict in you about things you could not really understand. You managed to defeat one thing that was really present in your mind and feelings.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
I keep seeing this tall good looking guy. This time standing in the dark both facing each other an a massive full moon behind us.
Whatdoes this mean?
thanx for this /./.last night i dreamed about two moons ,both are so near ,one spreading dim light while one new moon is so shining that can’t see on that like a sun ,n my brother shouting that ,dont look on that .i ran away .,n dont know wt next ,.
hi ! ..i just saw a dream about two moons i was in a fair with my mother , i saw my lover who was angry to me , then i saw one of my lovers friend with me and when we both looked up, we saw two moons one bigger and brighter and other small and just like normal moon , what does it mean ? i am feeling woried…
Forgive this long comment but this is part two of the dream that I’m curious about.
After the Gold moon, I find myself out on a field somewhere, looking up at the sky. Suddenly, a new planet appears entering the sky. There is a feeling of armageddon and I find myself on the same field with my mother, my brother and one other female that I cannot remember, attempting to flee but I stop them telling them there’s nowhere to flee. I remember feeling sad that it was the end but also happy, like we are going to a better place. We kneel on the ground, hold hands and await the end, then a tsunami comes, only its not a tsunami, more like a huge splash of water that sweeps over us without doing a thing to us, we laugh and can’t believe that was it. That’ all I remember.
I really like your dream insights Tony. I have one for you – I have made my own deduction but would love to consult you on yours.
I’m looking up at a huge Gold moon, looming large over the planet (it didn’t feel like Earth by the way – I have lots of these off-world dreams). Its a huge, beautiful, golden(as in made out of Gold)and inside, there is a smaller orb, also made of Gold, orbiting round and round within the Gold moon and the floor of the moon is made of white gleaming tiles, really fancy. I am able to see inside the moon because it’s not complete, rather, the side of it facing me is so that I can see inside of it, like a round jigsaw puzzle missing parts. It’s a magnificent spectacle, looming close, I feel like I can touch it and I’m quite happy and content to look at it. I remember the orb distinctively, orbiting round and round, suspended in nothingness within the moon.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Hi. I’m from India, yesterday night I saw many moon in dreams, it was like; I was standing somewhere when saw in the sky I told my friend about second moon, suddenly as I was moving eyes around the sky I started seen many moons. Please tell me meaning of that dream.
Santosh – I believe your dream is telling you that you have the ability to see beyond the normal, into the hidden side of life and its forces.
If you do not have signs of it yet, then you should see if you can find ways of developing this wonderful ability.
Thank you so much Sir, kindly explain how can I develop it. This time I want to become serious about my dreams, because since my childhood I had plenty experience which shows my connectivity with this and other planets. I may be wrong or it may be just co-incidence but I want to prove it. Leaving in India it is so easy to get the knowledge but many of the facts are related with spiritual activities, where I feel it is superstition; so it’s difficult to trust anyone.
Please let know any exercise or give me some tips to explore dream through scientific way .
Thanks a lot once again.
Santosh – All I can offer you at the moment are things you can find on this site. So please see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/ – http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/methods-of-awakening/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ –
I had a dream that Oprah Winfrey picked me up from the airport. I was in the passenger seat & she was very nice & believed in me. I saw a huge Moon in the sky, bigger than we would ever see.. and it was all lacy. It was exceptionally beautiful!! What could this mean?
Thank you!
Tanya – Lucky you to have such a good dream.
I guess that Oprah represents opportunity – a big opportunity that is coming your way. Though my experience is that such dreams are events that are felt deep within us and take time to emerge into waking life.
The beautiful moon – well what do you make of it – maybe try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson.
But I would guess it is about a massive increase in your power as a woman, your imagination, and the psychic or ones inner soul life.
OMG…..your ideas about women, the moon, and the spiritual aspects therepof, are a hodgepodge of outdated concepts stemming from the Bible [a cesspool of patronistic mysogony], Freud [also not exatly a feminist], and generic nonsense from the social mores of the 1950’s, i.e.the regressionist misogynist social attitudes surrounding your stunted emotinal development as a child. It always amazes me to view persons such as yourself who not only feel that their fossilized attitudes are something new ,,,,,,and important enough for other people to spend their hard earned money on, Get a life and leave the rest of us alone.
Me – Wow! You certainly put me in my place. But you write with some anger and criticism. Criticism and anger is a sign of conflict. It was something I thought I saw in your dream.
I dreamed about 12 moons in the dark around me….To me it sounds complicated….please explain…thank u