Murder Murderer Murdered
Each of us are implicated in killing – by denying, repressing, controlling – some part of our own nature. These denied areas of your own sensitivity or potential can fortunately be resurrected through self awareness of your deed. If you flee from a murderer, it depicts a fear that is threatening your confidence or something you feel threatened by.
Murderous rage in dreamer: It is observable that repressed sexuality or traumatised childhood love leads to feelings of murderous rage which may not be expressed socially, but do appear in dreams; may also express childhood anger linked with emotional bond with mother being damaged. In this case the dreamer will be the murderer – even if in the dream the murderer appears to be someone else. The murder will then be the killing of any love or emotional connection or bond between child and parent. The child often thus murders its own feelings of love for the parent in order to survive apparent or real desertion – as for instance a child being put in foster care. The bonds are so instinctive and strong; to survive parting the child may have to hack away any emotional links.
Freud says, “Has different ‘moral standards’. In dreams we rape, pillage, murder and adventurously act in ways we would resist with horror in waking life.”
Example: I still denied that I wanted to mutilate or destroy my sister. Impossible. I had no such evil in me. When at length I did admit the evil in me, it was with outrage: of what therapeutic use could it be to discover that I had wanted to destroy, murder, my sister – at a time when I could scarcely think? Freud has this interesting comment to make: ‘A child is absolutely egotistical: he feels his wants acutely, and strives remorselessly to satisfy them, especially against his competitors, other children, and first of all against his brothers and sisters. And yet we do not on that account call a child ‘wicked’ – we call him ‘naughty’.
Example: It was something like a semi detached and sited on a slope. I was outdoors and I think felt or knew that we had just taken over this house. But I felt uneasy as if something from the past was linked with it.
Then I was at the back of the house, on the part sloping down from the back wall of the house. I noticed things covering what turned out to be a big hole dug against the back wall, deep into the soil. This was where I felt most ill at ease about the place. The hole had been covered with bits of board and other odd pieces of junk. I lifted these at the left of the hole and looked in. Sticking out from the side of the hole, about three feet down was the dead body of a young man. I could see the back of his skull had been smashed in. But although he had obviously been under the soil for some time, and had now been uncovered, the body was still in good condition, being slightly dried out or mummified.
I felt really guilty and connected with the body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it.
In ‘being’ the body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager. Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance. I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them. I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it. It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking. I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself. I said sorry over and over. I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.
Killing: Repressing or stopping some aspect of oneself – as when we kill our love for someone.
Where the dreamer imagines the death of a beloved relative: Freud believed this was because rivalry and hatred between brothers and sisters was deep rooted though unconscious and, in adult life, concealed by apparent warm affection. One reason for this, he suggested, was that for the child the idea of death meant no more than being ‘gone’: to wish another dead, in early childhood, is simply a way of wishing him removed from the scene. There are however other reasons. In moving toward independence we may find it difficult to establish our own decision making and feeling responses because our parents are so deeply engraved into our ways of behaving. In order to make a break from this we often kill them off in our dreams in one way or another. See: the section of father under archetypes, especially the part of killing father or burying father.
Example: I know what this is about — waiting for that impulse. I’ve created two golden ceremonial knives. I’ve got to cut my way out of the membrane. . It’s my flesh, as I strike out I feel it stabbing, it’s like someone is hacking their way in (hacking movements). I’ve done it, I’ve got it – crying gasping. I killed him – then I severed the arteries. I killed them. I cut the life blood. Then locked myself away never got up again – collapse’s – I got knocked down. I killed them. . (Guilt). The anger came from deep in the soul. I killed them so I could survive. M. went mad; alcoholic brag artist, my dad. That’s my guilty secret, I’m a murderer, killed them from within like a cancer. Undermined them all the time. They’ll be sorry – most of them are, but I’m wonderful, because I am a murderer. I killed to survive. Law of the jungle. All this shit about suffer the little children unto me. . Paradox I died to survive the matador. Comes’ into the ring crippled. Buddhist Mafia – protection money.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is the body about in the dream?
Do I feel involved and if so in what way?
Can I identify with the murder or the body?
See Being the Person or Thing – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams
My son had a dream where he and i are having dinner out. A man comes in to join us and i begin to text. The man then throws a knife at my sons head and the people in the diner begin to surround him as i back away. They then chase him. He says they never catch him. Can you tell me what this dream means. He is 21 and has had this dream several times since the age of 18. He also states the mans eyes look similar to his dads or dads brothers.
I had a dream the there was a gray man screwing nuts and bolts into peoples head to kill them. The man kept ressurecting himself to kill others in hate.
The next night I dreamed I indivually murdered each family a differnt way: smothering, throwing my little sister off buildings, stabbing my step father. Now I have my regular dreams of being in an arcade….but last night when I exited a building a person in black grabbed/kidnapped me.
Im only 14.
I’m wandering around in the mall when I run into two very old high school friends of mine (that I have not seen or talked to since high school) and we decide to stop and grab some lunch together. While we were eating, my boyfriend appears out of nowhere and immediately erupts into a jealous rage. He chases me throughout the entire mall and I run from store to store, fearing for my life but receiving help from no one. I finally take cover in a clothing store and this girl helps me. She hides me in a rack of clothing and says to me “one broken woman will always help out another broken woman”. And then I woke up. These dreams are so vividly real – what do they mean?
I had a dream that a chinese hid me behind a counter saying something that I forgot when I woke up. Our dream was strangly similar in more ways than one….creepy
Hi! I have had a couple odd dreams lately. The ones previous to this had to do with my sick father killing himself. Not only killing himself., but killing himself while I was in the same house. My mother is having the same dreams.
I had a dream last night where for some reason I was taking care of these two little boys, we ended up going over to my crush’s house and this is an actual crush I have right now but anyways, we went over there and everything started to get stra wenge. All of a sudden he lunges at the boys… we go on this wild goose chase for hours where he is wanting to hurt them and we see that he in fact, is a murderer.
Here is the wierd part, after that aprt of the dream we went back to his house. (I have never had a sexual dream beforte) but in the dream I ended up having sex with this boy… after that three women came in the house, older women, and they were commenting about how messy it was. I got the feeling in the dream that he worked for these women.
If you could tell me what you think, thatd be great.
i have had three dreams since the death of my second mom, in the beginning of August. Three years ago i lost my daughter and her father and i havent spoken since we found out that she was dieing. we were both close to my second mom but he didnt come for her funneral. the night of the funneral i had my first dream where i killed him. I stabbed him with a butcher knifes to his heart. my second dream was during the holiday season and this time I was able to hold him underwater at the beach and watched his life leave his eyes as i held him underwater. Last night I had yet another dream this time my freind had a second funneral for her mom and we both came to this one except that this time he confrotened me and i shot him 4 times in the head. I don’t understand these dreams and would like to very much to understand why im having this dream
I had a dream last night, that I keep looking up, but mostly people know who were killed in their dream they remember. Well i had a dream that my current boyfriend of almost a year and his friend jackie (with whom i like and get along with, shes a lot younger than us, kind of younger sister like) and me him her and my bf brother were at a small party outside. Jackie (I believe i remember it was her, but could possibly been me, 90% jackie if i can remember) the one thing i def. cannot remember is the two men she killed. its cloudy like i know them but i cant see their faces. anyway the party continued and i went to my boyfriend and was like they’re dead we need to do something with the bodies. Is this seriously happening? and I felt that feeling, like it was real, like i was really nervous about this and about going to jail for life! Then the dreamed kinda switched up, and the block kinda looked familiar! Me and jackie were walking, going somewhere, then we seen a cop park his car and get out. thought he was going to stop us so we went to the next house and acted like we were finding our keys like it was our home. Go figure… its his house, but there are apartments; so he asked us if we were new, we said yes. Then he invited us in, introduced us to his wife and friend. they were smoking pot and snorting coke i think. So then i told him we had to run and we’d come back with beer and play cards lol. Even the inside of his home, and the other apartments were familiar, but i can’t put my finger on it. Then we leave. There is a short scene of being on the bleechers with some people including my bf, his brother and girlfriend(i think) and jackie.put the bodies in the trunk, and were about to go smoke a blunt. I couldn’t relax as everyone else was very calm about the situation like no one would think it was us and they were assholes anyway. I was trying to analyze dream myself, but it all gets screwed up basically. How come I don’t know who we or she/I murdered, and their are 2 men. I have no idea. But all I know is, to tell you my past; i was in a 7 year abusive relationship. I have one brother one sister, and parents. Grew up in an abusive household as well because of rape and abuse. (not all in the family-from people on the outside as well) My sister is in real life a bitch and really literally tried to ruin my current relationship and relationships with my parents out of jealousy. and now this boyfriend I love like crazy but sort of resent because I’m not doing the things I need to do for myself. Any help please. This threw me off completely. Help!
Hey Tony,
So I am currently on a study abroad trip in Japan and I had such a terrible nightmare that a murder was standing outside yelling at me and messaging me on facebook to let him in the dorm and talking about really nasty/sexual things. I felt so much fear in the dream I had trouble closing the window and locking it. As I hid in the corner of the room, he somehow jumped up and broke through the window, he then started to kill me thoroughly with a knife/shredded glass as I tried to ask another study abroad student for help, but it seemed she seemed too uninterested in me. Before finishing me off, he swore to kill the rest of the students after he was done with me. I woke up instantly after that, afraid to look anywhere or get out of my bed. I still remember his face, and the dream was so vivid, it felt like a memory.
I’ve been having dreams where I indirectly kill my favorite family members. I’m in elementary school do these will sound childish : I was playing house in my room with my mom and dad, but I didn’t have a good connection with mom. Dad hear something and wanted to leave but I wouldn’t let him. I went downstairs to bring some snacks up and when I came up he was dead. If I had let him out he wouldn’t be like this. Another was last night. My mom and I were in Chicago, going to the zoo. We missed our tour bus. I recommended a taxi since I had never been I one. My mom was reluctant but did. We met the rest of my family there and got into the car to eat. The taxi driver pulled up. We were teleported to my home 3 states away and immediately attacked. My grandpa was killed and I couldn’t move. All this because I recommended that taxi. Help? It’s been going on every night like this!!!!
Rae – We usually dream about our family dying or being killed when we are learning to become independent of them and no longer depend upon them so much. The dreams enable you to feel, and get used to, the feeling of them no longer supporting you.
I had a dream last night that i was waiting for my 11 and 12 year old coming home from school. And had a bad feeling my ex husband was going to harm my daughter. So i went to meet the kids off the school bus. On my way i heard 2 gun shots then a pause followed by 5 or 6 more gun shots. I had a bad feeling that it related to my 11 year old daughter. I finally got to an area where two policeman stood.. I asked what had happened he confirmed that a man had killed himself after killing his daughter. After a pause he added and his son. I knew instantly it was my children. They confirmed that they were my children. I broke down crying and woke up hysterical. Cried for ages. Checked on my children. Saw that they were safe. Went back to sleep for the dream to continue. I found my ex layin there. The police initially tried to keep me back but let me go and allowed me to get the gun out of his hand and shoot him twice in the head. I then went over to my babies held them for a while. Saw the tears still on their cheeks. And shot myself. Im still really shook up and cant seem to stop crying. Its like im grieving and heartbroken. Even tho my children are fine. Please help me understand this.
Hi Tony.
This night I dreamed that a psycotic person headed to my friend who stood by my right side, with the intend to kill. I jumped forward and killed the person in self defens. I just knew that I couldn’t tell the police about it so I took the body and put it in a black plastic bag. The police arriwed to my school and started to ask questions.
Me and my friend went to a swamp combined with a garbage dump. I now switched concious with my friend, I was the friend now who was innocent, but I still helped to hide the body. I guess I couldn’t handle to be the killer. After, we went groceryshopping, but I still felt a little bit guilty.
I had this dream in the morning today at around 8 30 or so. I was running here and there in a chaos filled environment where everyone was being killed. Then at last i saw one of my frnd stabbing a knife in my back and i was terrified and woke up. I was almost about to die before waking up. Does this signify anything ?
I’ve had this recurring dream since 10th grade, where my entire family is having a family night when these strangers come in the house and start yelling and my father looks at me and tells me to run and take my little sister with me. the next thing i know me and her are running down the street with one of the strangers running after us, but we have nowhere to go. we are just running. then my dream jumps to us going to doors and yelling for help and no one is answering their doors. we then for some reason decide to go back to the house where it seems that it has been forever and we find that my father, my mother and older sister and her fiancee are dead. I don’t know what this means and its been bothering me
Amie – There are some things I would like to ask you that might be a clue to your dream. Was it usual for your father and mother to send you away or distance themselves when there was danger threatened? Also when you went seeking help and no one answers your cry for help, does that reflect how you felt – no one was there for you; no love and no shelter?
And that they are all dead – is that how you feel about your relationship with them – a sense of deadness and no life and love. I can only try to understand why you dreamt this for so many years.
I keep having dreams where I’m killing people. They are attacking me, and I kill them in self defense then run away. The other day I had a dream where I killed a number of people, but I wasn’t afraid, I just knew that I needed to be away from these people. I found an elevator and went up to the top floor. When the elevator doors opened I was standing on top of a lake facing the shore. I jumped out of the elevator and swam across to the beach and then just kept walking. I felt like I had escaped all the people trying to hurt me and I had risen to the next “level”. But I kept thinking about where I was going to go so they couldn’t find me again.
What does this mean?
Caitylan – This is a continuation of the theme of your last dream.
You certainly need to be away from all the ideas you have absorbed that enabled you to chain and restrict the natural and wise part of you. So by all means kill them off. And then rise in consciousness to a new level of understanding – the elevator/lift. Then you see yourself in nature again and are able to dip into it, into your natural wisdom and strength.
Don’t worry, as you understand your situation you will be able to avoid having to fight the people – after all it is what we are all surrounded by.
Hi Tony,
My spouse had this dream and felt really worried as he told me this.it seems like,in his past life he had friendship with these people like most aggressive and having least moral values.but he has no contact with them anymore.In his dream,he had hurt a girl(his family friend) with a knife.so,his family,my family along with myself had been to that girl’s house to apologize or discuss that it was unintentional.in that girl’s house,after that discussion,my spouse and myself were discussing on this issue standing in the balcony upstairs in the same house,he had seen these old friends of him coming furiously towards him to take revenge for this girl.there has been a long chase,my spouse had tried to hide himself,but atlast it happened so that he killed nearly 3 of them. We both are really so worried on this Tony.need ur help..
Thanks in advance.
Shyla – If what you say is correct, or even if it refers to things in this life, it seems thing were done that need to be faced. You tried apologising, but that wasn’t enough. Then the old friends were all his guilt coming to him.
That he killed three of them is not the way to deal with this. You cannot deal with one wrong doing by committing three more. In dreams you cannot die, so he would be wise to go into his dream again and visualise it as clear as he can, but this time let them take their revenge for the girl. If he can do this at least two times it will empty out his feelings.
I had the most horrific nightmare of my life 2 nights ago (this was also the night we had found out a friend of ours had taken his own life). I have had nightmares/terrors my entire life but have never felt anything this out of control or real before. I dreamt that my partner, was murdered outside of our home. It started with him having a disagreement with someone outside our home in the evening (I was not outside with him but somehow new the person he was arguing with had a knife). In my dream two nights passed and that evening he was murdered, shot straight through the heart at close range, I’m not sure why he was outside but he wasn’t arguing with anyone. The wound was lean and not disgusting, he died instantly. No matter what I did I could not stop crying hysterically. I had to call his parents and brake the news and even ask the Paramedics to cover him so people would stop starring. And then no matter what i did or where I went I had his body with me, protecting it so none could get at him, and no one else noticed i had his body with me. I woke up at that point to find myself crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating. I couldn’t shake the feeling or stop crying for most of the day. I think i understand and am much calmer now I would really love your thoughts. I still haven’t shaken the feeling.
Anna – You have such a power but it is turned against you. It is the power of imagination that caused so much heartbreak and crying. If you could get hold of this wild beat and tame it you would live in heaven.
It seems you have a terror of losing, and also an amazing caring nature, for in your dream you carried his dead body with you. I tore myself apart with an imagination that kept me miserable for years. But it can be dealt with.
So please see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk which might start you on to a new life.