Often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother or family; any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone. Sometimes symbolises a mother’s power, as in the way we are caught in the web of her desires and emotions. So inability to become independent of the mother.
But it can also be feeling caught and wrapped up to be eaten later sort of feeling, so being ‘handled’ by someone; or having all the time to watch for subtle signals in order to survive. See big spider dream
The spider can also be used as a symbol of sexual orgasm, but only if we are terrified, disgusted or guilty about such feelings.
The spider can also depict any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone; the basic survival instincts in us such as a spider might have – can I eat, or will I be eaten in this meeting/relationship? This level of our sensory and feeling perception is important. Like a spider it keeps one of your feet/fingers on the web or influences that connect you with other people and the world. Like the spider, if you are wise, you thereby know something of what is coming your way – do you advance or run? See: Web.
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The following waking fantasy by a man undergoing depth therapy shows an aspect of the spider. |
I realise there is something I am looking for, and I don’t find it in my wife, or at least I don’t sense it in her. It is a frightening thing and partly exciting. This leads me on to fantasising a struggle with a young woman. It is about wanting to have sex, but seems to be some sort of power struggle. The image was of a smart very confident and aggressive young woman. She was attractive and attracted, but her approach was one of attack, so to have a relationship I needed to fight her. What I appear to be meeting is that I have the sex drive, but what I am facing is a monster. In fact I have the image of a huge spider that comes out from hiding and drags me helpless into its lair, its many eyes shining. I’m afraid. It’s not that my sex drive abates, but within this fantasy you have to time it just right. One must wait for the ‘beast’ to become passive then dash in and plunge into the wonderful hairy cavity. Otherwise the ‘beast’ will rip you apart. It is exactly like the horror films one sees of the monster that drags men or women back to its lair. It is actually all about my fear of women based on past pain. I want sex, but to get it I have to confront memories of being torn apart emotionally by a woman.
Here is fascinating dream about spiders, and its exploration:
I found your email on the internet for dream interpretation. If this is not correct, I am sorry to be bothering you.
I have had the same dream as I fall asleep for several years. I have it nearly every night just once, sometimes, rarely, twice as I fall asleep.
I dream that I find a dried piece of skin or scab somewhere on my body, usually my foot or my hand, tho it has varied over the years. I begin to pick at the skin/scab and scratch it until it comes off. When it comes off it unleashes a flood of seed spiders that engulf me. Another variation is I find some odd black hairs growing out of my body and when I examine them more closely they are regular sized spiders crawling out of me and they begin to engulf me.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Again, if this is not correct, I am very sorry for the disruption of your time. Best C
Here is a interpretation:
Dear C – What I see with your dream of spiders is that there is a possibility of an underlying fear, so that when you begin to sink just below waking, just under the surface of your mind, this feelings of being overwhelmed arises. If it were a big thing that emerged it would be easier to deal with. But thousands of little things are difficult to handle because you kill some but there are so many left to get at you. A big thing you could hit with a cricket bat or kill it in some way, but the small things are more difficult. They are a sort of ultimate enemy. You need to find an image that enables you to deal with those feelings. An image that might be helpful is that of jumping into a very hot shower, one you can just about cope with. The water is pouring down and is going to burn up the little bugs. Another image might be that you walk quickly through flames that you are big enough to pass through with perhaps only your hairs being burnt, but the little spiders are going to get burnt up.
Were you at some time frightened of sickness? A sickness that could engulf you and you would be powerless against? If not that, then perhaps an image of something, or an idea of something that has stayed with you just under the surface of your mind. Tony
Dear Tony: Thank you….THANK YOU for getting back to me with the dream information. I am fairly well educated about things but could not come up with anything for myself. I think I may have been too close to it.
You mentioned several things that seem to “hit the nail on the head” and I will explore those. The most important thing you mentioned was that of being “powerless against” illness. I do have a life long disease that is manageable but could be fatal. I think this is where I am going to start as that is what seemed to really set off bells.
I really do thank you for this. It has not been interfered with my sleep and the dream only occurs as I fall asleep….once asleep, I am fine.
I thank you so much and I am sure that my partner thanks you as well……
Thank you…thank you….thank you…. With gratitude, C
So having seen spiders in a dream occasionally indicate an illness, if you are in any doubts it is wise to have a health check.
Covered on spiders: If they are large it might mean you feel someone will smother. Or that you have no way of escaping from someone or something.
I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep….facing the ceiling I saw a spider on the right hand side of my face jumping at me out of nowhere, but my eye’s were closed and I was not asleep. What does that mean and how is that possible? It was so realistic. ..This has been happening to me for some time now.
I had a dream that my house was infested with black spiders of all sizes. I wasn’t scared of them but they were everywhere. They were crawling up and down the walls. I didn’t kill none though, but I was disgusted by seeing so many. What can this mean?
There were three dark spiders in my dream of the other night. One large, two small, upon a white wall within a house. Instinctively, I got down on the floor and cupped my hand before them as they ran, first one way, then the next. Eventually, they ran into my left hand, which I cupped closed, my right hand over it. I felt the large spider pulse with life within the confines of my hand. Quickly, I hastened out of the house and cast the spiders onto the garden lawn. I felt a sense of having done a fine thing. I actually felt the pulsations in my hand when the spiders were in it and realised that I was in a liminal state. I was actually analysing it whilst still in it. I suppose that’s why I remembered it so vividly. A playwright, I have been reworking my three ecological plays since October. I’m keen to see them all finished and sent off to a publisher. I now have only one to complete, then off the trio go. Perhaps that has some connection with the dream.
Hello, I was hoping I could get an interpretation on a dream I had last night. It was the first time in my life I’ve ever dreamed of spiders. They were all over the walls of my bedroom, falling from the ceiling. One got really close to my face. In the dream my mother was sleeping in my bed too when I woke up because of the spiders. I was uncomfortable but she was not scared at all. There were more insects in my room, ants, and others too that were taking over my bedroom. They were busy going about their own way, in groups, or lines following each other. They seemed unaware of me but I was so mad that they had taken over my bedroom for their purposes and confused at their being there. My mother told me that it was not a big deal and just to ignore them, but I was too annoyed. I felt like they were invading my life.
Thank you!!
4 days after surgery on my uterus, which had a very good outcome, I dreamt of looking up to see ordinary cobwebs, which I felt needed to be swept down. I took a broom and began sweeping and as I did so the ordinary webs became magnificent hammock like nets hanging over me. I then noticed small black spiders that in the dream seemed nasty, tho not threatening. The ‘net’ web began to fall down toward me and I fell to the ground onto my back. As the web descended, one of the black spiders became huge and dangerous looking. It landed in the middle of my chest and I watched as it scurried across to the right shoulder and ran away – there was a sense that something had left me. I then awoke. It was not a scary dream, but it was also not pleasant. It was very vivid.
Maurni – A very interesting dream.
The operation must have changed the feelings that had about yourself prior to the operation. So you are shown clearing signs of old feelings and attitudes. By clearing away the old feelings you allowing the hammock to appear. The hammock is showing your uterus because it is slung between the two fallopian tubes and is a safe place for a child to sleep as it grows.
The spider that went was a symbol of a troubling feeling or doubt you had that has now gone, so you will feel lighter now.
Hi I had a dream about this brown and slightly fuzzy spider. Had huge butt on body i can say about 4 inches all around and head was size of a quarter. I am terrified of spiders! I had dreams like these spiders off and on maybe once or twice a month. In this dream in particular, i was in my new home and finally moving in and unpack my things. My mom and i had an arguement and i felt like crap like i do nothing right for her. She left and that spider was on the fridge staring at me. I tried to walk away but it kept following me. Getting closer as i back up i try to hit it with nearby thick plastic bottle but it bounced off him and he jumped on me and woke up gasping loudly. What does this mean?
Last night I had a dream about looking up into a dark closet and finding two large hairy spiders one that was the size of my hand and another that was the size of my hand in a fist they to me were both beautiful to look at each in their web appropriate to their size the smaller of the two being above the bigger one, then somehow the closet lights up n I am not myself anymore but rather closely observing the two spiders as if I am a ghost then the bigger one crawls twords the smaller one and I can tell the biggest is going to eat the small one instead of having a scared feeling for the small one I have an excited hot feeling come over my body wich I feel like is the wrong feeling to have, these two beautiful spiders start to fight the little one is struggling and I want to smash the biggest one for hurting the smaller one but I can’t I can’t move my hot excited feeling still lingering I feel a warm smile come over my face when the large one quickly and easily bites into and kills the smaller one The smaller on drops to the floor defeated and dead as I stare at it, then I look up at the one who won an overwhelming feeling of shame excitement happiness nervousness calmness and welcoming feelings all hit me at once as the spider opens his arms n whatever I am flotes twords it n everything turns black but I woke up with all those crazy feelings and still can’t shake them what did this dream mean n why Is it stuck with me all day? Plz let me know ?
Hey just seeing if I got any answers about my dream I had the Same dream 19 times each time I’ve had it I’m either holding the spiders or watching them in that odd closet The mixed feelings stick with me after everytime I wake up from the dream and everytime I wake up from the dream it goes black before I open my eyes and I dramatically wake up like a looney toon I sit straight up and open my eyes while taking in a Rly deep breath. It’s a strange feeling to me considering I can wake up around 6 in the morning and do this or 3 in the morning from that dream I rly don’t get it and I wish someone would convey some kind of output on what they think it means if it means anything at all. On top of wich I was not telling a story I was telling you exactly how I felt about the dream and playing the dream out for you So you would understand everything I understood My friend thinks that it’s a waste of time to look into spider dreams and she thinks I should forget it but when I do I’ll dream it again wake up from pitch black darkness again it’s strange dude I can’t shake it its a dream for crying out loud I’ve had dreams for 24 yrs but what make this one keep reoccurring and giving me mixed emotions that I can’t get rid of its not a nightmare it’s just a very observant dream , my kids have nightmares and get emotional from them I have a night mare and go back to sleep because sleep is rare to come by these days however this dream stays with me and I think about and try to understand it better and I can’t and there it will stay stuck in my head all day with scattered emotions from it
Guess my dream is not intresting enough
I had a dream last night and it consisted of my sister, cousin and myself. We were in my Grandparents old house and it was infested with spiders. My Cousin trapped herself in a room. My sister and I stayed on th upper level of the house and closing doors to other areas to prevent the spiders from getting near us. There also was a knock on the door and we let a woman and her children in. They stayed for a little while then there was another person at the door. And the yard man outside cutting the hedges. We remain in the house one spider was so huge I told my sister to try killing it she hit the wall but missed it then she attempt it again and she smashed it. It died. We continually checked on my cousin to make sure she was okay. She would not leave that room. There were several more spiders, we just avoided yhem because they ran from us. But yhen I woke up. Just an FYI this is the home my Grandfather died in. He also took his last breath while talking to me, it was just me and him alone in his bedroom.
Bailey – It seems from the dream that this is all about feelings you have but are avoiding about your grandfather. The spiders represent feelings that you find difficult to meet.
You try different approaches to what you feel, but none of them satisfy you.
I suggest that when you can be quiet, you sit and imagine you are back in that room with your grandfather. Then start speaking to him as if he were there – which he is inside you otherwise you would not have had this dream. Do not hurry this and say to him whatever you feel, and allow any feelings that arise. Really tell him what you have wanted to say.
Tonight I had a dream I gave birth to a spider and a snapping turtle, covered in blood. The spider shook him self and ran up the wall. The turtle, shook himself and walked slowly away but hissed at snapped at me, not biting me. The spider stopped at the top of the window and looked back at me, the snapping turtle slowly walking around the room. The spider was black and maybe the size of a normal size spider. The turtle was huge, green and red with 2 large bumps/points on its shell. I was terrified during the whole dream because I had no idea was giving birth, I thought I started my period, and woke up to a bloody mess, but them it was giving birth. The room was yellow in color with windows, blue sky. I remember so much detail because it was like it was in slow motion and I was fully aware after the “birth”. Any insight on what all this means would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you!!!!
Hello 🙂
I had a weird dream about spiders last night. I usually remember my dreams just vaguely but this one was very clear and vivid.
I dreamed that i saw and felt something crawling under my skin in the palm of my (left) hand. I squeezed the moving “lump” and felt a burning/stinging sensation as a small cut opened on my palm and small spiders started pouring out. They didn’t do anything to me; just skittered along my fingers and fell to the ground.
After a while i discovered that there was still something in my hand. I started squeezing it again and out came one dead spider. It was small and had black legs and an orange body.
Thank You for your possible interpretation 🙂
Best wishes, Sanna
Sanna – It is a pity I can’t talk with you as there are several possible interpretations. For instance I wonder whether your mother is dead or you have become more independent of her. The dead spider could signify that.
But the many small spiders coming out of your left hand is a lot of difficult feelings leaving you. If it relates to your mother it shows that you are finding greater freedom and independence now. It shows that your inner confidence to support what you do is growing.
Wow. That was…amazing 😮 My mother isn’t dead but we do have a lot of unresolved issues between us that I’ve been working on lately.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about other very difficult things about my past and my behaviour and I’ve been having the feeling that I just may someday make peace with these things. Your interpretation about my dream really confirms me that my emotional development is on the right path. Thank you VERY much!!
My daughter had a dream about clear spiders inside her body n also all over her body she could only flick one of them off of her n woke up please help
Christal – I feel your daughter is anxious and so sees the spider as attacking her, but they are simply images she creates to show her the power of her own anxious feelings.
Tell her to put her hand on her chest and feel her heart beating. Then close her eyes and still feeling her heart beating realise that that is the drumbeat of Life within her. And that life she feels created her and is very strong and is capable of driving all the spiders away. Tell her to relax into that wonderful power of life in her and all the spiders will fade.
I dreamt of a spider he was just there hanging on the wall ceiling side and he was only there waiting for his food and then i think a lizard passed by then that’s it, he grabbed the lizard then ugh its really scary, im scared of spiders too. What does that dream mean?
Gabrielle – It means that you are scared of spiders. But the lizard got the spider for you and so you do not have to be frightened that the spider will be in other dreams.
But dreams use images that scare you to make you face and overcome your fears. So see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
I saw an orange and black spider on my bedroom wall in my dream. It then went down the wall near my bed so in my dream I went to my sisters room to sleep there and somehow I came back to sleep in my bed a while later. I found my sister sleeping peacefully, so I went to sleep beside her my bed. The spider came back and it crawled on my legs and I couldn’t move so I woke up. I love my sister and trust her, I don’t think this dream was about her, she seemed to be trying to help me . Please interpret my dream. I am in a difficult situation in real life about deciding whether I should stay with a man I love a lot but who seems to be hindering my educational career and mental stability because the emotions consume me. Please help me
I’ve had a dream about a black and orange spider, I caught it in a glass and it expanded and kept doing so until it knocked the glass over and escaped . And I was really scared it then expanded whilst on the kitchen floor the more it expanded it blacker and oranger it got, in my dream it was poisonous and if it popped I would get poisoned ! I am not scared of spiders and at one point it looked at me and spoke to me telling me
To look at it as it only expanded when peoe looked at it! I looked away and it disappeared in to a different room that how fast it was and the same started to happen in the other room I shielded myself but only my face , there was also a tranchular in the 2nd room I was crying .
Nicola – The dream very clearly tells you that every time you think about/look at the feelings that scare you, they get bigger and bigger. So why even think about or believe in them. Your dream says that they are created by you and disappear when you ignore them. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/martial-art-of-the-mind/
Thanks Tony,
I will.
For 3 nights In a row I’ve had dreams about waking up and having white spiders all over me and my bed. The first night I inhaled one of the biggest ones. I’m not scared of spider so I want to know what would cause this, and why three nights in a row. They’re always pure white, or so white they look clear. What’s going on?