Death, fear of, desire for. Hidden fears. The past. Secret annoyance.
This is often evoking feelings about death, but it can be about your own ability or basic strength – your bones. If it is about death it is a way that helps us find a fuller relationship with this fact of life. Look around, death is everywhere – people, dead leaves, withered flowers, and dead wood, even suns die – and at the same time life is everywhere as well in growing things, living people, animals and plants. The two are inseparable, and constantly revolving around each other. Death follows life and life follows death. Where do you fit into that?
Sometimes it indicates feelings or talents you have ‘killed off’ or allowed to die, or secrets you have tried to bury – skeleton in the cupboard. Or we often carry fears of illness or negative feelings about death within us, and these are active forces of the mind and emotions that undermine our health and a dream might present them as a skeleton or charnel pit.
Look around, death is everywhere – people, dead leaves, withered flowers, and dead wood, even suns die – and at the same time life is everywhere as well in growing things, living people, animals and plants. The two are inseparable, and constantly revolving around each other. Death follows life and life follows death. Where do you fit into that?
No plant or tree grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old, and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you. To explore it see Opening to Life
A seed is a return to the source of life and it/our beginnings under the sun. Consciousness on our planet started in the slime of creation, the slime we return to, to procreate. And from that slime which is a vehicle for our seed to exist in, our awareness goes through the whole process of evolution, the dividing of cells, the forming of structure and organs, the creation of a creature with gills, and on to a human type form ready to breathe air, carrying our seed onwards. See Wild Side
None of us was made from scratch. Every human being develops from the fusion of two cells, an egg and a sperm, that are the descendants of other cells. The lineage of cells that joins one generation to the next — called the germline — is, in a sense, immortal for we still have all that past in us, but our personality is formed from memories in our brain, which is new, to remember the whole you you need to dive into the unconscious. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
Laura – Sorry, I am still working on the S’s
Here is another take on it not yet put into the site:
This is often evoking feelings about death, but it can be about your own ability or basic strength – your bones. If it is about death it is a way that helps us find a fuller relationship with this fact of life. Look around, death is everywhere – people, dead leaves, withered flowers, and dead wood, even suns die – and at the same time life is everywhere as well in growing things, living people, animals and plants. The two are inseparable, and constantly revolving around each other. Death follows life and life follows death. Where do you fit into that?
Sometimes it indicates feelings or talents you have ‘killed off’ or allowed to die, or secrets you have tried to bury – skeleton in the cupboard. Or we often carry fears of illness or negative feelings about death within us, and these are active forces of the mind and emotions that undermine our health and a dream might present them as a skeleton or charnel pit.
OR –
This is often evoking feelings about death, but it can be about your own ability or basic strength – your bones. If it is about death it is a way that helps us find a fuller relationship with this fact of life. Look around, death is everywhere – people, dead leaves, withered flowers, and dead wood, even suns die – and at the same time life is everywhere as well in growing things, living people, animals and plants. The two are inseparable, and constantly revolving around each other. Death follows life and life follows death. Where do you fit into that?
But – also
No plant or tree grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old, and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you. To explore it see Opening to Life
A seed is a return to the source of life and it/our beginnings under the sun. Consciousness on our planet started in the slime of creation, the slime we return to, to procreate. And from that slime which is a vehicle for our seed to exist in, our awareness goes through the whole process of evolution, the dividing of cells, the forming of structure and organs, the creation of a creature with gills, and on to a human type form ready to breathe air, carrying our seed onwards. See Wild Side
None of us was made from scratch. Every human being develops from the fusion of two cells, an egg and a sperm, that are the descendants of other cells. The lineage of cells that joins one generation to the next — called the germline — is, in a sense, immortal for we still have all that past in us, but our personality is formed from memories in our brain, which is new, to remember the whole you you need to dive into the unconscious. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/