People often say our body is formed of stars or we are children of the universe, both are missing important information. A huge creative event is the start of everything we know as the universe – the Big Bang. Even time and space did not exist but came about after the Big Bang.
So the first thing that is obvious in understanding what we are and how we came about is that none of have existence outside of the universe. It is so obvious yet it hardly ever is mentioned in connection with human life. Let us say it again – you have no existence outside of the existence of the universe.
Even so people say or think that their existence is some accident and the result of evolution. Obviously evolution took place, it is obvious in our body – See Animals in your Brain.
But there is no accident about our existence. We are all an integrated part of the universe we live in. As such our body is a reflection of the works of Life which is in turn a reflection of the universe. Without the sun we would not exist; without the moon we would have a different make up, without the planets we would have a different body and personality because we are shaped by the universe we are a part of.
Conception is a miracle. I know that many people try to kill it or fight it, but it is still a miracle of Life that we cannot create ourselves. Dreams are also a miracle of imagery and construction. So dreaming about conception is important.
Julius Nelson tried to relate dream recollection to the menstrual cycle. He recorded the number and length of women’s dreams from November 24 1884 to March 13 1887, giving a numerical value to the dreams, He then plotted this as a monthly average, suggesting the amount of dreaming recalled might be related to the sexual rhythm.
Nelson first tried to check the vacillation in dreaming time with the phases of the moon. This test gave no useful result. But he then compared his curve with the “sexual month” of 28 days and came to the conclusion that, in women, dreaming varied with the time of menstruation and ovulation. It therefore seemed to him that some glandular process, linked to sexual metabolism, was responsible for the production of dreams.
Nelson soon came to the conclusion that it was the total time spent on dreaming each night that was significant, rather than the number of dreams. He thought another notable anticipation of recent work that the amount of dreaming varied with changes in physical state, especially alterations in blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. Since he lacked the means to take nightlong observations, and thus was unable to detect the special characteristics of what we now call the REM period, he sought for other correlation’s. He first tried to check the vacillation in dreaming time with the phases of the moon. This test gave no useful result. But he then compared his curve with the “sexual month” of 28 days and came to the conclusion that, in women, dreaming varied with the time of menstruation and ovulation. It therefore seemed to him that some glandular process, linked to sexual metabolism, was responsible for the production of dreams.
Prior to ovulation the dreams showed more male characters appearing. The dreamer showed interest in these males and found them appealing. Women appearing in the dreams of this phase tended to be pushed into the background of the dream events, and were often shown as competing with the dreamer. Following ovulation the dreams tended to depict men as less attractive, and the dreamers feeling some hostility toward them. The women in the dreams were people the dreamer tended to develop working relationships with.
A shift in views toward maternity during ovulation was indicated by the dreamer’s transferring childbearing roles to older women rather than assuming the role herself.
For women, vitamin C levels are highest at ovulation and lowest during menstruation, so cyclical problems may again be tied in with copper and vitamin C. In summary, high levels of copper can cause mental illness, often characterised by extreme fears, paranoia and hallucinations. The copper may be the result of drinking acidic water passing through copper pipes, copper pots and pans, the contraceptive pill and even copper IUDs. Or it can be the result of vitamin C or B3 deficiency. Either way, copper lowers histamine and as histamine levels return to normal so does the individual.
Example: Last night, I had a dream that my husband and I attended a funeral of a family who we did not know; all of my relatives and other acquaintances were there too. At the very end of the service, one of the family members who died was a baby. I could not take it and asked my husband if we could leave because seeing the passed away baby was pushing me over the edge emotionally. We left the funeral but went to a gathering after the funeral; people were eating and socialising. I felt very sad in this dream, and the people in my dream seemed to not even accept my sadness over this family who died. In real life, no one seems to understand my overwhelming emotions about trying to conceive. My husband tries to help, but he is more accepting that we may not have a baby. We cannot afford IVF. Is my dream telling me to give up hope of having a child? Quoted from the Edgar Cayce Readings.
Dreams often echo our daily or current feelings and the dream appears to say that the dead baby is what she feels – that her childbearing function is dead. But those are simply her feelings, not a prediction. So realise that your feelings of not being able to conceive can be shown in dreams as killing ‘your baby’. Use Incubating Dreams to get helpful life changes or answers.
Dreaming that you have conceived often is an actual realisation of the fact.
“To whom it may concern,
Hello dear reader. Upon an article concerning Ovulation on your website I furthermore would highly be interested in obtaining more information upon this matter. I am a young married female aspiring to become a mother. I have had fertility testing done as well if that helps with any responce from you in the future. I appreciate your time in reading my comment. Please feel free to contact me via email @
(incase you cannot receive a response the primary mailing address)
Thank you and have a lovely day.
Cristina Hill”