The fighter in you, so your fighting abilities. Also your readiness to fight because you are battle-ready, trained to defend, fight, shoot, harm, kill, whatever is in your way to defend yourself or your goals.
This usually suggest some sort of conflict. You may be meeting with urges within yourself, or decisions. There can be a drive due to personal growth, to face old hurts, but you are shying away from pain, and thus the conflict.
The soldier in a dream is one of the great symbols of life and our personal struggle to survive. From the very beginning we are one of millions of sperm and only one survives. Even then we have to face the difficulties of being born and surviving the challenges of life. It is a great battle we face, to maintain life, to grow and express our potential, to have a mate and help form offspring, and to pass on to our offspring what we have that has enabled is to survive. It takes the ability to fight, the ability to persist, to learn the lessons of our life, and hopefully leave a mark. Here is an experience that give some idea.
As I looked at these massive formations I understood that they had been carved or created through events in the passage of time. Each mosaic, each part of the overall mosaic, had been formed by enormous creative acts, or by long-standing actions. So these latter were like ideograms or archetypes. So, for instance, mother creatures have cared for, fought for, died for their young. This pattern of behaviour has been so enormously potent and perhaps we can use the word successful, that it has created, shaped aspects of eternity. It has left its pattern, its artwork, on time itself. Thus eternity honours that pattern by giving it a place in the very structure of itself. No one being created such a mosaic in the formations. Such a mosaic was large and had in it the essence of all the lives that formed it.
Deserting: This suggests that you have not faced a conflict or problem in your life.
If in opposition with the soldier: Things you feel in conflict with; your internal conflicts and involvement with the ‘wars’ or trauma you have experienced in the past.
If you are a soldier or are united with soldiers: Your willingness or ability to face internal conflicts and hurts; daring to confront the difficulties of life. But of course many of your dreams will be about what you are facing as a soldier, or what you anticipate facing, and as there are so many possibilities I suggest you try Easy Dream Interpretation
In a woman’s dream: Inner conflicts; feeling threatened regarding relationship with a male.
Military service: Feeling bound by social or personal disciplines or restrictions; learning strengths and self discipline to meet internal conflicts.
Example: I am in a huge black cave and the German soldier comes up to me and grabs my butt to feel if he wants to rape me or not. My butt is flabby and I hope that means he will not be interested in me. He walks away, still thinking about it. I am starving and ask a woman how to get food. She says we all have to find our own. Another woman offers me a plastic container with lasagne in it. I eat one bite and then the soldier is back wanting to rape me. I feel resigned and angry and hungry and tired.
Example: I asked the man to allow me to exit out of the revolving door to Euston Road. I did this and found a battle going on, bullets flying, and people dead in the street. I lay beside a dead body pretending to be dead in case I got shot. A soldier, possibly American, came up to me as I lay face down. He told me I had an alien clinging to my back. I thought of this something like a limpet clinging to my back where the back pain is, with roots into my body. This was a creature from space. He put a knife under its shell and removed it from my body.
The soldier is an example of a part of you not afraid of conflict or death. He is the higher part of you, like Krishna who says not to avoid or be afraid of conflict or death.
I had a dream of a dilapatated 18th century palace I saw many one female child with pretty hair, who wore a beautiful pants suit with hat in it looked formal and chinese. The color was a purple. She was bowing and praying. the other child was running to a older limoscine- black car to a man with his arms open. I was walking with a man who mocked me and I said I was not a princess anymore. then I saw myself as a prostitute, and a man paying alot of money. a black man was taking the money. I saw two chinese soilders marching in place and smiling. then I saw an old boyfriend who is now gay and crippled as a soilder. it was a frightening dream
I had a dream of a dilapatated 18th century palace I saw many one female child with pretty hair, who wore a beautiful pants suit with hat in it looked formal and chinese. The color was a purple. She was bowing and praying. the other child was running to a older limoscine- black car to a man with his arms open. I was walking with a man who mocked me and I said I was not a princess anymore. then I saw myself as a prostitute, and a man paying alot of money. a black man was taking the money. I two chinese soilder marching and smiling. then I saw an old boyfriend who is now gay and crippled as a soilder. it was a frightening dream
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Linda – The palace is the heritage from your long past, your ancestors. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/ancestors/
I don’t know, but somewhere in the long past you have unconscious links with a life in China. The dream shows you different life situations – the princess, the prostitute, and maybe many others.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/reincarnation-and-dreams/