Mushrooms Toadstools
Feelings or realisations that arise without warning from within; perhaps there is a question here of whether a situation or relationship is nourishing or poisonous, due to the possible association of poisonous or even mind changing mushrooms; something fragile and strange emerging into your life. For mushroom cloud: See: atom bomb.
But mushrooms, like bubbles, can represent your present life which emerged from something much older and is unconscious unless you have been awakened. You are the recent ‘mushroom’ that grew from the underground/unconscious material – the mycelium which is the large part of the exterior growth of mushrooms or fungi.
I use the analogy of mushrooms as an example of how the large part of us is active below the surface of our mind and only produces our conscious self – the mushroom – from the mycelium which has lived out of sight for many, many years, when the above ground season is right. It is the unconscious part of you that is immense and pushes out your body (mushroom) to gain experience of physical life. Mycelium, the underground basis of mushroom and toadstools, which are its sexual organs of procreation, is perhaps the largest living thing, sometimes covering as a single organism 1,665 football fields in size and 2,200 years old.
This bigger you was formed through millions of years because no plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self.
R. Gordon Wasson, the banker-scholar-mycologist who used the Mexican “magic mushroom” (a natural source of psilocybin), told of giving the mushroom to a mute who thereafter was able to speak. So the mushroom for many people may associate with breaking through into what is a waking lucid dream state through using magic mushrooms. Of course they are often used as a pastime thereby missing the wonderful possibility of exploring the depths and heights of ones being.
Many scholars, such as Robert Graves and the Wassons, believe that psychedelic mushrooms and other plants were used in most ancient religions and holy centres, where they were the basis for many “miracles” and initiation into “the depths within us.”
Example: After taking the mushrooms my hands moved to my genital area and I had the strange and awful feeling my hips were not mine – that I was touching someone else’s body. The thighs and waist were my own, but in between was a dead, wasted area. I knew my sexuality was this stagnant, dead area. It was my manhood that had been wasted so many years of my life. My body felt such a stranger I took my trousers off to feel myself more easily. Gradually I felt the area connected and my own again. I felt that I had dealt with the causes of my dead sexuality in the past, but I had never felt the actual deadness quite like this.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What was my relationship with the mushrooms in my dream?
Have I ever used magic mushrooms and with what results?
Are mushrooms something I often use in cooking? See cooking
See Magic Mushrooms – Meeting yourself; Hallucinations and Hallucinogens – Summing Up – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
I dreamed I had small, threadlike mushrooms growing out of one of my hands. When they were small, I could pull them off, but if I didn’t get them pulled quickly enough, they rooted and pulled at my skin when I pulled on them. I went to sleep in my dream and when I woke up (in the dream), the mushrooms had turned into three small snakes growing out of my hand. They were white and brown, just like the mushrooms, but moved on their own and struck at me when I tried to pull them off.
Mrs. Gus – It would have been good to know what hand things were growing out of – it makes a big difference.
To understand where dreams come from might help you to understand what you are dealing with. While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we dream our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second will takes over when we sleep and in fact runs all our important life processes like heart beat, digestion and also dreams.
So humans live in two very different dimensions. The one most people identify with is the three dimensional physical world of the body. There a lot of rules to learn in this world; when very young we learn not to touch hot things; not to rush out into a road with moving cars. But as adults we have learnt not to step out into space while at a height because we will fall and have a major injury or die.
So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second will takes over when we sleep.
This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will and in fact runs all our important life processes like heart beat, digestion and also dreams. Life Will created your body and pre-existed you as a person you know today. It was working in you prior to your ability to speak or know in the way you do now. But of course it has fantastic wisdom and skills, as can be seen in animals. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/#HK
So dreams emerge from the Life Will that works all the time to keep you alive. What was growing out of you came from a huge unconscious life process and was evolving into snakes – your life energy – which because you didn’t understand what you are you tried to pull them off. Please read https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/#Realise and https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/snake-dreams/
It might help to also read https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
I had a dream i had a new house and we were just relaxing in this beautiful green backyard when i saw 3 big mushrooms/toadstools one was covered with a dustbunnie , the second one with a speckled moth, and the third witha very clear moth,
can u please help me interpret this, also i just started my spiritua journey so having vivid dreams like this is not common for me
I had a dream last night that a long blonde haired woman with a British accent was teaching me about mushrooms, they were growing underwater in a glowing green algae pond which was beautiful. I noticed small bubbles coming out of the mushrooms and going through the water and the lady beside me said “see mushrooms send messages to each other”.
I recently had a dream that I was in an unfamiliar house. As I walked down the stairs from Up stairs I noticed that there were white large mushrooms growing everywhere around the house. It gave me a feeling that the house was damp and dirty. I picked them all and cleaned up and went back upstairs. I was talking to someone I don’t remember who and then I came back downstairs. I saw that all the mushrooms have grown back and I was frustrated and started cleaning them again. This happened a few times and then I woke up. I’m really wondering what the symbolism of this is. As I don’t really have such crazy dreams
I had a dream last night, that I had tiny little red colour mushrooms growing out of my legs and I’m removing from my fingers.
I had a dream last that behind a community building i was running away from a scary authority and i discovered in my hiding spot huge spores of mushrooms growing from the ground and a very large flappy one growing on the side of a tree and i had the desire to pick the little ones from the ground. Then i woke up. What do you think this signifies, I was both intrigued and scared by the mushrooms but I thought they might have been magic mushrooms.
Hi – The answers I give arise not out of me thinking up things to say, but from fifty years of exploring dreams in depth. So some of what I write may seem wild. This may be because dreams arise and are experienced by a level of your mind or awareness that very few people have any concept or experience of – usually called the unconscious. Life dreamt in its creatures millions of years before even humankind awoke and developed self awareness or language. So to understand dreams we need to leave our thinking minds behind and go into our feelings and reactions – a much older level of awareness.
But it would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPersonor http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Mushroom – The dream describes a scene of yourself avoiding groups/community and authority. Your hiding spot seems to be a personal place within yourself, a different reaction to the normal life of others.
In modern Western culture, where religious, social, family and work connections are no longer as stable or meaningful as they were just a few generations ago, many of us face this sense of alienation or of not belonging. Richard Tarnas, in his book Cosmos and Psyche says that this situation of finding ourselves alienated from the world, from nature, from each other and the cosmos, is a crisis Western society and individuals are facing at the moment.
This sense of being outcast from ones very self – not even possessing oneself. In some degree we all feel as if we have lost our home – the place where we would be at ease and welcomed – and we long for it. The feeling of fear is one side of the possibilities of this personal direction, that and neurosis. Bit it can also lead to another amazing way, represented by the magic mushrooms, Here is a mans exploration of that.
“But through their lives living as outsiders they began to form the possibility of a new direction for human beings, a new inner or mental life. They developed alternative ways of experiencing oneself, or living in society, and of discovering ones inner resources. And out of those many lives and the new ways they developed of relating to their mind, their body and the world around them, a new paradigm has arisen that I see is now transforming the unconscious life of many people. It is reprogramming them while they sleep. It has great power because it is so relevant in today’s world where enormous numbers of people feel alienated from what is going on around them.
In living this alternate life style they changed something inside of themselves, and that change became a possible new pattern for other human beings. Some of these people, in today’s world, would be judged as crazy or unbalanced in some way, perhaps fanatics. If we look back into the past we see there were groups of people living the life of hermits in deserts or in isolated places.” See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/mountain-path/
Hi Tony
Last night I dreamt some random things but the last and memorable thing was that I was ready to sleep half inside, half outside my balcony at night. It was warm and nice. I have a few pot plants because I like gardening. In this dream I noticed a mushroom had sprung in one of the pots. Every time I noticed it, it was many times bigger. Then it reached the roof and was pressing against it, the cup not fully opening for the walls of the balcony. My balcony is about 2.5m by 1.5m and is partially covered by the roof. It wilted and puff out in front of my eyes from rain and as it did this I noticed its top was a bright, deep, SHINY, cobalt blue. Shiny like latex. It was awesome. 🙂
(I mean I was about to sleep in my balcony in my dream. My physical body was in the lounge room.)
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Jennifer – Mushrooms are mysterious things, and your interest in gardening probably led to this dream. Your garden dreams often reveals what you are doing with your latent possibilities. It is pointing out whether you have cultivated your abilities, or buried them. So the mushroom shows that something unexpected has emerged in your life.
It’s cobalt blue colour indicates that it related to the hugeness of the sky, the huge awareness that lies beneath the normal consciousness. Mushrooms appear when the season is right, and then aooear suddenly from the mycelium – the huge part of the fungi which exists underground and only pops up when it wants to create new life.
Because if the associatioin with magic mushroom and the magical mushroom in Alice’s adventures down the rabbit hole, in dreams it suggests a great growth of intuition – or waking lucid dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/ – http://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/
Last night I dreamt I found a really big mushroom, the size of a basketball, and inside that mushroom was a really big magic mushroom. I felt like I struck gold but that I should also be careful in how i use it.
I do have some to take, so maybe it’s time to do another meditation with them?
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Michael – An excellent thing if you know how to use them to get the best results. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/#Shaman
I had a dream that I had a pimple on the back of my thigh. I squeezed it and out popped a mushroom, I squeezed it again and the mushroom grew larger I then plucked it from my leg and thats where the dream ended.
What kind of mushroom and had you had an injury at that site before? I just Had a very similar dream last night but the mushroom location was the top of my left foot, i knocked it off in the dream and dream ended no worries. When i awoke
I was unsettled enough to google it. The spot was exactly where i had a tiny pimple or bite along my sandal strap for real 10 years earlier in africa! I popped it and cleared up in a few hours but The dream reminded me of the anxiety i had wondering if a minor skin blemish might have been the start of some jumanji-esque african flesh eating disease. Mushrooms are great teachers and healers just like dreams so not surprised that a mushroom dream had a lot of power i can still feel the spot.
. Ill let u know what i find out tonight if the dream comes back, ill try to fo lucid.
Brendan – There was no physical injury, but a very deep psychological one. The mushrooms were what is called in the West Country (Devon) Liberty Caps.
Have you seen http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/#Shaman ?
I had a dream last night that my dog who past away this year kept digging in the garden. I was going into the garden and dragging her inside scolding her for digging up the garden. Then I go out to find she has dug up a mushroom which is huge white and shaped like a hand. In the middle of the palm is a note which says you can eat all of this except the parts which are brown. When I look at the mushroom it’s all white except the thumb which is a yellowish brown colour.
Hi – I am sorry I cannot keep up with number of dreams sent at the moment. But I have described a way that you can get to the meaning of your dream. It only takes a little time to work at knowing the meaning of your dream.
So please click on the link and find your dreams meaning – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Dogs are often so linked with us they care for us even when dead in body. Your dog represent a much wider awareness than we have, and so your dog showed you something important. Mushrooms often have associations with changing your awareness – especially as it was underground so was dug up. Digging something up in dreams indicates becoming aware of what your were previously unconscious of. So I suggest you imagine eating the mushroom and watching what happens, as described in Being the Person or Thing.
I dreamt my body developed quite large crater like open wounds particularly on the back of my thighs and buttocks……I looked in the mirror and panicked an whilst reaching out to feel the lesions huge mushrooms started to grow then we’re falling off and as I tried to catch one it hit the floor and melted away.
Rebecca – What has caused you feelings of panic recently? I ask because such dreams are often a way of helpfully commenting on what causes the panic.
You obviously read the entry on mushrooms, and saw that they can suddenly appear from a unconscious source, as panic attacks do.
Dreaming about your leg or legs usually connects in some way with the attitudes or confidence that supports you in your everyday life. It also links with what motivates you, the emotional and physical strength you use to get about in life. To have one’s legs knocked out from under one means loss of confidence and ability to carry on with life. Although you may depend upon someone like partner or parent for support, or on work or position for self-value, ultimately the legs represent your own emotional or conceptual support system. So in your dream about leg or legs you may be considering what state your own confidence, your own self value is in.
So what has undermined you confidence recently? You can often gain insight by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson