Often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother or family; any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone. Sometimes symbolises a mother’s power, as in the way we are caught in the web of her desires and emotions. So inability to become independent of the mother.
But it can also be feeling caught and wrapped up to be eaten later sort of feeling, so being ‘handled’ by someone; or having all the time to watch for subtle signals in order to survive. See big spider dream
The spider can also be used as a symbol of sexual orgasm, but only if we are terrified, disgusted or guilty about such feelings.
The spider can also depict any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone; the basic survival instincts in us such as a spider might have – can I eat, or will I be eaten in this meeting/relationship? This level of our sensory and feeling perception is important. Like a spider it keeps one of your feet/fingers on the web or influences that connect you with other people and the world. Like the spider, if you are wise, you thereby know something of what is coming your way – do you advance or run? See: Web.
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The following waking fantasy by a man undergoing depth therapy shows an aspect of the spider. |
I realise there is something I am looking for, and I don’t find it in my wife, or at least I don’t sense it in her. It is a frightening thing and partly exciting. This leads me on to fantasising a struggle with a young woman. It is about wanting to have sex, but seems to be some sort of power struggle. The image was of a smart very confident and aggressive young woman. She was attractive and attracted, but her approach was one of attack, so to have a relationship I needed to fight her. What I appear to be meeting is that I have the sex drive, but what I am facing is a monster. In fact I have the image of a huge spider that comes out from hiding and drags me helpless into its lair, its many eyes shining. I’m afraid. It’s not that my sex drive abates, but within this fantasy you have to time it just right. One must wait for the ‘beast’ to become passive then dash in and plunge into the wonderful hairy cavity. Otherwise the ‘beast’ will rip you apart. It is exactly like the horror films one sees of the monster that drags men or women back to its lair. It is actually all about my fear of women based on past pain. I want sex, but to get it I have to confront memories of being torn apart emotionally by a woman.
Here is fascinating dream about spiders, and its exploration:
I found your email on the internet for dream interpretation. If this is not correct, I am sorry to be bothering you.
I have had the same dream as I fall asleep for several years. I have it nearly every night just once, sometimes, rarely, twice as I fall asleep.
I dream that I find a dried piece of skin or scab somewhere on my body, usually my foot or my hand, tho it has varied over the years. I begin to pick at the skin/scab and scratch it until it comes off. When it comes off it unleashes a flood of seed spiders that engulf me. Another variation is I find some odd black hairs growing out of my body and when I examine them more closely they are regular sized spiders crawling out of me and they begin to engulf me.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Again, if this is not correct, I am very sorry for the disruption of your time. Best C
Here is a interpretation:
Dear C – What I see with your dream of spiders is that there is a possibility of an underlying fear, so that when you begin to sink just below waking, just under the surface of your mind, this feelings of being overwhelmed arises. If it were a big thing that emerged it would be easier to deal with. But thousands of little things are difficult to handle because you kill some but there are so many left to get at you. A big thing you could hit with a cricket bat or kill it in some way, but the small things are more difficult. They are a sort of ultimate enemy. You need to find an image that enables you to deal with those feelings. An image that might be helpful is that of jumping into a very hot shower, one you can just about cope with. The water is pouring down and is going to burn up the little bugs. Another image might be that you walk quickly through flames that you are big enough to pass through with perhaps only your hairs being burnt, but the little spiders are going to get burnt up.
Were you at some time frightened of sickness? A sickness that could engulf you and you would be powerless against? If not that, then perhaps an image of something, or an idea of something that has stayed with you just under the surface of your mind. Tony
Dear Tony: Thank you….THANK YOU for getting back to me with the dream information. I am fairly well educated about things but could not come up with anything for myself. I think I may have been too close to it.
You mentioned several things that seem to “hit the nail on the head” and I will explore those. The most important thing you mentioned was that of being “powerless against” illness. I do have a life long disease that is manageable but could be fatal. I think this is where I am going to start as that is what seemed to really set off bells.
I really do thank you for this. It has not been interfered with my sleep and the dream only occurs as I fall asleep….once asleep, I am fine.
I thank you so much and I am sure that my partner thanks you as well……
Thank you…thank you….thank you…. With gratitude, C
So having seen spiders in a dream occasionally indicate an illness, if you are in any doubts it is wise to have a health check.
Covered on spiders: If they are large it might mean you feel someone will smother. Or that you have no way of escaping from someone or something.
i js a saw a dream in which i kills or crushes a spider in kitchen, then spider become alive wid lots of noise (noise of metal beating )then she came out from.the kitchen, it was a metallic grey colored big spider, was searching me.then.c startd flying n.jumps on my face dn i woke up ..can u piz tell me wt does it mean ..
I had a dream I was walking down the street and u was on my phone. I look up and a HUGE white, furry tarantula with multiple blue eyes is jumping at me. I back away freaking out and like nearly crying, it jumps on my phone and I struggle to get it off and wake up in a complete panic. I am deathly afraid of spiders, from little itty bitty ones to daddy long legs, to the nasty tarantula. I’m shuddering just thinking about it.
I had a dream last night that I was riding in a car with some of my family members, some older some my age.. Me and a boy cousin of mine got out the car to examine the trunk. A girl cousin came into the picture and wanted to ride in the trunk. Well when I looked in the was a small spider crawling from the center of the spare tire. It started me but I remember me and the spider looked into each others eyes and it moved no further. Next thing I remember is being in the car and this spider kept appearing to me and it was freaking me out. Me and the cousin from before went to open the trunk and my cousin had been bit on the neck by the spider… In my dream I felt guilty for her cause I knew the spider was there but let her get in the trunk. After that I remember all of a sudden being at my house but a past version of it. The spider was in the house and I knew it but I could not see it. The rest of the dream I was walking around the house trying to look for but also avoid this spider. Can’t figure out what this could mean for me and for the cousin who was bitten. I’m more worried for her than myself now that I’m awake.
I had a dream this morning. I was in my kitchen suddenly I hear something and I walk towards bedroom. I see our bedroom ceiling crack and fell on my son’s leg. He was sleeping in our bed while the ceiling cracks open. I say that his legs are broken and woke up . My dog started barking at the very same time when was waking up from dream. What does it mean ?
I had a dream about a female tarantula having two sets of babies coming out of two sets of webs that she created, after the birth she attacked her mate, flipping him over and killing him. What does that mean.
Brandon – Spiders often do this to feed their offspring or to produce the eggs. This seems harsh to out ego centred culture, but the basics of Life has a very different and sees that life gives itself to life. So even thought we do not like to see it so starkly, we constantly kill to eat and survive. Even vegans are killing the plants they eat – for life is life. In the end we all arose from the same source and all we have done is to develop different bodies.
Men often dream that the woman there are in a sexual relationship with will be like a spider that will feed on them or swallow them. It means that you have some slight anxiety about some aspect of relating.
What it is you might find by using – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
My dream is real simple but have no idea what its telling me!
Ok. I’m just walking from my kitchen to my living room and down comes a black widow I get scared An start yelling KILL IT KILL IT!! someone comes not sure who but HE tries to get it n couldn’t. Then I’m sitting on the couch an look over an on the wall is another black widow an again HE tries to smash it but the spider is too fast.
Well I hope you can help me out thanks!
Donna – Dreams are simply your feelings, thoughts and emotions put in images and drama. So what are you frightened of – the spider is simply and image of your fear – what fear? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I have had a recurring dream that a spider is trying to attack me and it ends up biting me on the hand each time. Then I kill it. I am not scared of spiders so am finding it strange because I am very scared of the spider in my dream and it wakes me up every time I’ve had this dream.
I dreamt I was in the passanger seat of my car and a black widow spider was attached to me by it’s thread and I kept trying to wipe it away and then realized it was attached to me somehow…then finally stepped on string and saw it on the ground…it was a black widow..I was trying to step on it…weird…what does this mean
Kelly – Are you by any chance a widow?
The spider can mean many things. I can represent any poisonous feelings we have, or else a protective awareness. The fact it was connected to you by a thread shows that in fact it is a part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
It might be worthwhile to use – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working to find out exactly what the spider represent. Also reading http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/big-spider-dream/ is interesting.
I have this reoccurring dream that a striped (grey and white) medium fat shiny spider crawls up to me when I get out of the shower and bites me on the leg.
I want to know if this means anything.
I had a dream I was sleeping n a huge spider was coming down from the ceiling on its web straight for me where I was sleeping with my son I open my eyes in fear it was gonna crawl on me into my bed n went to clap it with my hands to kill it but there was nothing there thank god it was just a dream I did kill a spider that fell from the kitchen ceiling right before I went to sleep that night could that be why I had the dream? Cuz I was thinking about it?
i dreamed a spider lying playing dead,when i put some pieces of matches to burn they turn into glowing dark red,but still alive….that is the meaning of them….
I went to this historic building with my new class and a large projection screen was hung to watch a documentary about the house. Instead of sitting with everyone else I decided that I wanted to explore the building a little and find a different vantage point. And I found one at the top of these stairs, it wasn’t too far away from the rest of the class so I thought that I had found the perfect viewing platform -until I saw the mummified corpses hanging from the ceiling. I panicked and tried to tell my professor what I saw. He didn’t understand and went up to find the corpses and scolded me thinking that I was responsible for it somehow. The film that’s still playing at this place and time now starts to explain by describing the house’s most unique part, “Zaki” a spider like creature that likes sweets and children (because he eats both) apparently he’s very influential because to my surprise almost no one was scared of him. HE decided that he wanted to eat me and I decided that I was just going to leave and not come back because someone told me that Zaki never leaves the building, but when I start leaving no one in that building understands why and does everything that they can to bring me back inside to stand before Zaki. It was like they were more afraid of him being angry with them for not letting him eat me, than mine or their own well being.
Montiel – An interesting dream, and one with a lot of meaning.
The historic building represents what I call the influence of your seed. Any seed we plant doesn’t grow completely new, it doesn’t start from the beginning again but from the millions of years of the plants existence. So the seed is a sort of summary of the plants whole history. And the house is a summary of your whole history. Obviously if you were a seed and planted you would feel you are completely new and unique; so it is with us humans.
You seem to be ahead of your professor, who is probably stuck in the old view of you that you are fresh this life – the view shown in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-paradigm/. So he is showing you a pre-recorded version of life, whereas you were exploring, indicating that you are ready to learn from Life itself.
You climb to the top of the stairs – meaning that you reached for higher knowledge, a wider view of life’s meaning. What you find is something that panicked you – usual if you are not used to a wider awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Unconscious
The mummified corpses are the many lives of past ‘seeds’ that are mainly influencing your present life. They are ready for you to meet and bring them living into your life when you are ready to do so and have courage. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/. If you do so they will add enormously to your present life
The Zaki is nothing to be frightened of, and in fact you need to take it into you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Everything – The name means pure.
Hello my dream was varry werid i dreamed of me in the basement and at first i saw a big black dog running away from spiders.the spiders looked like the ones with huge 4 stick legs and a round brown body. In my dream when they ran by i just watch but i did not look back i just keep walking i keep walking and i see the dog latter with its head on the barell and the body on the ground.then i see this huge black wasp looking thing infrunt of the head with spiders comin out of it i walk right by not stoping but looking at it and i see a spider crowl around the heading it. I then keep walking and i see a spider on my little brothers back a small one an he has a bite mark on his back neak and i hit the pider off and it comes on top of the cieling and it jumps towards me and i burn it with fire and then after i woke up cold.
Angel – Dream images are like an image on a cinema screen, except they are created by you. They cannot hurt you, just as the image on the screen cannot hurt you. But if you feel fear of it, it can scare you.
And that is what is happening in your dream; you are carrying around in you a lot of fears that are then put into your dreams. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us/#Hurt
I had a dream that I was in a room and spiders hanging from the ceiling were coming after me and as soon as the came down they turned red and it was horrifying, I was running away from them but none of them were hurting me or touching no matter how many spiders were falling down and hanging from a long string or web.
what would be the interpretation of this dream?
I had a dream that I was walking towards my parents shed in the backyard (I no longer live there) and as I’m about to turn the doornob I’m suddenly surrounded by thorny eery tall dead bushes and all over those bushes are spider webs with black widows. Next to my feet left and right and in front of the door, just behind my neck and then I look up for a way out and I see the bushes rising over me with a huge black widow the size of my hand above my face and I’m screaming because the web can’t hold it and it’s starting to sag down on top of me. At this point I realize what I’m dreaming and wake up in a panic. Couldnt sleep for the rest of the morning. My boyfriend also told me a few weeks ago that he found a black widow at our apartments and had to kill it because it was hanging above his head and our dogs blowing in the wind. wish I knew what this meant.