Often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother or family; any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone. Sometimes symbolises a mother’s power, as in the way we are caught in the web of her desires and emotions. So inability to become independent of the mother.
But it can also be feeling caught and wrapped up to be eaten later sort of feeling, so being ‘handled’ by someone; or having all the time to watch for subtle signals in order to survive. See big spider dream
The spider can also be used as a symbol of sexual orgasm, but only if we are terrified, disgusted or guilty about such feelings.
The spider can also depict any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone; the basic survival instincts in us such as a spider might have – can I eat, or will I be eaten in this meeting/relationship? This level of our sensory and feeling perception is important. Like a spider it keeps one of your feet/fingers on the web or influences that connect you with other people and the world. Like the spider, if you are wise, you thereby know something of what is coming your way – do you advance or run? See: Web.
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The following waking fantasy by a man undergoing depth therapy shows an aspect of the spider. |
I realise there is something I am looking for, and I don’t find it in my wife, or at least I don’t sense it in her. It is a frightening thing and partly exciting. This leads me on to fantasising a struggle with a young woman. It is about wanting to have sex, but seems to be some sort of power struggle. The image was of a smart very confident and aggressive young woman. She was attractive and attracted, but her approach was one of attack, so to have a relationship I needed to fight her. What I appear to be meeting is that I have the sex drive, but what I am facing is a monster. In fact I have the image of a huge spider that comes out from hiding and drags me helpless into its lair, its many eyes shining. I’m afraid. It’s not that my sex drive abates, but within this fantasy you have to time it just right. One must wait for the ‘beast’ to become passive then dash in and plunge into the wonderful hairy cavity. Otherwise the ‘beast’ will rip you apart. It is exactly like the horror films one sees of the monster that drags men or women back to its lair. It is actually all about my fear of women based on past pain. I want sex, but to get it I have to confront memories of being torn apart emotionally by a woman.
Here is fascinating dream about spiders, and its exploration:
I found your email on the internet for dream interpretation. If this is not correct, I am sorry to be bothering you.
I have had the same dream as I fall asleep for several years. I have it nearly every night just once, sometimes, rarely, twice as I fall asleep.
I dream that I find a dried piece of skin or scab somewhere on my body, usually my foot or my hand, tho it has varied over the years. I begin to pick at the skin/scab and scratch it until it comes off. When it comes off it unleashes a flood of seed spiders that engulf me. Another variation is I find some odd black hairs growing out of my body and when I examine them more closely they are regular sized spiders crawling out of me and they begin to engulf me.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Again, if this is not correct, I am very sorry for the disruption of your time. Best C
Here is a interpretation:
Dear C – What I see with your dream of spiders is that there is a possibility of an underlying fear, so that when you begin to sink just below waking, just under the surface of your mind, this feelings of being overwhelmed arises. If it were a big thing that emerged it would be easier to deal with. But thousands of little things are difficult to handle because you kill some but there are so many left to get at you. A big thing you could hit with a cricket bat or kill it in some way, but the small things are more difficult. They are a sort of ultimate enemy. You need to find an image that enables you to deal with those feelings. An image that might be helpful is that of jumping into a very hot shower, one you can just about cope with. The water is pouring down and is going to burn up the little bugs. Another image might be that you walk quickly through flames that you are big enough to pass through with perhaps only your hairs being burnt, but the little spiders are going to get burnt up.
Were you at some time frightened of sickness? A sickness that could engulf you and you would be powerless against? If not that, then perhaps an image of something, or an idea of something that has stayed with you just under the surface of your mind. Tony
Dear Tony: Thank you….THANK YOU for getting back to me with the dream information. I am fairly well educated about things but could not come up with anything for myself. I think I may have been too close to it.
You mentioned several things that seem to “hit the nail on the head” and I will explore those. The most important thing you mentioned was that of being “powerless against” illness. I do have a life long disease that is manageable but could be fatal. I think this is where I am going to start as that is what seemed to really set off bells.
I really do thank you for this. It has not been interfered with my sleep and the dream only occurs as I fall asleep….once asleep, I am fine.
I thank you so much and I am sure that my partner thanks you as well……
Thank you…thank you….thank you…. With gratitude, C
So having seen spiders in a dream occasionally indicate an illness, if you are in any doubts it is wise to have a health check.
Covered on spiders: If they are large it might mean you feel someone will smother. Or that you have no way of escaping from someone or something.
I am terrified of spiders and the other night I had a dream about plain,fairly small black spiders crawling all over me. It started with me in a dark room I wasn’t familiar with and as the dream progressed I moved to various places I WAS familiar with. After the dark room I went to the house I recently moved out of, then to the house we moved in to, all the way across state. Then I ended up in the hotel room I was staying in at the time. What could this mean? Thanks so much!- L
I dreamed that a big spider got into my sleeve , bit me.my husband took it out because I didn’t want to look at it. It left a hole with ineffective looking stuff coming out. I went to sqeeze it and that’s when this thing startinded coming out , with someone’s help they sqeeze for it , and this red long thing came shooting out…….what could this mean?
I dreamt of a huge black spider biting me on the legs and causing a lot of itch and spots. And I was telling my parents that it was toxic. I remembered me trying to find the spider. In the meantime, I was doing other stuff, while the thought of there was a spider was lingering at the back of my mind the entire dream. Then I finally found it. My Father and I killed it by smashing it with a round transparent bottle like object. And then I woke up.
Hello there! Thanks for this space to talk about dreams. Last night I dreamed that there were two spiders inside of a freezer. I looked at the spiders and felt like.. This is strange.. They look dead. Can you please help?
I have had this dream of a big brown spider with suckers on its legs creeping up on me, because it scared me I hit away with a cloth I had in my hand out of reaction. I don’t know where it went but I don’t think it died, just went somewhere
I just had a dream that little tiny brown spiders were coming out of my hands. I could feel thing uncomfortably coming out but not in pain. I kept trying to kill them as they were coming out but they just kept coming out every couple of minutes. Then I felt something else under my skin and scratched it so hard that long white worms were underneath. I couldn’t kill those because they wenot deep into my body. The last thought I had I was hoping to get to the hospital so that they could give me something to kill them. Please help me figure this out. I’m going through a horrible custody battle with my ex and any help figuring this dream out might be helpful? Thank you.
Dear Angie – Tony has answered your dream in the Forum; http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=4199.msg10165#msg10165.
“The spiders and worms suggest that many small irritations are constantly producing difficult feelings – the worms are something more insidious and show that something is using up your emotional and physical energy so you need to do something to change it.
Maybe it helps to realise you have an inner life which needs to be changed. But at first you need to understand what it is.”
In the video the judge perceives it this way: “In a sense, there is a form of neglect,” Gordon says in the video “Because parents who are fighting are not capable of emotionally caring for their children.”
I believe that every parent who is involved in a horrible custody battle with their ex, could benefit from listening to the perception of a judge who presides over custody trials;
Anna 🙂
I’m sitting cross-legged looking at an exotic dance. Then a friend next to me goes “oh man” with surprise looking at the base of my back. As I ask him “what?” he goes “oh..no” this time with worry, as it it was something very bad/irreversible. As I stand up and feel it out, I sense its like a hole/void about where the tailbone is, and in the inner lining of it there are loose spider eggs/baby spiders. I don’t feel scared, my attitude is more like “its ok, its what it is”. If anything I’m more bothered by his reaction.
Its happened only once, about a month ago. Any thoughts? Thanks
I have been having a dream that this same tan colored spider comes out from under something looks at me and starts chasing me, as soon as I start to run I either start dreaming of a serial killer coming after me or I wake up, what could this mean and does the color have anything to do with it
Dear Lisa – Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. So being chased in a dream usually denotes that you are feeling something you fear more intensely and are trying to avoid confronting it. This is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.
The serial killer also reflects this; running away from the spider does not solve the issue and leads to undermining your self-confidence or sense of identity.
So why not stop running and face the spider?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I got of my bed and seen several mounds on the floor. Out of them were crawling thousands of white spiders. I didn’t feel fear bit I was just observing. Then I saw a bigger one that was green walking across on top of all the others that covered the ground. What could that mean?
Dear Tim – Your dream may reflect that through self-observation you become aware of
“thousands of fears” that may have been unconscious before.
Through simple self-observation one gradually arrives at a form of insight which leads to a transcending of oneself as you stood prior to the insights. One may even arrive at a massive altered state of awareness – an insight into the impermanence of your present personality, and the experience of liberation arising from it.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
If one uses observation you may at time realise that you are cycling through feelings or moods. So it can imply that one is experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using observation; this is like stepping back and not be lost in the emotions or moods; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
The green spider I see as the next step towards healing and growth.
Try “Being the green spider” and see where this approach takes you; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/
Anna 🙂
I saw full spider’s were crawling on a wall in my friends shop where I was sitting my friend saw and he suddenly removed spiders with their net and throws them away from shop
I am trying to find out why my granddaughter 6 who lives in another state (so I’ve not much detail) Is having night terrors of spiders. They recently moved into a new home. Very nice home, she has two younger sisters they get along perfectly. Mom and Dad very much supportive in her as a beautiful individual.
She is saying that ever since they moved she has dreamed of spiders. In her last stream of keeping mom and dad up all night she said the spiders were talking to her. Doesn’t remember what they were saying…. Have not read anything about children. Or talking spiders? Any suggestions to get her past this?
I was having a pretty steamy sex dream about my husband when a spider dropped down from the ceiling. I tried to crush it between my fingers so we could continue, but its body was hard and I couldn’t kill it. Then we noticed half a dozen more spiders in the bed and we started running through the house frantically trying to figure out where they were coming in. There were more spiders everywhere. Thoughts about what this means? It was all very, very vivid.
I’m really hoping someone can help me figure out what this means because it’s the first dream I’ve remembered in years and I feel like it’s important.
In my dream I keep finding a strange green liquidy pus draining onto my shoulder. I can’t see where it’s coming from, it smells like sulfur but it doesn’t hurt. I’m not really worried about it, more annoyed that there is always this pus there. I check myself out, can’t find anything wrong so I go about my days. But the draining pus is pretty constant.
Then one day someone looks at my right arm and exclaims “What is that on your arm?!?!” and at first I can’t see anything but then I look on my forearm and there’s this HUGE mound on my arm. It’s got little holes covering it, and the pus is draining out of the holes. I start pushing it, I’m not scared and it doesn’t hurt but then the pus really comes out in a flood. All of a sudden thousands of baby spiders come cascading out of the holes and they all just scurry away.
I’m not scared at all during this, more like I’m really curious. It seems like I poked, pus came out and spiders came out for hours. But then at last the mound was flat. I think I felt relief, but never fear or pain.
If you could help me figure this out I would really, really appreciate it!!!
Dear JayCie – I trust that you have read the spider dream on this page where the spiders could relate to a disease as well. Do you have to deal with a chronic disease in your waking life as well?
Your dream suggests that you can deal with what is bothering you or that you have dealt with it already; which is something I cannot know, as dreams come from “a place beyond time”.
So what do you think/feel could have triggered a dream like this or links with it in some way?
If you imagine “Being the pus” – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson – then what flow of emotions infected by “something” – perhaps fears, jealousy, self-doubt etc. – can you explore?
The right arm – if you are right handed – indicates your active outgoing self, your conscious and capable skills such as you express with this hand and arm. It is the part of you obvious to others and yourself, your strength or lack of it. Injury or malformation of this arm indicates inability to be creative and productive in the outer world. It shows problems regarding manifesting or making real, what you wish or will to do. Can you relate to that in any way?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
If you explore “Being the thousand baby spiders” what thoughts, images, feelings etc. arise from your unconscious mind.
“I start pushing it, I’m not scared and it doesn’t hurt but then the pus really comes out in a flood. All of a sudden thousands of baby spiders come cascading out of the holes and they all just scurry away”; http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/#Open
Does that help you to explore and release “it”?
Anna 🙂
I am a girl band from our country because people don’t like me. A guy is there that we are stuck together but he didn’t know we were in love. I cast a spell on him after he flees to avoid the ridicule. I stay and the next morning am comforted by female neighbors,even when I lash out for them to go, they don’t flee my side. I switch to the man and he is with a friend and we seek out someone to protect me(him) from the spell.We find someone who sets up a spell to make the spell have to search forever and he hides me in a pot and a stretchy piece of cloth that is covered in red paint and says if the spell passes me it won’t see me. I hide for a minute but begin to feel like the spell found me because he made a comment of who recommended him , making it sound as though ,he knew not what he was doing. I flee to go back to the women and as I run I feel as if I turn back to myself (not the women or the man but into myself but with a group of friends,friends I don’t know but in the dream I did,yet still a crush of a girl) I run stating I am going to meet them at the girls apartment but she had doubts for me to go but I continue on and on my journey i dream of a large scary spider with a ruby red back, i spray it and it attacks but disappears and cannot be found, i walk into a huge spider doing something it had a back that looked red & shinny with huge spikes that curved. I remember i have a repellent and I spray it but it lunges towards me and seems to vanish I continue to float/run and the same situation happens again but someone explains that the spider would flee except I am spraying it with its own kind of spray which is mulberry spray. I spray anyway but this time I leap high and float run through a mulberry tree that was above the spider. Last I passed through there all the leaves and berry’s fell. The second time it was filled with webs. I pass through the wens but begin to see bite marks and dust myself off as I am still float running as baby spiders I do not see are butting but I wake up because the bites scare me.What does this dream mean? Oh and when I arrive at the large spider it seems to be preoccupied with something but my fear of it attacking me as I pass it make me spray the mulberry repellent..
I dream’t of waking up in my old bedroom in my parents house and looking up towards the ceiling. There was loads of white spiders with blue spots hanging from the ceiling but they also were living in bones.
One of them fell onto my left eye
What does this dream mean