In popular association, the dead, mysteries. Its shape, however, would speak to the unconscious in another way. Having a square base it represents physical stability, while its triangular sides symbolise the material connections with creative processes, or the hidden side of life.
It also links with entering into the deepest secrets of your nature, and therefore with death. Your enormous potential and so again wider awareness, which can lead to integration of self. Sometimes it is an invitation to explore the realm of death and memories of past sojourns. Being triangular in shape it might refer to the number three or the triangle in relationships. See Three; Triangle
In popular association, the dead, mysteries. Its shape, however, would speak to the unconscious in another way. Having a square base it represents physical stability, while its triangular sides symbolise the material connections with creative processes, or the hidden side of life. Also a perfect expression in matter of invisible, or creative, forces. The point denotes the Unseen or Unknown/Life, where all things meet. The top stone stands for the link between our human qualities and the unknown potential we all have – See Spirit; Core Self
Power flows down from the point to the base, and up from the base to our core self. From The Fundamental Ground proceed the gods, the Elohim, or divine powers, who are the active agents of creation. From the fundamental processes of nature proceed all the hierarchy of the unseen forces of creation, with the various orders from highest to lowest.’ The rising power represents evolution of form and consciousness, from the lowest to the highest.
Therefore, the inside of the pyramid represents initiation. It is the descent of divine power resulting in the growth of expanding consciousness and faculties in man. The stages of this unfolding are the stages of initiation – the levels of maturity we are capable of. Humans are therefore, as an initiate, the descent and ascent of divine creative power. The descent is the formless spirit into incarnation into matter; the ascent is the realisation of one’s divine potential. The Queen’s chamber represents Baptism, the King’s chamber rebirth or spiritual consciousness and the pit the soul lost in material values. See Baptism, Death.
The shape of a pyramid with its base pointing upwards represent the physical world or self reaching up till at its apex it is nothing – it become the formless spiritual. The capstone is the final piece that completes the physical structure and leads toward the spiritual. Referring to Christ – our best – it has been called “… the Stone the builders rejected.”
Another term for the capstone on a pyramid is the “all seeing eye”. Which suggests the beginning of break through to wider awareness? The first stages of this are intuition and steps onward to enlightenment. It is because at the top of the pyramid you have a full view of everything around you. With that view you can predict events because you can see those moving in a way that would bring them into contact with others – thus prediction. See Enlightenment.
Example: I am on top of a huge pyramid structure, and I am placing the capstone into position, it is inscribed with various Egyptian glyphs and slides into place with a clunk, the outer scaffolding we have used to build the structure is removed, and I become aware of the tremendous height and feel a little insecure. I get a grip and decide to abseil down, I arrive at the bottom safe and sound, a female who was with me, says something quite strange, I love you, pointing to some other person present. Then again to another, she then turns to me and says, but most of all I love you! She then kisses me passionately. I am taken aback by all this, as it was definitely unexpected. This dream had a BIG feel about it, and I felt that whoever this female was, I had to go with her.
Placing the capstone in position is an incredible thing to do. It seems like an end to a long journey that has occurred in your dreams. It is an end but of course every end is a beginning. And it seems that the love you were seeking at the beginning of the dream journey.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What was happening to the capstone in the dream?
Did you have any sense of its importance?
What do you feel has been completed in your life – or missing from it?
See Easy Dream Understanding – Initiation – Settings in Dreams – Avoid Being Victims – The Harvester