This is often shown in dreams as the quality you display to others, or your awareness of someone else’s quality. This means things such as skin colour, condition of skin, whether rough or smooth, young, old, thick, thin, spots or scars, healthy or injured.
It is also your contact with the world. Through it you feel warmth or cold, wet or dry, and all the subtle interaction with other people and your environment. So to understand the dream consider what impression you have of the skin, then ask yourself how this connects with your self image, or your sense of your own quality. See Your Amazing Circle
The skin may also relate to what tactics we use to deal with others; our strength or vulnerability in feeling the impact of other people, their remarks and actions. It is our protection against the huge forces we deal with every day; for our skin deals with and destroys thousands of bacteria every day. You also may be sensitive to remarks which is known as being ‘thin skinned’, or if you are not influenced that is called ‘having a thick skin’.
Skin is a window on your emotions also – so any disturbance can show in your dreams as spots, boils, pus or maggots erupting or other things. So what emotions – strong ones have you felt recently? It could make you feel uncertain of what people think of you, especially if you have met a new girl/boy friend.
Example: All I remember is seeing red bubbles appearing all over my skin and being scared and then one huge one bursting on my chest. R.
When it was pointed out about skin as a window on his emotions, R. replied – Well I have met a lot of new people recently and am often insecure about what I think they really think about me; also I have met a girl here but it is still early days. I have also been worried about work and think the change in location has taken me longer to adjust to than I thought it would.
A skin can also be a disguise, a cover, underneath which another you, or another person exists. In these cases the skin might suggest something you have taken on that is not really expressing your real feelings or potential. So the dream might show you pulling the skin off or even tearing it off. See Potential
Animal skin: The spontaneous level of yourself such as instincts, flight and fight, and so your animal wisdom and survival drives. If the animal is being skinned, See: skinned animal.
Rough skin: A surface impression. If this is a dream about yourself, it suggest either that you have been through difficult times and so are well worn with a rough exterior, or you feel that is how others see you.
Burnt skin: A hurt you have suffered in relationship with the outside world or people.
Maggots breaking through the skin: It shows a possibly unhealthy condition occurring in that body area. But remember dreams use the body to often represent something other than the organ or arm – see Body
Seeing through the skin: An insight into what is going on under the surface of your mind or body.
Shed skin: Like a snake, changing your old way of life, or shedding old protective attitudes. This might refer to outgrowing a stage of your life, like a spider or snake shedding its skin because it has outgrown the last one.. So a move from youth to adulthood might be shown as this in a dream. This usually leaves you feeling vulnerable for a while as you adjust to the change.
Spots, blemishes, moles: Feelings about personal failings or some sense of not being as good or acceptable as other people. Maybe a feeling that other people see you as unattractive or can see failings in you. Often links with shyness or difficulties about facing or being in the company of people. See Victim – Avoiding Being My Own
Occasionally it could indicate that you have inner disturbances that need to be dealt with. See: Acting on your dream.
Something or Stuff on the skin: If this is a liquid or substance it could mean you have been in contact with something. As the skin absorbs all that is on it, there might be a suggestion you are taking something in that is either harmful or healing.
If it is a thing or a creature on your skin this shows you sensing an influence. What it is depends on the dream. See Animals
Things escaping from under the skin: This usually refers to powerful emotions that you have contained for some time and an event or circumstances are now allowing to surface. This means you will be aware of them in some measure in waking.
Depending upon what it is that is escaping, it can also refer to a physical condition. For instance the following dream refers to a virus the dreamer has.
I have had the same dream as I fall asleep for several years. I have it nearly every night just once, sometimes, rarely, twice as I fall asleep. I dream that I find a dried piece of skin or scab somewhere on my body, usually my foot or my hand, though it has varied over the years. I begin to pick at the skin/scab and scratch it until it comes off. When it comes off it unleashes a flood of seed spiders that engulf me. Another variation is I find some odd black hairs growing out of my body and when I examine them more closely they are regular sized spiders crawling out of me and they begin to engulf me.
Idioms: beauty is only skin deep; by the skin of your teeth; get under my skin; jump out of your skin; more than one way to skin a cat; no skin off my nose; skin alive; thick skin;.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is the skin shown as protective – if so what against, and how well is it working?
Does my dream show the skin as an expression of who I am or the person is – if so what is the impression it is giving?
What qualities or racial type does the skin show – and what do I associate with that?
Try Being the Person or Thing and Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
HI I just woke up from a very weird dream that I would really like to make sense of. I stumbled on this website looking for answers but not finding anything. In my dream I felt this weird feeling under the skin of my stomach closer to my rib cage. While in my dream I was following it to see where it was going and I was able to lift up on it and it was as if I had strings or wires attached to my body. I could lift on it and when I did I felt it was attached to my foot. It was like a very long wire or string that went from my left rin cage down to my right foot. What could this mean??
I had a dream that someone was skinning off faces of a person lots of times and putting them around the house. Like on pictures, dolls, lamps, etc. and i got framed for it even though i didnt do it. So i tried runniing away, but i couldnt. I tried like 3 times while my parents were trying to kill me. What does this mean??
I had a dream last night about popping white spots on my chin area (like you would a pimple) and when I did that, pea sized or a little bigger chunk of bone would come out. And no matter how many times I did it, they just kept coming. And now the next morning, whenever I think about it, I start to go into a panic attack. A legitimate panic attack. I don’t understand why and it’s freaking me out. Can anyone help me figure out what this may mean? I’ve found things about bones but not bones coming out of face pores. Thanks.
Hi i had a dream that the skin on my foot was peeling off ..it was just wight but somethe and it did not seem to hurt ..underneath that peeled skin was a perfect layer of skin
Dear Tam – Your feet are your basic psychological support system, therefore the attitudes and ideals you use to get around in the world. Feet are also your ability to balance.
In the bible it says, “The feet are symbols of desire. They must be bare: drawn out of everything temporal and mortal.” This suggests that our feet can represent our desire or motivation, and to take our shoes off means we are willing to drop our own purpose and follow the urge from our core instead of desires for things that pass away. The feet may therefore indicate your involvement in all things physical, and all the beliefs and viewpoints that are dependent upon it. (The Bible can be seen as collected folk wisdom that is venerated, and so can be disconnected with any religious organisation).
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/
I reckon that you have read the part in this article about shedding your skin;
“Shed skin: Like a snake, changing your old way of life, shedding old attitudes. This might refer to outgrowing a stage of your life, like a spider shedding its skin. So a move from youth to adulthood might be shown as this in a dream. This usually leaves you feeling vulnerable for a while as you adjust to the change.”
So your dream is reflecting those inner changes that you made or are about to make.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Seed
Anna 🙂
Hi, I had a very interesting and unusual dream last night and I would love an interpretation.
I was inside a large hall, there were 3-4 people in the background of the space however they were keeping to themselves.
I walked toward a clear soccer ball in the middle if the hall, as I moved closer I noticed there was a spider inside it. I started to move away from it and the ball began to follow me, I kept running and if followed my every movement. I didn’t seem to be scared it was playful.
The spider ball stopped following me.
I began to feel a pain underneath my foot and when I looked down there was a spider stuck underneath the surface of my skin crawling outward.
I’d really love an interpretation, thanks Bec
Dear Bec – Indeed an interesting dream and I am sorry that I only saw it just now.
The way I see your dream is that you become aware of the huge potential you are and have.
A hall is also a point of unity; a coming together of things: in your dream of you and your Self and 3-4 people.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-self/
What is in the background – “3-4 people” – is often a summary of the environment in which the main action of your life is happening at the moment. For instance parents provide a background of support for their children to go to school or to the movies. A different background would change the whole feeling of the foreground. So the background – the room you are in, the surroundings or secondary characters – represent the things we might take for granted, but which give enormous colour to our life and activities
While you are moving away from your Self you become aware that in reality you cannot do that. Because your Self is part of your totality, It can but follow you.
What this part also reflects is that you have a wonderful, playful relationship/connection with Life/your Self and when you move away too far from your real self; from your inner nature, you become aware of it; you see that the spider ball stop following you and you experience pain because of the lack of flow; because you cannot sufficiently (creatively) express the energy/Life/yourself.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
You dare to allow the pain and to release the energy/fears/emotions that kept you stuck, so that It can flow again.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/spider/ and Kat’s dream in the comments.
Clearly this is the way I see your dream and if you feel like exploring it for yourself you can use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was incredibly busy at work, I lead a summer camp for middle school students, aND while I was getting students settled and signed in for the day, the skin on the backs of my hands started to peel. At first it seemed like dead skin, but when just peeled it, it exposed a layer of thin skin under it that had not fully formed. It was red and started to burn. I began to panic, so I folded the skin back and wrapped my hand up and continued working. Then, when my boss came around the corner, I began to cry because my hand was burning and hurting. I kept telling her that it was hurting and that I was scared and didn’t know what to do.
Then I woke up, with the back of my hand burning slightly.
Any ideas? It would be really appreciated.
Dear Nani – Your hands in your dream are a symbol of how you express yourself in action or relationships.
I trust it that you have read the part in this entry about shedding your skin;
“Like a snake, changing your old way of life, shedding old attitudes. This might refer to outgrowing a stage of your life, like a spider shedding its skin. So a move from youth to adulthood might be shown as this in a dream. This usually leaves you feeling vulnerable for a while as you adjust to the change”.
I believe that the work you are doing is transformative to your inner world and it needs some patience on your part too with your healing and growth process.
Do you meet difficult memories/thoughts/feelings about the time that you were in middle school?
Try to observe your reactions and feelings while you are dealing with these young people and be willing to release this part of your past as you did in your dream when you were crying and expressing that it was burning and hurting.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
and please also read http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=3954.0
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
When I was a child, perhapse 3 or 4 (yes that sounds nuts but this dream has bothered me for 30 years) starring my father.
It was a flying dream. I was floating towards the ceiling at the top of the stairs in the second apartment building we lived in. Brown carpet through out. Looking from where I was down the stairs, the stairs are on the left of the two story apartment ending just to the left of the front door. Two the right of the door was the living room. The couch we had back then was against the farthest right wall. We did not have a TV back then so the couch was the only thing in the room. Dad was slumped on the couch sitting upright in the middle of the couch. It is late at night. We had one of those touch lamps that had three lamp posts at three various levels. The plastic shades mimicked some sort of lilly. They were white. This lamp sat on a table toward the back of the room. Anywho!
I was floating around the top of the stairs. Dad asleep or passed out in the couch. He’s a recovering alcoholic and has been sober for many years now. Back then though, it was bad.
The front door opens by itself and there standing in the door is this thing. I “knew” it was dad out there even though I could see him on the couch. It was storming outside and dark. The skinned man was standing in a torrential down pour back lit by the light in the parking lot out there.
I remember being horrified. Scared to death of this thing.
Why in the world would a child of that age dream about a skinned man in the doorway of their home? Like I said, we didn’t have TV. It’s been a bothersome dream all these years.
Dear SC – I do not think that “it sounds nuts”; I merely feel that it is true that this part of your inner world has been bothering you and that it is still difficult to express what you feel and what is part of your inner world without judging it as “nuts”.
I wonder if that is the inner voice of your inner father, so please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/father-dad/#InnerFather
Your dream starts with floating which I see as your way to escape from the pain that was part of your childhood and in this period you developed part of “the Shadow”.
The shadow develops in us, according to Jolande Jacobi, because as we grow we naturally repress parts of our nature as they are not acceptable to parents or society.
I think that what entered through the door were your real feelings about your father, not the idealistic ideas you might still have cherished about him at such a young age.
And so you “skinned him alive”, and released some of the inner storm and inner darkness that already had entered your inner world.
Releasing these feelings in your dream I see as a way to keep you balanced. All our lives we try to achieve a balance of the contradictory opposites within us, and whether in our egos we succeed or fail, every function claimed by the ego is balanced by its opposite in the subconscious.
Jung, Hadfield and several other dream researchers believe the dream process is linked with homeostasis or self-regulation.
This means that the process underlying dream production helps keep psychological balance, just as homeostasis keeps body functions balanced by producing perspiration when hot, shivering when cold, and the almost miraculous minutiae of internal changes
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
To answer your question “Why in the world would a child of that age dream about a skinned man in the doorway of their home? Like I said, we didn’t have TV” please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-unconscious/
I hope this will help you to see your dream in a different Light.
Anna 🙂
In my drream my skin hadhad one red spthen they started to spread all over my body(spots with liquid underneath).Then one of my eyes changed the color. What does it mean?
I’m having a dream last Tuesday about an earthquake, as if the movement of the quake is like the earth is moving counter clockwise . . .3 times turning and along with it falling coconuts on my directions twice but the last turn two coconuts fall on me. . The former two I evaded but the latter not. .
Can you tell me what is the meaning of this?
Dear M – An interesting dream!
The only place – state of mind – from which we can see the earth move counter clockwise is from the Pole Star of the North Star.
This star is a symbol for your highest intuition about direction and a link with the cosmic sense of yourself.
The way I see it is that your intuition is aware of great change coming your way – the earthquake – and it will change your direction in life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/earthquake/
The earth three times turning I believe is a symbol of bringing things to completeness, before it can “bear fruit”.
Three times turning may represent a unity of the positive and negative to create a new condition. Thus we see it as mother and father bringing forth child, which is a mixture of both but different from either. Because you see the earth moving counter clock wise it can also mean creativity out of opposites or opposition.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/paradox/
The number three is also the number of the man because this one is composed of a body, a soul and a spirit; the structure of the coconut has also been given this significance.
According to the Book of rites (Li-ji) the man, intermediary between the sky and the earth, also corresponds to the number three.
I do not know what your religious beliefs are and so the symbols used in your dream will need your own associations as well.
So please use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
Your dream then suggests that there is some resistance toward inner change; “The former two I evaded but the latter not”, until “it hits”.
You do not reveal if in your dream the coconut was smashed, when it hit you.
The Sanskrit word for coconut is ‘Sriphala’ and is used to symbolize the almighty in Hindu religion.
Smashing the coconut is symbolic of annihilating the ego and humbling oneself before God. This ritual indicates that the actual “doer” is God and humans are merely instruments in his hands. Coconuts are also broken before the deities in temples during normal worship. Again, the philosophy is the same – complete submission to God.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#HumanP
Each and every part of the coconut is of use to mankind. Nurturing a coconut tree does not require much effort. It can grow all on its own and serves the mankind in many ways.
This is why the Coconut Palm Tree is also called the ‘Tree of Life’, ‘The tree from heaven which gives all that you desire’ by those living in coastal areas.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-sacred-tree-in-dreams-and-myths/
Anna 🙂
I just woke up from having a different dream from ever before. I was picking the dry skin off my second toes with nail nippers. Kept picking and pulling large slices of the skin off. While I pulled, rounded chucks where easily coming off. Right in the middle of the top where the top of the toe meets the nail large,deep curved pieces came off very easy. No pain no blood. It left a scoop like indent all the way thru the toe to the point where I can see an opaque layer of skin left on the back. I wanted to put on cute sandels but was complaining to my daughter I could because it looks real ugly. What the heck is the significance? Please help.
Dear Nicole – In the bible it says, “The feet are symbols of desire. They must be bare: drawn out of everything temporal and mortal.” This suggests that our feet can represent our desire or motivation, and to take our shoes off means we are willing to drop our own purpose and follow the urge from our core instead of desires for things that pass away. The feet may therefore indicate your involvement in all things physical, and all the beliefs and viewpoints that are dependent upon it. (The Bible can be seen as collected folk wisdom that is venerated, and so can be disconnected with any religious organisation).
The symbol of skin in your dream is about your contact with the world. Through it you feel warmth or cold, wet or dry, and all the subtle interaction with other people and your environment. So to understand the dream consider what impression you have of the skin, then ask yourself how this connects with your self-image, or your sense of your own quality.
You did answer this question already for you wrote: “I was picking the dry skin off my second toes with nail nippers.”
So what do you associate with dry? A lack of water?
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/water/
When you peel off the many layers and “dig a little deeper into yourself” you reach an opaque layer of skin.
We can develop an opaque layer of skin (callus on our soul?) as a defence mechanism against repetitive trauma’s or against the repetitive friction and pressure we are under because of what “society” expects from us. (Like we have to look a certain way)
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
One of the signs of an opaque skin is that it does not reflect Light.
I feel we are all somewhat “calloused” from the years by living in society. As children we are born innocent, in touch with our soul, filled with love.
Then as we grow often a callus begins to form over our soul, and we begin ignoring our spirit.
The spirit is the polar opposite of the body. It is not born and does not die. It is your fundamental core beyond the limitations of time and space, with no beginning or end. It is probably the same as the core of the universe we exist as an integral part of. Just as our physical universe – according to the big bang theory – emerged from a condition prior to the existence of time and space, so the human being emerges from and is rooted in that same mystery.
So taking the ‘spiritual’ path would mean opening your personal ‘soul’ or self to the influence of the timeless that gave rise to your present life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/1208/
Anna 🙂
My fiance had a dream that she told me she’s been having for months. she starts off walking down a hall, then she walks in on a room, and finds herself in a hospital bed, as if sleeping or in a coma (she thinks coma). she walks in on herself, then turns around to see me walking in, but I phase through her, and sit by her bed, the her that is in a coma.
why I posted this in the skin section, is this, she starts to see my skin peeling off, All of it, the astral version of her is screaming over it and banging on the window of the room door, and then I look up at her, my eyes fade away, the coma her wakes up screaming and kisses me, then the screaming becomes high pitched like a dog whistle and she wakes up pretty upset.
What could this dream mean, as it seems to have compound meanings?.
A little info, we are currently in a long distance situation where we see each other maybe once a month, we used to see each other daily and have been together for a few years.
I question is the coma her, supposed to be her from a distance As she is now? Unable to truly reach me?
Is the skin peeling off supposed to be a change or damage, or rather her reaction to it fear of me changing, or perhaps her still kissing me after, a sign of not caring about what’s outside? The skin peeling and eyes fading are what really gets me on trying to find out the meaning, as this is a recurring dream.
And lastly, does the whistle serve a purpose?
What’s your take on this specific dream. Personally I believe some thing is bothering her subconsciously and I’d like to help her address it.
Dear D.Wood – Thank you very much for sharing about your waking life too and the thoughts you have about her dream for that is really helpful.
What I see in her dream and in your approach is that you are both dealing with fear of losing each other, triggered by changing the form of your relationship.
While it is kind of you to try to help her deal with her part of her process, I do feel that her dream suggests that this “mingling of your feelings/fears/energies” merely leads to a state of mind where neither one of you knows anymore how to approach the situation in a fruitful way.
“She starts off walking down a hall, then she walks in on a room, and finds herself in a hospital bed, as if sleeping or in a coma (she thinks coma). she walks in on herself, then turns around to see me walking in, but I phase through her, and sit by her bed, the her that is in a coma”.
In this part of the dream you are trying to explore/understand her inner world and she is trying to explore/understand your (possibly changing) inner world. Your skin peeling off can be a symbol of your fiancée being aware of the changes you are going through or it can be about her fear that you might change (leave her/grow apart?) because the form of your relationship has changed.
This approach of trying to do each other’s inner work does not really work out very well. She is in a coma, and so not aware of what is going on in her inner world and when you try to figure out her inner world – you sit by her bed – you lose awareness as well: “my eyes fade away”.
Then she wakes up – becomes aware again – maybe due to your intervention with her process, she is not happy – because now you are not aware anymore of what is going on.
Confusion all over the place!!!
So why not “change dreams” and allow each of you to explore, process, digest, release and or integrate his/her own part?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
That does ask for a certain amount of trust in each other, which trust will certainly grow if you use this time to learn to let go of each other and to learn to allow each other his/her own process.
Perhaps you can ask yourself if you feel responsible for her (unconscious) state of mind because you are the one who decided to leave and/or if you feel she is not capable of dealing with her own process?
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
The past few nights I have had the craziest dreams of weird things coming out of my skin. The first dream I had was of me thinking I had a bug bite on my knee and continuously scratching at it. The more I scratched the bigger it got so I decide to pop it to which pus came out. Then I continued to squeeze it until a weird worm-like object came out and disintegrated.
The second dream I had was of me pulling a piece of shoe-string out of my neck.
What could these dreams possibly mean? I have them both in the matter of being days apart.
I had a very interesting dream dealing with skin last night. I feel like the description here is very helpful in understanding what it could have meant. I would like to include it here for possible responses.
It starts out as me kind of performing a DIY surgery on myself by removing a thick layer of skin and perhapse fat. I could have even removed all of the skin over the abdomen area. I think I was trying to remove excess fat or something but if I remember correctly I didn’t really make a change besides removing the layer and leaving myself exposed. After I did this I was worried I wouldn’t be able to reattach the skin, prior to this I didn’t really question or fully understand what I was doing but I was confident as though I just knew what to do. The next part of the dream came in segments like a reoccurring dream but each time it played out differently. In one I became worried for a second but reminded myself I knew what to do and the skin fit back on better than I expected and sealed well without scaring. Another time I couldn’t keep the layer on and it kept slipping off and I had to keep trying to hold it on risking and attaining more damage. In another situation it became saturated and fragile like an open would where the skin is too wet to bond to the rest of the body. This happened a few times. In one I was able to be able to hold still and let the wound air and begin to heal. In another it kept slipping off and I couldn’t hold it on. It was slippery like soap. In another I acknowledged the hazard to my health and how serious it was, I needed to go to the hospital. Another situation I remember feeling the cut along my side and I felt it begin to scab and heal but knew it was going to scar. In my head I debated if I needed to get stitches but decided to try and heal on my own. A different segment the skin seemed fine but was not sealing to the rest of my skin and I was unable to move. It was interesting but left me feeling a little off. Thanks for reading!
Dear Vanessa – A very interesting dream it is indeed which could be helpful to other dreamers as well and so thank you for sharing it with us
I feel that these words express what the core of the dream is about: “leaving myself exposed” and “The next part of the dream came in segments like a reoccurring dream but each time it played out differently”.
I see the abdomen area as the part of our body where information is exchanged; information with each other. The way I see it is that when we dare to open up (our mind), this information can be even more absorbed, digested and integrated. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
In order to understand this I like to share part of an experience Tony had:
“I could sense and see an enormous energy connection between the two at the solar plexus.
Along with this realisation came the vision of a great trunk of energy passing between them. Although on the surface their actions and speech were inconsequential, at the deeper level of energy exchange, very powerful communication was occurring. Through it they send messages to each other perhaps without realising it. I felt the link was a way that great amounts of the other person pass into each other and changes them”.
And so in your dream you first expose yourself to information; perhaps beliefs is a better word in this context.
And then you explore all these beliefs with the intention to start the process of sorting out. It is like you are having a look into your “digesting area” and you become conscious of what you all took in AND how these beliefs influence your inner healing process.
Our dreams can graphically illustrate our beliefs and what influence they have upon our decision making, responses, relationships (with the different aspects of ourselves) and so also upon our inner healing process. The importance lies in the fact that many of our beliefs are unconscious. They were absorbed in childhood and often remain without any conscious evaluation. Dreams also tend to explore where such beliefs lead us, and what the outcome of holding them may be in certain circumstances.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
I feel it will be of great help to you too, if you read this book Tony wrote, because you are also developing awareness in your dream: “I was confident as though I just knew what to do” and“but decided to try and heal on my own”.
Anna :-)
sorry I forgot to mention. pimples were on my face
hi tony,
how are you? my friend told me that she saw me in her dream in which I had a pimple type scars n I am trying to finding some sort of face cream and hiding my face from her.
she also told me that I was avoiding her n she was trying to help me but I was pushing her away and telling her its a punishment from God because I ditched one girl ( well actually I did that).
kindly interpret this dream. I hope you will