It is symbolised by the triangle, and represents a unity of the positive and negative to create a new condition. Thus we see it as mother and father bringing forth child, which is a mixture of both but different from either. So it might represent family. Creativity out of opposites or opposition. It can also suggest non-sexual relationship when there are three people – three’s a crowd.
Its Zodiacal symbol is Gemini, the artist and inventor, the creator or created. It also rules close relationships and their results; and the arms and lungs.
It is a number representing the Holy Trinity, it is also the number of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity – the Holy Ghost. Furthermore, the number 3 being associated to the triangle by its geometrical form, the Holy Spirit is also linked to the triangle and with reason: the clairvoyant Ann-Catherine Emmerick perceived the Holy Spirit as the Eye of God in the center of a triangle.
Number of the mankind because this one is composed of a body, a soul and a spirit. According to the Book of rites (Li-ji) man, is an intermediary between the sky and the earth, also corresponds to the number three. A perfect number according to Chinese.
Also a favourable number associated to the childbirth and to the birth. A sacred number of the woman in the Mayas.
Confronting three people, or out with two others: Facing collective will of others; non sexual friendship.
Idioms: Three’s a crowd.
See: Numbers.
Last night I dreamt that I was on the train. As the train made a stop and the doors open 3 men entered the train. One man in the front and 2 men one to left and the right of him. It did make a triangle. Didn’t recognize any of the men. It seems as though the guy in front was apprehended but no cuffs. Not sure though.
Last night I dreamt that I was on the train. As the train made a stop and the doors open 3 men entered the train. One man in the front and 2 men to left and right to him. It did make a triangle. Didn’t recognize any of the men. It seems as though the guy in front was apprehended but no cuffs. Not sure though.
I dream of no 800
I have been recording my dreams for awhile now and noticed one that stuck out to me and I feel in my intuition that it has more meaning than I am aware of. The situation has been plaguing my mind so I’m hoping you can help. In the dream I am burying what appears to be 3 bodies; although, I never see the bodies. I am burying them and trying to level out the earth. The first of the 3 was buried well enough so i didn’t have to do too much work so the focus was on the other two and my smoothing the ground and digging deeper.
Thank you for your time
Dear Lavenue – You wrote; “I feel in my intuition that it has more meaning than I am aware of” without sharing with us what you are aware of.
Also you do not share what your dream figure is feeling in the dream; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Does she feel okay with burying these three bodies?
What is the purpose of her doing her best to bury them “deep enough” and what is the purpose of “smoothing the ground and digging deeper”?
How does she feel when it becomes visible that she has buried these three bodies?
What does she feel when she would dig them up again and look at what she is burying; “I never see the bodies”; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/burial/
Anna 🙂
Hi! I dreamed of that there was a big area of grass and it was on the countryside. On this big area of grass, there were three houses in front of me. I wanted to go in of them, but a girl I know took the house before me, and the second house I wanted to go into, my best friend dragged me out from.
There was another dream too I had, about small paths, and in that whole scene it was raining and I ran from a house to a big red barn or stable. It was really clean and almost no details in the dream. In this dream, I met one girl I don’t like that much.
What does these two dreams mean?
I had a dream that my ex boyfriend was meeting me to talk, when I got out of the car there were 3 monkeys. They weren’t friendly and I was scared of them. The ex boyfriend said that one of the monkeys had been around people before, but the others hadn’t. What does this mean?
I had a dream that the number 3 was carved into the bone of a corpse (I think as an identifying mark). The only thing I can relate the number to is that my family member and I just got a new roommate, and he brought with him two cats (as I previously had 1). So before there were three beings in the house, now three people and three cats. Three is certainly a crowd!
i had a dream that i saved my small dog three times from a larger dog.. three weeks later she became ill an soon had to put her to sleep after much illness, failure of kidney even blindness caused by seizures. we loved her very much. please tell me the meaning. i did not remember the dream until after she was gone
Jeri – It seems to me that you prolonged your dog’s life for three weeks. The big dog wasn’t going to do any harm to your dog, but was only going to take it to the Big Dog in the sky – where I think all dogs go when they die.